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Striped Panchax/Golden Wonder Killifish
Genus: Aplocheilus
Species: A. lineatus
Maximum Size: 4"
Aggression: Mid
Temperature: 70-77 F
pH: 6.5-7.5
Hardness: 5-20 dH
Brackish Tolerance: 1.000-1.005
Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallons
Feeding: Flake and...
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Striped Panchax/Golden Wonder Killifish
Genus: Aplocheilus
Species: A. lineatus
Maximum Size: 4"
Aggression: Mid
Temperature: 70-77 F
pH: 6.5-7.5
Hardness: 5-20 dH
Brackish Tolerance: 1.000-1.005
Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallons
Feeding: Flake and floating pellet make good staple, supplemented with brine and Mysis shrimp
Notes: The Striped Panchax, often sold in pet stores as the Golden Wonder Killifish, is perhaps the most commonly sold killifish in the United States. They are remarkably hardy fish that are resistant to many common aquarium illnesses.

Striped Panchax are very predatory and will quickly consume any smaller tankmates. Guppies, Bumblebee Gobies, smaller shrimps, and perhaps even smaller X Ray Tetras and Platies are at risk of being eaten. They are not typically aggressive to larger, dissimilar fish. Mollies, Glassfish, Boeseman’s Rainbowfish, and Dragon Gobies all make suitable tankmates. They are aggressive towards other Striped Panchax and are recommended to be kept one to a tank or four or more to spread out fighting.

The Striped Panchax spends most of the day lurking underneath the surface of the water. They appreciate tall and floating plants to hide within and do not like excessive surface water movement. Other tank decor and substrate are largely immaterial. As surface-dwelling fish, they are sometimes known to be jumpy and any tank containing Striped Panchax should have a tight fitting lid with few (if any) gaps.


Aplocheilus lineatus, The Aquarium Wiki

Killifish (family Cyprinodontidae), Neale Monks

Striped Panchax, Animal-World

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