1990 Arrow

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Arrow 1990

“Mount up With Wings Southern Nazarene University Bethany, Oklahoma 73008

Mount Up! What does it mean to mount up with wings? As Dr. Cul­ bertson stated it means not burying your head in the sand like an ostrich and not having chicken vision. But, more than a n y ­ thing, mounting up with wings, means being willing to fly; being w illin g to bear the storms of life, having faith that God will be by your side — truly “ the wind beneath your wings.” Mounting up with wings was truly the essence of life at SNU this year. It was the theme of chapel and it is the them e of th is year’s Arrow. It is a fittin g theme for both, for pursuing an e du ca tion at SNU does not mean academics only, but spiritual, e m o tio n a l and mental education as well. Hopefully, by the time we graduate, w e ’ ll be able to look back and say, “ Despite all the times I fell, I kept mounting up, ready to fly again.’’ Hope­ fully, we’ll be able to say, “ I cannot go it a lone. I must have God by my side to help me fly; to help me not grow weary in the some­ times bitter strug­ gles; to not faint when we are shaded by life ’ s desperations . . . ”

VIOLIN. Jennifer Pauley, graduating senior, fiddled her way right into the hearts of SNUers with her musical tal­ ent.

COMMONS CHIT-CHAT. Brinda Neagle and Chad Hayes caught talking in the Com!

TEX-MEX NOEL. Missy Durr, Pup Thomas, and Shellie Howard at the Arrow Chrii party at Texana Reds.

WRONG SIS? Todd Miller and Tandee Hare, graduating seniors.

ABOVE — Mike LaPrarie relaxes in the Courtyard Cafe. FAR LEFT — Mark Glover served as class chaplain his senior year.


BOND. Irma Rangel and Lynn Engleman share a special bond of friendship.

V$f: FAR RIGHT — Denae Doss and David R othwell. . . Who sang “ Never Fall in Love Again?”


Mount Up! © W hy are we here anyway? What has c o lle g e ta u g h t you? What above everything else will take with your from your time at co l­ lege? Knowledge, of c o u rs e . Job skills, a few good contacts and refer­ e nce s, g ra d e s good enough to get you in to grad school . . .

Perhaps they will be the intangible, the spiritual things. A new reason for being; a true and perfect love; an in­ valuable collection of memories; the phone number of som eone who cares for you; a new set of stan ­ d a rd s throu g h which you are able to view the world more c le a rly ; knowing where you are going emotion­ ally and spiritually. Or maybe it is fear; fear that you will never be stro ng enough to do ev­ erything in life that you can do, simply passing your life away in mediocrity, and never having mounted up with wingstoexploreall God has for you.


Mount Up! f$Looking

at myself, I will have a rather im­ pressive collection of expensive textbooks, a lot of lecture notes, and some pretty good practi­ cal experience. Hopefully, I will take with me some things much more v a lu a b le than these. Hopefully it will be a completed person who a cce p ts my diplom a. Hopefully it will be one who can make better de­ cisio n s; one who a c ­ cepts people for who they are; one who does his best to do God's will and to make the world a better place; one who does great things in­ s te a d of ju s t doing things; one who lives his dreams instead of just watching them; one who, by the power of God will rise on eagle’s wings.

STUDY. Grissel Guzman studying in the Commons.


FRIENDS AND FOOD. Michelle Farley and Brico Mowry hit town.

STAIR STEPPING. Wiwat Piyawiroj and John Brickley exiting from the Commons.

Fun With Flair Togetherness is the most important part of making you who you are. It is being with the ones you love, sharing secrets, building friendships, creating exper­ iences to be remembered, doing things you’d like to forget, always giving yourself away, not knowing what you’ll get in return.

“I thank God everytime I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy . . . ” Phil. 1:3-4 And the memories will always be there tucked away in a drawer full of junk . . . buying all those expensive tickets to Heartpal, (and wondering if your date will speak to you the next week), Saturday nights at Harry Bear’s, basketball games and insanity, tearing up parking tickets, knowing that it isn’t worth it (but doing it anyway), and finally going to a school party planned by your friends. But most of all the security in knowing that there was someone there to listen, to encourage, or to tell you that you were stupid, (especially when you knew it was true), to hold your hand and look you in tear-filled eyes and say “It’s okay. I understand.” To build you up and give you wings to soar.

WOW, Chili’s

Seaside Social Rained Ashore A fter m uch planning for th e S e a sid e S o cial, it was ra in e d a sh o re on Septem ber 9. O riginally to be h eld a t H e fn e r Lake, V alerie Sickels, VP of Social Life, had to m ake a last m inute deci­

sion w hether to cancel the party or move it to the Commons. R ain was p re d ic te d e a rlie r th a t day, and although it did n o t r a i n d u r i n g th e hours of the party, it was dam p outside.

GROUP SCOOP — L to R — John W hittaker, Mike W hittaker, Dan Kerr, Deanna Duke, Valerie Sickels Row 2 — Tracy Skinner, Christi Hendrix, Melissa Ripper, Lori M urray Row 3 — Tammy Gray, Crystal Smith and David Sisco. SEASIDE SMOOCH. Tracy Skinner surprises John W hitaker with a kiss.

The Arrow photographer didn’t get the message that the party moved to the Commons. The pictures on these two pages were contributed by students.


B u t, s p irits w ere n o t d a m p e n e d . S tu d e n ts g a th e re d on th e th ird floor of the Commons fo r g o o d fo o d a n d games. Party Pics were there to snap pictures of friends. A boat, sand,

p in eapples, stre a m e rs, fishnets, and frisbees set the scene of a beach as students gathered a t the first all-school party of the year, Sickels said she was dis­

appointed th a t the party could not be held at the lake, but students still enjoyed the party and the turnout was good.

PINEAPPLE PARTY. Clockwise — Dana Fuggett, Carol Strong, Sandra Parkes, Kelli Billings, M arla Rohlmeier, Mario Mannies Middle — Chad Ferris OCEAN MOTION. Row 1 — Tiffani Liebman, Sandra Parkes, Dana Fuggett, Carol Strong, Row 2 — Mario Mannies, M arla Rohlmeier, Kelli Billings, , Rene Williams.

Woolery Wowed ’Em XT T

O ne of the m any responsibil­ ities of the V ice-President of Student Services is to pro­ duce Pow Wow. This y ear’s V.P. of S tu d e n t S ervices, Doug Woolery, chose to di­ rect is as well. Doug is a senior music m ajor from C arrollton, Texas. His individual talents in m usic and p ro d u c tio n help ed to make Pow Wow ’89 one of the best college talent shows. D o u g c h o s e th e th e m e “ V ariety ’89” for this year’s Pow Wow. He wanted a vari­ ety of a acts from vocal solo to in s tru m e n ta l, to com medy. He also included top honors in each category. T h e a d v e rtis in g fo r Pow Wow was exceptionally well. Melissa M cIntosh and Steve Van C am p designed posters and t-shirts for the p artici­ pants and workers. This was an extra cost, but went over very well, as it gave sneak p rev iew s o f a n e x c e lle n t show to come.


stage help for props, etc. It m ust be advertised and tick­ ets m ust be bought or prin t­ ed. If a slide production is included, as one was th is year, slides m ust be taken, developed and put on music, which alone takes hours. W hen one considers all this work, D oug’s o rg an ization and dedication is obvious to us all. Pow Wow went on and off w ithout a hitch. It was an excellent display o f tale n t that was entertaining. The student boyd and ad ­ m in istra tio n show ed th e ir appreciation for the produc­ tion through all the positive com m ents th a t were made. Following our Redskin trad i­ tion, we use the phrase “ Pow W ow” to describe our talent show each year. Pow Wow in form ally means a m eeting or conference. But according to Indian tradition, a Pow Wow is a cerem ony o f a m edicine m an to cure the sick, or ef­ fect success in hunting, war, etc.

One cannot im agine all the time and work th a t goes into such a production. Program s m ust be p rin te d , try -o u ts held and judges found. T here must be someone to run the s p o tlig h t a n d so u n d a n d

NEW S. Steve M cCarthy and Brian Turner report on “ making it to Pow Wow.”

Melecia Fuentes on the trum pet

JA Z Z PIZA ZZ! 10 o’clock Jazz hits the bigtime! H O U SEK EEPER HO PEFUL. Vonda Lynn debuts, winning 1st place in vocal solo.

Love, the FL A M M A B L E PO LY ESTE R S, with RESPECT!

Pow W ow ’89 w a s S .N .U .’s talent variety show. It was the true m eaning of variety as it sp o rte d in s tr u m e n ta l and vocal solos and en­ sem bles, com edy skits and dram a acts. It was a highly publicized event attended not only by stu ­ dents and staff, but by a d m in is tra to rs and Bethany residents also. Pow Wow was punctual, and the mood was set when the lights went out and the spotlights ap­ peared. Each act was in­ tro d u ced by d iffe re n t skits perform ed by the emcees. The skits cov­ e r e d s u c h t h in g s a s S.N .U . parking tickets, M a rrio tt food, lib rary Delwin “ELV IS” Crutchfield.

rules prohibiting shorts, a n d t h e w e ll- k n o w n s p rin k le rs s tu d e n ts dodge on their way to chapel. The hum or was g re t b e c a u se it m ad e jibes a t things th at all students can relate to. T he creativity was over­ flow ing. G ro u p s from the ’50’s and ’60’s came alive again through m u­ sic and costumes. From “ Route 66” to G raceland. talent was shown by everyone involved. Every act was sensation­ al. One could tell th a t plenty of time and effort had gone into producing it. All of their hard work paid off. It was a suc­ cess. T h e to p h o n o rs w ere a w a rd e d to th e

“ F la m m a b le P o ly e s ­ ters” (comedy); Vonda Lynn (vocal solo); M elecia Fuentes (instrum en­ tal solo); S .N .U . Lovin' (v o c al e n s e m b le ); 10 o’clock Jazz (instrum en­ tal ensemble) and “T he F a n ta stik s” (d ra m a tic ensemble). This was one of the best variety shows produced. It showed off S .N .U .’s finest. It was a thrill to ju st sit out in the audi­ ence, m uch less than be­ ing in it. As the old cli­ che goes, “ It was worth its weight in gold.”

FA NTASTIC! Dan Mobley, Carla D urr and Rachel Barrett wowed us again.

I M ADE IT T H R O U G H T H E RAIN. Yvonne Towne is proud that only her ankles got wet!

“ It was the best of times, it was the worst of times . . . ” Bruce Nuffer

“SNU flooding, having a blast. SNU flooding, hap p en ed so fast!”

“ I’m suing the school for my stre tc h ed , ruined le a th e r Z ODIA CS.” Anonymous

“ Rain drops keep falling all over my body.” B. J. Thomas

ROW ROW ROW YOUR BOAT. D anny M cC ause, Leeman Bennington, Chris Shroeder and Jimmy Halli­ burton going downstream.



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I arose one morning at the sound of a clatter — rain on my window — oh what does it matter? I busily applied stiff stu ff and blush — jumped out the door, to class I did rush. I hurdled the pud­ dles and the pond that was forming. The rain was all

over yet the campus was storm ing! S torm ing and storming were girls in wet jeans, and dripping were the heads of balding, dear deans. Oh the confusion, so flooding of dear SNU — mildewy sneakers — pppu.

KISS THE POSTMAN! Lou Ludwig, M.K., receives mail from Brazil. „ APPRECIATION. Kara Hudson enjoys the calla lillies on campus.

M A R R IO TT M A TH ATTACK! Collin Dundas, The Virgin Islands, busily writes down equa­ tions.

Gringo Goes To Guadelajara Ginger W heatley, Senior from Irving, Texas, spent a m em ora­ ble sum m er in M exico this past sum m er of ’89. Traveling under the canopy of the N azarene Y outh in M issions P rogram , G inger was able to experience the Spanish culture for which she has come to love. G inger is a Spanish and E ducation m ajor and also is obtaining a degree from C entral S tates U niversity in ESL. (English as a second language.)

Ginger, alias Giggles the Clown.


International Introspection While the words of the newly elected presi­ dent, George Bush push us to strive for a kinder, gentler nation, we take a look at not only what our nation stands for, but w hat our im m ediate com m unity uses as a guide­ line for its attitu d e. W e inspect S N U , th a t which we can now call home, to see if we truly portray a vision of friendly students striving to better the lives around them . Our international students play a signifi­ cant role in our self- inspection. For you see by viewing our world through the eyes of those new to our surroundings we can truly see our weaknesses and our strong points without clouding im ages of fam iliarity. The different areas th a t our in ternational stu ­ dents come from also affect their opinions and perceptions.

am azing clarity for a foreign student. H er blonde hair and fair skin clearly do not re­ flect the fact th a t she was born in N ic a ra ­ gua. Being a M K (M issionary’s Kid) has m ade her a m em ber of the A m erican cul­ ture w ithout being representative of th a t culture. K ara has lived in the states for nearly six years (cum ulative) and so shares a unique opinion of A m erican socity. O ver­ all she feels th at S N U students and faculty are unusually friendly. The C hristian a t­ m osphere had m ade a distinct impression not only on K ara but also on another M K , “ L ou” Ludwig. She says th a t the professors and staff have been very supportive and willing to give answers to even the most difficult of her questions.

Michael Douglas, Scotland

K ara H udson is a typical A m erican g i r l . . . except th a t she’s not. K ara speaks the lan ­ guage with perfect intonation and w ith

Michael Lindsay, Antigua

International Handshake

STOOP PLUT! Pluoto Vourliotis, England HARDLY AN AIRFORCE BRAT. Loren James, Hahn Germany.


“It was a week that unified the upper cla ss with the fr e sh m e n .” — Amy Blomstrom,

Sis Week Big Sis, L ittle Sis W eek is ju st one of m any traditions at S N U . It is sponsored by the Associated W om en’s C oun­ cil to encourage the relation­ ships between the freshm en and the upper class women. I t p ro m o te s f r ie n d s h ip s , some of which will last a life­ tim e and also provides fresh­ men with a helpm ate while they endure first year of col­ lege struggles. T h is y e a r ’s A s s o c ia te d W om en’s C ouncil planned the initial m eeting of each little sis and the assigned big sis. All potential sisters were

SISTER C H R ISTIA N . The W hite Twins and Becky Smith wait to find the sis that matches their odd shaped piece. Jennifer Giles and Kristin Kelly, about to embark on a new kind of sisterhood.



given an odd shaped piece a n d th ey h ad to fin d th e piece th a t fit theirs. This was used as a tim e to get to know new people as well as an ice breaker for each big and lit­ tle sis. Also am ong the week’s ac­ tivities was a m ale panel, which included representa­ tives from each class. T he guys were asked questions th at every girl w ants to know about dating and other sim i­ lar subjects. There was also a progressive dinner and little sisters were

encouraged to attend church with their big sisters. T he Associated W omen S tu ­ d e n t ’s P r e s id e n t is A m y Blomstrom, a Senior from Pennsylvania. T he success of this year’s Big Sis, L ittle Sis W eek is owed m uch to her and her council of ten other girls. T heir hard work was e sp e c ia lly e v id e n t a t th e “ Buttom s and Bows” spa­ ghetti dinner, in which sever­ al guys w earing tan slacks and pink shirts, served the la­ dies.

“Sista, you driven me wild.” May Lou Williamson, Stephanie Langford and Deana Starnes can’t wait to be little sisters. “ W HO W ILL SH E BE?” wonders Cyndy Burke and Cyndee Green.

ew Student In ­ stitute: The tra ­ dition continued this year with car loads full of bedsheets, lam ps a n d c lo th e s . A n o th e r group of excited, nervous, anxious freshm en stepped foot on cam pus, not being sure of w hat was going on. W hy was there a beach scene in S n o w b a rg e r? W hy were there girls ru n ­ ning around w ith grass skirts on in H atley? W hy w ere th e r e a n im a ls in Garey!? C ongregated on the mall were tables upon tables of every N azarene C hurch in O K C and every club on cam pus w anting every freshm an to come to their next service or m eet­ ing. The poor freshm an, worried about their hair being out of place hardly knew the m eaning of this college collage. It was all a m ix tu r e o f S u n d a y School, C h u rc h C am p , G eneral Chem and one’s first date. It was confus­ ing and terribly exciting. It was only the beginning of four y ears w o rth of climbs up and down the stairs in the dorms with arm loads of clock radios, hair dryers and boxes. It was N S I. Sigh.


CLOSE CLO TH ES. Julie Rickner helps sis Lauri move in. LO N G LIST. Jenni Pharaoh and Tam m ie Mason help students locate their rooms.

CO N TE M PLA TIO N . Lowell Berg runs the FCA booth at the N S I fair. HEAVY DAY. David Cook helps students move in as part of his student recruitm ent responsibility.



DOCTOR DOCTOR, GIVE M E TH E NEW S! Eric Sanderson’s blood pressure is okay.

e Involved! Is this a plea for support by clubs and orga­ nizations or a wave of peer pressure to be “ in” or to be “ out.” E ither way, it is certainly one of the m ajor themes of cam pus life.


From the tim e we get here as freshm en to the tim e we leave as g ra d u a te s , most of us have been in­ cluded in some way or a n ­ other in at least one of the g ro u p s lis te d on th e s e p ages. A fte r a ll, th e re seems to be som ething for everyone, and if not, m ake one up. New clubs are springing up all the tim e to accom ­ m odate the interests of ev­ eryone. One thing th at all of these groups have in common is service pro­ jects. W e can be proud that a C hristian ch aracter is brought through in even our leisure tim e activities. The variety gives every­ one a chance to feel like they can contribute some­ thing. Students are really busy with classwork and study­ ing, but everyone needs to take a break, and it’s good that we have the opportu­ nity to choose from over thirty-five channels of in­ volvement.


Big Hands Helping Lit­ tle Hands is one of three new clubs on campus this year. It was started by Annette Hampton, J u n io r, E le m e n ta ry Education major from Missouri. Annette, having the de­ sire to help children and promote the betterment of their lives began plans for “ Big Hands” during the summer break of ’89. A nnette said she felt very impressed by God to do this and accepts none of the club’s suc­ cess.

of campus ministries, such as a popcorn booth This was a large scale by the Behavioral Scievent that took place on ence C lub, m ake-up the m all on cam pus, booths, obstacle courses, Various clubs and orga- etc. nizations participated in the event by setting up Annette is pleased with booths of a ttra c tio n , the club’s membership _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ anc* the tremen' I 1 B M K dous tu rn out .>

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The first event the club took p art in was the SNU Kids Fair, totally organized by A nnette and funded p a rtia lly through the SGA office

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B H H L H not; only will provide another channel °f hivolvement for students to take, but will also extend out into the community helping one ° f A m e ric a ’s finest resources — children.



"W /ffifljjj CHIU'S PIE

chili, cheese, o n io n s , *chip

CH IPS AND SALSA. Gina H an­ son, C hris A rcher, and M arcia Spears frequenting Chili’s. C O M IC C O U P L E . J e n n i f e r Hughes and Jeff Hayes raise the roof at Chili’s.

vanilla ice lopped w

our brownie


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CHILI FRIENDS Jolina Yarbrough and friends sharing a Chili’s Sundae.

ABOVE Scott Regester and Eric Line take part in a Chili’s photo session for the A RRO W . MIDDLE Missy D urr trying to choose between the Chicken Frisco or the usual chips and salsa. BELOW Roommates Brico Mowry and Loren James chow on chips and guacamole.

Jason McWilliams proposed on one knee in downtown OKC to Melodi Moyer on October 8, 1988. They were married on May 20, 1989.

Jeff Eaton sent a rose a day the week before he proposed to Stephanie Paris. On the Saturday he proposed (February 11, 1989) he sent her a dozen roses, prepared a romantic dinner for her and told her afterward that he wanted to TALK! . . . And boy did he talk! Stephanie and Jeff were married on August 29, 1989.

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H ere comes the bride and the bride is you! Flowers and candles, ring bearers and announcem ents, The L ord’s Prayer and Sunrise, Sunset, M ark R eighard playing the organ, your m other crying, your father scoping out your man, the groom ’s m other knowing you don’t and can’t cook like her (her consolation), cake and mints and punch and lace and satin and cum berbunds and bow ties and a penny in your shoe; this is all wedding paraphernalia. One wonders how college students have the tim e to get m arried, let alone be married! But all the same, some do and succeed at the rom antic and realis­ tic endeavor at living life not alone, but with one by your side; N ot surprisingly, most S N U students choose the sum m er to get m arried in; preferably in the m onth of June. W edding announcem ents adorn the lobby bul­ letin boards in G arey and H atley starting around M arch and ones are periodically added by future brides and grooms. W edding fads of the 80’s have included country and Victorian flares. Bride’s m aids often carry cut bou­ quets and even dried flowers on occasion. Some even carry hurricane lam ps with colored oil for evening wed­ dings. Popular local churches to m arry in are Bethany First and O klahom a City First. Both of these churches are beautiful and have nice areas for the reception. M any of the S N U couples live in C hapm an, the m ar­ ried student’s dorm itory. This allows m arried students to have more involvement in w hat is going on on cam ­ pus. Being m arried and attending school does not a t all mean th a t there is not tim e for extra-curricular activ­ ity. Stephanie Eaton for exam ple is the Senior class president and Kenneth Hollowell holds th e SG A office of Vice President of C am pus M inistries.

Stephen Feland proposed to Anita Carley at Steak and Ale. They were married on May 20, 1989.


