Italian Greyhound… the Ideal Pet?

Greyhounds are commonly known for participating in races and being incredibly fast and agile. As most greyhounds are bred for racing, it is much simpler to add an Italian greyhound to your family. These dogs are just as athletic as their larger counterpart, they are simply just a smaller version.


Pictured: Racing Greyhounds

Italian greyhounds are classified as a “toy” breed and tend to be between 8-11 pounds and 13-15 inches tall. Being so small, they are quite fragile, and can hurt their thin leg bones easily if they are too rambunctious. This being said, IGs are not suitable for homes with small children, they make a perfect companion for small families, families with older children or single people who have time to let them out to run and stretch their legs.

Italian Greyhounds also have a long lifespan of 12-15 years. Their loving and cuddly “couch potato” temperament means that you will have a sweet, cuddly companion for many years. IGs are unique because while they are couch potatoes, they also have tons of energy and love to run around and play.


Along with their incredibly loving personality comes a lot of emotional attachment. These dogs thrive upon socialization and being loved on, so, again, they are suited for people who have lots of time to love on them and introduce them to other people so that they feel lots of love.

Another plus to IGs is their incredibly easy to maintain coats. They have very short hair, so any shedding can hardly even be seen. The only grooming needed is the occasional bath. IGs can get very cold, though, due to being so thin and short-haired. Many owners buy sweaters, such as the one shown above, for the winter months as they can get a little stubborn when  it is cold.


Overall, Italian Greyhounds are sweet-natured and gentle, yet also exceptionally playful and athletic. They make very unique pets and are sure to capture your heart with their loyal and loving personalities.

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