Frank Gambale's Warmup Videos with Luxe Go Viral

Cort Guitars Hit: 6368 Date:

Frank Gambale can be considered one of the natural wonders of the guitar world. With his effortless and dazzling mastery of difficult techniques and world-class musicianship, Frank’s influence continues to resonate in the world of fusion-jazz music.


Frank is in midst of a massive international tour with the Chick Corea Elektric Band covering Asia, USA and Europe with a series of shows in the US in August.


A short impromptu video of Frank warming up in the dressing room with his Cort Luxe signature acoustic-electric before a show in London went viral and it’s easy to understand why:


Watch the viral video #1

Watch the viral video #2


The Cort Luxe Frank Gambale Signature Model was developed by Frank and the Cort design team to come up with an acoustic-electric that met Frank’s stringent personal and professional requirements. You can get more details on this innovative guitar here:


LUXE mini website


You can catch Frank playing the Luxe with the legendary Chick Corea Elektric Band in the US. The tour dates can be found on Frank’s tour page:



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