“Dorm life is staying up til 3 and getting up at 7, missing work to sleep and singing the blues with all the guys at midnight.” — Paul Jackson



dormitory (dor-me»tor/e)n. pi. ries 1. A large room with sleeping accommodations for many persons. 2. A building providing sleeping and living accommodations at a school, college or resort. — Webster’s Dictionary

dormitory — 1. A collection of cubicles with cinder block walls that does not lend itself to an atmosphere of sleep. — SNOW residents

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Clue Calamity

“ Beanie N igh t. The words certainly didn’t give much clue to what we w ould be put through . . . ” Deborah Ross

One Freshman’s Story Beanie night. The words certain­ ly didn’t give much clue to what we would be put through. We were aware that it was tradition for freshm en every year and were kind of excited that it was going to happen to us. W hat we didn’t know is what we were go­ ing to have to do and say to get our beanies. The sophomores did a good job of corralling us down to the lob­ by with the help of their spray bottles and boppers. T his is where the real resistance began. We ail were screaming “ Fresh­ men, Freshmen” over and over. Even the water bottles, boppers and spray string didn’t stop us. T h en we s ta rte d sc rea m in g “ Ninety-Three, Ninety-Three.” It took awhile but the sopho­ mores finally took control. We


were each given an irritating Groucho Marx mask and herded out to the parking lot where we formed a circle. W hat happened next is hard to describe. The sophom ores would single out freshm en to do crazy things. One had to moo like a cow, oth­ ers, including myself, had to “sizzle like bacon.” All of us had to do the crab walk. Some of us were told to make a pyramid, others were singing the S ta r Spangled Banner. The sopho­ m ores trie d to m ake us say “ sophom ores are b e a u tifu l.” Some said it but a lot refused to. Instead they would yell “ Fresh­ men, Freshmen” no m atter how much they were squirted or hit. Some of the sophomores got car­ ried away with the hitting — no doubt remembering their own beanie night! I was proud of the class of 1993!

The fun began. First we “wheel harrowed” our partners under a rope. Next — barefoot we had to walk through these tires filled with alpo mixture, liver and only the sophomores know what else! Then we had to stick our faces in a tub of kool aid and get out a noodle from the bottom with our mouths. O f course, it never oc­ curred to us that every freshman before us had most likely spit into th is pool. T h ro u g h the whole evening we had been sprayed with water. They con­ tinued it. We then had to get down on our hands and knees

and crawl through a tunnel roll­ ing out onto a m at covered with flour. So now everyone had red faces, brown feet and a flour paste all over their bodies. But we were smiling as the sopho­ mores handed us our green and white beanies. Deborah Ross



Jailed for Tradition Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be in jail? Ask Brian Van N orm an — he knows. For five days Brian was kept in a jail as p art of a tradition here at S N U . This tr a d i t i o n is k n o w n as

Beanie W eek. As tradition will have it, on Beanie N ig h t th e S o p h o m o re class p re s id e n t is supposed to disappear and be h id d e n so m e p la c e in town. This year the president was hidden in the

B e th a n y J a il. B ec au se Brian talks so m uch, the girls on the council did not tell him where he would be hidden. H e thought he was going to be a at a friend’s house or in a ho­ t e l The girls blindfolded h im a n d d ro v e h im around until three o’clock in th e m o rn in g b e fo re they took him to the jail. W h e n a s k e d w h a t he thought when they took him to jail, he said he was shocked more than any­ thing, because he never

thought he would be put in j a i l It was very nasty and busy in the j a i l T here was always someone com­ ing in or going out with prisoners. It was sort of dark in the back where th e c e ll in m a te s w e re kept, Brian related. He was kept in a holding cell but he w asn’t locked up so he could walk around the ja il. Y ou a re p ro b a b ly w hat he did while he was t h e r e : S L E P T , d id HOM EW ORK and w atched TV. H e also said

a lot o f devotional and really got his c tions back on track. E in jail for Brian wa eye opening experic as well as a learning perience. H e was ab w atch and learn abou process of crim inals I fingerprinted and pi graphed. Being in jai also hard for him bee he is so a c tiv e am couldn’t do anything sit and watch TV c homework.

FOLLYCLES Fell Out! Sophomore absurdity, it could be called! This years Sopho­ more Follies was a hair raising event th at m ade you w ant to p u ll y o u r “ f o lly c le s ” o ut! W hether it was mocking the H atley H efers or chewing up a l­ read y e a te n and chew ed up food, it was not necessarily a comedy show, and nothing of a ta le n t show . P eople w alked away from it w anting to say they’d never gone. Despite all th e g re a t h a rd w ork o f th e Sophomore Class all through out Beanie W eek, FO L L IE S was weak. COW?


Tona Harder



Herb Albertson as Peter Marshall

Tami Hester, alias Judith Bickle

L to R — Tim Crutcher, Tiffani Liebman, Herb Albertson and Lindy Jett.



^arla D urr has been enteraining S N U students with ler a c tin g a b ilitie s fo r hree years now. She has hown her ability to act in arious ways on the S N U tage. She has played an inborn baby in a skit th at idvocated the controversial >ro-life issue against aborion and this year in Pow ^ow she captivated the au ­

dience with her p a rt of one of the m others in a cutting fro m th e B ro a d w a y h it, “ T he F antastick s.” C arla uses her talents not only to entertain others, but for m inistry. As a m em ber of D ram a Club, she uses her talents to m inister to o th e rs. N o t su rp risin g ly , she captivated the audience

C a r l a is a J u n i o r N u rs in g m a jo r fro m Edm ond, Oklahom a.

My favorite line was "You want

“A M an C alled P ete r” in her p art as H ulda the maid,

a pale, bloodless, anemic Lord!” - Rhonda DeM art as Marian

Carla Durr, alias Hulda, L to R — Angela Tashjian, Tammy Cox. Tiffani Liebman and Stephen Harrison.


“ I felt priveleged to en­ tertain the students of SN U . I can only hope th a t they had as much fun as I did.” — Leem an Bennington, 1989 C am pus Clod

DONUTS? Brian Van Norm an hopes for a donut (kiss) from M arcia Spears. BRADY BU N CH REJECT. Eric Sanderson bein’ groovy.

Leeman Crowned

Leem an Bennington is perhaps the most unique person a t SN U . He has dazzled us with his L am p of Learning and O-Tip Halloween costumes and various other colorful characteristics he displays. He captured the fitting title of Cam pus Clod this year with his “ Trilogy of T orture” which included

being strapped to an earthball and being rolled across the gym floor, lying on a bed of nails and being sat on by “ D uck” and last, but not least, im itating a “ H atley H efer.” Leem an does not allow society to shape him into w hat it wants. “ Just be yourself and don’t worry

C H IC IT O U T. Chic C am bell grosses out escort, Jan et A dam s, by eating cat food EN TR EZV O U S. Kim Jordan escorts Jim m y H alliburton.

about w hat people think. I believe those are the ingredients to having fun and thus enjoying life.” Leem an is a Senior Chem istry m ajor from Tyler, Texas. H is plans after graduation include going out to eat with his family.

Mask-O Raid

E iia iiiE

“To love, to endure, to I partake in the essence of I fall; It was truly a great j experience.� Jeff Hayes, *5

“ It was extrem ely rough. It w asn’t a football game, it was a boxing m a tc h .— M ario M annies, Sophomore. History was m ade on Friday the 13th of O ctober, when the Freshm en girls trium phed over the upperclass girls in the annual Powder P u ff game. A lot of controversy surrounded the gam e, as there was m uch talk about

a lack of sportsm anship and a prevailing bad attitu d e am ong players. C hristy Poage, freshm an quarterback, m ade the first touchdown in the first quarter. A fter halftim e the upperclass women scored a touchdown and in the

final m inutes of the game, C hristy scored another, leading the freshm en into victory. Several girls were injured in the gam e including Lori Van N orm an and M ario M annies. Both received knee injuries. “ I really

Leeman Bennington, Campus Clod 1989.

haven’t thought m uch about the loss. Some traditions have to be changed sometimes. M aybe since they won, people know it can be done and m aybe it won’t be so rough,” said Lori.

Somewhere in Time The 1989 Homecom ing them e was “ Somewhere in T im e .” T h e th e m e was carried out with a large constructed purple castle with a clock on the top. Q u e e n a n d K in g candidates entered on to the gym floor through actual doors the “castle" had. In the m iddle of the

castle was a large screen in which slides of the candidates were shown as they told of one of their favorite m om ents in tim e. V alerie Sickels, VP of Social Life, orga­ n iz e d th e c o r o n a tio n along with the social life com m ittee. She hired a crew to e n g in e e r h e r

ideas. Despite the falling of the castle (they set it back up for the corona­ tion), Hom ecom ing ’89 went off w ithout a hitch. The H o m e c o m in g Queen and King candi­ dates elected by the stu­ d e n t body w ere: P am Lee and M ark Lebsack,

R h o n d a D u tro a n d F ran k Bell, G ina Jack ­ son and David C urry, A m y B lo m stro m a n d M ik e Y a rrin g to n a n d B e v e rly S ta n to n a n d John M iddendorf. M ik e a n d D a r l e n e Brooks intro d u ced th e ca n d id a te s, as well as

BEAUTY. Shari Hefner, Darla W arkentin, and friend enjoy the Homecoming Coronation and game. POPCORN. Bobby Hill eats popcorn at the game despite his formal attire.

the king and queen. The c ro w d c h e e re d as R honda D utro and John M id d e n d o rf a c c e p te d the honors. Dr. and M rs. Loren G resham form al­ ly congratulated th e two in front of the crowd.

CUTE COUPLE. Valerie Hansen and Brian Nollenberger keep the Homecoming “dress-up� tradition. BIZARRENESS! Cindy Sullivan and Leeman Bennington continually defy tradition.

TWOO WOVE, Paul Jackson hides his shorts from the cam era as Dana Cook laughs beside him. ROYALTY. The 1989 Homecoming King and Queen Rhonda Dutro and Jon Middendorf.


JUDGEROY. Ken and Pam Hollowell scream!

Every year in O ctober, N a z a r e n e s fro m a ll over S N U ’s education­ al zone — Louisiana, T exas, A rk an sas and O k lah o m a — g a th e r for a tim e of friendship renewal and fun. This y e a r S N U s tu d e n ts w ere d e lig h te d w ith t h e f i r s t - e v e r F a ll

FIVE FRIENDS OVER TEXAS. Shanda Sliman, Paul Jackson, Suzette Tallet, Mike Matlock, and Shannon Slaven pal around at Six Flags.

Break which coincided with Six Flags N azarene N ight. S tu d en ts were able to m ake the event a tim e of getting away from th e books and dorm s and enjoy­ ing a m u sem en t p a rk food and all the fun rides. S tu d e n ts tra v ­ elled down to the event

in gro u p s an d m an y s ta y e d w ith frie n d s whose families live in Dallas. A t the event, S N U had recruitm ent booths set up and the Collegians and H igh­ est Praise were there to sin g a n d g iv e S N U publicity as well as to entertain. Je ff Sexton

was also on hand to do p e rs o n a l r e c r u itin g . S N U faculty was also r e p r e s e n t e d a t th e event by the G resham s and the Poteets am ong others.

RECRUIT. Collegians and Highest Praise sang at Nazarene Night.

Jeff Sexton recruited prospective students.

Loren Gresham met with old and new friends alike. FLAG FUN. Doug Hilkert, Herb Albertson, Sherri Scroggins and Kyle Morsch rode rides together.

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U & 9& IVY RING. Many students wondered how the ivy ring tradition at graduation would continue with the tearing down of Bud Robinson. (The building had ivy growing on its walls).

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CEILING. During Christmas Break ’89 part of the ceiling fell in on first floor. Fire marshals had condemned the second and third floors in prior years.



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Good-bye Uncle Bud [ D ecem b er ’89, B ud Dbinson, the Fine A rts iilding a t S N U , w as Dsed to occupation forer. The ceiling finally umbled onto first floor, tie b u ild in g had been ndemned a few years

prior, but understanding fire m arshals allo w ed s tu d e n t o c c u p a tio n on f ir s t flo o r u n til a new building could be built, while the second and third f lo o r r e m a i n e d c o n ­ demned.

Finally, in January of ’90 the form er Student Union Building was ready to be moved into. Dr. Double E. Hill, head of the M usic D ept., led in m uch of the re n o v a tio n , w hich w as done by S N U faculty.

T h e “ n e w ” F in e A rts b u ild in g is d e f in ite ly something to be proud of. M usic students and pro­ fessors alike ap p reciate the building as it lends it­ self to a more creative a t­ mosphere.

PRACTICE. Music major, Doug Woolery, practices in one of the new practice rooms. NICE VIEW. Dr. Hill’s new office offers a very nice view of the campus.

M USICAL MACHINERY. Dr. Hill was part of the machinery that got the new Fine Arts building renovated.


MEXICO: December 1989 D r. L oren P. G re sh a m had a vision. He had a vi­ sion th a t an u n u su a lly large num ber of people from the S N U com m uni­ ty would travel down to Mexico for a work and w itn e ss tr ip . T h e tr ip would take place during the C h ristm as holidays. M any students would not be able to attend as they were com m itted to work and stay home with their fam ilies. B ut, over 125 p eople fro m th e S N U community gave up such co m m itm e n ts to tra v e l

down to M exico and do their p art in ful­ f illin g th e G r e a t Commission of Je ­ sus C hrist.

The trip began on D ecem ­ ber 26,1989 and ended on Jan u ary 6, 1990. But, the m emories and the lessons learned will never end in the hearts of the students and faculty m em bers who went. Am ong some of the faculty m em bers and o th ­ er m em bers of the S N U c o m m u n ity w ho w e n t

“ We w ent to m in iste r and were ministered to .” Angela Tashjian, FR were: Prof. G ary Lance, Dr. Culbertson, Dr. and M rs. G resham , and m any others. The main work involved helping to build a church. S tu d e n ts a n d f a c u l t y mem bers carried buckets of w ater, shovelled dirt, and even laid m ortar. But,

ABOVE. A student lays m ortar on the bricks. RIGHT, Two N azarene Gringos swing this unforgettable Mexican face — Mexico needs

perhaps the most exciting p art of the trip was the different contacts individ­ uals on the team had with the M exican people. M any lives were changed because of a simple vision th at cam e to full fruition. Perhaps m aterial things becam e less im portant to som e, as th e ir eyes re ­ flected on all the pain and poverty the M exican peo­ ple m ust live with on a daily basis. All returned to O K C safely, but m uch of their hearts were left in

M exico, with the sweei dear people th a t belong t the Fam ily of God. T he best p art of M exic 89, is th a t it is going t become a tradition. Th traditional work and wit ness trips th a t stu d en t were involved in only in volved a few a n d the; were very costly. Making M exico the sight for worl and witness trips for year to come will allow man; more students to be in volved and the cost is fair ly low.

PRESIDENT. Dr. Gresham was much of the motivation behind the Mexico trip.

Dr. and Mrs. Culbertson do a little bit of sightseeing.

Dr. Culbertson helps break the ground. FAR LEFT. Jennifer Boldt, FR., carries a bucket of water. The group at Lynn Engleman’s home church.


YULE YUM. L to R — Deanna Duke, Lori Van Norman, Stephanie Romanek, and Mandy Kelly enjoyed the dinner. CHRISTMAS SHARING. Dr. and Mrs. Mills and Jeff Crouch sat together during the meal. GUEST SPEAKER. Dr. Jesse Middendorf spoke on the true meaning of Christmas.

GOOD FRIENDS. Daniel Mobley and Cindy Sullivan were together again.


Yule Feast — Yum Feast! ule Feast, S N U ’s annuC h ristm a s fe stiv ity , is held on the third floor the Commons building is y ear. C a n d le lig h t, rmal attire, and C h rist­ as music softly played the background added the specialty of the ocsion.

served by C ardinal Key to all the professors and o th ­ er faculty and sta ff along w ith th e s tu d e n ts w ho chose to be guests a t their tables. For one evening, professors and stu d en ts “adopted” each other as fam ily, creating a homey atm osphere.

the college singing group f ro m B e th a n y F i r s t C h u rch, sang C hristm as songs and then Jesse M iddendorf, D istrict S uperin­ t e n d e n t o f N o r th w e s t O klahom a, spoke to ev­ e ry o n e a b o u t w h at C hristm as really means.

n n er w as g ra c io u s ly

A fter dinner, Firstw inds,

All gathered in the center of the mall around the

IILY FEAST. The Flinners and their ren, the Doroughs, and got together for east.

lam p of learning to watch the lighting of the mall. F irst, before th e lights w ere lit, everyone sang “Joy to the W orld” and “Silent N ig h t.” Then we started to count down — “ Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one!” A nd within a few seconds the mall was aglow. Lights were flashing

from one end of the mall to the other. All the time and effort put in by those who strung the lights was well worth the sight. Good music, good food, and good company made Yule Feast ’89 a success!

BUDDIES. L to R — Jason Watson, David Benson, Mike Laprarie and Brad W hittaker. PRETTY FACES. Dana Cook and Annette Lopez were excited about seeing Santa. OFFICE CLOSED. Cherie Crouch, Scott Cundiff and Mrs. Ferris shared in the feast.

FEASTING FRIENDS. Melodi Chestnut, R uth Agler and Steve Harrison feasted together.


CHECK-OUT. Eric Durr checks out skates.

COUPLE SKATING. John and Kelli Williams took well to the

ICE SPICE. Jill Benavidez wore only one glove to the party.

ICELAND CLAN. Front — Sandra Parkes, Dana Fugett, second — Darla Strickland, Ron Luedtke, Tommy Morgan, Heather Cole and Kathy Climber.

“ T he f unny p a r t wasn’t when people fell down, it was watching them trying to get back up.” Eric Sanderson, soph.

ICE BOOM. Rick Wood and Stacee Skaggs assist Teresa Baker as Suzan W hite looks on. SENIOR SPONSORED. Senior officers, Stephanie Eaton and Janet Adams helped organize the party.

KEEPING WARM. Tim Crutcher and Rhonda D eM art tried to keep warm, despite cold temps.

FRIENDS ON ICE. Lori Hamilton, Angie La Paglia and Stephanie Stafford enjoyed the party. LACE-UP. Jason W atson prepares to skate.


Heart Pal ’90: Friendship

PIG-OUT. David Bane enjoys a piece of ham at the Luau. M ILLER TIM E. H eather Cole feeds boyfriend, Todd Miller, a grape at the Luau. LUAU LOVE. Kelli Billings and Rod Bowie enjoy the atmosphere at the Luau. ALOHA. Jeff Crouch and Cheryl Chamberlain enjoyed the passion punch served at the Luau.

-----;i i i l l

.... ........................

HAWAII BOUND. Jim Thornton and Christy Hendrix listened to the wild beach tunes at the Luau. FRIENDSHIP. Alexis Taylor and Jennifer Craven share many college memories. LUAU EATERY. Steve M cCarthy, Brad Mayes, Sherri Scroggins and Kyle Morsch ate hot cheese, fresh fruit and ham at the Luau. LEI-WOMEN. Ginger Stark and Glenna M urray spent the evening talking and eating.

HAWAIIAN STYLE. DeAnn Pape and Robin Brady dressed for the oc­ casion. LEID AT THE LUAU. Pam Lee, Lisa Hamilton, and Deanna Duke adorned their leis along with other Luau-goers.


. Volleyball, Soccer, Basketball,

Shaping Up! | To say that to be a Christian is not to be a competitor may be truth in the eyes of some, but they are not the eyes of SNU. True to tradition, the Redskins were win­ ners, fighters, and true champions. f | l | I

In the air or on the ground, into nets or over nets or into baskets, excellence continued throughout two more se­ mesters of afternoons and evenings, before standingroom-only crowds or in private celebrations. -|—

j “Everyone who competes in games goes into strict training. They do it to get a l crown that will not last. But we do it to get a 1 crown that will last forever . . . I beat my body and make it my slave, so after I have preached to others I will not be disqualified i for the prize.” I Cor. 9:24 Soccer, volleyball, or basketball, they were teams that wouldn’t let you down. They were not perfect, but they were not quitters. Back in high school, they used to say that our team never lost — they just ran out of time. And though sometimes the clock would melt away all too soon, there were never losers wearing red and white. For our athletes mounted up with wings.


% STYLE Michael King

Ed Hayden

Kevin Oliver


Jeff Harding

989 was considered by some to be a rebuilding year for the Seniorless Reds- ! kin soccer te a m . That wasn’t what happened as the Redskins had a record setting season ending at the National Tournament. After three season opening wins, the SNU soccer team suffered its first of three losses in September to district rival, OCU. Two weeks after, the Redskins were given their last two losses of the season in one week. In what Coach Wes Harmon described as the “Best and worst games,” SNU dropped games to OCC and Midwestern State. Ju­ nior, Dale Richards saved the Redskins from a shut out gaining the only SNU goal in a 3-1 Eagle victory. It took an overtime before Midwestern State could gain a 1-0 edge over the Redskins, MSU being ranked num­ ber one at the time. The Redskins finished out the month 8-3. October was a “winner” of a month for the Redskins as they pushed their record to 16-3-1. After the losses to OCC and Mid­ western State, Coach Harmon predicted that SNU would win the rest of the season’s games. SNU opened up the month in that fashion with a win over John Brown. In the classic tournament however, the Redskins were handed a draw by the defense of na­ tionally ranked Fontebonne, the only op­ ponent for the Redskins in the tournament. “Vengeance is mine saith the Lord.” It was also the Redskins as they began avenging the three September losses in October. OCU was the first to go down to the Redskins after defeating them earlier in the season. Ten days after a 1-0 win over the Chiefs, SNU gained the number two po­ sition in regular season permanently after a win over OCC. The Redskins closed out the month and the season with two wins over Northeast Oklahoma State and Incar­ nate Word. Post season play began with the district tournament at OCU. SNU would have to go through two OT’s in each of its two games against OCC and OCU before gaining one point victories over both. SNU played one man short due to a red card penalty in the final half of the championship game win­ ning the game however 1-0.



