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Indian Glassfish
Genus: Parambassis
Species: P. ranga
Maximum Size: 3"
Aggression: Low, Social
Temperature: 75-82 F
pH: 6.5-8
Hardness: 8-20 dH, preference on lower end
Brackish Tolerance: 1.000-1.005
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Feeding: Dry foods like flakes and pellets make good staple, if accepted. Newer specimens are picky. Smaller thawed frozen foods like brine shrimp and blackworms best for acclimating new fish and are good treat after switching to prepared foods.
Notes: Glassfish in general are very misunderstood fish. Although common knowledge seems to dictate that these fish are brackish and are unhealthy if kept in freshwater, the reverse is often true. Only some of the species, including the Indian Glassfish, ever adapt to brackish conditions and all seem to do best in acidic to moderately hard freshwater. Freshwater, or at least lowered salinity brackish water, seem to be crucial for triggering spawning behavior.

Indian glassfish are social fish and do best in groups of at least 6. Though they do squabble amongst themselves, very rarely is physical damage noted. Other tankmates should be peaceful community fish like livebearers and X-ray tetras. They also seem to most appreciate water with low turbidity.

Sometimes sold are painted variants of the glassfish, which are actually dyes injected into the muscles (unlike tattooed fish, which are injected into the skin). Mortality is high with these fish as the deep, open wounds leave them open to bacterial infections. Please avoid buying Painted Glassfish under any circumstance.


(6c) Glassfish (Family Ambassidae, formerly Parambassidae), Neale Monks

Parambassis ranga (Indian Glassfish), Seriously Fish

Glassfishes: Family Ambassidae, Neale Monks

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