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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  April 3, 2022 2:00am-7:00am PDT

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lawrence b. jones 3 on facebook, and instagram, and twitter. it is always a pleasure. good night. ♪ ♪ >>. [music]
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>> welcome to foxand friends . it's 5 am and you as always, thank you for sending inyour your photo, good morning .
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>> yesterday sean said to me i love not only that you guys advertise it throughout the show, tell people to go back and watch which we doand it's absolutely right . >> you have to get up early normally tosee that and six and you have to be up early at this new schedule . >> you can go back up and dvr and send more of your photos in. >> it's gray suit day here on "fox & friends" weekend. hope you wear great at home in solidarity. >> i thought it was black dress day and i thought you were going to join me. >> the way this happens is not that you care about this but we both really only do blue or gray, we don't do black and therefore our rotations are limiting and we don't do dark gray, we haven't discussed it . >>i said i'm going to switch it up today . we're becomingthe same person >> be careful, will .
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>> i took my hand too much. >> that was a fox news alert and i have another fox news alerts, russians have seized control of the area around kyiv. >> ukraine persevering against all on even taking out a russian helicopterusing a high range missile, watch . >> alex hogan is live on the ground in lviv. >> the focus is shifting to kyiv where the fear of russians taking over the capital is now gone but what people are witnessing when they return home is the decimation of what their city used to look like and what it lookslike now including difficult footage to see . there are bodies in the
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streets as people return back to the capital . men andwomen, their bodies tangled in downed wires . innocent civilians laying next to their homes and cars stopped in the middle of the street. the city is left littered with leftbehind military equipment mixed with the rubble of loan buildings . vladimir zelensky warned residents it is not safe to return home but not just here .zelensky saying most of the country is riddled with catastrophictraps . >> they are mining the whole territory. there mining homes, mining equipment and eventhe bodies ofpeople who were killed . there are a lot of tripwires and all of other dangers . >> forces releasing this footage as they tried to hold onto contested regions in their country . troops actually shooting down one of thesetwo helicopters the last chopping off the tale of that second helicopter before it goes
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down . troops are moving back into their northern territories but it's a completely different story in the east as russian forces bear down on the donbas region. the explosions in odessa as forces go towards mariupol where the majority of the residents that were remaining there are now traps and nearby near the city more explosions takingplace . listen to this video . [explosions excludes] >> you can see the explosions going off their . again for people who have been trying to flee from mariupol to that region usually it takes two hours and now because of the damaged roads and blowing up bridges it's taking people up to 12 hours if they managed to escape. that being said there's nowhere to stop to refuel your vehicle and cars that do
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crash, no one can save them at this point so what we're seeing taking place, there are no new negotiations that took place friday between russia and ukraine but on the ground there is a lot of skepticismif these conversations will have any impact . >> if you think about it from where we were when this started it's a stunning reversal . you have russian troops withdrawing, repositioning, retreating but they lost tens of thousands of russian men and equipment that came in to take the capital city of kyiv and they're moving back north . >> which is why you're hearing that peace talks have advanced to a point where a meeting between putin and zelensky as possible. that's coming from a ukrainian negotiator. at least they said that's wherethings are going to go . >> as long as russia is on
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the run that and will, and will be in thecomplete rut surrender by russia or is there a compromise ? i can't answer that question but later earlier i have said compromise is not a promising prospect because both sides are all in on sortof a winner take all game and right now , to think we can actually get our hands around the details on the ground it appears ukraine is the one winning the hand. >> there's new to crazy new details, one is an internal hole inside russia that shows approval for the war has gone up 69 percent to 81 percent. because of the consolidation of propaganda and the way they spun it internally, they sold the russian people that this is a war to protect russian-speaking people in ukraine, denazification, all the justification and were getting new reports about the actual efficacy of sanctions.
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these sanctions were supposed to grind to a halt the russian economy andmake them think twice . if anything there filling the russian coffers, they may not prevent depression to the russian people, there's sanctions people but not the government. here's a projection of oil and gas revenue, all these sanctions from the us, uk, australia and other european countries. this is the amount of revenue they obtain for oil and gas. 230, 143, 236 billion. they're expected to outpace energy exports to 321 billion so their coffers are full between the countries that are still willing to buy their gas and oil prices right now which are skyhigh, is russia really feeling the pinch? >> the question as always is why?