Kyle Robertson

Chris Arledge

Mark Langebartels

Dale Richards





Mark Douglas

Alan McLemore

Michael Lindsay

Mucio de Macedo



Darren Vittitow

Scott Rappoport

fra# Eddie Fraser

David Mitchell

AIRBORNE. Weylin Windom

Steve Bliss

Steve Moreno

Coach Wes Harmon


GOAL KEEPER TALKS j|§ I think a lot of people counted us out in the beginning saying it was a rebuilding year. We did lose a few seniors, but I think they forgot to tell us (the team) what we were supposed to accomplish in a so called “rebuilding year”. We lost to OCU and OCC our first times out against them, but lately we’ve really been knocking the ball around really well. We “thumped” last years nat’l. champions 7-2 and I think we’re going into this year's district playoff with a really positive attitude. Kyle Robertson Sophomore Goal * Keeper


gg LEFT — Lars Karllson played soccer at SNU before “ returning home to Sweden. BELOW — Mark Douglas keeps the ball In action.

g g LEFT — Chris Arledge and Alan McLemore knock the ball around . . . and the opponents.




Sandy Craven

ABOVE — Candace Pape, Jennifer Craven, Holly Price and Sandy Craven

Sonya Shimko

Rachael Pierce

Brandi Dodson

Krista Nielsen

Kim Sprowls

Renee Witowski


ABOVE — Kim Sprowls and C andace Pape participate in Volleyball Hawaiian Day. Jimmy Halliburton cheers the crowd. HAWAIIAN DAY. The team showed faith at the beginning of the season in going to nationals with “Hawaiian Day” .


ThŠ awards, left, were won with a lot of hard work and sweat.



Kim Jordan

Totsy Roberson

Kelli Calhoun

Deedra Jordan

Joni Wilhelm

outhern Nazarene Universi­ ty’s Lady Redskins’ basket­ ball team proved to be champions on and off the court according to fall aca­ demic records released by university officials. According to official transcript records, the NAIA’s defending national basketball champs placed fifteen of the 22-member squad on honor rolls for the fall semester, with nine players recording a straight-A average in route to a 3.37 team grade point average. I Sara Vincent

“We are quite pleased with the success of our ladies,” said Bob Hoffman, head coach of SNU’s women’s basketball program. “Their grades simply reflect their desire to succeed both on and off the court.” Hoffman’s starting five posted a 3.74 emu­ lative GPA, with four tallying a perfect 4.0 average. Players named to the President’s Honor Roll included: Avril Freeman, Jenese Glover, Christy Niehues, Marsha Eskew, Renea Wright, Katrina Springer, Michelle Banz, Debbie Keith, and Karen Wertz.

Shelia Parham

Debbie Keith


Players registering a 3.2 or better for the Dean’s Honor Roll included: Sara Vincent, Lori Cloar, Christy Johnson, Jennifer Gibler, Kristen Kelley, and Sheila Praham.

Christy Niehues

Renee Wright

Marsha Eskew

Christy Johnson

Avril Freeman

Annette Colvin

Katrina Springer

Susan Lurry Coach, Bob Hoffman

Kristin Kelley

Karen Wertz

Lori Cloar

Suzan White

Jennifer Gibler

Anita Hood, mgr.


FAR RIGHT. Christy Johnson RIGHT. Katrina Springer BELOW. Marsha Eskew

RIGHT. Annette Colvin


LEFT. Christy Niehues

LEFT. Totsy Roberson


BALL inning one over Limestone and suffering a one point loss at the hands of Albion, the men returned home from Hawaii with a 13-3 re­ cord. Texas Lutheran was the first o p p o n e n t for the Redskins in the DBU Classic. SNU lost 9288. It was the Indians against the Redskins in the Classic closer as SNU took host Dallas Baptist to an overtime six point loss. SNU defeated DBU 89-83 improving their record to 14-4. The men took on Jarvis Christian on Jan. 15. In what was to be a record break­ ing evening for the Redskins, SNU broke to a 25-point lead at the half. The second ranked team in the nation payed a visit to SNU on Jan. 18. The Bison’s connected on two more points, beating the Redskins 8583. The OCU Chiefs were “Steppin’ Out” this season, but it was SNU who walked out of Frederickson Fieldhouse with the win. Catching up and leading by as much as 10 in the second half, SNU tried to keep the lead over the Chiefs. OCU took its final lead late in the game before an intentional foul against the Chiefs clinched the game for the Redskins. In the final district game of the month the Redskins took on rival OCC Eagles. SNU held the lead for most of the second half, but was finally defeated 6967.

Robbie Powell

K.P. Westmoreland

Carl Miller

Kyle Rickner

Ray Carter

Steve Kennedy

Mark Balenseifen

Joe Heun


Brent Gaddis

Wade Wienstroer

Jeff Johnston

James Carson

Chad Farris

SLAM. Brent Gaddis dunks the ball. DRIBBLE. Steve Kennedy gains the advantage.


Colin Berg, manager

Lowell Berg, m anager

Mark Mann, m anager

Bobby Martin, head coach


BELOW — Wade Wienstroer dribbles the ball down the Eagles court. RIGHT — Joe Heun reaches high to dunk it.

MIDDLE — Jeff Johnston eyes the basket. FAR RIGHT — Jay Niehues scores two points against Arkansas Baptist.


BELOW — KP Westmoreland steals the ball from opponents.

LEFT — Brent Gaddis reaches for two.

ABOVE — Carl Miller slam dunks it against UCA. LEFT — Steve Kennedy holds tight for two points.


WRESTLE MANIA restle Mania came to SNU this year in full color. The e v e n t took p lace in Broadhurst gym and a real ring m ade the set co m ­ plete. The evening was full of all the chilling and grotesque sights, as often seen in wrestling on T.V. Of course, there was also the ridiculous; managers got into arguments and pulled one anothers hair, etc. The highlight of the evening came when Eric Sanderson and Leeman Bennington wrestled it out. The loser was to lose his hair. (Both have covet­ ed long blonde hair.) The loser was Eric, but the hair that Leeman was cut­ ting wasn’t real, although the crowd did not know, and screamed with dis­ approval. The event was sponsored financially by both AMS and AWS, although AMS did most of the organizing and plan­ ning.

MANAGERS. Shari Hefner and Darla Warkentin look on Leeman cuts Eric’s “hair.”

SNAKE. Jimmy Halliburton freaked the crowd out with his snake.

CLOWN. Tommy Isom was part of one if the mac ridiculous acts during the Mania.

PAIN. Eric Sanderson loses the wrestling match and consequently his “hair� as Leeman chops aw ay.


Front, LtR — Danny Selph, Brad Stanton, Michael Oliver, Brent Stephens, Kevin Stephens, Brian Van Norman, Back, LtR — Shellie Frederick, Mario Mannies, Jackie Stone, Shannon Anderson, Marianne Walraven, and Carl Carter

Tv.~v. i f.i!.if tf_ JLu-!L. \


J.V. — Dawn Cook and Stephanie Stafford both were chosen to be JV Cheerleaders.

RAISING 2?**^ SPIRIT Cari C a rter, h ea d cheerleader and Mi­ chael Oliver, head yell leader led the Varsity Redskin C h eerin g Squad in raising Reds­ kin spirit. This year’s squad con­ sisted of 12 very talent­ ed girls and guys who

cheered the Redskin Basketball team on to many victories. During the homecom­ ing game the cheer­ leaders entertained the crowd with a drill routine. The routine is enjoyed by students and cheerleaders, as

well as other fans. The homecoming routine is the only one the cheerleaders are al­ lowed to do all year.

The Redskin Cheer/Yell leading Squads must pay for their own uniforms and they must pay for their own travel expenses to and from away games.


Incredible Involvement! Much of college life is spent being involved in various orga­ nizations and groups. This involvement breaks up the some­ times monotonous routine of college life and gives us a chance to learn, lead and interact socially with our peers, and also the opportunity to perform service for our commu­ nity. So much work goes into different activities, it is often mind boggling. There are over 40 groups on campus; Stu­ dents can find their “niche” in anything from the Campus Computer Club to the Behaviorial Science Club. Some groups select members through audition, such as Mission Crusaders and Chorale. Others consist of elected students

that represent the campus community and student body. Some clubs have large memberships like Circle K. Others, like the Spanish Club, cater to a small section of students on campus. There is even a club for all the club leaders! This club, the Interclub Council, was organized so that there could be better communication between clubs and so that planning would be more organized. New clubs are also emerging all the time. This year, three new clubs were added to the list: The Campus Computer Club, M.O.M.S., and Big Hands Helping Little Hands and the Math Club was also revived this year. In essence, group involvement teaches us all responsibility. We learn that the hardest part about getting things done is doing them. We are constantly challenged through involve­ ment to become more dependable and creative people. We are challenged to mount up with wings.


Lewis Leads Student Government The S tu d en t G overn­ m ent A ssociation is not just a name at SNU. Of­ ten the many hours of work that go into creat­ ing a c tiv itie s for th e student body goes un­ noticed. It is the m em ­ bers of SGA that are perhaps the m ost busy people on campus. SGA is an a s s o c ia t io n o f elected and chosen re­

presentatives, selected by th e s tu d e n t b ody and in som e cases, by the adm inistration. The SGA ladder begins with President, Kevin Lewis, who handles a m ultitude of responsi­ bilities, including orga­ n iz in g th e e x e c u tiv e co u n cil, and ju gglin g student, faculty and ad­

m inistration requ ests. N e x t, D ou g W o o lery (S t u d e n t S e r v i c e s ) m ust handle everything from the gam e room to food service, to parking tic k e ts to Pow Wow. N ext, V alerie S ic k e ls (Social Life) m ust plan large s c a le a c tiv itie s such as H om ecom in g Coronation, Heart Pal, and many other parties.

N ext K e n n e th H o llo w e ll (C a m p u s Ministries) m ust orga­ n ize C h ristian e n te r ­ tainm ent, Com passion­ a te M in is tr ie s W eek and w e e k ly c h a p e ls . Organizing the office is Marion Kimbro (Office Manager) and Brian El­ lis (Business Manager). T hese two individuals handle everything from

typing and running e n d l e s s a m o u n ts c o p ie s to b a la n c i SGAs b ud get of o^


SGA also com prises c la s s p r e s id e n ts < Social Life VPs, A and AMS p resid er In te r c lu b p r e s id e and Arrow and E< editors.

L to R — FRONT — Brian Ellis (Busines Manager), Valerie S ick els (Social Life), Mario Kimbro (O ffice Manager), Kevin Lewi (President) BACK — Doug Woolery (Studer Services) Ken Hollowell (Campus Ministrie

SING THE GAP. SGA works hard to get all students at SNU inad in activity. This does not include just parties, but enabling ants to find their niche in small clubs, etc.

UPSIDE DOWN. Together, the Executive Council juggles many responsibilities.

“ . . . the chap­ ter offers stu­ dents a sen se of unity as they p u r s u e t h e ir stu d ie s in lit ­ eratu re, c o m ­ m u n ic a t io n s , and w riting.”

Phi Beta Lamb­ da is a business honor so c ie ty . The sponsor is Professor Cyn­ thia Powell and the President is S te v e M cC ar­ thy. Tradition­ a lly , th e clu b w o rk s on and hands out th e packet of cou­ p ons s tu d e n ts re ceiv e at th e b e g in n in g o f the fall sem es­ te r . T he c o u ­ p o n s in c lu d e ca r r e p a ir s , D o m in o es p iz­ za, etc. and stu ­ d e n ts fin d th e m u s e f u l.

The English depart m e n t a t SN U ha sponsored their owi ch ap ter of th e Na tional English Hono Society, Sigm a Tai D e lt a , s i n c e 1 9 1 { and presently has c o m p le te m e m b ei ship of 50 students s t a f f , fa c u lty am alumni. Psi Xi, th name of the chaptei o ffe r s stu d e n ts s e n s e of unity an purpose as they pui sue their stu d ies i literature, communi cations, and writinc T h is y e a r ’s grou participated in “V« riety ’8 9 ,” fa ll s€ m ester’s version c POW WOW, with n o isy ren d erin g c Shakespeare’s con edy, “A Midsummc N i g h t ’s D r e a m .

HOW 1 — S tev e McCarthy, Judy K nigk K elly Billings ROW 2 — Prof. Pow ell, h Taylor, Troy Taber, Kimberly Bush, Lor Burris, Lori P axton, Shelli Shepherd, Ci Joy, Pam Lee, D en ise W atson, Tim Mar ROW 3 — Danny Thom ason, Chris Arle Jonathan M eek, Teresa Buller, D ennis H enderson, Brad Johnson, Tom Brock, Jonathon W oods, Tony Griffin

Mortar Board Mortar Board is an honor service club in which only sen ­ iors can be m em ­ bers, Those inter­ ested in m em ber­ sh ip apply th eir junior year and it is req u ired th a t applicants have a cu m u la tiv e GPA of 3.0 throughout th eir c o lle g e c a ­ r e e r . T h e m a in purpose of Mortar Board is to p ro­ v id e s e r v ic e s w here n e ed ed . Som e of their ser­ vice projects this year included pro­ viding various ser­ v ic e s for P r e s i­ d e n t G r e s h a m ’s I n a u g u r a tio n Cerem ony, sp on ­ s o r in g a “ R o ck

LEFT TO RIGHT — Front: Tim Marek, Mark G lover, S te v e M cCarthy, K yle Morsch, John P. W illiams, Dean Hor­ ton, Darrell Akers, Frank Bell Back: Brad W hitaker, Jennifer Pauley, Ella Millard, D elyna Herren, Jenny Hendrix, Kimberly Bush, Susan H enderson, Sa­ mantha Austin, Rhonda DeMart, Bea Flinner (sponsor)

Buddy” booth at t h e f i r s t K id ’s Fair, participating in clea n up pro­ je c ts on and o ff campus, and serv­ ing at various ban­ q u ets. This lis ts only a few of the things they have helped with. Kyle Morsch served as President for the 1 9 8 9 -9 0 sc h o o l year; Rhonda DeM art a s V ic e P resident; Susan H en d erso n as S e cr eta r y ; M ike H ou ln e a s T rea­ surer; and John P. W illia m s w as in charge of Public-

Cardinal Key C a rd in a l K ey is th e honor s o c ie ty for ju ­ niors. M em bers m ust have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and m ust display a spirit of service. Car­ dinal Key’s sponsor is Dr. Edythe Leupp and the President is Kyle Rickner. Cardinal Key is b asically a serv ice oriented honor society. Members are selected each Spring for the fol­ lowing year by Cardinal Key m em b ers. A ppli­ cant’s nam es are kept sec ret until selec tio n so ju d g e m e n t is n o t bias.

M em bers o f C ardinal Key must have at least a cumulative GPA of 3.0

LEFT TO RIGHT — Row 1: Tim Evans, Vonda Lynn, Brian Turner Row 2: Anita Feland, Andrea Uphaus, Cheryl Chamberlain, Tami Bailey, Jolina Yarborough Row 3: Laura H em phill, Doug W oolery, Eric Jergensen, Kyle Rickner, M ichelle McGuire, Anna Derbyshire, Dr. Edythe Luepp (spon­ sor)


Eric Sanderson

Joann R osfeld

Loren James

Business Manager



Shannon Slaven Sports

Michelle Farley C lasses, O rganizations

Arrow Dynamics The runners are in starting position, each in their own lane, w aiting for the gun to sound o ff. F in a lly , th e t r i g ge r is pulled and the race has begun. Each run* ner h as h is own race. The goal is to cross the finish lin e in th e b e s t t im e p o s s i b l e . This scenerio de­ s c r ib e s to so m e d e g r e e how th e Arrow staff oper­

ates. The goal is to produce a yearbook fu ll of m em ories so that p e o p le can look back and enjoy it for years to com e. It is a race each m em b er of sta ff runs, doing their part to m eet each deadline. Jennifer E l l i o t t , e d ito r , w a s th e d riv in g force behind her devoted staff and each helped to ac­ com plish the goal.

“Working on staff has m ade m e appre­ ciate yearbooks a w hole lot m ore, now that I know how much work it tak es to create o n e.” M ichelle Farley Brian Mowry

Debbie Ross

Missy Durr

Pup Thomas

Cyndee Green

A cadem ics

C lasses, Honors

Mini Mag


Mini Mag

e E ch o E d ito r fo r 8 9 -9 0 w a s B r u c e ffer. Bruce and his igent sta ff brought a tin c t s t y le to th e ho and m ade inges that improved quality of the pa. T hese changes inded covering new s

more relevant and of in t e r e s t to SNU s tu ­ d e n t s a n d t h e SN U com m unity as a whole. The Echo sta ff includ­ ed: Jim W ilcox, Advi­ sor; Lori S m ith , P h o­ tography Editor; Jen e J a ck so n , Dark R oom Supervisor; John Wil­

lia m s , T y p e s e t t e r ; Travis P etty Sc Janelle Volker, B usiness Man­ ager; Writers — Can­ d a ce P a p e, L eem an B e n n in g t o n , S heri S c r o g g in s, L esa H e l­ t o n , C h r is L o n g le y , D ennis McClung, Mike LaPrarie. LEFT TO RIGHT — Carl Miller, Darla Warkentin, Jim W ilcos, Sheri Scroggins, Chris Longley, Bruce Nuffer, Lori Smith, and Lesa Helton.

Bruce Nuffer,


A lp h a L a m b d a D elta is an a c a ­ dem ic honor so ci­ ety. It is open to a ll s o p h o m o r e s who m aintained a 3 .5 g r a d e p o in t a v e r a g e d u r in g th e ir fr e s h m a n year. Traditional­ ly, the club orders s w e a t s h i r t s fo r their “ uniform ,” and dues are paid, making the eligi­ ble students life­ tim e m e m b e r s . Tim C rutcher, a R e lig io n m a jo r from Tyler, Texas, was president and Dr. Pam Broyles, Speech Professor, was sponsor.

LEFT TO RIGHT — Front: D en ise W atson, Brian Nollenberger, Shari A lbertson, Tim McClain, R ebecca Ridley, A nnette Lopez Back: Christy D odgen, Laura D ensm ore, Pam Terrill, S teve Burdine, Cari Adam s, Eric Sanderson, Tim Crutcher, Billy Cox, Cami M oots

D.MTET Delta Mu D elta is a Business Honor S o c ie ty o p en to any Business ma­ jor. Requirem ents in clu d e th a t th e student has a cu­ m ulative GPA of 3.2 and has com ­ pleted at lea st 62 class hours. D elta Mu D elta is a na­ tio n a l o r g a n iz a ­ tion and has a Fall and Spring in iti­ ation of new m em ­ bers. Tim Marek s e r v e d a s th e 1989-90 D elta Mu D elta P resid en t; K im b e r ly B u sh served as S ecr e­ tary; an d S t e v e McCarthy served as Chaplain. Fac­ ulty ad visor w as George Biggs.


LEFT TO RIGHT — Tony Griffin, Pam Lee, Cindy Joy, S tev e McCarthy, Kimberly Bush, Tim Marek

BUDDIES. Mike Brooks, AMS sponsor, with Frank Bell, president. L to H — Row I — Brian Sm ith, David Curry, Leem an B ennington, Frank Bell, Row 2 — Mike Yarrington, dim Thornton, Cory Thornton.

This year's AMS presi dent, Frank Bell, had < goal, “To put AMS 01 the map this year." Hi s u c c e s s f u lly d id thi: with a variety of activi ties sponsored by AMS T hese activ ities includ ed a Broomball Bash a Iceland Skating Rink, < M e n ’s H o m e c o m in i B reak fast, w hich fea tured speaker Don Bel (Frank’s fa th er), Fal F est, and several othe even ts.

The AMS Council is se lected each spring b th e student body and i a service council whicl provides a social activi tie s primarily for mal students. The only rc quirem ent for runnin for office is a 2.0 gp for c o u n c il m em b er and a 2.5 gpa for th p r e sid e n t.

AWS A m y B lo m s tr o m s e r v e d a s AW S president this year, and was awarded a scholarship for her s e r v ic e . S h e a ls o se r v e d on SGA as part of her responsi­ bilities. Amy and her c o u n c il m e m b e r s planned various ac­ tivities for the wom ­ en students of SNU. S o m e o f th e s e in ­ cluded the tradition­ al “ Big S is-L il’ S is W eek ’’, H o m ecom ­ ing B r e a k fa s t and F all F e s t. AW S is k e p t b u sy y e a r ’round with activity, to provide the SNU fe m a le co m m u n ity with fun, social ac­ tivities.


Front L to R — Jam ie O lson, Vonda Lynn, Deanna Duke, Pam Lee, Lori Van Norman, Back — Laura Lewis, Amy Blom strom , Amy Herman, M ichelle McGuire, Melany Kyzer.

nterclub Council: Morsch Led

rclub Council is a ncil constructed for meeting together of dub presidents and up le a d e r s . T h e ncil was formed so t th e r e w o u ld b e :er com m unication veen clubs and spe;ally so that club acties would not con: with one another, a large council that

r e fle c ts th e d ifferen t interests and personal­ ities of SNU. Music, Re­ ligious, Social, Service, A cadem ic and Sports groups are all rep re­ sented. j Interclub Council was led this year by Kyle Morsch, who sim u lta­ n e o u s ly s e r v e d a s p r e s id e n t o f M ortar

Board. The C ou n cil’s s p o n s o r is M e la n y K yzer. T his year th e Council participated in a service project in con­ junction with the Marin es. They c o lle c te d to y s for th e p opu lar “ T oys for T o ts ” pro­ gram, which gives toys to needy an d/or sick children.

BOW WOW. This cute puppy w as one of the many toys Interclub Council collected .

CHILD’S PLAY. Kyle Morsch, Interclub president, p oses with som e of the toys co llected for “Toys for T ots.”

