Debbie Harry: Why I’m playing Glastonbury at 77

The Blondie singer talks to Ed Potton about the upcoming festival, being flashed by Bowie and the true meaning of punk

Debbie Harry: “I think Iggy’s a much better punk than I’ve ever been but I’ll do my best”
Debbie Harry: “I think Iggy’s a much better punk than I’ve ever been but I’ll do my best”
The Times

This isn’t what you’d expect from Debbie Harry. Having offered her two cents on Beyoncé, Truman Capote, Andy Warhol and Nile Rodgers and being flashed at by David Bowie (more on that later), the Blondie frontwoman has moved on to her festival shows. Harry, 77, and her band are playing Glastonbury next Sunday and a week later support her old mate Iggy Pop at Dog Day Afternoon in London.

“Iggy Pop?” she says slyly. “I’m sitting on his face right now.” For a moment I’m speechless. It seems an unlikely thing to be doing during a Zoom interview, but Harry has had a wild life. Then, with a flourish, she holds up the cushion she has been perched on, which bears a picture of Mr