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if they think the world is rejecting russian oil why are they bringing the cash registers and the answer is first of all you don't turn off oil consumption overnight so many american corporations have said they they would no longer take a russian oil is not a switch flipping effect but more than that are countries like india who have not decreased their oil consumption but increased . i believe the number was last year india imported 16 billion barrels of russian oil and they are almost meeting that exact number through this fiscal year. >> it's up to what we're not doing. if we were saying were not going to use russian oil, were going to sanction it with the efficacy of sanctions has always not been very great so itwas never a great way to deal with this attack . what are we doing ? we should be on war footing, were going to provide everything on, get it to europe, even just into the
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future but we're not. we're putting green energy first, not american energy first so here weare . we can't offset what the world needs because of our radical climate whether radicals. >> and russia is giving india a huge discount. they're pushing china and russia even closer together. germany is still lying because they are dependent on it just like they say they'll help increase dependency, we will see so if anything we're creating a new anti-western blot that is willing to trade together and believes it can survive without the west. >> in addition to the oil, the most dangerous thing that's happening is that we are no longer going to be the currency. you see russia and other countries increasingly going
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to china to use their currency because we have all these financial sanctions on them. i think this is dangerous for the american people. >> from the ukrainian border to the americansouthern border , numbers are already beginning to explode on the number of illegalmigrants . >> they were exploding last year . >> there exploding even more today. >> you thought they could never get worse, it gets worse. >> numbers are up 579 percent year over year. exploding a year ago, of 500 more this year. these are some tweets from jason owens along with pictures that show what's going on at the border . asians encounter more unaccompanied children, a six-year-old earlier this morning . three siblings, to six-year-old and the one-year-old,all were alone withno family present .this is tragic .
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>> not humanitarian. here's the numbers, in the yuma arizona sector , increasing crossings of 579 percent over last year, but according to our own will melugin and up 100 percent in other sectors as well. that clash you saw of the shields, that's another migrants caravan they believe in southern mexico taking its way north just at the beginning clashing with mexican authorities down there but they believe that is an indication of the interest that illegals have to come to our country in light of the removal of title 42. any region who expels you will now be gone in may so the search bs,the search has already been happening for a year . >> based on the seasonal pattern, this is an even high incident for crossing it. this thing is just, we can't
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even fathom. just imagine being from yuma orany of these border towns . i have friends who've been with their hair on fire ever since joe biden was elected because they saw a change from the control we had of our borders and influx of people coming over during the trump era to this recent change when joe biden came in . and this is happening, this strain on their social services and on their safety net for their own citizens at the time when inflation is so high and people can't put food on the table and can gas up their cars and don't know how they're going to pay the rent and at the same time this huge influx of people are taking up the limited resources people have the worst time possible so they're having these two news stories it at the same time and it just , if you're from yuma you're just so upset
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that people from such a faraway place in washington dc are having such an impact on yourday-to-day life and they simply don't care . the attorney general mark brockovich talked about the impact of title 42 last night on lawrence jones cross-country, take a listen. >> title 42 is one of the last remaining tools to stop this catastrophe at our southern border. there's more than 2 million people illegally entered. if this policy is rescinded we will see 500,000 additional people illegally enter our country, essentially theentire population of a place like kansas city missouri . their overwhelming our social system, the safety net and our communities areless safe because of the massive influx of methamphetamine and fentanyl . >> if you were watching the
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final four last night you should have been walks watching fox nation because from at an event inmichigan and talked about your point about how this is affecting people on immigration . >> if any part of our country is going to be turned into a migrants camp , it should not be the communities of hard-working americans. it should be the neighborhoods of the radical left politicians who are callously throwing open america'sborders . the radical democrats believe america should be a sanctuary for dangers, criminal aliens. republicans believe our country should be a sanctuary for law-abiding americans and people that want to live the american dream.whatever happened to the american dream? they want to destroy our countryand want to destroy the american dream . >> there youhave it . >> hard to disagree with.
