African Butterfly Fish

Sale price$24.99


Pantodon buchholzi is a unique top-water fish from central Africa, which reaches about 5" in maximum length. Members of the primitive order Osteoglossiformes, their famous relatives include arowana, arapaima, featherbacks/clown knives, and elephantnoses. Their name, sometimes spelled butterflyfish, comes from their large pectoral fins; when viewed from above, they somewhat resemble a butterfly with spread wings. Those "wings" are used to propel the fish great distances when it jumps; as such, a complete  lid is a must for this species. These elegant fishes are peaceful with other species that will not fit in their mouths, but bear in mind that their long flowing fins are easy targets for nippy fishes.

Butterfly fish are known for being reluctant eaters; ours are eating live 1/4" crickets right now. Given time you can train them to take frozen foods or floating pellets (especially stick-shaped pellets); a good technique is to start feeding pellets mixed in with the crickets, and gradually reduce the number of crickets you feed until they are left eating only pellets.

These are subadults ranging from around 2-3" long, not counting the tail.

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