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Bacopa monnieri ‘Compact’

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RM 15.90
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RM 15.90
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Originating from the Asian continent, 'Bacopa monnierihas diverse species and subspecies. This "compact" variety is favored for its smaller, denser growth. It's a versatile plant, suitable for both beginner and expert aquascapers. It's a great choice for both the foreground and the midground of the aquarium due to its slow to moderate growth rate, allowing it to maintain a controlled, dense form.

This plant provides numerous health benefits for the aquarium environment. It helps in controlling the nitrogen cycle, reduces carbon dioxide, and increases oxygen levels, contributing to a healthier environment for the aquatic residents. In addition, its leaves are known to provide hiding and spawning spaces for small aquatic pets.

This plant welcomes bright light but can also tolerate medium light conditions. Using the correct light intensity can ensure the plant grows thick and dense. Optimum water parameters should have a pH between 6.0 to 7.5, with hardness from 2-10 dGH. It can thrive in a temperature range between 20°C to 28°C (68°F - 82°F). Bacopa monnieri 'compact' can grow without additional Co2. However, if you want more robust and lush growth, consider adding a Co2 system to your aquarium. It also enjoys nutrient-rich substrates and benefits from regular fertilization..

In conclusion, Bacopa monnieri 'compact' is an excellent choice for aquarists looking for a small, robust plant that helps in creating a lush, contrasted aquascape and contributes to a healthier tank environment. 

Native: Asia

Light Requirement: Moderate to High

CORequirement: Optional

Position: Midground / Background