L to R Row 1 — Ginger W heatley (Spanish Club ), A nnette Hampton (BHHLH), Ella Millard (Chorale), Brian Turner (Math Club), Row 2 — Kyle Morsch (Mortar Board and Interclub), Laura Lewis (Circle K), Gina Jackson (SHEA), Laura Stroup (MENCUnison), LaDwana W hittenberg (Gospel Team), Cari Carter (Cheerleaders), K ayleen Ryan (Drama Club), Melany Kyzer (Sponsor), M ichael Oliver (Yelleaders), Mark Glover (AIM), Eric Jergensen (Physics Club), Jam es M oots (Mission Crusaders), Tim Crutcher (Alpha Lambda Delta), Tim Marek (Delta Mu Delta), Chris Arledge (Accounting Club), D ennis H enderson (College Republicans), S teve McCarthy (PBL), and Jeff Bouis (Campus Computer




“ O ne m u st search for truth in any guise or array it m ust and ca n b e fo u n d .” — J e ff H ayes, P resident

B e h a v io r a l S c i e n c e Club is made up of peo­ ple from P sy ch o logy, Sociology, Human Re­ lations, and any other major considered rela­ tive to the scien ce of Behavior. Its activities include special speak­ ers for the m em bers, c o m m u n ity s e r v ic e , projects for the needs in the im m ediate area, and different psycholo­ gy co m p e titio n s w ith neighborhood schools. The officers for the 8990 year are President Jeff Hayes, Treasurer, Loren J a m e s, S e c r e ­ tary Laura Parkes, and Advisor Dr. F. Ladd.

Officers: (left to right) Jam es, Laura Parkes, H ayes.

Science Council

T h is y e a r ’s S c ie n c e C ou n cil P r e s id e n t u Jarrell P ren tice, Vice President Jay Johrey T reasu rer Mike H o u ln e, S e r g e a n t-a t arms Todd Moore, the S pecial E vents Chair man, and the secretary is Shelley Harwell.

Row 1: Carla Durr, Sh elley H arwell, Jay Lohrey Row 2: M ichelle Moss, Lisa Ball, Emily Zurcher, D ebbie R oss, Paula Banks, Cristi Dodgen, Ann Hubbert, Tami Baily. Row 3: Dr. Finkenbinder, Mike H ouline, Colin Berg, Brent Little, Jarrell P rentice, Tommy Morgan.


The goal of the Science C o u n c il is to b e in volved in Service pro* j e c t s . 5 0 p e o p le oi more gathered to p icl up 12 tons of trash al S tin c h c o m b W ildlife Refuge. Their main pro­ ject is earth day, a day to recognize ecology.

Row 1: P hyllis Roehm , Rhonda Dutro, Becky Sm ith Row 2: Jeff W elwolo, Annie Eyadiel, Pup Thom as, Bertha Navvarro, Melody Chesnut, Cynthia Dunn. Row 3: Cathy Miller, Shirley R ice, Bonnie McMillan, Tami Ray, Jodi Orther, Carol Dorough, V enus Buckner, Kevin Roy

ie w ly fo r m e d , t h e 'ampus Computer Or­ ganization h as had a ood year. The organiation was started in >rder to u n ite th o s e yith an i n t e r e s t in Computer S cien ce and C om puter In fo rm a * ions System s. So far hey have b etw een 15 tnd 20 m em bers. In the utu re, th e o rg a n iza ion would like to atend co n fe ren ce s and em inars in th e area, rhis year they have in­ cited special speakers o com e to our cam pus tnd give lectures. Cam>us in v o lv e m e n t h a s >een one of their goals tnd t h e y ’v e e n d e a v ­ ored to have a cam pus ttudy break for all stu ­

d en ts during finals. Of­ ficers of th e organiza­ tio n a re J e f f B o u is , P r e s id e n t ; R ic k y Lance, V ice President; Jeff Crouch, Secretary; and Paul Overly, D irec­ tor of Social A ctivities. Professor Jim Tabers is th e o r g a n i z a t i o n ’s sponsor.

Nursing For th e n u rsin g s t u ­ dents at SNU, involve­ m ent has been em pha­ sized this year. Many w e r e e n c o u r a g e d to join sta te (ONSA) and national (NSA) organi­ z a t io n s fo r s t u d e n t nurses. Phyllis Roehm was elected to be part of the Communication and Recruitment Com­ m i t t e e a t th e s t a t e leve. This was a first for SNU. The Nursing Stu­ d e n ts A s s o c i a t i o n ’s purpose is to stim ulate interest in nursing, pro­ m ote professionalism , fa c ilita te com m unica­ tion betw een interest­ ed persons, m inister to th e to ta l person, and e n c o u r a g e C h r istia n p h ilosop h y o f ed u ca ­ tion. 1989-90 activities sponsored by the group are a Fall Car Wash, a c o m m u n ity p r o je c t, and another Spring fun­ draiser.


Campus involvem ent has been one of their goals


LEFT TO RIGHT — Lauri R ice, Tim Snowbarger, Valerie H ansen, Maylou W illiam son, S cott R egester, Mercy Eyadiel.

T his y ea r's so p h o ­ more cla ss o fficers busted through the new school year with W elcom e W eek and t h e ir in f a m o u s t h e m e , “ C lu e s a t SNU.” They worked hard to put on one of the m ost unique and fun B e a n ie N ig h ts and gave the incom ­ ing freshm en hilar­ ious rounds of initi­ a t io n . B ria n V an Norman, P resid en t, sp e n t th e w e ek in the Bethany Jail hidin g o u t fr o m th e freshmen. For more d e t a i l s a b o u t th e w eek turn to pages


CLOCKWISE — Carol Strong — V ice P resident of Student Services, Darla Strickland — B usiness Manager, Brian Van Norman — P resident, Tollya Stroud

- V ice P resident of Campus M inistries, Tiffani Liebman — O ffice Manager, Mario M annies — V ice P resident of Social Life.

Freshmen cla ss off] cers were elected i early October. Thos chosen were: Presi dent — S co tt Reges ter, V ice Presiden o f Social Life — Tir S n o w b a r g e r , V ic President of Campii M in is t r ie s — Va H ansen, V ice Pres dent of Student Sei v ices — Maylou Wii liam son, O ffice Mar ager — M erc E y a d iel, and Rusi n e s s M an ager Lauri Rice. T hese si o f f i c e r s le d t h e i c la s s and th e stu dent body as w ell i parties and variou o th e r a c t iv itie s S o m e o f t h e s e ir eluded a Christma Party and Lip Sync

A Jump-a-thon? Talk about creativity!

Head of the Class The Senior Class Coun­ c i l p o s e d a u n iq u e group of six individuals who led the senior class in their final year of coll e g e . P r e s id e n t w a s Stephanie Paris-Eaton. H er cou n cil in clu d ed V ice President of Stu­ dent S ervices — Cindy S u lliv a n , V ice P r e s i­ dent of Social Life — L eem an B en n in g to n , V ice President of Cam­ pus M inistries — Mark Glover, Business Man­ ager — D eann P ap e, and O ffice Manager — Janet Adams. LEFT TO BIGHT

Front: Leem an Back: Janet Stephanie Bennington. Adam s, Cindy Paris-Eaton, Mark Glover, Sullivan, Deann Pape

L to R — Dr. Joy Bever, Laura H em phill, Susan H enderson, M elanie McNutt (president), M elissa Little, Terri Beck, Catania McGuire Row 2 — Shari A lbertson, Avril Freeman, Lori Van Norman Row 3 — Ginger W heatley, Lowell Berg, Luke Green, ____________________________________DeLyna Herren

SH EA . . . S t u d e n t s Home Economic A sso­ ciation. The SHEA Club is an organization for all the Home Economic m ajors. This in clu d es any major from Family Studies to Fashion Mer­ chandizing. This group just lets all th e H om e E con om ics majors to get together and share their inter­ e sts with each other. M eetings are held once a month at which they have special speakers and a c tiv itie s .

*L to R —: Row 1 — DeShannon Benson, , Marcia Spears, Row 2 — Prof. Totm an, Amber Snowbarger, Pam Taylor, Gina Jackson (president), M elissa Ripper, Prof. P ierce.

“ A pples! T h at’s th e th e m e t h is year for SEA.”

Apples! That's the them e this year for tl Student Education A ssociation (SEA). This organization's president, Melanie McNutt, has worked hard to m ake it more well known and to gc people to join. Why get involved in this organization if you plan to be an educator? It offers benefits. After a student graduates, SEA will pay him tw enty dollars for every year that he wa a member. You also get a Sam ’s Card, m em bership to a credit union, and insurance when you becom e a teacher.

Spanish Club

L to R — Row 1 — G rissel Guzman, Prof. W ood, Kara H udson, Row 2 — Ginger W heatley, Raqui Cintron, Stephanie Langford, Marci Flores,

H eath er N orton, an In ter n a tio n a l S t u d i e s m a jo r , was president of French Club this year. H ea th er is o n e p e r so n w h o can a tte st to the u sefulness of the foreign langu age and c u lt u r e cla sses that SNU offers. She plans on using her for­ eign la n g u a g e in her career ch oice, w h ic h m a y i n ­ clude living in Eu­ rope and working in so m e ty p e o f p o lit ic a l a tm o ­ sp h e r e .

Andrea D ech, Glenna Murray, Lori G eraci, Row 3 — Angie Gutierrez, Mark Mann, M ichelle Banz, Jeff Robinson, Irma Rangel

“ This organiza­ t io n w e lc o m e s all.

Habla espanol? You do not necessarily have to speak Spanish to be a p a rt o f th e S p a n ish Club. This organization w elcom es all who want to understand and ap­ p reciate th e H ispanic culture and maybe even learn to speak a few w ords in S pan ish. In S e p te m b e r , th e club s p e n t a w e e k e n d in Dallas at the Mexican fo lk fe s tiv a l. D uring O ctober, they partici­ pated in the Children’s Carnival. Casa Hispanica is a special event. For a w e e k e n d , club m em bers go to Profes­ sor W ood ’s h o u se to ta ste Spanish food, ab­ sorb Hispanic culture, and practice speaking the language.

L to R Row 1 — Kris Clark, H eather Norton, Row 2 — D enise P enczak, Melany Lassiter.


JAZZ BAND T h e SN U J a z z Band is a talented group of students who have e n te r ­ t a in e d m any th r o u g h o u t t h e city. B esid e per­ forming Fall and Sprin g c o n c e r ts on cam pus, th ey have played in the past at the Okla­ h om a C ity A r ts F e s tiv a l, d in n er parties, and at a Federal P en iten ­ tiary in O k la h o ­ m a, w h er e th e y claim to have had their m ost captive audience. The mu­ sicians are direct­ ed by Phil Moore and a lth o u g h c o u r s e c r e d it is received for being a part of the band,

LEFT TO RIGHT — John M itchell, Mike LaPrarie, K ristie W illiam s

Tim Crutcher

many are not mu­ s i c m a jo r s a n d play for the enjoy­ m ent of playing.

DRAMA CLUB D ram a Club h as grown to have a large m embership in its second year h isto ry . K ayleen Ryan, P resid en t, has provided the talent and inspiration necessary to k e e p th e c lu b grow ing and g o ­ in g . T he clu b is g e a r e d to w a r d m in is t r y and m em bers use dra­ ma to convey the m essage of Jesus Christ to a hurting world. The Drama team travels regu­ larly across SNU’s ed u cation al zon e perform ing s k e tc h e s th a t

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range from “hysterica l c o m e d ie s to heart touching truths.” All of the sk e tc h e s a re scripturally based.

Chorale is one of many sing­ ing groups at SNU and their goal is to m inister through their m usic. M embers m ust audition to be a part of Cho­ rale. T his w as an e x c itin g year for Chorale m em bers in that they w ere able to travel to E urope and p erform in m any c o u n tr ie s su ch as F ra n ce, H o lla n d , S w itz e r ­ land, Austria, and East /W est Germany. A few things they did to raise m oney for the trip included a “Madrigal Dinner*' held at OKC Rirst Nazarene Church which took everyone back in tim e to the R enais­ san ce Era and putting on a “Pops Concert" in the Spring at B eth an y F irst N azarene Church. This years officers include: Ella Millard — P resi­ dent; S ta cee Skaggs — V ice President; Andrea Strait — S e c r e ta r y ; Tim M arek — B usiness Manager; Greg Rid­ dle & R ebecca Ridley — Li­ brarian; Laura Stroop — Pub­ licity; and K ent V anderslice — Freshm an R epresentative.

ROW 1 — Dana McGrady, Jennifer Craven, Sandy Craven, Mijce Cook, Chris A rledge, C andace Pape ROW 2 —- Tami Bailey, Lowell Berg, Debi Bailey, K elli Calhoun, Brent Ryan, Mucio de M acedo ROW 3 — M ichelle Banz, Colin Berg, Mark Mann, Jon Fetterhoff, Paul Burkhardt, Paul McGrady

Fellow ship of Christian A th­ le te s is a national organiza­ tion developed to join to g eth ­ er ath letes and coach es who desire to serve God and want to grow in their relationship with Him. FCA is m ade up of both m en and wom en ath­ lete s, plus th ose who aren’t actual m em bers of the SNU sports team s, but have a love for sports. Two of the activi­ tie s the m em bers have been a part of are State R allies and N a t i o n a l FCA S u m m e r Camps, where FCA m em bers are counselors and try to in­ stil in th e kid s at camp not only a Christian attitude in playing sports, but also want to encourage kids to surren­ der their lives to Christ. On cam pus, FCA has had profes­ sional a th le tes com e speak, including Ceaser R entie (OU Football, Chicago Bears) and Tim L ash er (OU F o o tb a ll, briefly with Chicago Bears.)


COLLEGIANS The Collegians is SNU’s male quartet. This year the group con sisted of S co tt P eterson , Brian N o lle n b e r g e r , D a v id Cook, Jon Middendorf, C raig J o h n s o n , an d Daniel Galbraith. The Collegians are heavily involved with student recruitment as well as ministry. Most of their w e e k e n d s are s p e n t traveling as well as the summer m onths.

H igh est P ra ise is a m ix ed q u a rte t th a t travels on the w eek­ ends and during the sum m er m on th s r e ­ cruiting potential stu­ dents and ministering across SNU’ s e d u ca ­ tional zone. They spend many hours each w eek phoning students and practicing songs. High­ est Praise is especially unique this year as it in­ volves both of the Isom twins, Danny and Tom­ my and their talen ts. Jeff Sexton, director of Student Recruitm ent is the director of H ighest Praise and the Colle­ gians as well.


LEFT TO RIGHT — S cott P eterson, Brian Nollenberger, David Cook, Jon Middendorf, Daniel Galbraith

LEFT TO RIGHT — Danny Isom , Kin Bradford, Leanne Milby, Tommy Isom Dana Cool


ABOVE — Shari Albertson sp en ds tim e with others. LEFT — Doug W oolery found som e new friends. BELOW — Tommy Isom and M elissa M cIntosh talk with som e children.

BELOW Row 1: Jeff Bouis, Mike Matlock, M elissa McIntosh. Maylou

W illiam son, Becky Sm ith, A n nette Lopez Row 2: Doug W oolery, Chandra N icholson, Gina Dorris, Shari A lbertson, Pam Terrill, Laura H em phill Row 3: Brian Turner, Herb A lbertson, David M anes, Lee Copeland, Tim Snowbarger, D aniel Galbraith, Mike Overholt

University singers is a group of extrem ely tal­ ented college students. D u rin g th e s u m m e r they had the privilege of traveling throughout New Zealand and enter­ taining as w ell as min­ istering. Dr. Double E. Hill is the sp on sor/d i­ rector for the singers, and he was the origina­ tor of the New Zealand trip idea. During the s e ­ m ester, fall and spring, U n iv e r s it y S in g e r s t r a v e l to d if f e r e n t churches and m inister. They also hold a special concert each year.

Mission Crusaders is a travelling music group that is versed in skits and instru­ ments as well. They travel biweekly and som etim es w eekly to c h u r c h e s on SNU’s educational zone, spreading the go sp el of J esu s Christ. Mission Cru­ sa d ers a lso g iv e s p u b lic ity to SNU and draws in poten­ tial students. To be a member, students m ust audition, al­ th o u g h in t e r e s t plays a major part in selection. This year Mission Crusaders traveled to C osta Rica during Spring Break to help in a refugee camp. Dr. Leo F inkenbinder was the sponsor. Su­ san Adrian was the director.

ROW 1 — Jam es M oots, Ginger W heatly, Laura Durfee, Stephanie Langford, S cott Cundiff ROW 2 — G rissell Guzman, Janis Schm idt, Sh ellie Howard, Cherie Crouch, Susan Adrian, Kara H udson, M elissa Ivey ROW 3 — Dr. Finkenbinder, Tami Ray, M ichael Tims, Cambria M oots, Robby Colem an

Gospel Team G ospel Team is a m usical-skit group that travels across SNU’s educational zon e p ro cla im in g the gospel of Jesus Christ in word and song. Often, Gospel Team holds the en­ tir e s e r v ic e at a church, in clu d in g the speaker. LaDwana Whittenberg, a music major, was president. LaDwana plays the saxophone as w ell as d irects the team in perfor­ m ance. G o sp e l Team has had a big im p a c t on SN U ’s ed u ca tio n a l zo n e. They have faithfully ministered to Naza­ rene church-goers, as well as impacted the liv es of Naza­ rene Youth, influ-



encing several to at­ tend SNU.

The A.LM. club can be found in th e Re­ ligion and P h ilo s­ ophy Building, but it can also b e found in the hearts o f e v ­ ery person who e i­ t h e r s t u d i e s or tea ch es in the Reli­ g ion D e p a r tm en t, P rofessors and stu ­ dents o f th is club are b e c o m in g a c ­ tiv ely in v o lv ed in som e type o f m inis­ try e ith e r on th is ca m p u s or in th e co m m u n ity . T hey are fu lf illin g th e call on their liv e s to m in is t e r in th e ir p resen t w o r ld . T hough th e s t u ­ d ents o f the A.LM. club are Religion or C h r istia n E d u c a ­ t io n m a j o r s / m i ­ nors, each m em ber is p r e p a r in g t o serve in som e fu­ tu re p o s itio n and present p osition of m in istr y . The w h o le p u rp o se o f this club is to build g r o u n d w o r k fo r present and future m inistry opportuni­ tie s. It is the goal of th e club to actively serve in m inistry at any tim e.

LEFT TO RIGHT: Back — Larry Morris, dam es Kingery, Lee Ellingson, Bobby Howard, K eith Jones, Neal Jon es Front — Mark Glover, Farrell W allace, Kristi Lut2, Raqui Cintron, Jetton Meador

“A.I.M. . . . can also be found in the hearts of every person who either stu dents or teach ers in th e R elig io n D e p t.” — Mark Glover, P resident

ACCT What do all m em bers of the A ccounting club have in com m on? You g u essed it — A ccount­ ing c la ss “horror sto ­ ries/* Actually, they all have an in terest in ac­ counting and many are A ccounting majors. So what d oes the club do? They th em selv es have been trying to figure this out. An effort was put forth to hold tutor­ ing se ssio n s for th ose

in o th er Accounting c la s s e s . M ost im por­ tant is th e support be­

tween m em bers,lllM p


■' .

. :■ :

• ■. , .

LEFT TO RIGHT — Jonathan Meek, Lori Burris, Shell!

main ingredient o f the club. This years offi­ cers include: Chris Arie d g e — P r e s id e n t; Kimberly Bush — S ec­ retary; Lori Burris — C o m p t r o lle r ; and J o n a th a n M eek — Chaplain.

Shephard, Cindy Joy, Teresa Bolter, Kimberly Bush, Tim Marek, Chris Arledge (seated)


Bracken Bracken has always been known as the study dorm. It is much quieter than Snowbarger, but it is not boring. R.D., Phil Brown and his wife Joy, try to create a “hom ey” atm osphere for students. R .A /s, Tim, Brad and Rod create their own excitem ent on their floors with pizza parties, devotions, etc

LtR — Phil Brown, Tim e Evans, Brad W hittaker, Rod Bow ie

A mans h o m e is h is c a s t le ! Or is th a t dun­ geon?”


T h e s p ir it o f S n o w ­ barger can be charac­ terized in the R.A.’s — ROWDY! Snowbarger, unlike Bracken, is not a quiet dorm. The T.V. is always blaring and stu ­ dents are always co l­ lecting in the lobby to ta lk . R .A .s rea lly try hard to create a good atm osphere for th e stu­ d en ts, esp ecially fresh­ man R.A., Paul Jackson w ho h o ld s d e v o tio n s and h as regular floor parties.

LtR — Mike Houlne, Jim m y H alliburton, Bill H am iter, Jeff Crouch, Jim Thornton, Frank Bell, Paul Jackson


Hatley H atley is the freshman girls’ dorm. This year a new R.D. resides there — B e c k y C a m p b e ll. Each floor on H atley has two R.A.s as this m akes it easier to cater to more students needs and interests.

It’s lik e living in >ne b ig b o u s e

w ith a l l friends LtR — Lisa H am ilton, M ichelle McGuire, Becky Cam pbell, Lori Van Norman, Darla Strickland, BACK — Sue Waller, Cheryl Chamberlain, Andrea (Jphaus, Kim W ilson

CLOCKWISE — Beth Wordsworth, Bev Stanton, Lauretta D ickey, Rhonda Dutro, Sherri Scroggins, Diane Minnix, Kayleen Ryan

iarey dorm is the uper classm en dorm for lie girls. Beth Wordsw­ orth is the dorm mom. he provides a listenig ear and helps her orm daughters when e e d e d . F ir e fig h te r s ended to be v isitin g iarey dorm more than sual this year due to om e bad cooking and xtra lint in the cloth es Iryer.



Big Hands Helping Lit­ tle Hands is a new club on cam pus th is year. The club began by th e in sp ira tio n o f junior, A nnette Hampton. An­ n ette said she felt God leading her to start this o rg a n iza tio n and sh e acted upon His direc­ tion. The main project of B.H.H.L.H. was the K id s F air. T h is e n ­ ta ile d th e w ork and dedication of many stud e n ts. A n n e tte w as c o m m e n d e d by th e P r e s id e n tia l C o u n cil for her work. ABOVE LEFT —* C andace Pape len d s a helping hand. LEFT — A fragile little hand finds strength in a larger ABOVE RIGHT — Art work by April Bybee.

