Aquarius Horoscope for April 2024

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Your Horoscope for Aquarius

by Susan Miller

This is good timing, for with Mars’ tour of your solar second house of earned income since March 22, Mars forced up your spending, and you may be a little concerned about the drain you are experiencing with all the check writing. You have Saturn in this same area, which adds to holding the line on expenses difficult. These high expenses will lessen after Mars leaves Pisces on April 30, providing you some relief. You may feel more in control of your finances.

Saturn will remain where he is now (your financial second house) until February 2026, and alas, Saturn is also making it harder than usual for you to get your salary requirements approved by prospective employers or to get a generous raise from your present employer. If you change jobs, Saturn would follow you there. If you are self-employed, you may find clients balk when you gently raise your fees or prices.

If you speak to your friends, particularly if your friend is an Aries or a Libra, you will hear they have no trouble getting paid the salary they feel they deserve. This is so frustrating, I am sure, for you! Until Saturn leaves in February 2026, you will be dealing with tight-fisted employers and clients.

Here is the point of Saturn’s visit to your financial second house. Saturn is trying to teach you the value of money, of being thrifty, of negotiating confidently, and for finding sources with good prices. As an Aquarius, you are not naturally materialistic. You can be happy with your electronics, and you see no need to live in a mansion—all you need is consistent WIFI. (I am joking, but you can recognize the truth here—your sign is not known to spend money with abandon—you tend to be careful.)

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