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>> it's nevertheir gated communities, never their elite privateschools . the haves and the have-nots . turning to a few additional headlines starting with a fox news alert, seven people are hurt,two of which are in critical condition after a fan and bus collided . first responders say the van was leaking gas on the roadway, hazmat teams were called to clean it up . the van crossed over the center line and hit the bus and on. and air travel trouble, southwest airlines apologizing after they canceled 380 flights and delete 1300 sinceyesterday . the company says they are working diligently to make it up to travelers and blaming systemwide technology issues for the cancellations. saying routine maintenance of backend technology went wrong . alaska airlines is canceling flights more than 126
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grounded since friday as pilots pick it over contract negotiations and as we mentioned to the final four, villanova called falls to kansas city 1 to 65, jayhawks enjoying a 10 game winning streak as they head into tomorrow night's final . it was never really close. coach k had his duke retirement tour ruins his rivals unc . >> top of the key. >> that three making it a two possession game with seconds left, tar heels would hold on to win 81 to 77. the loss means carolina handed moche coach mike schesefsky all lost and we went to bed before the game was over. >> early indications are that it was such a great game.
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>> are going tohave a few more hours but notes onyour headlines . ruined . >> do you know how many tweets i get over the fact thatno matter how hard i tried to say nuclear , i say nucular. if i had a dime for every ... nucular. >> southwest airlines flinched when isaid that were . they put the fear of god into me with my two sons who will be part of the pack. i'm flying southwest. it may just be my sons are fronting apackage in montana . but it isn't so. >> i love that. >> at least you're not going to spring break if you're going to montana.
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still ahead a spring break party turns into chaos. the emergencyresponse underway in california . >> more parents turning their back on the magical woke world of disney. their frustration with top executives here on "fox & friends" .
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xfinity mobile runs on america's most reliable 5g network, but for up to half the price of verizon, so you have more money for more stuff. this phone? fewer groceries. this phone? more groceries! this phone? fewer concert tickets. this phone? more concert tickets. and not just for my shows. switch to xfinity mobile for half the price of verizon. that's a savings of over $500 a year.
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switch today. >> the california beach party turns into chaos, authorities declaring santa barbara collegeparty a multicasualty incident .>> actually joins us with what happened . >> it's called dell topia and it's in unofficial unsanctioned andillegal street party in california mainly for uc santa barbara students . yesterday it got out of control, partygoers overloading the streets at the peak of the chaos, santa barbara fire department declaredit a multi casualty incident . with reports of everything from broken bones to drug and alcohol overdoses and severe trauma. on day one of the events they
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cited 20 citations and one traffic collision. authorities say they were so overwhelmed first responders had to resort to a triage system and one person reportedly fellfrom the second story window and a female reportedly fell from a rooftop . both conditions are not known right now. the santa barbara fire department rescinded its multi casualty incident declaration and was the first deltopia at full capacity since 2018. >> that's scary, i got in trouble at santa barbara once in may. halloween is a big deal, not just deltopia. >> is more is spring break morewild then you recall? i come from mtv spring break days . >> i don't want it to be the kids these days type approach
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but it does feel likein some of these spots it's a lot more raucous . >> it feels like it's a mix of college kids and noncollege kids and over older people. >> you throw drugs in there thatare even more potent these days .>> we've been talking about disney and the fallout from disney support for the education bill in florida. disney has taken a political stand and what does thatdo to their bottom line , their customer base? we started to get some of the answer. this is from anarticle on fox news digital where we have several disney customers and parents waiting . kelly clagett is an owner of a local farm to table who said parents are deeply frustrated because we have to
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fight so hard to raise our kids with important integrity. when i read about woke disney my friends and i felt the same way. the executives are living in some bubble and don't know every day moms and dads like us. >> the mother of a 10-year-old soap of future customer already says as anew father i have decided not to expose my baby to any of disney's products. anything they stream or the theme parks. disney doesn't understand parents have so many options now. ultimately i think they're going to lose on this gamble. i love his sentiments, so many options, not sure i agree with that . disney is like this whole some wonderful place to take our kids and not have to protect them . >> it was meant to be an innocent, magical place of values. by the way, good on fox news digital, they do a great job