The Members of the Or­ ganization for Mother Students is a new club on cam pus th is year. The club began when Anna D e r b y s h ir e , president, initiated the m e e tin g to g e th e r o f m o th e r s t u d e n t s so that the m others would k n o w t h e y a re n o t alone in the struggle of raising a family while also getting an educa­ tion. Anna, a mother of a four year old daughter and one year old twin girls, realized the need of mother students to com e together to fel­ lo w s h ip an d le a r n . Anna w rote a form al constitution and it was approved by SGA.


M.O.M.S. m em bers including Anna Derbyshire, Presiden and Peggy P o tee t, Faculty Sponsc

CIRCLE K Laura Lewis, president of Circle K for the 899 0 s c h o o l y ea r, p ro ­ vided excellen t leader­ ship for the organiza­ tio n . Laura, a Junior, worked hard to utilize th e c lu b 's p o te n tia l. The annual blood drive b ro k e r e c o r d s. The canned food drive and the cloth es drive were also big su ccesses. Cir­ cle K is a totally service oriented club and has around 30 active m em ­ bers.

HOW 1 — S teve Burdine, Brian N ollenberger, Tim McClain. HOW 2 — W endi Zink, D alene R ovenstine, D ebbie Silvernail, Janis Schm idt, Craig Cumm ings, Laura Lewis, D ennis H enderson, Melody C hestnut, Christy D avis, Jackie Ston e, D enise W atson. ROW 3 — Jackie M oss, Amy W rinkle, D eana Starnes, Lori King, Travis P etty, A n nette G eraci, Jene Jackson, Braiden Alderson.


ROW 1 ROW 2 Delwin ROW 3

— Loren Jam es, T eresa Baker — A lexis Taylor, Rachel Barrett, Deanna Duke, Crutchfield, Terri Clark, Kyle McGraw — Tami H ester, Vonda Lynn, Steph anie R om anek

To boost the counsel­ ing services of Student D e v e lo p m e n t a n ew program has been initi­ ated. This plan, headed by K yle McGraw, s e ­ l e c t s 6 -1 2 s t u d e n t s from approximately 50 who have been nom i­ nated by SGA for their ability to listen, care, and understand. A pan­ el consisting of the Di­ rector of Student D e­ velopm ent, the Direc­ tor of Counseling, and the A ssistant Director o f S tu d e n t D e v e lo p ­ m en t th en ta k e s th e nom inees through ap­ p lic a tio n s and in te r ­ views.


Fashion, Couples, Berlin, Twin;

A mini-mag is just what the name implies: a miniature magazine that contains a number of features interesting to or about college students. On the following pages you will find such features as the Berlin Wall — an event that will forever mark the ending of the decade of the 80’s. You will also find fashions that will define and describe your generation throughout histo­ ry. We’ve devoted a section to the twins on our campus — those curious siblings who look (but don’t always act) just

“And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight . . . ” Phil. 1:9-10 alike! Plus, we’ve taken a glimpse at a few true-blue cou­ ples on campus. Best of all, we offer a spread on “jeaneology” — you’ll have a blast trying to identify the coeds on these two pages! Turn the page and enjoy! Left — Annette Hampton, jr. left SNU at the end of the fall semester to pursue her education at the University of Missouri at Kansas City. Annette was very involved in extra-curricular activities while attending SNU.

Costa Rican Crusade Mission Crusaders Spread Gospel Spring Break ’90 RIGHT. H osea From H alejula BELOW. Cherie Crouch, Susan Adrian and Laura Durfee sharing


W hat is fashion? Some say fashion is a trend th at is created by people. O th ­ ers say th a t fash io n is y o u r ow n p e r s o n a l it y coming out through the way you dress. As we look a cro ss th e campus, our eyes catch all varities of styles. There are the outrageous dresses th at are put together with different prints, holes in the knees of je a n s and oversized tre n c h co ats. There are the sharp dress­ ers; everything they wear is coordinated with their jewelry to accent the out­ fit. But then there are also those who ju st don’t care. Both these different styles express th e p erso n ality and the feelings of the in­ dividual. In high school the word “ fashion” was the way we thought. Now all th a t is behind us. W e have devel­ oped our own selves and created our own image, just the way God m eant us to be. — Shellie H ow ard

STRIPE IT RICH. Cheryl Chamberlain is one person on campus who definitely has her own style. Even her shoes have stripes on t


> 1*1 i1, t

A SPLASH OF CLASS. Jeff Robinson can get away with anything — red hightops on Sunday morning, Russian t-shirts and a tuxedo!

■*! fc",1 r ,* ! r ,^ lA t w

p tr J v > w tlflllw l

VINTAGE VISION. Susan Adrian shops at thrift stores by choice. There she finds vintage apparel to suit her liking. Her brother is pictured with her in the lower right hand corner. NO MONKEY BUSINESS. Brad M ayes’ sophisticated style will hopefully land him a position on the first rung of the corporate ladder.


Twin Grins Are In Double vision may be a cute

as individuals growing up.

ny, who was miles away,

closer than anyone else in

flung towards the groum

play on w o rd s w hen it

They had their separate

had a very bad headache

their family. They always

the same time.

comes to twins, but just be­

identities. Many of their in­

the same day. They also

took care of each other

cause two siblings may look

terests are the same, al­

lost the same teeth at the

growing up and protected

All the twins who have c

just identical, it does not

though they became more

same time!??

each other. Anita was the

er siblings said they ar<

mean that they are!

independent of one another

more dominant of the two.

as close to them as they

Both said there w as no

to each

competition between them,

course, all the twins c

although Anita felt there

fessed to playing tricks

was some unfair treatment

te a c h e rs

concerning curfews and the

places in class.

as they got older. The Cra­ All the twins interviewed

ven girls experienced many

say that they are very much

of the same strange coinci­

their own person. They all

dences that tw ins often

claim individuality, despite

share. They both lost their

similar looks. All the twins

teeth at the same time and

also expressed that there is

once Sandy got hurt in gym

a special bond between

and Jennifer felt it. The

them and their twin.

Isom tw in s, Danny and Tommy, also had similar ex­

Jennifer and Sandy Craven

periences. Tommy had a

said they were both treated

concussion once and Dan­

Anita and Alan Carley were fraternal

(not identical)

twins, obviously as they are not of the same gender! Growing up, Anita and Alan always had to know where each other was all the time. Alan said everytime he got a fe e lin g so m e th in g w as wrong with Anita, it usually was. Anita and Alan said they are best friends, and

" W e had our own identity and were treated as individuals." — J e n n ife r and Sandy Craven

"Once Tommy had a concussion and I had a bad headache the same day miles away." — Dan­ ny Isom


o th e r. A n d

by s w itc h

car, since Alan was a guy. The Craven girls told of a

Other twins on campus

time when they were both

elude: Andrea and Al

asleep on two couches in

Dech, Terry and Tam

their living room and they

White and Missy Durr, v

both turned over at the

has a tw in brother v

same time and their arms

does not attend SNU.


S h h . T h e “ D ” w o rd sh o u ld n ’t be spoken so loudly! The “ D ” word? Yea, the “ D ” word — DA -T-I-N -G . It can be a real pain in the neck — or heart — or pocketbook. But, let’s face it — we all want to do it. W e all long to be called on the phone and hear those m agical words asking us out. U nfortunately, there is so much pressure put on d a t­ ing relationships th at peo­ ple ru n th e o th e r w ay when the “ D ” word is u t­ tered (especially guys). People fail to have fun and enjoy the com pany of another person. They get

The Great Date Debate

w rap p ed up in defin­ ing the re­ la tio n s h ip and end up spending very little tim e getting to know the other person.

So m any stereotypes are attached to dating th a t it ruins a lot of potentially good dates. For instance, girls really don’t expect guys to sp en d a lot of m o n ey on th e m . M o st g irls a re h ap p y w ith a pepped-up night at Chilis with chips and salsa. And guys don’t really like a lot of m akeup — it gets all over their clothes when

you hug them and S tiff S tu f f only keeps th e m from running their fingers through your lovely locks. D ating can also become very boring and routine. Dinner and a movie are fine, but once in a while a d if f e r e n t a c tiv ity c a n m ake all the difference. For instance, bored cou­ ples can go roller skating or to a play. M useum s of­ fer insight, and taking the a rtist’s pallet in your own hand can be fu n .

S id e w a lk c h a lk or p a in ts can be used to create neat designs and neat m em o­ ries. Finally, it’s im portant to realize th a t dating is not a ticket of e n te rtain m e n t. Just because you may be­ come bored with routine, d o e s n ’t m e a n y o u ’re bored with each other.

Larrs and Maria attended SN U for two years before returning home to Sweden. SPORTS. Lowell Berg and Tami Bailey are both heavily involved in FCA, Leisure Services, and the Greek Societies. MUSIC. Doug Woolery and Laura Hemphill were engaged in December. They share similar interests in music.


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ISTRY. David Baker and Susan Henderson are not only perfect for each other, dso perfect for the pastorate.


Crumbling Down The Iron Curtain is chipped away. On A ugust 13, 1961 the wall began as barb wire strung between poles. The reason was as obvious as th e c o n s tru c tio n — to keep people in. So many East G erm ans were leav­ ing th at it caused a severe labor shortage. Soldiers were called in to run the governm ent tra n s p o rta ­ tion system. Even so, the wall could not contain ev­ eryone. Alm ost 200 n a­ tives died trying to cross it. A n e s tim a te d 5000 made it successfully. In 1963, President John F. Kennedy cam e to Berlin.

In a speech of encourage­ m e n t he to ld th e E a st G e rm a n s “ Ich bin ein B e rlin e r.” — let th e m come to Berlin. Excitem ent fills the air as the clock draws closer to m id n ig h t. A s fa m ilie s pack they begin to laugh again — surely only hap­ piness can come now. As Novem ber 9, 1989 begins so does the celebration. F irew o rk s b laze across the sky. E ast G erm ans are warm ly greeted by their n e ig h b o rs . T h e e ig h th wonder of the world has

h a p p e n e d . T h e B e rlin W all is down. Color and noise explode. F rie n d s dance on top of w hat was o nce a lo ck e d d o o r to them . Parents chip away shards of the wall to save as relics, a piece of history to pass down. W ith this freedom comes the hope for reform. As their Presi­ dent Egon Krenz prom ­ ises dem ocratic, free and secret elections, the Iron C urtain fades away. The right to choose is price­ less. A lthough it was A ugust,

the cold could be felt. A piece of their freedom was ta k e n aw ay w ith e a c h hard cem ent block added to the wall th a t would im ­ p riso n th e m a n d th e ir children. They were still p ro u d E a s t G e r m a n s . M any would jum p from th ird floor w indow s to land in fire nets on the western side of the wall. Soon those windows were boarded by the “ au th o ri­ ties” . Homes were bull­ dozed to m ake room to widen the wall. It repre­ sented the seemingly per­ m a n e n t o p p re s s io n o f

c o m m u n is m . H o p e freedom dim inished w each death of a fair m em ber or friend wh attem pts for escape w unsuccessful. T here w no e x c e p tio n s . Pei Fechter, age 18, was b tally shot down while sc ing the wall. Lying on cold ground for an ho his life’s blood flowed < — and with it his 1 chance to obtain the rij to m ake his own decisio A n u n h a p p y peo] f o r c e d to liv e w itl boundaries.

WALL. The beginning of the new decade marked not only an end to the cold war as we had known it, but also many changes in Communist and Eastern block countries. Especially in East Germany, Hungary, and Romania.

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Academics .

Editor — Brian Mowry

A Liberal Arts Education Unfortunately, few really consider the purpose and usefulness of a liberal arts education. Academics do not ensure money for the future and a college degree doesn’t guarantee a job. What do academics offer then? Joy, wisdom, peace, a quality life — these are the intangible fruits of a liberal arts education. The liberal arts student cares not about large sums of money, being an executive, or driving a BMW. He seeks to examine himself, his society and his ances­ tors in art, literature and history. His curiosity leads him to discover imperfections and flaws in his identity and culture and searches for solutions to those problems and conditions (i.e. — social revolution, economic failure, homelessness, edu-

“Oh the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowl­ edge of God! How unsearchable his judgements, and his paths beyond tracing out!” Romans 11:33 cation). He wants to find the formulas to interpret the myster­ ies of God’s invisible universe — the molecules and atoms — and from such knowledge create medicine to improve human life. The physicist, chemist and biologist know more about a tree than its color. They know how trees grow, and realize the importance of preserving instead of destroying them to keep them yielding fruit and producing oxygen in order to sustain other life forms. In studying the physical makeup of the world, the liberal arts student has greater appreciation for nature and its usefulness to man. He thus becomes a steward of God’s creation. Ultimately, however, the person influenced by the liberal arts realizes the limitations of his own being as he explores the finiteness of man in history and literature and discovers the greatness of the Creator revealed in the intricacies and won­ ders of nature. He sees his need for a more powerful Being and finds great, unsurpassing joy in such insights. He is happy not because of his high position, wealth, or profession, but simply because God considered his valueable enough to be created and to be loved. Such great wisdom in the goal of the liberal arts.

Spanish, Drama, Physics, Sociology And it is the liberal arts that allow many of us to mount up with wings

M l 124

Introducing Loren Gresham is a dynamic individual on campus who is also our president. He is originally from Nashville, Tennessee. He’s been with Southern Nazarene University for 23 years. He started out as a political science teacher and then became chairman of the department. He was assistant basketball coach from 1971 to 1979 and head basketball coach from 1979 to 1986. Dr. Gresham was provost from the fail of 1985 until June 30, 1989 when he became our president. This has been a busy and important year for him. He became president of our great university and also celebrated his 25 year anniversary with his wife, Linda in March, 1989. He describes his wife as a people person who knows >more students than he does because Linda has worked in Student Development for five years. Their only child, Lynette, was married on September 9, 1989, in California. There are many functions that a president must fill. He makes decisions on academic programs and allocation of resources. Our president is the leader of the campus community. As such he must be the epitome of perfection, or at least an all around good guy, which he is indeed. He works with fund-raising to help with tuition and fees. He acts as mediator between the Board of Trustees and the campus. The best part of the job is his opportunity to know people. He even finds handling problems to be a challenge, believing that they keep one growing, thinking and being creative.

F IR ST L A D Y . Dr. and Mrs. Gresham took part in the Homecoming Coronation.

FORM ER P R E SID E N T OF BNC. Dr. Stephen Nease, Dir. of Educ. Serv. Er. Intnt’l. Chict Naz, took part in the inauguration.

M ounts up

Howard Culbertson, furloughed mis­ sionary from Haiti, has occupied the Garner Chair of Missions for the past two years. His responsibilities have in­ cluded teaching two missions courses each semester, one section o f Christian Thought and maintaining relations with the Missionary kids on campus. Also added to his list o f responsibilities this year is the position of college chaplain, which he says he enjoys the most o f all his responsibilities. Dr. Culbertson said of his feelings about the SNU student body, "I am overwhelmed by the strength of most students committment to Christ and to finding His will for their lives. At the

same time my heart aches a bit, for I know the awful tragedies that life will throw at them before long. So, I do alot of praying for them /’ Dr. Culbertson was the originator o f this year's chapel theme "Mount up with wings", which he took from the book of Isaiah. This theme was carried out as this year’s yearbook theme as well. Dr. Culbertson has influenced many lives while at SNU and when the time comes for him to return to the mission field, he will be very missed by one and

Above — Dr. Culbertson and Dorris Littrell perform a skit at the faculty retreat. Left — Dr. Culbertson receives an alumni award.



oncerned about the fate o f SNU? Don’t worry! Two special administrators have the future state of the university under control. Their jobs are designed to improve the future prospects of the college. I

One of these administrators is Mr. Tom Leupp. In charge of University Outreach, he works with President Gresham on stu­ dent enrollment. He visits two year col­ leges that do not offer courses that SNU has such as nursing and early childhood education. He spends some time counsel­ ing high school students and other possi­ ble college candidates. He also wishes to reach out to mainland China for desirable students. Mr. Leupp’s goal for SNU en­ rollment is to reach two thousand. More importantly, however, Mr. Leupp desires that each student, faculty and staff mem­ ber continue to grow spiritually and "seek first the kingdom of God."




pool and assists students considering SNU in making decisions toward eventual enrollment. Jeff hopes to see SNU’s student body grow to 1500 un­ dergraduates. He also visions SNU "coming to an apex in Christian education” and "being recognized as one of the leaders in higher education in the Southwest."

jjj 81 B B

Wf f

Indeed, SNU is privileged to have its ‘ destiny shaped by two ambitious, Christ-seeking administrators with positive expectations for the university. If the visions of Tom Leupp and Jeff Sexton materialize, the new decade looks promising for SNU.

Another key person involved in improving the future of SNU is Jeff Sexton. Director of Student Recruitment, Jeff tries to de­ velop and maintain a prospective student

R ECR U IT. Jeff Sexton, Kim Bradford and Tommy Isom make weekly meetings and regular practices a part of their daily lives. A LU M N I. Dorris Littrel busily attends to alum­ ni affairs. GRADES. Maxine Lewis is kept busy each se­ mester with grades and transcripts.

Registrar, Gary Lance

University Outreai Tom Leupp



Lynn Johnson, secretary to Don Billings, Financial Aid Dept.

The Board of Trustees Susan Tindall, Secretary to the President Sandy Everett, Secretary to Dean Beaver

Student Development

Need Them Tftelany *Kyjen alee fe lls Aen fount &y cvcnsccinp student enpanifatiens and activities. *?t It Aen responsibility te mafo community life run a t smootAly a t


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Student Development

TIME OUT. "W tiAc S’uux& i

<* tittle tenti* at t6c fricutty ictxeat.


focot&U*. BURGER TIME.

t>uf u ft* (AcfrutiH?

Staff and Maintanance *7Ae S 'H 'U e ta ff ie d ed ica ted to eervlny tAe etudent Aody. *7Aey Aeep tAe compete runnlny emoetAly a n d ef­ ficien tly. HlAe taAee careoftA eeevera lfix -u p e , Aeepe tAe cam pue laume In oAapc, a n d eeee te I t tA at eacA deem an d A ulldlny te clean a n d ean ltary e ta ff doee i t a ll. H eed a p a rt-tim e fed? g o m e Ay tAe (Career l&enter an d talA te H ire, 'g il­ lie 'pernio. / 4leaaye fr ie n d ly a n d evllllny te Aetp, H ire. Jennie coendlnatee on-cam pue feAe for u*orA incen­ tive an d tvorA etu dy etudente. ?n a d ­ d itio n te p eettn y an d yeneratlny jed e fee etudente, H ire. p e rrie cenducte eem lnare on reeume tm ltln y an d fed


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Science is like a game, although many would find the word "game” offensive as it does not denote the seriousness of the world of science. Still, the word "game” is used as a metaphor because science is both challenging and exciting, governed by rules and entertaining. Games are played for many reasons: diver­ sion, amusement, competition, intellectu­ al stimulation, social interaction, chance, strategy, personal enhancement, emotion­ al gratification and curiosity. Several as­ pects of science contain many of the things on this list. Curiosity is probably the most outstand­ ing motivation scientists have. Other mo­ tivations include imposing order on cha­

os, a desire for recognition and improving the world. N o one is truly educated unless | they understand something about the ; game of science. Part of earning a college degree at SNU includes learning in this area. Students are required to take one math class, at least at the Intro to Algebra level, one biology class and one physical science. SNU offers a broad selection of courses ranging from Astronomy to Ge­ netics and provides an extraordinary staff to lead it.

MAD CHEMISTS. Dr. Heasley assists his student Joanna with a firey potion.

TICO TIMES. Dr. Finkenbinder, Brian Pilcher, Leeman Bennington, Brian Shigley, and Dr. Young read for the Tico Times of their lives. MYSTERIOUS PROJECT. Who is that masked man anyway? PRE MEDITATION. Sean Grinovich works in the chemistry lab.

COW BOY. Dr. Finkenbinder "hams� it up at the faculty retreat.

1 Science and Health

rof. Marjorie Cole

Dr. Wanda Rho<

Prof. Betty Ware

Prof. Norma W ood CHIT CHAT. Bill Hamiter converses with student, Robbie Powell. DETAIL. Lynn Engleman examines cells underneath a microscope.

Professional and Social Studies

The great Russian writer and philosopher Fyodor Dostoevsky wrote this to his brother in 1839- "Man is a mystery; if you spend your entire life trying to puzzle it out, then you have not wasted your time. I occupy myself with this mystery, because I want to be a man.” Like Dostoevsky, some students at SNU have a curiosity about man. Some are more con­ cerned about the history of man — the devel­ opments of civilization — and the current political, economical and cultural issues that impact him. Other students devote their study to the psyche of man and discover how

he thinks, behaves, and operates in the world. Likewise, some students study how man functions in society and the social dynamics that affect and change him. Students with these interests and who wish to work and serve the public world will find adequate training within the Bresee College of Professional and Social Studies. This col­ lege, under the direction of Dr. Forest Ladd, offers six academic majors — history, politi­ cal science, business, home economics, soci­ ology and psychology. The Bresee College prepares its students to be people servers as well as professionals in the business and so­ cial world.



Dr. Forest Ladd


Prof. Robert Lively

Prof. Linda Shaw

Dr. Randall Spindle

Dr. Lyle Tullis

Professional and Social Studies Preparing. Pam Lee gets hands-on experience with computers. MAN’S B.F. Dr. Stasser often brings her dog "Misty” to school with her. FUTURE AMBASSADOR. Jene Jackson bones up on her Russian Flistory.


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CO M PU TE. Annette Geraci works on a computer in Royce Brown. TEACH. Professors Totman and Peirce help students prepare for the yearly fashion show.

