Micralestes stormsi (Red Tetra from Congo True)

Micralestes stormsi (Red Tetra from Congo True)


The Stormsi Micrals is a fish from rivers and rivers in the East African region. It is a small fish, with an elongated body and a unique dorsal fin. Its color varies from gray to dark brown, with black spots on the body and fins.

The Stormsi Micralstes has a diet mainly composed of insects and small crustaceans which it captures by quickly moving into the shallow waters of rivers and streams. Like most fish, it is also able to feed on aquatic plants.

The Stormsi micraletes is a gregarious fish and often gathers in small benches to feed and reproduce. The breeding period takes place in summer, when the waters are the hottest. The female lays her eggs in cavities hidden in rocks and aquatic plants, and the male protects eggs until they hatch.

Unfortunately, the Stormsi Micralstes is a species in danger of extinction due to the destruction of its natural habitat, water pollution and excessive fishing. Conservation efforts are underway to protect this species and ensure its long -term survival.



  • Adult size : 8 cm
  • Behaviour : Pleasant
  • Food : Omnivorous


  • Water type : Freshwater, hot
  • Temperature : 21 - 27 °C
  • pH : 6.9 - 7.2
  • Minimum aquarium capacity (in liters) :


  • Created by : sunnmagic
  • Last update : 26/10/2022

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