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with original reporting and another quote was a conservative parent in the place where all of us are. our kids have already been raised at some level on disney. i went home from the show and when was watching bambi and bambi to from 2006 that didn't have any bad themes it yet but all my kids know movies from disney they love so i stare at that disney plus thing on apple tv and i go do i get rid of it?i want to but there's a different feeling inside the house . and it'snot just the movies, it's the shows . >> disney owns marvel and for thatmatter espn . they can't watch hawkeye or all the different streaming services, the superhero universe and it's a difficult decision but disney is the one forcing thedecision . it's not the customerstaking a stand and saying we expected to be political in this way . it's disney whose chosen to
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take a stand and it's something to be crystal clear about is its radical when it comes to this exactbull's-eye of theirbrand , children . >> first of all i believe the left very intentionally targeted disney. disney represents everything wholesome that we know statically remember about watching these movies. snow white has a scene, my favorite by the way in snow white is actually praying in that. i don't think boycotts work cause i've had sean cancel and on cancel and cancel netflix how many times. this happens so i think the answer is what the daily wire is doing which is they have this $100 million investment in children's entertainment. maybe somebody will build a new theme park. it's hard because of allthose
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old nostalgic movies that we love , bambi and tokyo and all of those that have such wonderful morals and lessons and the sad part is as parents it's so hard to raise kids these days and to have of all places disney of all companies abandon parents who try to do a good job . >> you might as well say it out loud. don't let disney raise your kids. you raise your kids. >> you want entertainment healthy. >> i do believe this, as much as there's externalinfluences that have a negative effect , the majority is right here. it's with your parents and you can tell what they're seeing and you are main arbiter. >> can we do a filter where you can only watchthings before like 2010 ? can't you have a parental block? >> i'm going to give you a littlepreview . my husband has an idea
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similar to what you're talking about that corporate can take on. it's a very interesting solution . >> we want your solutions. how are you handling the wokification of disney? allegations that a group funded by fauci tried to cast doubt on the lab leak theory. james comay has beendemanding answers and he's next .
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>> the new report finds researchers funded by doctor fauci and the nih tried to dismiss the wuhan lab leak, the report accuses peter
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gassett of orchestrating a letter signed by 2000 scientists publicly rejecting the theory and his email obtained by vanity fair, you me and him should not sign the statement so it has some distance from us and thereforedoesn't work in a counterproductive way . then put it out on in a way that doesn't link it back to our collaboration so we maximize anindependent voice .congressman james comber is a ranking member of the house oversight and government reform committee. thank you for being here. we have to email, the left is admitting what was deemed to be absolutely conspiratorial at the beginning because of letters like this. now we know they were orchestrating a silencing of the origins from the beginning. >> absolutely. this is more evidence that doctor fauci and doctor collins orchestrated a spin campaign to make sure from the beginning that anyone who
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tried to suggest this was a lab leak theory was labeled as a conspiracy theorist. the nih used their grant funding as a feedback to reward people who would go along with this theory. doctor wuhan fauci got this attention from the media about coverups but our committee, the republicans on the house oversight committee proved taxpayer dollars were going to go health alliance which were using those tax dollars at the wuhan lab to do gain of function research. i think eco-health alliance can answer a lot of questions and when republicans come to the majority hopefully in january all this news with eco-health alliance will come before the house oversight committee and ifthey don't, they're going to be subpoenaed . because they have the answers
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to what went on and these emails are more proof that there was a cover-up campaign from the beginning which we should have been focused on trying to getthe vaccine . they were trying tocover this up . >> we should have been having an earnest conversation about where it came from. let's go to another cover-up and i hopeyou do that with committee hearings . these two stories, what happened with the china virus and the cover-up is similar to hunter biden's laptop and the obsessive way in which themedia suppressed that story in front of the 20/20 elections . the house gop is now going to invite hunter biden to testify on cobalt mining because of his expertise on easy batteries. here's a little tongue-in-cheek, and he's making so much money in these industries you must have expertise. >> we want to get hunter
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biden for congress, we have a lot of questions so we've been looking for an opportunity to get him to come beforecongress . the american people have questions about his business dealings so the democrats when it comes to energy policy they're having a real let them eat cake moments whenit comes to high gas prices . they think if any american is paying so much to either car there electric vehicles. they're taking this green new deal moment to the postal service and trying to electrify all the vehicles in the us postal service though they're having a committee hearing and we suggested as the minority whip , we get a witness in this committee, but i hunter biden there to talk about how important these rare earth minerals now so he's had more money from rare earth minerals. he negotiated a deal to sell a cobalt line from an american company to a chinese company.
