Private Tour from Berlin to Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp

Book a licensed private Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp tour guide online now

Frequently asked questions

about the Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp Memorial Private Tour

Where can I buy food?

There is a cafe on-site, but you will have time to pick up some food to take with you in the train station on the way.

How do I buy train tickets?

Tickets are available in all train stations in Berlin. Your guide will help you buy tickets on the day. You will need a 24-hour ABC ticket, which costs €10 per person.

Can I take photos at the Sachsenhausen Memorial?

Yes, you can. The Memorial site asks that you take a moment to think about what you’re doing, be respectful, and think twice before sharing your photos from the Sachsenhausen Memorial.

When will I get back to Berlin?

The tour to the Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp Memorial takes about 6 hours including travel to and from Berlin.