GLANCE. Aaron Archambo takes a break from the Wall Street Journal.

Professional and Social Studies

Professional and Social Studies

'rof. Elbert Overb

Powell Prof. Donna Totman ABOVE R — Amber Snowbarger and Brinda Neagle look through fashion magazines for ideas. SURPRISE. Dr. Mills takes a breather from classes.

’rof. Connie Pierce Prof. Anita Reynolds

hakespeare, Piaget, Saint Paul, Don Quijote . . . though each of these writ­ ers and philosophers have no relation to each other, they have been studied thor­ oughly by students within the many academic departments of the Bethany College of Min­ istries and Humanities. Bethany College, with Dr. Stephen Gunter serving as its dean, con­ sists of eight departments — English, Speech Communication, Modern Languages, Art, Music, Religion and Education.


In the humanities, students research and ex­ plore the nature and behavior of man as ex­ pressed in literature, drama, and art. In addi­ tion, the student endeavors to refine his own self-expression and to think through and clar­

ify his own thoughts before publishing them on paper or on canvas. Students in the ministries are trained to serve and develop humanity. Educators are pre­ pared to enrich, nourish, and inspire students. Prospective ministers are being taught how to research and interpret God’s word in addition to counseling and reaching out to the needs of people. Whereas the humanities inspire the great au­ thors, actors and philosophers; the ministries produce compassionate educators and evan­ gelists. All together, they create greater un­ derstanding, peace and a quality life for soci­ ety.

Ministries and Humanities

THEATRE. Prof. Poteet, Bruce Nuffer and Prof. Wilcox perform an act in Pow Wow. ACTING UP. Prof. Poteet takes part in activity at the faculty retreat.

LO NDO N. Dr. Gwen Ladd Hackler sponsored a literary field study to London in the Spring of ’90.

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Ministries and Humanities

S P A N ISH . Prof, Delores Woods, who was raised in Nicaragua, often draws on personal experience to teach her classes. IN N E R C ITY . Rev. Alan McGuire pastors Central Church of the Nazarene as well as being a student. Here he points out a special scripture to Claudia.


Ministries and Humanities


MINISTER. Ken Hollowell often supplies the pulpit when pastors are called out of town. ACTIVE. Dr. Tashjian kept active at the faculty retreat with a few games of tennis.



Ministries and Humanities

MUSICAL GRIN. Delwin Crutchfield, Andrea Dech and Prof. Marilyn Rosfeld work harmoniously together. SHHH. ARTIST W ORKING. Nila Murrow sketches in her free time.

Than Teach

rofessors do more than teach! The only contact that students have with professors is in the classroom, or by an arranged appointment in the office, or a chance meeting on the way to another class. What do those professors do outside the classroom? Nothing? O f course not! Just ask Assistant Professor of Education, Betty Lou Thompson.


This professor is busy! Not only is she a teacher, she is also an advisor, a mother, a student, and a regular here-and-there busy­ body. If she isn’t lecturing, she is probably counseling or advising a student, which she claims occupies most of her time outside of the classroom. She has 75 counselees. That adds up to 75 registration forms to fill out and sign. She dreads the beginning of each semester as fifty education majors rush to her office wanting to drop or add a class. Routinely, she signs her initials (B.L.T.) to each slip. Sometimes, however, Prof Thompson is not available to an­ swer questions, even during regular school horus. More than likely, if she isn’t in her office, she may be in a committee meeting. She says that she spends at least 15 hours per week doing committee work. In addition to having to attend the regular faculty and departmental meetings, she and her col­ leagues are having to prepare for NCATE (North Central Ac­ crediting of Teacher Education). One of their time-consuming

responsibilities is to form and define the bibliography from which the department prepares its teachers.

On top of committee work, Prof. Thompson' must also super­ vise and observe six student teachers and three first-year teach­ ers every week. This requires additional hours away from col­ lege, traveling from one elementary school to another. She is also the director of the SNU Reading Clinic which keeps her quite busy overseeing about twenty tutors every Tuesday and Thursday until seven o ’clock in the evening. Understandably, Betty Lou wishes to remind her students that professors "don’t get paid for sitting in the office; they get paid for getting work done.” Besides being a full-time professor, Prof. Thompson is current­ ly working on her dissertation. She spends a great portion of her spare time collecting data. Part of her research entails testing Chapter One students at Bethany Elementary School. In addition to work and study, Prof. Thompson devotes much time to her family. Her husband and her children are a high priority on her list. Because her husband must spend 120 hours each week as an interning resident doctor, she feels a tremen­ dous responsibility to take time for her three children. As if three children are not enough to keep her busy, Prof.

Faculty Thompson has an extra-special responsibility this year. In Feb­ ruary, she will give birth to her fourth child. Consequently, her doctor advised her to relinquish some o f her duties —- one of which was sponsoring the Junior Class. Despite this one task off her agenda, Betty Lou Thompson still has a heavy load. Why doe she work hard? She is simply a dedicated professor committed to assisting students and get­ ting the job done. Indeed, college students are not the only ones to cope with stress. Betty Lou Thompson — professor, student, wife, and mother — can testify to that!

FAMILY. Betty Lou is kept busy at home with her husband and three children. TIME. Prof. Thompson spends approximately 15 hours a week doing committee work.

ADVISOR. Each semester Prof. Thompson advises 75 students. She manages to find the time to give individual attention to each.

R.T. Williams ' '

o books! No articles! The liI brary doesn’t seem to have anything I need for my re­ search paper!” This is a common com­ plaint among many SNU students who claim the library has a lack of necessary resources. Does this mean that R.T. Wil­ liams Learning Resources Center is a bad library?


Mrs. Bea Flinner, the SNU reference li­ brarian, hardly thinks so. During her gra­ duate study at OU, Mrs. Flinner recalls coming back to R.T. Williams to find some of the resources she needed. Al­ though OU may have a plethora of books and magazines, the problem is knowing how to locate these materials. Mrs. Flinner claims that the library reference workers were not always very helpful. If you ask them where some materials are, they may point in a particular direction and say "It’s over there.”

paper articles classified according to subject matter with up-to-date information and cur­ rent issues. Another helpful convenience of the library is the Media Center which pro­ vides a variety of audio-visual materials and equipment. It has computers, a copier, a lami­ nating machine or anything students need to make posters, transparencies and slides. One of the most valuable asset to the SNU library, however, is the helpful, friendly service of Bea Flinner. She knows where every book, magazine, or document is in the library. If a student needs some materials, she can find them, and quickly, too! Mrs. Flinner says that she thoroughly enjoys working with stu­ dents. "I thrive on it!” she claims. Her dedica­ tion, know-how, and genuine interest in her work and students is a rare service one cannot find at just any library — except SNU of course!

Mrs. Flinner believes that many students at SNU misjudge the campus library. She says that students are unable to locate ade­ quate materials because they do not have sufficient knowledge of how to use the library. The material is out there, but the students must simply know where to look for it. Unfortunately, students do over­ look the positive qualities of the R.T. Wil­ liams Learning Resources Center. The li­ brary offers recent information in the Newsbank series — a collection of news­

Jan Reinbold

LAM INATION. Laura Hemphill laminates as a daily part of her education major. ESSAY-. A student makes up a psychology test.

ENDLESS BOOKS. Mrs. Flinner and Keith Jones help find the proper reference material for students.

Communications and Education

Lab School

Editor’s Partiality LL I REA LLY NEED TO KNOW about how to live and what to do and how to be I learned in kindergarten. Wisdom was not at the top o f the g ra d u a te -sc h o o l mountain, but there is the sandpile at Sunday School. T h ese are the th in g s I learned:


Share everything. Play fair. Don’t hit people. Put things back where you found them. THE FUTURE: Bethany Rose Elliott, editor’s neice.

Clean up your own mess. D o n ’t take things that aren’t yours. Say you’re sorry when you hurt somebody. Wash your hands before you eat. Flush. Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you. Live a balanced life — learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some. Take a nap every after­ noon. When you go out into the world, watch out for traffic,

hold hands, and stick togeth­ er. Be aware of wonder. Re­ member the little seed in the Styrofoam cup: The roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that. Goldfish and hamsters and white mice and even the little seed in the Styrofoam cup — they all die. So do we. And then remember the Dick-and-Jane books and the first word you learned — the b ig g e st w ord o f all — LOOK. — Robert Fulghum




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Current Events


A Reflection of the 80’s Current Events — the stuff the six o’clock new is made of. In this special section we review the decade of the 80’s. The decade in which we entered our teenage years — the decade from which we emerged as adults. Despite tormenting trage­ dies, the 80’s was our Camelot. It was the decade of straight legged jeans, Ronald Reagan and frozen yogurt. It was ten years packed full of Michael Jackson hits, Madonna “wanna he’s” and Springsteen’s spangled rebellion. As Christians, we mounted up with wings, despite rampant

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:2 drug abuse and alcoholism. We waited upon the Lord, as our families were broken by divorce, neglect and abuse — He renewed our strength. Despite the crippling menaces of soci­ ety, we ran and we did not grow weary in the fight to better our world. Though our hearts collapsed for the hopeless, helpless, and homeless, still we walked and did not faint. Events of the last ten years reflect the desperate need for Jesus Christ in our world. On the streets of Amsterdam, syringes are sold and bought like candy. In Lebanon, twelveyear old boys carry machine guns. And in our very own America, drugs have entered our elementary schools. We are called to be radically saved. To love the people in our world and not condemn them. We are commanded to not store up treasures on earth, but to use our resources that God gave us to bring to our world the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Current Events — the stuff the six o’clock news is made of. We turn on the T.V. to view a world of hurting people; a world so savaged by selfishness and greed . . . And yet, we awn Scott,

Frozen Yogurt, Iran-Contra, Springsteen must not become pessimists or cynics. We must see, still the beauty in life and soar like eagles. We must mount up with wings.

Janury 1980 — P resident Carter instates a grain embargo on the S o viet Union in re­ sponse to the Soviet invasion o f A fg h a n i­ stan. February 1980 — The X I I I W inter O lym pics are held at L a ke P lacid, N ew York. The U.S. H ockey Team defeats the heavily favored Soviets and go on to win the gold. M a y 1980 — A U.S. a ttem p t to rescue the 52 A m erican hostages h eld in Iran fa ils , and eight U.S. servicemen are killed . President Carter takes f u l l responsibility fo r the attem pt. M t. S t. H elens explodes her top with 500 tim es the explosive fo rce o f the H iroshim a, A to m ic bomb> k illin g 60. Ju ly 1980 — U.S. and several other W est­ ern nations boycott the X X I I S u m m e r O lym pics in M oscow to protest the S oviet invasion o f A fghanistan. A u g u st 1980 — Polish shipworkersy led by Lech W alesay strike at the G dansk shipyards. October 1980 — Iraq invades Iran. Novem ber 1980 — Reagan wins the p resid en tia l election with a landslide electoral victory over in ­ cumbent President Carter. E ig h ty-th ree m illio n people tune their television sets to D allas, to see who shot J.R. Ewing. D ecem ­ ber 1980 — M a rk D avid Chapm an steps out o f the shadows, calls outy “M r. Lennony” and shoots Johnn Lennon fo u r tim es. Lennon dies. D uring the height o f the o il crunchy O P E C raises the price o f o il to $41 per barrel. U.S. hostages spend second C hristm as in Iran.

Iranian hostage crisis

January 1981 — R onald Reagan is inaugu­ rated as our 40th president. A fte r 444 days in captivity the 52 Am erican hostages re­ turn home to a hero's welcome. A p ril 1981 — John H in k le y shoots President Reagan and two others. They a ll survive. The Space S h u ttle C o lum bia m akes its successful m aiden voayge. M a y 1981 — N orthern Ir e ­ land erupts into violence when convicted I.R .A . member Bobby Sands dies after a 66 day hunger strike in a B ritish prison. Pope John Paul I I is shot by a T urkish terrorist in fr o n t o f thousands o f people. June 1981 — The French N a tio n a l A ssem bly elects S o c ia lis t F ra n co is M itte r r a n d to th e French Presidency. June 1981 — Israel de­ stroys an Iraqi nuclear power p la n t with Am erican b u ilt F-16s. W ayne W illia m s, the A tla n ta ch ild k ille r is arrested fo r the murder o f as m any as 28 black children. Ju ly 1981 — Reagan appoints the Suprem e Court's fir s t woman, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. Prince Charles and Lady D i are married in S t. Pauls C athedral, London. A ugust 1981 — while on routine patrol over the M editerranean Sea, two U.S. N avy F14s are attacked by two Libyan fig h te r planes. The Libyans are shot down. October 1981 — Egyptian President Anw ar S a d a t is gunned down by fo u r o f his own m ilita ry officers. Vice President H osni M ubarak assumes control. December 1981 — M a r­ tia l law is declared in Poland.


Ronald Reagan, 40th U.S. President. Prince Charles and Lady Di.


1982 M arch 1982 — The U.S. starts its recovery fro m the economic recession. A p r il 1982 — The F a lkla n d Islands W ar breaks out between Great B ritain and A rgentina. The victorious B rits retake the islands. M a y 1982 — The Pope survives a second a ttem p t on h is life. June 1982 — In response to Lebanon based

P.L.O . raids in N orthern Israel, Israel in ­ vades th e P .L .O . stro n g h o ld in S o u th e rn Lebanon. Septem ber 1982 — U .S. M a rin es are dispatched to B eirut, Lebanon as p a rt o f a peace keeping force. The P.L.O . is evacuated fr o m Beirut. Princess Grace K e lly o f M onaco is k ille d in a car accident. L ebanon’s P resi­ dent E lect B ashir Gem ayel is k ille d by a te r­ rorist bomb. October 1982 — Tylenol cap­ sules are removed fr o m the shelves when seven people were k ille d by cyanide laced capsules

in Chicago. John DeLorean, the m aker o f th fa m o u s stainless steel car, is arrested fo r sell ing cocaine. H e was trying to reverse the eco nom ic woes o f h is company. Novem ber 198. — L eonid Brezhnev dies a t age 75. Yuri A n dropov becomes the new So viet leader. A tw m onth N .F .L . strik e ends, leaving m any fa n disappointed. Decem ber 1982 — Texas ex ecutes C harlie Brooks Jr. B rooks was the fir s convict executed with leth a l injection.

1983 larch 1983 — A fte r eleven years and 251 nsodes, M * A * S * H signs o f f w ith a two td a h a lf hour fin a le . Barney C lark, a 62 mr old d e n tist dies 112 days after receivig the f i r s t a rtific ia l heart transplant. pril 1983 — A terrorist car bomb wrecks

the U.S. em bassy in B eirut, Lebanon, k i l l ­ in g 50, in clu d ing 17Am ericans. June 1983 — Pioneer 10 becomes the f i r s t space craft to head out o f the solar system . S a lly K R id e becomes the f i r s t A m erican woman to travel in space. Septem ber 1983 — Soviet fig h te r planes shoot down K .A .L. flig h t 007, k illin g a ll 269 people aboard the 747, in clu d ­ ing a U.S. Congressman. Isra eli P rim e M in ­ ister M enachem Begin resigns his position. Y itzh a k S h a m ir is his successor. October

1983 — U.S. ships shell Syria n -b a cked guer­ rillas in Lebanon. A car bomb destroys a U.S. M arine barracks in B eirut k illin g 229. U.S. troops invade G renada and evacuate over 1,000A m erican citizen s trapped on the island after a bloody le ft wing coup. December 1983 — U.S. N avy warplanes bomb Syria n p o si­ tions in Lebanon. N avy Lt. Robert Goodman is shot down by Syrian m issiles and captured. The battleship New Jersey shells S yrian p o si­ tions.


W alter M ondale chooses Congresswoman, G eraldine Ferraro fo r the num ber two spot January 1984 — Pope John P aul I I p a r­ on the D em ocratic presid en tia l ticket. A u ­ dons M eh m et A lie Agca, the gunm an who gust 1984 — the X X I I I Su m m er O lym pics shot h im . P residential hopeful, J?ev. Jesse are held in Los A ngeles. E astern bloc na­ Jackson, /Zies re S y ria and obtains the re­ tions headed by the Soviets, boycott in re­ lease o f N avy f l i e r Robert Goodman. F eb ­ ta lia tion o f the Am erican boycott o f 1980. ruary 1984 — Reagan announces that he A ssu m ing a lapel m cirophone was o f f R ea ­ w ill seek re -e le c tio n . The X I V W in te r gan in fu ria ted the Soviets by cracking the O lym pics are held at Sarajevo, Yugoslavia. “R ussia outlawed, bom bing begins in fiv e Soviet leader Yuri Andropov dies; K o n ­ m in u tes” jo ke. Septem ber 1984 — The sta n tin C h ern en ko succeeds h im . M a y U.S. Em bassy in B eirut is bombed fo r the 1984 — A fte r a Libyan gunm an k ills a seond tim e in 17 months. N ovem ber 1984 — A t the height o f econom ic recovery, R o n ­ L o n d o n p o lic e w o m a n , G rea t B r ita in breaks d iplom atic ties w ith T ripoli. R o n ­ a ld Reagan wins a landslide victory over ald Reagan visits R ed China. J u ly 1984 — I W alter M ondale, and carries every state

but M o ndale's hom e state o f M innesota. The P rim e M in iste r o f In d ia , In d ira G an­ dhi, is assassinated by two o f her own body guards. H er son, R a jiu G andhi assum es control. To correct a fa ta l heart defect, doc­ tors at L om a%L in d a M e d ic a l C enter im ­ p la n t a baboon heart in a baby girl. The child, known as Baby Fae, lives fo r tw enty days. D ecember 1984 — Poison gas escapes fro m the Union C arbide p esticid e p la n t in Bhopal, In d ia , k illin g over 2,500 and in ­ ju rin g as m any as 200,000people. The subway vigilante, Bernard Goetz shoots fo u r teenagers a ttem pting to rob him on a N ew York subway.

Springsteen (yeah!) Gorby

M arch 1985 — S o viet boss K o n sta n ­ tin Chernenko dies; M ik h a il Gorba­ chev becomes the new Soviet leader. June 1985 — 38 people are k ille d and hundreds injured when a riot breaks out between E nglish and I t a l ­ ia n so ccer f a n s a t th e E u ro p ea n C ham pionship game held at B russels B elgium . The W alker spy ring, the largest U.S. spy ring in decades, is broken up by the F.B.I. S h iite M o s­ lem terrorists h ija ck TW A fl i g h t 847 and k ill N avy diver R obert Stethem . A cyclone strikes Bangladesh k illin g over 15,000. J u ly 1985 — P resident Reagan has in testin a l surgery. Two live a id concerts are held by rock stars to help A frican fa m in e victim s. Septem ber 1985 — A fte r being lost on the ocean flo o r fo r 73 years, the

1985 T itanic is discovered 13,000 fe e t be­ neath the N orth A tla n tic Ocean. Pete Rose breaks Ty Cobb's batting record w ith a sin g le to le ft c e n te rfie ld . M exico C ity is h it by a huge earth­ quake, k illin g over 5,000 and leaving another 40,000 hom eless. O ctober 1985 — Terrorists h ija ck the Ita lia n L in er A c h ille Lauro and m urder a w heelchair bound, A m e ric a n Jew, Leon K linhoffer. The terrorists try to escape on an Egyptian airliner, but are fo rced to land at S ic ily by fo u r U.S. N avy F-14s. Novem ber 1985 — C olum bia Volcano N evada de R u iz erupts ta kin g at least 20,000 lives. Reagan and Gorbachev m eet in Gene­ va, the fir s t A m erican Soviet su m m it in six years.

New Ager, S hirley M cClaine

1986 January 1986 — Football turns H o lly ­ wood with the Bear's “Super Bowl S h u f­ f l e T h e nation mourns when the space shuttle, Challenger explodes after l i f t ­ o f f k ittin g a ll seven astronauts in c lu d ­ ing N ew H a m p sh ire school tea ch er, Christa M c A u liffe . February 1986 — H a itia n dictator “Baby D oc” D uvalier is ousted, and exiled to France. M arch 1986 — P hilippine dictator, F erdinand M arcos is ousted by Corazon A quino. M arcos fle e s to H aw aii. A p r il 1986 —

U.S. N avy ships sin k Libyan gunboats and destroy radar sites in sm a ll s k ir ­ mishes. In retaliation fo r a L ibyan te r­ rorist bomb in a W est German disco which k ille d a U.S. serviceman, U.S. N avy and U.S. A irforce je ts clobber Tripoli and Benghazi. A nuclear reactor m eltdown at Chernobyl sends a cloud o f radiation across the U S S R and Europe. H a ile y 's C om et m akes its closest ap­ proach to earth. I t w ill return in 2061. June 1986 — H ands Across A m erica re­ sults in over fiv e m illio n jo in in g hands to raise consciousness fo r the homeless. The event d id not reach a ll the way across the country but was considered a

Sarah and Andrew

success. A p a r th e id te n sio n s grow in South A fric a on the tenth anniversary o f the Soweto riots. Ju ly 1986 — The S t a t ­ ue o f L ib erty received her huge fa c e l ift in tim e fo r her 100th J u ly 4th birthday party. Prince A ndrew m arries Sarah Ferguson. A u g u st 1986 — a d isgruntled postal worker in Edm ond, O klahom a k i l l s fo u r te e n c o -w o rk e rs a n d th en shoots him self. Septem ber 1986 — H i ­ ja c ke rs open fir e on passengers in a Pan A m j e t k illin g 21. Novem ber 1986 — Ivan B oesky is fin e d $100 m illio n fo r inside trading.

Vanna, oh Vanna

1987 if arch 1987 A ferry from Belgium to England capsizes killing 193 people. tpril 1987 Congress votes to raise the —

peed lim it on interstates to 65m ph.

7our Marine guards at the American mbassy in Moscow are charged with raternization and espionage M ay 1987 .