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this gives china a further competitive advantage in the electric vehicle market so why not have them come to congress and talk about all his expertise because he's made a lot of money off this. >> makes sense, $2.65 billion acquisition by the chinese of cobalt mining . whobetter to provide the committee . congressman, thank you my very muchand i hope that oversight comes in 2022 . coming up a student athlete sucker punched onthe track . look at that. now weighing legal action. dramatic video shows illegals and police going head-to-head for migrants in that case in mexico. how will the border crisis affect the midterms? we asked our guest from texas during the break.
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going toe to toe as title 42 set to expire so how will the border crisis play out for texasvoters during the midterm ? joining us now our congressional candidate kathy garcia and myra flores. it's great to have you on the show, welcome to "fox & friends".
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kathy, you are in laredo right on the border. what kind of impact will this have in your community? >> thank you for having me on. i live in a border community and the situation is already at a crisis level and the biden administration does not have a plan in place and ending title 42 on may 23 is going to be catastrophic for all of that hispanic border communities arealready dealing with the border crisis firsthand . >> take a look at these poll numbers that show that approval for joe biden's border policies areat 37 percent . disapprove at 58 percent, what do you think those numbers are forpeople who live in the calendar ? >> it means everything because i am i immigrated to this country illegally, back to my father and immigration
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is important for us in south texas but legal immigration. what's happening atthis moment issomething we do not support in south texas . we feel this administration is focused on illegal immigration and not on the american people . the ones that our congressmen have abandoned our district in the middle of a border crisis when we can't afford groceries and paying at the pumps. we've been abandoned in texas district 34 and that's the reason i'm running for this special election and i know the people of this district will be voting for me because for so long the democratic party has feltentitled and they believe that own our boat and will be sending out wrong message tothe democratic party that it's not true . and what's happening at this moment is something that we've never seen before . >> you bring up such a great point. this surge is happening at an overwhelming the resources of your community at precisely the time so many people are
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struggling withinflation and gas prices and it's hard on people. the democratic party says that latinos love these policies, what would you say tothem about that ? >> i'll tell you, growing up in hispanic community and living on the border , the hispanic community once a strong and secure border . we want to celebrate legal immigration, not illegal immigration and the families and communities are sick and tired of the biden administration disregarding the community. we want some border and i'm telling you come this november were going to see a red zoo nominee, a pink wave, red wave of voters. where going to take back the house and senate and fired nancy pelosi. thepeople are frustrated . our border patrol agents are doing everything they can to secure our border of the
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administration does not have their back . >> my dad voted for a democrat for the first time when he was in his late 30s and he never went back. he remained arepublican from that point forward . this is a dangerous moment for democrats who are ignoring what hispanics want. so happy to see hispanic womenrunning for congress in texas and you all are doing an amazing job . i wish you all the best and thank you forsticking up for those people . >> thank you for having us. >> turning now to headlines starting with a johnshopkins surgeon shot in an attempted carjacking on his way to work in baltimore . he was rushed to his own hospital and saved by his coworkers. his colleague writes nothing prepares you when the person you have to take care of is one of your own . the doctor it's said will fully recover. suing over a sucker punch, a
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track star it by another athlete midway in florida is reportedly considering a lawsuit against his attacker. the runners lawyer says he sustained a concussion. the runner was winning when the other athlete who wasn't involved through the punch. he was reportedly upset and the runner who got hit shelton out of the way so he waited for the next lap to come around . those are your headlines. coming up next, mothers taking a stand against trans athletes, trans women competing in female sports. our next founded the group save women's sports and says if we don't do something women's sports will cease to exist denzel washington says the devil got a hold of will smith . we share his pics after he was raised with smith during the oscars.
