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Pike Livebearer
Genus: Belonesox
Species: B. belizianus
Maximum Size: 8", females longer than males
Aggression: Mid to High
Temperature: 75-85 F
pH: 7.5-8.5
Hardness: 20-30 dH
Brackish Tolerance: 1.005-1.025
Minimum Tank Size: 55 gallons
Feeding: New...
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Pike Livebearer
Genus: Belonesox
Species: B. belizianus
Maximum Size: 8", females longer than males
Aggression: Mid to High
Temperature: 75-85 F
pH: 7.5-8.5
Hardness: 20-30 dH
Brackish Tolerance: 1.005-1.025
Minimum Tank Size: 55 gallons
Feeding: New arrivals only likely to eat live prey; earthworms, live shrimps. Should eventually convert to frozen foods and will accept Mysis shrimp, krill, pieces of frozen fish and shellfish.
Notes: True to it’s name, the Pike Livebearer does indeed resemble the Pikes of the genus Esox. Perhaps surprisingly, they are livebearing fish of the family Poecilidae, closely related to the unassuming Mollies, Guppies, and Platies.

Unlike their placid relatives, the Pike Livebearer is very predatory and can be aggressive to similarly shaped fish (like Halfbeaks). They should not be kept with smaller fish like Gambusia or Mollies but can be kept with similarly sized Scats, Monos, Archerfish, and Tigerfish. They prefer densely planted tanks, and floating plants seem to reduce nervousness. Due to their Specific Gravity requirements, plastic plants are best for this purpose.

When first caught, these fish will likely not accept frozen/dead foods. In the wild they strictly eat live fish, insects, and crustaceans. Ghost Shrimp and Earthworms make a fine staple during this time. They should eventually learn to consume frozen foods, which should then become their staple diet. Live fish, particularly those purchased from the store, should be avoided (though raising your own feeder Guppies/Mollies may be safer). The Pike Livebearer is unlikely to ever convert to dry foods.


Pike Livebearer - Belonesox belizanus, Aquatic Community

Livebearers (family Poecilidae), Neale Monks

Fantastic Four Livebearers, Neale Monks

(Image Source)

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