- A n Iraqi warplane m ista kes the U S S itark fo r an Iranian ship and shoots it

\>ith an exocet m issile , k illin g 37 imerican sailors. Gary Hart withdraws rom the 1988 p resid en tia l race when

negations o f sexual misconduct arise. rune 1987 Following a sex and money —

candal Jim and Tam m y B a kker are renovedfrom the P.T.L. leadership. June


19year old Mathias Rust flies a

Cessna 172 fro m H e ls in k i F inland to led Square Moscow. Several high rankng Soviet o ffic ia ls were fir e d in the iake o f the in cid en t. Ju ly 1987 — Dur-

ng the annual M uslim pilgrimage to vfecca Iranians riot killing 400. The I S . Constitution celebrates its bicenennial anniversary. Ollie mania sweeps he country as a fiesty Lt. Col. Oliver Worthy testifies before a joint congres­ sional hearing. August 1987 Amerian hostage Charles Glass escapes his —

i hi it e captors in B eirut after 62 days in

aptivity. October 1987 Jessica M c­ Clure fa lls down a well in Midland, nexas. Afer spending 58 hours in the bandoned well, rescuers pull her out. I. S. Naval forces square o ff against the ranian navy. Panic strikes Wall Street ?hen the Dow Jones Industrial average —

Wops 22.6%, causing m arkets worldide to plunge. P resident Reagan s S u ­

preme Court nomination is torpedoed

then D ouglas G insburg a d m its to using narijuana in college. The senate a p ­ proves Reagan's th ird choice, A n th o n y iennedy. December 1987 — Reagan nd Gorbachev sign the I.N .F . m issile reaty.

Jim and Tammy Fae Baker



February 1988 — The U .S. in d icts P ana­ m anian strong man^ M a n u el N oriega on drug tra ffic k in g charges. The X V W intei O lym pics are held a t Calgary. M arch 1988 — George Bush wins a decisive victory in the R epublican Sup er Tuesday. A p r il 1988 — A n A loha A irlin e s 737 m akes a m iracu­ lous landing after an 18 fo o t section o f the ro o f flie s o f f M a y 1988 — U.S. Navy fig h ts Iran fo r the second tim e inaa year. Former W hitehouse C h ie f o f S t a f f Donald Regan's m em oirs reveal how N ancy Reagan uses an astrologer to pla n the President's schedule. S o viet troops begin p u llin g out oj A fghanistan. The nine year war is com ­ pared to A m erica's involvem ent in V iet­ nam. June 1988 — Reagan attends a su m ­ m it m eeting in M oscow. J u ly 1988 — A U.S. fr ig a te shoots down an Iranian a ir­ lin er it m istakes fo r a hostile fig h te r plane. A tto rn ey General M eece resigns. M ichael D u ka kis wins the D em ocratic presidential nom ination. A u g u st 1988 — George Bush wins the G.O.P. nom ination and appoints Dan Q uayle as running mate. Septem ber 1988 — Three Ita lia n je ts o f the Frecce T ri-colori crash during an airshow at a U .S. air base in W est Germany. One je t plunges into the crowd k illin g 47. October 1988 — The space sh u ttle Discovery rock­ ets the U.S. back into space after a thirty m onth absence in the wake o f the C halleng­ er tragedy. Novem ber 1988 — George Bush d e fe a ts M ic h a e l D u k a k is in the 1988 presid en tia l election. D ecember 1988 — E th n ic unrest breaks out in S o viet repub­ lics o f A rm enia and A zerbaijan. A n earth­ quake h its Soviet A rm enia k illin g as many as 45,000 people. Yasser A ra fa t recognizes the S ta te o f Isra el and denounces terror­ ism.


ranuary 1989 — In an aerial fl i g h t U.S. Vavy F- 14s shoot down two L ibyan M ig >30f loggers. P a trick Purdy, a 26 year old Irifter w alks onto S o ckto n C a lifo rn ia elenentary school playground and opens fir e n th an A K -4 7 style assault rifle . Five stu\ents are k ile ld and th irty wounded before ie turns a gun on h im s e lf February 1989 - The last So viet troops leave A fg h a n itan. The A y a tu lla h K h o m ein i issues a leath sentence fo r S a lm a n R ushdie, the \uthor o f the controversial book, The Sa~ anic Verses. M arch 1989 — The U S . S e n ­ te rejects fo rm e r Senator John Tower fo r Secretary o f Defense. A p r il 1989 — The Ixxon Valdez super tanker runs aground in

the m id d le o f A la sk a 's Scenic Prince W il­ liam Sound. A blast aboard the U .S.S. Iowa k ills 47 sailors in a gun turret. M a y 1989 — A ju r y convicts retired M a rin e, O liver N o rth on three charges in connec­ tio n w ith the Ir a n - C ontra affair. June 2989 — S p ea ker o f the H ouse, J im W right resigns a m id a lleg ed eth ics vio la tio n s. Thousands o f C hinese students are k ille d when the C hinese R ed A rm y attacks u n ­ a rm e d d em o cra cy d e m o n stra to rs. P e te Rose is accused o f gam bling on his own team and therefore banned fro m baseball. The U.S. Suprem e Court upholds the right to burn the A m erican fla g as freed o m o f speech. J u ly 1989 — The Suprem e Court

d elights p ro -life advocates by upholding a restrictive M isso u ri abortion law. The con­ troversial B -2 bomber m aks a successful m aiden voyage. U nited A rilin e s captain A lfre d H aynes crash lands a crippled D C 10 in S io u x C ity Iowa; 186 people survived the fie r y crash. A ugust 1989 — S h iite M oslem terrorists k ill M a rin e L t. Col. W illia m H ig g in s in retaliation fo r Israel capturing their leader, S h e ik Obeid. A fte r a nine year struggle, S o lid a rity heads the fir s t non- com m unist regim e in Poland. Septem ber 1989 — A hole is opened up in the Iron C urtain, as thousands o f E ast Ger­ mans fle e to W est Germany through H u n ­ gary-


Homecoming, Heart-Pal, Who’;

Honorable Mentions When one thinks of honors, the picture that most often comes to mind is a homecoming queen. While this is a great honor bestowed on one senior girl each year at S.N.U. many other students are honored through out the year. These include students chosen for Who’s Who, Outstanding Freshman, Heart Pal Court, and Servant Awards, etc. Who’s Who is an honor bestowed upon students who have shown leadership, extra-curricular activity, academic achievement (at least a 2.75 cumulative g.p.a.) community

“Know also that wisdom is sweet to your soul; if you find it, there is a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off.” Proverbs 24:14 service, and future potential. Students are nominated for application through the Dean’s office and then a selection committee is formed of sudents and professors and final selection is made. Nineteen S.N.U. students were selected, joining an elite group of students from over 1,400 institu­ tions of higher learning in all 50 states, the District of Co­ lumbia and several foreign nations. The Outstanding Freshman award is an honor selected freshman receive, who have shown academic achievement, leadership skills, etc. They are chosen by the faculty.

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Another new honor this year is that of Homecoming King. Candidates and the king are selected in the same way the Homecoming and Heart Pal Courts have been traditionally chosen. Each one of the persons in this section have aimed to be the very best — to achieve certain goals and maintain a particu­ lar standard of conduct and living. Each one reflects this

rho, Servant Awards, Outstanding Freshman year’s ARROW theme, as each one has mounted up with wings.

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Mrtnt iEskeui

Brent Eskew is a political science major who has maintained grade point average. His activities have included: Alpha Lar Delta, Mortar Board, American Studies Program — Wash. I Circle K and many others. His list of honors is a long one. A include: Outstanding freshman, President's honor roll, and versity Marshall.

John Williams is an English major who has served as editor of the Reveille Echo, president of Alpha Lambda Delta, and who has been involved in various clubs, including Mortar Board, one-act plays, Brass Choir, and Chorale. John also took his musical ability to the Calvary Nazarene Church where he played in the orches­ tra.

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John Middendorf is a Religion/Psychology major. He has sper many years at SNU representing the school through his involve ment in PR groups such as Highest Praise and Collegians. Joh was a student representative to the Board of Trustees during \h '88-'89 school year.

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S fe n & rix

/ Hendrix is a Biology and Chemistry major who has mani to maintain a 4.0 grade point average. Her activities here nany and include being Vice-President of Cardinal Key, an Jemic Marshal, and was a RA for 2 years. This just names a her activities. She is a talented performer and can play the and sing. She has been a member of Alpha Lambda Delta, rar Board, Chorale, Unison, and Science Council.

Henese (Blouer Jenese Glover is an Elementary Education major. She has been a vital part of the basketball team and has been the team's captain. Her activities include being a member of Alpha Rho Delta and counseling at basketball camps. Jenese is also a member of FCA.

Sujle iSJorsclj Morsch is another senior able to produce a 4.0 grade point age. He is a Biology major and has assisted with M icrobiy and Anatomy labs. Kyle has held offices as Chairman of club Council, Junior Class VP of Social Life, M ortar Board dent, Cardinal Key SGA Representative, and VP of Publicity College Republicans. He has also been involved in Alpha )da Delta, Brass Choir, SGA, and Oklahoma Intercollegiate Jature.


Aurtl iflrerman

Crrri Clark Terri Clark is a Mathematics major with a 4.0 grade point average. She has held the following offices at SNU — AW S Treasurer, Cardinal Key Historian, University Marshall, and was a peer counselor. Various activities Terri was involved in were Alpha Lambda Delta, NSI Student Mentor, Society Captain, W ork and Witness trips, and was a Putnam City North Younglife Leader. The list is long and it's easy to see Terri has given a lot of herself in her time at SNU.

UJark (Blouer Mark Glover is a Religion major who has been very involve school. He has been VP of Campus Ministries for both Junior Senior Classes, Chaplain for Cardinal Key, M ortar Board, Alpha Lambda Delta, and has also presided as AIM President activities also include being a member of the Bleacher Bums Circle K.

(Singer ffllllieatleij sr Wheatley has maintained a 4.0 average and is a Spanish . She has been active in Mission Crusaders and was Chap)r two years, she has been a member of both the Spanish and SEA for three years, and was a member of Alpha i o Delta. Ginger has gotten to travel to other countries gh the American Studies Program in Costa Rica and Youth ssions in which she went to Mexico. She was a University nail and a member of Mortar Board also.

Šim iUarrk Tim Marek is an Accounting and Music major. The combined major has resulted in his being involved in various activities. To mention a few, he has been a part of Chorale, Alpha Lambda Delta, Cardinal Key, M ortar Board, Phi Beta Lambda, the Music Club, and the Accounting Club. One of his most well-known activities is laying the organ for Chapel services.

2Ella 40iUar& Vlillard is majoring in Music-Vocal Performance. She was ale President for two years and Vice-President for one , Aviation Club Secretary, and has ministered in foreign tries through Youth in Mission and W ork and Witness trips, vas a Student Mentor for two years and has been a member e following — Mortar Board, Interclub, Chorale, Aviation , Chorale Society, AIM, Concert Band, and MENC/Unison.


(jtraig ilohnson

Craig Johnson is a Music M ajor/Biology Minor from Little Arkansas. His activities include being a part of Gospel 1 Chorale, Missions in Action, Youth in Mission, Student Me Choral Society, Concert Band, Collegians, and more. Craie Vice-President of MENC, Treasurer for Collegians and wc '88-'89 Arrow Editor. He has also performed in plays as w performed voice and instrumental recitals.

iFrank Mell Frank Bell is a Biology major. He has served as AMS President, Resident Advisor, and Vice-President of Publicity for Science Council. He has also worked at Golden Bell Ranch as a counselor for two summers and has been a Biology Lab Assistant for two semesters. Frank has been a member of Circle K, Mortar Board, and has participated in Sophomore Follies and POW W O W .



Rhonda DeMart is an English major and has been a stu representative to the English Dept. She has been a membe Cardinal Key, M ortar Board, SEA, Sigma Tau Delta, Arrow 5 and Echo Staff. Rhonda was also with Chorale for 2 years has performed and directed plays. She was Vice-Presider Mortar Board and a Student Mentor for 3 years.


Helium drutcljfielii Delwin Crutchfield is a Music Education major. He has been active in Chorale and has served as Chaplain and Vice-President during his four years with Chorale. Delwin was also Treasurer for Alpha Lambda Delta and Cardinal Key. He assisted students as a Student Mentor for two years and also as a Peer Counselor. He was also a member of Delta Mu Gamma.

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2§erg Lowell Berg is a HPER major and is also minoring in Biology. Some of his many activities in­ clude being Director of Leisure Services for 3 years, FCA President, Mens Varsity and JV Basketball Assistant for 2 years. Lowell has been in­ volved in the following clubs — Cardinal Key, Alpha Lamb­ da Delta, SEA, Science Club, Interclub Council, and was the Student Representative on Athletic Council. He has also helped with SNU Basketball Camps and FCA Camps in the summer.

8Seu §tanton Bev Stanton is a Religion major. She has been involved at SNU as a Resident Advisor, served on Social Life Committee, was Home­ coming Coordinator in 1988, was part of the Relationship Task Force in 1989, and was Student Recruitment Assistant for the Religion Department.

8Srai> JMljitaker

(Outstanding Kresljman IGaura Hensmore A local from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Laura Densmore, was awarded as an Outstanding Freshman. W ith a 4.0 GPA, it is easy to see why. She is a member of the Math Club and Unison. Upon graduation Laura plans to teach mathematics in secondary schools. W hat is her major? Obviously math edu­ cation. There is more to her than just smartness. She cares about people too.

©im ©rutcljer Tim Crutcher was a great candidate for the Outstanding Freshmen Award. He is a double major in Religion and Eng­ lish. His GPA for 88-89 was 4.0. He is involved in the drama team, Images, and was a member of Gospel Team last year. After graduation, he plans to go to seminary in Kansas City. He is also going to become a Senior Pastor. Tim is from Tyler, Texas.



iSauid Ottoman If you have ever been in the Science building, you have probably seen Dave Stroman there. He is a pre-med major from Richardson, Texas. After graduation from medical school, he will be involved in a family practice. He is on the Science Council and plays intramural sports. His freshman year was a good one. Dave maintained a 4.0 GPA last year.

Katrina §prtn0 rr Who's that girl with the long wavy hair? That's Katrina Springer. The basketball star from Broadalbin, New York who was one of the four people awarded Outstanding Fresh­ man for 1988-89. Her major is math education. W ith her degree, she plans to teach math and coach. Her GPA, 3.89, is not the only outstanding thing about Kat. She is a caring and fun person. Christ can be seen in her. She is a center for the Lady Redskins, who won the 1989 N AIA championship.

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Michelle Farley and Deborah Ross

Mounting Up! From the time we are crowned with our beanies to the time the mortar board is in place we are constantly growing. We came full of great expectations and excitement. We came with high ideals. We came in ignorance — not knowing about the struggles we could endure — struggles deeper than writing a difficult paper. We struggled within our­ selves, wondering who we really were and what God really wanted. While we wanted so desperately to mount up with wings, sometimes we buried ourselves in nests of indecision and frustration. Still we learned to wait upon the Lord. Like

“Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.” Isaiah 40:31 the Prophet Habakkuk wrote: “The vision awaits the ap­ pointed time. If it seems slow do not despair. Just be patient. It will surely come to pass. It will not be overdue a single day.” (2:3, LIV) This verse became our motto and as we waited on the Lord our strenth was renewed. We became different people — tougher, more able to endure the some­ times heavy blows. We became sensitive, more able to com­ fort others. We became so much more than what we were and yet learned to see how much more we could be. We mounted up with wings — saying that we were ready — ready to soar no matter what — ready to fly off the ridges and cliffs of security knowing wecould no longer catch ourselves — we were in God’s hands.

miors, Juniors, Sophomores, Freshman

Ready To Fly

ounting up with wings was a choice the class of '90 made several years ago. Sink or swim, live or die, fall or fly, they made the step and all the effort can be applauded.

SNU graduates a class of students every year, but that doesn't mean each class is not unique. The class of '90 is very unique in character, talent and intelli­ gence. This culturally-oriented class will produce some very fine doctors, lawyers, musicians, teachers, etc. and our world will be better for their Christiar influence on the job front.

Kim Brumbeloe Accounting Teresa Bulier Accounting Lori Burris Accounting

Kimberly Bush Accounting Mark Bynum Communications Terri Clark Math

Deanna Cochran Early Childhood Paul Colley Religion Dana Cook Biology

Darla Craft Music Jennifer Craven Early Childhood Sandy Craven Early Childhood

Christine Crosley Sociology/Psychology Delwin Crutchfield Music Education David Curry Management

Geron Daugherty Accounting Rhonda DeMart English Anna Derbyshire English

Gina Dorris Music Education Rhonda Dutro Nursing Jennifer Elliott Political Science/ Communications

Len Empie Aviation/Business Justin Farley Management Melecia Fuentes Biology

Who has impressed you most while attending SNU?

Jackie Authement — “ Dr. Flahan because his walk with the Lord is solid and consistant even during times of great adversity. He is an inspiration."

Samantha Austin — "Pastor Garcee, because of his strong leadership and testimony."

Lori Burris — “Prof. Iris Harris. She's a classy lady who really cares about her students. I want to be just as classy and drive around in a little red Porsche with blaring music."


Mark Glover Religion Luke Green Math/Education Tracy Green Pre-med

Gina Hanson Interior Design Blake Harbuck Human Relations Jeffrey Harding Accounting

Tandee Hare Biology Randy Harrell Christian Ed. Susan Henderson Education

Virginia Hendrix Biology/Chemistry DeLyna Herron Math Caron Hicks Elementary Ed.

Doug Hilkert Pre-law R. Dean Horton Psychology Bea Howser Elementary Ed.

Sharolyn Ingle Office Administration Gina Jackson Family Relations J, Craig Johnson Music

Janita Kennedy Fashion Merchandising Laura Lance Computer Science Melanie Lassiter Sociology

Kim Lawson Elementary Ed. Pamela Lee Marketing Melissa Little Early Childhood

Tim Marek Music/Accounting Steve McCarthy Management Danny McCause Speech Communication

Lee Ann McDowell Early Childhood Sherry McGarraugh Early Childhood Alan McGuire Religion

Catania McGuire Elementary Ed. Melanie McNutt Education/Early Childhood Jason McWilliams Management/ Accounting Melodi McWilliams Sociology Ella Millard Music Todd Miller Computer Science

Larry Morris Religion Kyle Morsch Biology Bertha Navarro Nursing

What is your one-word description of Marriott food?




# 1


Inventive — Craig Johnson

Why? — Irma Rangel

Redundant — Ginger Wheatley

Tammy Nelson Social Science Kim Nickel Business/Sociology Heather Norton International Studies

Marvin Kenji Ong Missions/Religion DeAnne Pape Psychology Laura Parkes Psychology

Jennifer Pauley Elementary Ed. Tina Peterson Business Administration Sharon Petty Office Administration

What's your favorite saying?

Laura Lance — "Are we having fun yet?

Kyle Morsch — "Oh yea? I'll kill you dead!

Travis Petty — "Doo-wad Cindy Sullivan — "No doubt


Brian Pilcher Biology Irma Rangel International Studies Tami Ray Nursing

Phyllis Roehm Nursing Joanna Rosfeld Mass Communications Sheri Scroggins English/Secondary Ed.

Bryan Shigley Biology Kelli Shore Home Economics/ Education David Sisco Business Administration

Marcia Spears Fashion Merchandising Bev Stanton Religion Sherrie Stucker Office Administration

Cindy Sullivan Human Relations Alexis Taylor Psychology Jim Thornton Christian Education

Yvonne TownŠ Elementary Ed. Leslie Turner Sociology/Psychology Farrell Wallace Religion

Ginger Wheatley Spanish Education Brad Whitaker Physics Ladwana Whittenberg Music

John P. Williams English Tracy Williams History Kim Wilson Psychology

Rick Wood Pre-med Vickie Wright Computer Information Systems Michael Yarrington Criminal Justice

Chad Zink Business Administration Ricky Zinn Political Science

Herb Albertson Shannon Anderson

Chris Archer Chris Arledge

Tami Bailey Teresa Baker

Rachel Barrett Robert Beene

DeShannon Benson Lisa Berry

Jeff Bouis Rod Bowie Thomas Brock Mark Browning Cheryl Chamberlain

Regina Chupp Kris Clark Heather Cole Rick Craft Jeff Crouch

Shelby Cummings Tone Dale Richards Kristy Davis Lauretta Dickey Kam Dodson

Carol Dorough Deanna Duke Cynthia Dunn Melissa Durr

Carla Durr Marsha Eskew Tim Evans Michelle Farley Danny Foreman

Sherry Garrett Annette Geraci Tammy Gray Jana Green Tony Griffin

Sean Grinovich Jimmy Halliburton Lisa Hamilton Annette Hampton Shelley Harwell

Laura Hemphill Christy Hendrix Amy Herman Ruthie Horton Shellie Howard

Karla Huff Danny Isom Tommy Isom Jene Jackson Paul Jackson

Loren James Eric Jergensen Dan Kerr Marion Kimbro Ali Krauser

Mark Lake Lisa League Laura Lewis Michael Lindsay Brent Little

" . . . it is a time to celebrate with a hearty meal, and to send presents to those in need, for the joy of the Lord is your strength. You must not be dejected and sad!"

Nehemiah 8:10

Vonda Lynn Sherry Meine Mark Mann Chris McCullough Ayse McDonald

Michelle McGuire Leanne Milby Diane Minnix Jackie Moss Lori Murray

Paul Ubesly Kim Pardue Lance Parkes Betty Penwelk Jarrell Prentice

Jill Randolph Tina Ray Bryan Rose Karen Rutland Kayleen Ryan

Shawn Scott Valerie Sickels Debbie Silvernail Stacee Skaggs Tracy Skinner

Becky Smith Brian Smith Crystal Smith Amber Snowbarger Angie Stallings


Craig Stanford Carolyn Stark Matt Strait Lisa Straley Laura Stroup

Pam Taylor John Teel Lisa Telford

Renee Tullis

Shellie Howard, jr., spends her summers and freetime working with mentally handicapped children. Shellie's major is family studies.

