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Audiosurf 2 hits Steam Early Access with Workshop support

Michael McWhertor is a journalist with more than 17 years of experience covering video games, technology, movies, TV, and entertainment.

After a slight delay, Dylan Fitterer's rhythm racing game Audiosurf 2 is now available on Steam through Early Access. The pre-release version comes with Steam Workshop support for sharing mods, game modes and skins for the Audiosurf sequel.

Audiosurf 2 through Steam Early Access is available for $14.99 on Windows PC. A handful of mods from Fitterer and the community are already available to download from Steam Workshop.

The sequel, previously known as Audiosurf Air, lets players ride songs from their personal music library and adds a new Wakeboarding mode that allows music surfers to distort their tunes while avoiding obstacles. Audiosurf 2's creator promises more to come, teasing that players can "Ride your music. Sprint your music. Swim your music. Workshop your music."

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