How To Grow And Care For Meyer Lemon Trees

The Meyer lemon is sweet, juicy, and delicious. This hybrid citrus might be your next botanical win.

Meyer Lemon Tree In Container

Hector Sanchez

The Meyer lemon tree (Citrus × meyeri) has rounder fruit and and is only moderately seedy. The rind is thin and soft, with a color that can range from yellowish-orange to orange. With a more floral than acidic delivery to the palate than other lemons, the Meyer is a hybrid between a lemon and a sweet orange. Frank N. Meyer, working as a plant explorer in China, discovered this varietal in 1908.

You may grow the Meyer lemon tree in containers or outside, but their natural shrub-like growth makes pruning and maintaining the plant easier than other fruit trees. If planting outdoors, wait until the final frost passes and expect fruit to bear after four or more years. Warmer climates will produce better results, including year-round produce. Keep Meyer lemon trees away from pets, as the plant contains toxins.

Plant Attributes

Plant Attributes
 Common Name:  Meyer Lemons
 Botanical Name: Citrus × meyeri, Citrus x limon
 Family:  Rutaceae
 Plant Type:  Tree, Shrub, Fruit, Perennial
 Mature Size:  6-10 ft. tall, 4-8 ft. wide
 Sun Exposure:  Full
 Soil Type:  Loamy, Sandy, Moist, Well-drained
 Soil pH:  Acidic to neutral (5.5 to 8.0)
 Bloom Time:  Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
 Flower Color:  White
 Hardiness Zones:  Zones 8-11 (USDA)
 Native Area:  Asia
 Toxicity:  toxic to dogs, cats and horses

Meyer Lemon Tree Care

Meyers love sunshine, warmth, and well-drained, slightly acidic soil. They are more cold-tolerant than actual lemons, but will not survive a frost. The Meyer lemon tree thrives in a container, should be taken inside for the colder months in zones below 8b or 9a. The indoor environment should be a sunny location, and in order to grow the fruit indoors, the flowers need to be hand pollinated, with a schedule of fertilization that takes place every three months.

For a potted Meyer lemon tree, choose a well-drained potting mix and a fertilizer specially made for citrus. Water consistently to keep the soil slightly moist but not wet. Never leave your container in a saucer of standing water. Use a soil moisture meter to determine whether your plant needs watering. When your tree is actively growing and fruiting (early spring through late summer), feed it regularly.

In the Coastal and Tropical South, the Meyer lemon tree can be used to create large hedges outdoors, or in ornamental and edible gardens. They grow six to 12 feet wide and tall and respond well to pruning. Pruning the branches improves airflow and maintains a smaller size for this tree. To produce a larger and healthier fruit, the fruit clusters may also be be pruned. This will result in fewer lemons, but those will be ample, having grown to their full potential.


The Meyer lemon tree loves full sun exposure, at least six or more hours daily. These citrus trees can survive in partial sunlight, but the more direct sunlight, the more showy blooms, and better fruit bearings.


Meyer lemon trees adapt to most soil types and prefer an acidic pH. Loamy, sandy, and well-draining soils are best. Drainage is critical for growing Meyer lemon trees as it prefers moist but not soggy soil. Test and adjust the soil nutrients as needed


Balancing water drainage helps Meyer lemon trees thrive, especially container plants. Keep soil moist but well-draining, and only water when the top few inches are dry. Ensure proper drainage in containers and adjust for rainfall when planting trees outdoors.

Temperature and Humidity

Meyer lemons prefer temperatures between 50°F and 80°F degrees. Once temperatures drop below 50°F, prepare to bring your tree inside and stop feeding. Place your lemon tree near a south facing window in a sunny location.

Keep it away from heating vents, which can dry out the leaves. Use a spray bottle throughout the colder months to provide moisture without oversaturating the container. A humidifier is an easy solution, as this tree enjoys humidity.


Meyer lemon needs fertilizer during their growing season. Use a granular or slow-release fertilizer high in nitrogen starting in the spring and continuing three to four times until the fall. Leave enough time between fertilization for the lemon tree to grow and produce.

Types of Lemon Trees

The Meyer lemon tree is a hybrid citrus tree known for its sweet, fruit-bearing qualities. This tree is popular with gardeners but is one of many lemon trees available. Here are some other lemon tree varieties:

  • Lisbon Lemon: This medium-sized lemon variety is a vigorous grower, heat-tolerant, and produces fruits several times a year. 
  • Pink Eureka Lemon: This lemon has a tart flavoring and a variegated white and light green lemon with fragrant foliage. 
  • Ponderosa Lemon: Often used in dessert dishes, this lemon has a bumpy rind and is high in vitamin C.