Carol Turner

Andrea Uphaus Laura Vermulm Suzanne Waller

John Whitaker Doug Woolery Amy Wrinkle Jolina Yarbrough


Shari Albertson Kelli Billings

April Bivens Robin Carol Brady

Sheila Butler Becky Calfy

Cari Carter Melody Chestnut

Raqui Cintron Kevin Clements

Daniel Clinkenbeard Rich Cooper Billy Cox Keisla Crane Tim Crutcher

Craig Cummins Kerri Cummins Christa Dameron

Laura Densmore Todd Derbyshire Christi Dodgen

Pamela Durr Shellie Frederick Dana Fugett Kari Gaston

Portia Godkin Andy Graham Shelly Grindstaff Keith Hathorn Shari Hefner


Psalm 19:8

Samantha Heliums Dennis Henderson Joanna Herod Brent Herren Kim Hines

Kriston Jefferson Lindy Jett Christina Johnson Jerome Johnson Kim Jordan

Ken Judkins Kim Kelley Becky Leisher Annette Lopez Shari Dawn Lott

Kristi Lutz Mario Mannies Tammie Mason Barbie McClung Shelly McCuan

Alan McLemore Suzette Mitchell Todd Moore Tommy Morgan Kelly Munch

Valerie Murrah Marsh Neal Krista Nielsen Brian Nollenberger Michael Oliver


Cyndi Ozanne Candace Pape Sandra Parks Lori Paxton Denise Penczak

Rachel Pierce Tammy Raiber Jeni Pharaoh

Rebecca Ridley

MUNCHIES. Chad Petry raids the concession machine during finals week.

Sherri Rock

Marla Rohlmeier Stephanie A. Romanek Laura Rudeen

Eric Sanderson Brent Scales Marci Scott Angelia Smith Betty Smith


Kim Somes James Spencer Katrina Springer Kimberly Sprowls Brad Stanton

Brent Stephens Susan Stewart Jackie Stone Michael Story

Andrea Strait Tollya Stroud Larry Stuart

Warren Tayes Earl Taylor Pam Terrill Cory Thornton

Brian Van Norman B.R. Vantree Blaine Versaw Lori Vileta Marianne Walraven

Colossians 4

"In this new life one's nationality or race or education or social position is unimportant; such things mean nothing. Whether a person has Christ is what matters, and He is equally available to

Darla Warkentin Denise Watson

Stacey Wisenhunt Mike Whitaker

Tammi White Terri White

Charles Williams Brian Williamson

Michelle Wimberly Emilie Zurcher

Susan Adrian Alicia Alexander

Starla Allen Dorinda Bachmayer

Debi Bailey Lisa Ball

Chris Battenburg Misti Beanland

Lori Bennett Kevin Boldman

Jennifer Boldt Frisa Boulet Jody Bowie Sarah Jane Bowers Jeff Bowman

Rebekah Brackman John Brickley Lea Brumbeloe

Renee Brummett Cyndy Burke Kelli Calhoun

Krista Campbell Alan Carley Greg Carroll

Laura Carroll Ray Carter Melissa Casteldine David Cobb Bill Cochenour

Matthew 5:9

Mile Coleman Shawn Conrad Dawn Cook Julie Cox Anngee Crocker

Rick Crosin Cherie Crouch Chip Cummins Scott Cundiff Krista Davis Sheree Davis

Tim Davis Bill Downing Aiicia Dech Andrea Dech . Amiee DeWeese Carrie Dierksen

Brandi Dodson Gind Dubowski Shelly Dewey Eric Durr Brian Echard

Kathy Elliott Kennett Ervin Jon Fetterhoff Donna Fielding Wendy Fluitt Robyn Gastineau

Lori Geraci Jan Giles Cyndee Green Christy Grindstaff Renee Hackler Laurie Hamilton

Lori Hamilton Valerie Hanson Michelle Herding Sonya Hendley Travis Henry Lisa Hickman

Bobby Hill Christy Hobbs Bobby Howard Kara Hudson Sheleen Ingle Melissa Ivey

Polly Jackson Keith Jones Susanna Jones Christie Joy Amanda Kelley

Kristin Kelly Deanna Kendrick

John Kimbro

Lori King Pam Krohe

Stephania Langford Greg Langham Marc Langebartels Kimberly Ledyard Sara Lewis

Lou Ludwig Kristy Lumley Rama Malidindi Tom Manners Michael Matlock Angel McAlister


Michelle McBeth Tim McClain AnaLisa McCleary Lisa McClure Kim McDonald

Dan Mobley Steven Moreno Michelle Moss Brinda Neagle Job Nelson

Torrance Nettles Todd Newsom Chandra Nicholson Regin Nivens Tami Norman

Kevin Oliver Jamie Olson Shelli Pack Suzanne Parker Lynnette Pfingston

Scott Register Shawn Robertson Jeff Robinson Deborah Ross Dalene Ravenstine

Jennifer Russel Brent Ryan Janis Schmidt Christi Shaham Denise Silvernail

Shannon Sirmon Carol Sisco Shannon Slaven Shanda Sliman Heidi Snavely

Tim Snowbarger Jennifer Stansberry Deana Starnes Scott Staton Mary Ann Story

Shelly Swinhart Troy Taber Angela Tashjan Michael Tims Pup Thomas

Michael Thornburgh Kevin White Michele White Susan White Carrie Willard

MayLou Williamson K. Spense Wilson Renee Witkowski Scott Woodard Chris Yates

Wendi Zink

"You must love him with all your heart, soul and might."

Deuteronomy 6:5




SNU Supporters The Arrow would like to thank all the churches, businesses, and patrons who purchased ads. Their purchase allowed the Arrow to put out a better quality book and their support of Christian higher education is appreciated by all involved in the educational process. “But just as you excel in everything — in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us — see that you also excel in this grace of giving.” 2 Cor. 8:7

LEFT: Row 1 — Tandee Hare, David Cur­ ry, Pam Lee, Irma Rangel, Delwin Crutchfield, Pao Vang. Row 2 — Amy Blomstrom, Rhonda Dutro, Lynn Englem an, K elli Shore. Row 3 — Todd M iller, Chris McCullough, Melodi McWilliams, Yvonne Towne, Kimberly Bush. Row 4 — Rusty Cahill, Len Empie, Steve McCarthy, Rich Frazier, Bruce Nuffer, Sheri Scroggins. Row 5 — Justin Farley, Mark Bynum, Ken Hollowell, John P. Williams, Rhonda DeMart, Kyle Morsch. Row 6 — Mike Forbau, Melanie Lassiter, Mike Houlne, Stephanie Eaton, Ruth Agler. Row 7 — Annette Colvin, - Susan Lurry, Dr. Tullis, Danny McCause, Brad Whitaker, Jennifer Pauley.

business Manager — Eric Sanderson


NAZARENE PUBLISHING HOUSE Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City /

Lillenas Publishing Com pany

*From The H o ly Bible, N e w In te rn a tio n a l Version, c o p yrig h t © 197 3, 1 9 7 8 ,1 9 8 4 by th e In te rn atio n al Bible Society. Used by permission.

Bethany Book Store Come In And See A Demo

BSBLESOFT A Computer Study Bible

KJV,NIV,ASV Pkg. with Greek/Hebrew Module Add-On! Plus 3 Add-On Translations - RSV,NKJV,LIV



6750 N.W. Expy., Bethany, 405-789-2195


CENTRAL NAZARENE CHURCH 7979 East R.L. Thornton Freeway Dallas, TX 75228

First Church of the Nazarene

Our students:

3650 S.E. Adams Bartlesville, Oklahoma "Welcome to the Church of the Nazarene. Our church can be your home." Our students? Aaron Archambo and Julie Sisson

Lori Bennett Robert Broadbooks Danae Doss Christy Grindstaff Shelly Grindstaff

Pastor Orville Jenkins, Jr.


Minister of Music Gary Reynolds (’74)

Minister of Youth Rick Brummett


Congratulations to the Class of 1990

Diffee Motor Co.

South Arkansas District Church of the Nazarene

5959 N.W . 39th O klahom a C ity, O klahom a 73122


God Bless the Class of 1990 i S r




K OI S S Ia it

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“OK, kids. Lunch is on me. M other’s Day. Annie’s Santa Fe. Let’s beat the Baptists." The Stan Toler Family, Senior Pastors

spell words correctly in 1 3/4 Im g m g i J im Williams Family, Youth Pastors

mmm a "If you’re ever in the neighborhood, drop on in. We’ve always got something scrumptious cooking." The Phil Moore Family, Music Pastors

As the first class of the last decade of the twentieth century, many overwhelming challenges face you: employment, ministry, technology, how to make CurIy~Q fries at home. At the same time, you are presented with vast opportunities: habitation of other planets, service to your fellow man, consumption of massive quantities of Curly-Q fries. We trust that you have captured a glimpse of your dream while you have attended SNU, and that the months and years to come will be filled with contentment with what you have, resolve to give what you have, and above all, double orders of Curly-Q fries.

mmm 3M r Jillw

"From our family to your family, we think you look great in caps and gowns." The Terry Toler Family, Associate Pastors


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"This was the class we started our ministry with four years ago in T h e Longhouse’ and T he Short house.5 The tears just won’t stop flowing." The Jim Wilcox Family, College Pastors

Congratulations to you!

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"As you’re leaving the parking lot, would you please turn down your radios?" The Ed Williams Family, Evangelism and Outreach Pastors


29 . ■; >

"Where is that wife and girl of mine?" Crow, Adult M inistries Pastor

"When you get married and start having children, re member'we serve Curly-Q fries every Sunday morning." The Terry Miller Family, Children’s Pastors

Oklahoma City First Church of the Nazarene



of BETHANY Serving Bethany Residents And Southern Nazarene University Students With Pride

We Care About You!

6500 N orthw est 39th Expressw ay

Bethany, O K 73008



Cameron Dodge Dyanna Farris Melecia Fuentes

Enid First Church of the Nazarene 324 N. Cleveland Enid, Oklahoma 73703



Open Tueaday-Friday IX-4 pm Saturday 10-5 pm 8 4 2 -1 2 7 9 8 4 2 -9 0 9 3 1 1 1 6 -1 1 2 0 N.W. 6 1 st, O kla. City, OK (1 blk. W. of Western on 61»i Eeey «ocese off 1-44 at Western exit) 3 5 A N T IQ U E SH O PS Nationally known D ealers Offering: Furniture: Primitive Victorian Country European Chari Caning Clocks & Clock Repair Primitive Items Quilts Books & PrinU

Glassware Crystal Repair Hand Made Decoritive Items Doll Repair Vintage Clothes Herb Wreaths Dried Flower Arrangements Hand Made Toys Orientals

Home o f "THE B O STO N TEA P A R T Y 99 Tea Room

llltMUwxm, Carrie Dierksen


Serving Lunch 11-3 Tues.-Sat, 842-3477

Jennifer Boldt

O wners-Claud & B etty Cypert



Jack Stone District Superintendent


Northwest Oklahoma Nazarene District proudly supports Southern Nazarene University &


235 District students.

Congratulations to the Class of


WE S U PP O R T OUR . . .

University — Southern Nazarene University

Melissa (Ripper) Little

Billy Downing

Brian Nollenberger

Church of the Nazarene Third & Pawnee Medford, O K

Pastor — Terry Armstrong Youth Pastor —

Mike Laughlin

West Texas District Church of the Nazarene “Congratulations to the Class of 1990 and to the Class of 1965 on their 25th Anniversary!” From Charles E. Jones (Member of the Class of 1965) and the West Texas District

Charles E. Jones District Superintendent


Senior Pastor Melvin M cCullough

Lewis, R ita, C urtis, and A ubree M cC lain



6789 NW 39th Expressway Bethany, Oklahoma 73008



Grace Church o f the Nazarene Out Students:

Debi Bailey

Cameron Dodgen

Tami Bailey

Kimberly Turner

D r. C arl B. S u m m er D istric t S u p e rin te n d e n t P.O . Box 1609 B ethany, O k la h o m a

The Southwest Oklahoma District Believes Christian Education and Supports Southern Nazarene University with Youth, Money, and Our Interest


We Welcome You to Worship with Us


“Every Schedule of Services


Sunday School M orning W orship Sunday Evening W ednesday Evening

A Minister”

9:30 10:45 6:00 7:00

ant am p.m. p.m.


The Church That Cares


A Family o f Families

First Church Of The Nazarene Odessa, Texas Securing the world’s future through Christian Education. Amy Herman Valerie Sickels Stacey Wisenhunt Mark Lang Kim Ledyard Jill Benavidez Tracy Ramos Jimmy Ramos


Tulsa First Church of the Nazarene Supporting our students Through PRAYER

Rick & Darla Craft

O u r Students 2744 East 12th

Tulsa, Oklahoma


Lyle W Curtis, Pastor


Church 3 La za re n e

6301 O ld G ran bury Rd. Ft. W o rth , TX 76133

Sarah Jane Bowers Rev. W . C . Bowers Timothy Duckering (N o t pictured — Deth Im)


North Arkansas District God Bless the Class of ’90

tfflc u id o n

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ify a u a w e n e

J. W. “Bill" Lancaster

District Superintendent jia t\ thi’ WorU/\ iiy~)<!(k>H" Our SNU Students SNU Trustees: J.W. “ Bill” Lancaster Rev. Jim Stocks Mr. Ron Emmert Mr. John Bundy

Houston District Church of the Nazarene 3920 F M 1960 Suite 100 Houston, Texas 77068


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The Echo. Read



Church of the Nazarene


from Lufkin, Texas


of the NAZARENE 1604 S. Medford Drive

Trinity Heights Church of the Nazarene

2225 Cumberland Waco, Texas 2550 Kelly Blvd. Carrollton, Texas 75006



Our student Heidi Snavely

T H IS IS OUR DAY " I will work a work in yo u r day, which ye w ill not believe, though it be told y o u ." Habakku k 1:5

1 248 S O U T H A M P T O N - A LEXA N D R IA , L O U IS IA N A 71301 TE LE P H O N E (318) 4 4 5 *6 3 0 6

Dear Friend Congratulations on your commended. Ma n y of you and loneliness and have achieve this goal. And C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s !!

graduation! You are to be have suffered financial hardships overcome difficult obstacles to now you are graduating! At last!

There is a romance about attending a Nazarene college. The friends you have made and the memories you share are like "apples of gold in pictures of silver". The years will only enhance and strengthen this. There is a romance in serving God and our fellow men. There is a characteristic of excitement, love and adventure that can only be found in the center of God's will. May this ROMANCE OF LIFE AND THE MI N I S T R Y make every day one of great expectancy and adventure. His


and all ways,

RALPH E. WEST District Superintendent

North Little Rock First Church of the Nazarene



THANKS We’re proud of our SN U students Christa Calderera Craig Cummings Anthony Williams Michelle Wimberly


21st & M aple St., N o rth L ittle Rock, A K 72114





Northside Church of the Nazarene of Ft. Worth salutes freshman


Ricky Smith

4601 Rice Farm Road Port Arthur, Texas 77642 REACHING OUT in



Reverend Clifton O. Wooldridge

Good Luck to the MANCE E. MOYER

Q f

frxxn L u f k in , T e x a s


of the NAZARENE 1604 S. Medford Drive

DeSoto First Church of the Nazarene 647 East Pleasant Run Road

Dennis Henderson

DeSoto, Texas 75115

Candace Pape

Rev. William D. Duke

Picture Not Available

Jeff Bouis

Deanna Duke

Caron Hicks

Amy Wrinkle

Daniel Galbraith

Deanne Pape


Mount Up! Moments to Remem . . . Forget! , •;

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;~r. .5.7;

' r C o l l e g e life is full of m any special m om ents — Beanie N ight, Homecomings, dating, falling in love . . . and m aybe a few m om ents we’d g-X like to forget! On these two

pages are some of best pic­ tu res th e A rrow collected over the year. O ur favorite is the one of M aria — guess w hat she’s doing??

FAR RIGHT — Amy Blomstrom fashions the latest psychedelic suit. (Available at your local Goodwill.) RIGHT — Jim Thornton and Tommy Isom sing a gurgle in Sr. class convocation.



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SUB STOP. M ark and Becky catch the A r­ row camera in the sub.

FROSH FRIENDS. Damon Akins and Lee C o p elan d p a r tic ip a te in t h e / ‘G re ek G reats1’.

BUCKW HEAT AND SPANK Y? M ike W hittaker and Lament Williams give a pitch to join their gang.”

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Mount Up! Forever Friends College life goes hand in > hand with friendship. It is often said th a t one’s col­ lege friends will be one’s friends for life. It is easy ■v; to see how this is true. . . . A nd one thing is for sure, w h e th e r w e t a k e a n y knowledge or wisdom or

good g ra d e s or h o nors with us — we will take o ur frie n d s w ith us — their spirits tucked neatly in our hearts. For it is they who have helped us to m ount up with wings most of all.




DECEM BER GRADU­ A T IO N . L t R — G in g e r W h e a tle y , (c o lle g e m a r ­ shall) Jeanie Palm ore, with parents, M arg aret and Lee Palm ore a t the D ecem ber graduation ceremonies.




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Who Did What?


t would be impossible to list all the work of staff members. But, it is im portant I feel, to give recognition to the three people who h elp ed th e most in putting this book together. They are: M i­ c h e lle F a r l e y , B r ia n Mowry and Loren Jam es. W ithout the help of these th re e in d iv id u a ls th e re

would not have been a 90 A rro w . It is im p o rta n t th a t the S N U com m unity recognize their excellent work and dedication. I ap­ preciate them very m uch and w ant them to know I would have never m ade it w ithout th e ir w ork and m ost of all frie n d sh ip . Also, D ebbie Ross and Jo­ an n a R osfeld did m ore

than their share of work and I thank them very much, as well as every sta ff m em ber, for th e ir ideas, support and for all the little things they did th at piled up to be several big things th a t lessened my load. T hanks alot you guys!

Joanna Rosfeld 1 2 -1 3 ,1 4 -1 5 ,2 0 -2 1 ,3 0 -3 1 ,3 4 -3 5 ,3 6 -3 7 ,4 0 -4 1 ,4 2 44-45, 82-83, 84-107 (O rg a n izatio n sw /L . Jam 125.

Ray M artindale 22-23, 238.

Jene Jackson 16-17, 62-63, 66-67, 76-77, 70-71, 74-75, 232.

he following people m ade significant con­ tributions to the ’90 Arrow: Cyndee Green (planning, office m gm t., organizations) Shannon Slaven (sports). Pup Thomas (sports), 60-61, 64-65, 68-69, 72-73, 78-79 Shellie Howard (copy), Paul Jackson and Melany Kyzer (identifying pictures), SGA (budget), and Mike Crabtree (photo and copy contributions).

Kent Claggett Lori Smith


Editor-in-Chief Jennifer R. E llio tt

Business Manager Eric Sanderson

Head Photographer

Cindy Sullivan 112-113, 116-117, 128.

Staff Credits M ichelle Farley

Loren James

Classes co-editor, O rganizations co-editor, (copy, la out, artw ork, — Jrs., Sophs., Fr.) D orm life spreac

Darkroom Supervisor

Brian Mowry

Joanna Rosfeld

Academ ics editor — layout, interviews, organizati<

Photographers Loren James 1, 2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9, 18-19, 24-35, 26-27, 38-39, 32-33, 46-47, 50-51, 52-53, 54-55, 56-57, 58-59, 80-81, 84107 (O rganizations w /J . Rosfeld), 108-109, 114-115, 118-119, 120-121, 122-123, 126-126, 128-129, 130155, 156-157 (C urrent Events), 168-169, 172-177 (W ho’s W ho), 178-179, 180-181, 182-183.

Shawn Scott C urrent Events editor — 1980-1989 copy; (layout by Elliott)

Debbie Ross Beanie N ight story; outstanding frosh interviews, la out, and organization; o rg anization/club copy; Berl W all story, Dr. G resham interview, co-editor Class — Seniors.

Missy Durr 236

O rg an ization/C lub copy, M ini-M ag idea planning, twins copy, interviewing, etc.


Dedicated to the memory of

Dave Minnix: co-worker, friend, son, father, husband, Christian.

he finishing of a y e a rb o o k b rin g s an ending to sev­ eral things — no more ru n n in g aro u n d ta k in g pictures, no more copy or layouts or late, late nights or early, early mornings. I can’t believe it is finally finished.


I guess every editor has a million people to thank -— I really only have three in all the world. T hank you, Loren, for be­ ing my best friend. I ap ­ p re c ia te d all th e tim es you cam e and captured me from the Arrow office a n d s w e p t m e o f f to

C hili’s to relax and share. W hen I look at you I real­ ize G o d ’s love for me. Thanks Loren, for every­ thing. . . . And mom and dad — I will never stop missing you, w hether I ’m across the street or across the world. I have seen you guys handle disappoint­ m ent and despair with an uncommon valor and it has tau g h t me to keep my chin up and tru st God, no m atter what. M ostly, you guys have tau ght me to enjoy life — the simple things like rustling leaves in the wind, gray rainy days, wild flowers on the

H illsid e, an d la u g h te r. T h a n k you fo r a ll th e memories! . . . A nd to all three of you, in the fam il­ iar w ords of a fav o rite song, “It m ight have ap­ peared to go unnoticed, but Vve got it all here in m y heart. I want you to know I know the truth, I w ould be nothing w ithout you. D id yo u ever know that yo u re m y hero? A n d everything I w ould like to be? I can f l y higher than an eagle, ’cause you are th e w in d b e n e a th m y wings.” — Jennifer

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