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Strawberry Hermit Crab (Coenobita perlatus)

Strawberry Hermit Crab (Coenobita perlatus)

Regular price $72.00
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The Strawberry Hermit Crab is one of the most beautiful hermit crab species that you can have as a pet. They prefer larger shells and can grow to a length of up to 5 inches from claw to tail! They are clean, safe to handle and can live for years with the proper care and treatment. Strawberries REQUIRE access to a full dish of salt water at all times as they cannot regulate their body’s salt level without it. We recommend using sand and coconut fiber substrate for them to dig and molt in. They require sea water as they live near the beach and used to drink sea water. They are clean, safe to handle and can live for years with the proper care and treatment. We recommend using sand and coconut fiber substrate for them to dig and molt in.

Habitat and Caging Requirements of Strawberry Hermit Crab:

These hermit crabs are arboreal, meaning they enjoy climbing. A good 5 to 10 gallon tank can house 2 or 3 of these cute little fellows, they don’t require much room. You can use 6 to 8 inches of moist sand for substrate or moss stacked 6 to 8 inches deep. I have also found that adding a cuddle bone like parakeets use to keep their beak sharp helps with their molting by providing them with calcium. Use low-wattage bulbs for lighting, add a couple of water dishes, one with plain water and another with salt water, add rocks, corkwood, or driftwood and a couple of extra shells and you are all set to go for the life of your new friend. Be sure to change the water in their bowls every 2-3 days for optimum health.

Temperature and Lighting Requirements of Strawberry Hermit Crab:

These animals are primarily nocturnal so they seem to do best with low-wattage bulbs for lighting. They are also used to tropical or subtropical temperatures so you need to keep the temperature of their habitat around 70 to 80 degrees and keep the substrate moist at all times.

Feeding and Nutrition of Strawberry Hermit Crab:

These little guys seem to do well on commercial hermit crab food, but also have a huge appetite for many other food items as well such as: apples, bananas, peaches, pieces of fish, and chicken just to name a few. This species also appreciates a variety of green vegetables.

Handling and Care of Strawberry Hermit Crab:

These animals almost seem to enjoy moving, playing, and climbing. I do not recommend holding them if they are acting as if they are trying to molt because they are very delicate at this time. This crab would make a stunning addition for the serious hermit crab collector.

Care Level: Medium
Temperature: 77 - 89.6°F (20 - 32°C)
Feeding: Omnivore
Life Span: 2 - 5 years
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