Aquarium World vol 1 2016

Page 53

Clown Knifefish Photo: Bedo

For brackish water enthusiasts, figure eight puffers (Tetraodon biocellatus), green puffers (T. fluviatilis), silver scats, mono angels (Monodactylus argenteus and M. sebae), and bumblebee gobies are on the importers’ lists. Freshwater or dwarf puffers (T. travancornicus) are also on the list and make a great subject for a small heavily planted species only tank. And finally, for those fish keepers with very large tanks who are after a special display fish, there are a number of arowanas on the importers’ lists. Pearl arowanas which are also known as gulf saratoga (Scleropages Figure Eight Puffer Photo: ColdmachineUK

jardinii) and silver arowanas (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum) are more reasonably priced; while red tail gold and high back golden Asian arowanas (Scleropages formosus) are stunning but expensive. Other large fish for large tanks include slender hemiodus, banded leporinus, Siamese tigerfish, clown knifefish, royal spotted knifefish, and redhook myleus. Just to do your research though as not all these fish are compatible. The editorial team

Royal Knifefish Photo: Peter Potrowl

Aquarium World

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