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xfinity mobile runs on america's most reliable 5g network, but for up to half the price of verizon, so you have more money for more stuff. this phone? fewer groceries. this phone? more groceries! this phone? fewer concert tickets. this phone? more concert tickets. and not just for my shows. switch to xfinity mobile for half the price of verizon. that's a savings of over $500 a year. switch today. >> moms fighting for fairness amid trans appellee leah thomas landslide victories, one mom telling the new york post her daughter hope she
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can still be leah but leah's height and arm length made it impossible. our next guest says it's time to stand up for what's right. save women's sports founder beth seltzer joins us now. glad to have you with us. we've wondered aloud, i think as a society where are the athletes, where are the women athletes, the . >> thank you so much for having me on this morning, will, shining a light on this serious issue because it is widespreading. it is time for everyone to speak up. up fortunately women like me who are raising the alarm have been blacklisted and canceled by our cancel culture. i'm grateful for fox and other stations finally bringing this to light to speak the truth. lia thomas has a male body and will always have a male body. it is not fair for him to race as a woman. women deserve fairness in the
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pool and locker room. will: you mentioned before, you stood next to lia thomas, he is incredibly tall. that is advantage. ivy league tournament meet stats, put those up where we can, lia dominated. won the 500, placed high in the 200 and 100 at the conference meet, ivy league meet, absolutely dominated 500, 200, 100, won it all. beth, this isn't theoretical for you. your daughter has been involved in sports, you have seen the power, literally the power of male athletes joining women's sports. >> i have a son actually, but i've seen them go through coed sports. this is a simple issue. it shouldn't have to come to this with any science or doctorate or degree. i'm a mom, i'm a woman. i'm saying no, that should be
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enough this is common sense. you ski the difference between boys and girls physically even on schoolyard with pull-ups and push-ups. this is like the tale of king's new clothes. i happen to be the little boy the first one to point out lia is a male and time to protect sex based places. will: i'm sorry. you have a son, not a daughter. you have seen effect of females joining male athletes in the power sports, weight lifting. save women's sports organizing, where are other parents standing with you. is this something you take a stand on? do you feel you are alone or are people ready to stand with you. >> overwhelmingly positive report. this is a toxic environment. they feel scared. time to create a safe space for
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them to speak the truth. i encourage all the listeners out there to start doing the same. will: wishing you the best of luck. thank you very much for being on "fox & friends" this morning. coming up as the president goes after oil and gas i went to a family-run oil field in west texas to get the real story. that's straight ahead. ♪. >> woman: i have a few s. let go! >> tech vo: that's service that fits your schedule. go to >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ tony here, from let's talk credit. what are you doing to improve your credit? do i need to improve my credit? well, that depends. do you like saving money?
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the brand i trust is qunol. ♪. rachel: good morning, everybody, it is 6:00 a.m. here on the east coast in new york city. that is a beautiful shot of philadelphia. everyone still probably sleeping because it is sunday morning but we're not asleep. good morning, will.