Cosmetic pruning helps maintain the Meyer lemon tree's shape but does not impact fruit production. Wait until the winter after the fruit ripens to prune, and ensure the tree is at least three or four feet tall. Start by removing dead or dying branches near the tree's base, and continue working to eliminate branches that are not strong enough to support bearing fruit. Provide the lemon tree with enough space to encourage airflow.

Propagating Meyer Lemon Trees

Meyer lemon trees are not typically grown from seed. It is best practice to propagate from a cutting. Here's how to propagate a Meyer lemon tree:

  1. Select branches with no fruit or flowers to make a hardwood cutting using a sharp knife or pruning shears. 
  2. After cutting, remove any remaining foliage at the bottom, leaving only two to four leaves near the top. 
  3. Dip hardwood cutting into a rooting hormone if desired. Rooting hormone can help stimulate new growth and protect the new tree from fungi or disease.
  4. Fill a container or pot with potting soil. Water the soil and allow it to drain, so it is moist. 
  5. Plant hardwood cuttings in potting soil and gently pack the soil around the cut end. 
  6. Use a plastic bag or container to enclose the entire hardwood cuttings and pot, stimulating the humidity. Place the container in direct sunlight and continue watering the soil, so it's moist but well-drained. 
  7. In about two months, new roots will emerge from hardwood cuttings. Gently tug on the hardwood cutting to feel for resistance to test if roots have emerged. 
  8. Repot cuttings into a larger container or outdoors after the final frost passes. 

Potting And Repotting Meyer Lemon Trees

Meyer lemon trees occasionally need repotting if it outgrows their current container. Always select a pot with plenty of drainage holes and large enough in diameter to comfortably contain the roots. Here's how to repot:

  1. Fill the new container with new potting soil. 
  2. Grab the base of the lemon tree and gently remove it from its existing container. Brush excess soil off roots and remove clumps. 
  3. Place the tree in the new container filled with potting soil. Continue filling the container with potting soil and gently packing it around the rootball. The tree's crown should be visible.  
  4. Water the plant and keep the soil moist but well-drained. Transplanted trees require more frequent watering as it establishes their roots. 


If growing a lemon tree indoors, move the container near a south-facing window with direct sunlight. The tree should still receive at least six hours of daily sunlight. Transplant outdoor lemon trees inside when temperatures reach 40°F. Try to avoid exposing trees to freezing temperatures. 

Keep the plant in an area that maintains temperatures between 55°F and 70°F. Don't place plants near heating vents, as it will dry out the trees. Since citrus trees require humidity, a humidifier to simulate a greenhouse can help promote a warmer climate throughout the winter. Continue water and sunlight care. When ready to move trees outside, use a slow-release fertilizer before transplanting to help encourage growth. 

Common Pests & Plant Diseases

A Meyer lemon tree is relatively pest-free and disease-resistant. Keep trees healthy by pruning away dead, damaged, or diseased branches and keeping them open for adequate airflow. If pests, such as aphids, whiteflies, rust mites, mealybugs, or scale persists, use an organic horticultural oil such as neem oil. Combine neem oil with water for a less harsh spray to create a diluted solution. 

A copper fungicide applied on foliage before and after the summer season can help prevent diseases from emerging. Rot and blight can occur with an imbalance of water and sunlight. 

Common Problems With Meyer Lemon Trees

The majority of Meyer lemon trees were killed off by a virus in the 1960s. This was a threat to the entire citrus industry. Once a specific stock was rescued that proved to be virus-free, a new version of the tree emerged. This is referred to now as the “Improved Meyer Lemon” tree. Seeing this name on a label at a nursery is common.

Even though Meyer lemon trees are typically easy to care for, these citrus trees still experience some problems that need addressing. Here are a few things to look for when caring for lemon trees: 

Leaves Turning Yellow

Overwatering is the main reason lemon trees' foliage will turn yellow. Consistently oversaturating the roots can lead to root rot and an imbalance in soil nutrients necessary for the tree to thrive. Use your fingers to feel the top inches of soil to know when to water. If it is dry, then the plant needs more water, but make sure it drains entirely.

Drooping Leaves

Drooping leaves can signify Armillaria root rot is present, a fungal infection that will destroy plants if not treated. Branches might die back, and the foliage might become yellow in addition to leaf droop. If the disease is in its early stages, treat it by removing sections of the rootball containing the "mushroom-like" clusters near the tree's base. Do not replace the infected roots with soil. If the disease is widespread, you may need to remove the entire tree and start a new tree in a new location. 

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