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good morning pete. pete: you're right. i said it. no one is awake of philadelphia. will: we were talking about partying. we talked about a spring break story that went bad in california. you brought it up, are kids wilder than they were in the mtv spring break days? rachel: i thought it was bad then. will: mine so far is no. kids are home on their device. they're not as wild as they were back in the day, am i wrong? rachel: i think there is a lot less independence. i remember being in college and my parents couldn't hold me back from going -- we were in texas and arizona, you go to mexico for spring break. my mom didn't want me to go. i am sorry, i'm off. my kids, are we going on vacation. we plan vacations around spring breaks to join us for vacations which would have never gone for me. you're right about that a little bit. when they do go bad, there is a
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lot more danger. pete: it all comes down to the family dynamic. if you have parents engaged, want to steer them in the right direction, great. you may or may not find yourself in daytona beach shotgunning beers. will: did you get in some trouble? get off that thing and make them wore remembered? rachel: there was a poll that came out said teenagers are having less sex than teenagers in the '80s and '90s were. will: balance against the fear, a good transition for our moment, the balance against fear of a mistake with, fentanyl stories more and more, the mistakes they might make, cost them so much higher. pete: speaking of costs so much higher, this is an easy one, gas prices by the way. we know they're higher across the country but some people down in california are, or in border states have decided recently they're so bad in the u.s. they're crossing into mexico to
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fill up gas tanks in those non regions of mexico because there is a subsidy from the mexican government that provides for lower gases froms. well the mexican government just announced from april 2, to april 8, temporary thing, they will end subsidies on gas prices in mexico so prices will be the same. they have seen an absolute shortage now of gas in non mexico because so many u.s. customers are driving across the border to fill up their tanks. rachel: that would be sean duffy. sean duffy knows where the lowest gas is around him. if he had to cross in mexico because he lived in laredo or somewhere near there, or yuma, he would go across the border to gas up our cars because we have cars with big tanks of gas and would do that totally. >> going to mexico for cheap gas. rachel: when we create all the fast we have here. will: not traditionally i thought people went to mexico
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before. pete: got to be a lot cheaper. have to drive over to do it. there is subsidy of dollar a gallon. that is cheaper. rachel: go to spring break gas up party and come back. it is sad, when we are energy producers we should have cheap gas here in america, but our government says no, we care more about the temperature of the ocean in 100 years whether you can fill up your gas, have to cross into another country in order to afford to do that. will: cross into another country to fill up on gas. the american energy alliance put out an ad they point out some of the hypocrisy coming from our government. watch. ♪. >> this is the granholm plan to increase oil production in america. [laughter]. that is hilarious.
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>> we have to increase supply so we cannot, make sure people are protected at the pump. will: there is that ad, a portion of it. rachel: was not, no offense i wasn't very impressed with the ad. i don't think they're sending mixed signals at all. prices are high? buy a 60,000-dollar electric car. they're absolutely doing nothing and i don't think they're hiding it. they're not doing anything to increase real production here in the united states. pete: no, you're right. they have recently tried to paper over it with rhetoric and some soft statements that say, we want to make your life easier at the pump. here is what we're going to do, there are leases out there, you can use them if you want. they're putting onus completely on energy companies. if you look what biden, harris and everyone else ran on in the campaign, and have for quite some time it is the destruction of the oil and gas industry in our country completely.
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to your point, rachel, they're okay philosophically okay with the pain at the pump because they think it will force people away from it, when in actuality we're a long way from the green new fantasy, all we're doing is feeling the pain and continually reliant on terrible sources of oil, oil and gas far dirtier what we produce domestically. rachel: gas prices affected food prices. it affects people's ability to put food on the table. will: biden administration talked about releasing strategic reserves when it comes to oil and gas. the tim stuart president of oil and gas association. you are turning the knob this much. you could release reserves 100 times bigger. >> there is two reserves. first the strategic petroleum reserve. the second reserve is what we across the ground in the u.s. that is 100 times bigger than the strategic petroleum reserve.
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this will work, if the president says i will release a million barrels a day but aggressively retool how we conduct our onshore and offshore oil and gas programs on the federal side. rachel: wow. president trump said, this is so easy. this isn't rocket science. just go back to what i was doing. take a look at him last night in michigan at his rally. >> if joe biden were serious about fighting inflation and helping the middle class the first thing he would do is walk into the white house briefing room and announce that he is immediately and completely returning to pro-american energy policies of a president named donald john trump. it is very simple. [cheers and applause] so simple. it is so simple. rachel: it is simple, right? pete: so simple. i agree, yet so impossible considering the left-wing box
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that this administration put themselves into, from the border which we talked talked about la, we'll talk more this morning. simply enforcing it, putting policies in place would stem the tied of the invasion we're seeing. unleashing domestic production or what about nuclear power? nuclear power is clean? rachel: i will not say that word. nuclear. pete: nuclear power. it is all there if you want it. rachel: this is the problem with the biden administration has. the problem they have is just one year, two years, a year-and-a-half ago really you could say, you, we had the best economy going. we had you know, our border controlled. just had these two young hispanic women that are running for congress in southern texas. people can remember the record-breaking trump economy. people can remember when we were energy independent. it wasn't 50 years ago. it was just a couple years ago. people are not going to buy that this has to be the new normal.
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that is the -- pete: or that it is putin's fault. rachel: or that it is putin's fault, whatever. will: there is no single more transformational invention, discovery, really honestly in human history the fact that you can burn dead dinosaurs for energy. we discovered fossil fuels propelled the industrial revolution, prepared every single advance meant for the past 130 plus years. we know so little. costs this much, that much to fill up our car. how does it get from the ground in our life? i grew up in texas. we had parties at the pump jack. rachel: what does that mean. will: the thing that goes like this. rachel: what is this party? pete: go to someone's pump jack and party. will: there would be a pump jack with oil lease. you get in the gate, hopefully be protected from getting in trouble we were talking about earlier. the party is outdoors. the point pump jacks are part of
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our life. pete: you didn't get in trouble? will: i could tell you some stories. how does the oil go from a to b? i had the cool opportunity to go to odesa, texas, climb on top of an oil rig drilling down into the earth to ask all the questions from here to there. rachel: that is cool. will: we'll play late other on fox. independent family oil and gas discovery company talking about the business that transformed our lives. pete: there is video of it. i look forward to seeing it. leases permits, the difference between the two, how soon they get approved? you hear that from the biden administration. they say permits, difficult from leases. it is confusing. will: most of that is tied to drilling of 25% of oil and gas on federal lands.
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this is all private. you still have to deal with leasing. >> but these are such long-term investments. they have to know they're not going to be shut down by some bureaucracy. will: no doubt. not just shut down. can they even get financing. >> turning banks against them. will: exactly. rachel: huge issue. more trivial issue. pete: more trivial issue which we've covered and you've seen, slap gate, fall out from will smith at the oscars slapping chris rock. he reportedly says defending his wife in a joke he didn't like. we know yesterday he resigned from the academy awards. still pending punishment. watch the pictures after the accident happened, there is a stark picture of will smith standing with denzel washington, chris rock is still on stage. looks like it's a commercial break. you wonder what denzel washington saying to will smith in that moment? we're getting a sense.
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sounds like he said a prayer with him. denzel washington made comments during a leadership summit, via the rap. that is what denzel washington said to will smith. i don't want to say we talk about, there but for the grace of god go any of us? who are we to condemn. i don't know the ins and outs of situation, the only solution is prayer. there is saying when the devil ignores you you're doing something wrong. devil goes, leave him alone, he is my favorite. conversely the devil comes at you maybe he is doing something right, for whatever reason the devil got a hold of him that night. rachel: actually when will smith got his award, during his speech he actually said denzel washington just told me that when you're at your highest point that is when the devil comes for you. we do know a little bit about what he said but interesting that denzel, first of all, i love that denzel saying pray
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about this because i think you know we talked about this yesterday. i had a lot of people come after me on social media saying that i was being too you know, soft touch with will smith on this but to me i look at will smith, the things he said, things i know about his childhood, how i saw in that moment, looked like he had a lot of pain. will: there is difference to trying to explain something and justifying. rachel: right. will: i know you were not justifying. i'm not justifying. i've been pretty vocal in condemning will smith. that is different than going on. you were trying to explain behavior inappropriate. i find denzel interesting. i don't agree with him at all times. i find denzel washington an interesting thinker, every time a clip comes out, i happen to agree as well, rachel. i think the answer is found in prayer. pete: you're right. what little i knew about
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will smith, you learn a lot when you're in the middle of a controversy, i don't know a whole lot about denzel washington, seems like a stand-up guy, seems legit, there you go at the floor of the oscars. that is what you need at a moment like that. rachel: i love that message to all of hollywood, actually. that was a moment of pain and prayer was the only solution. by the way denzel interesting, very good-looking. will: denzel is my list of actors if he is in it i'm watching. pete: i agree with you. rachel: a little movie he did didn't get as much attention of all the blockbusters, mississippi masala, a good one with denzel washington, back in the day. will: i like his revenge movies, like "the equalizer," man on fire. rachel: this is not as goodood s that. will: texas deputy killed in the line of duty. harris county sheriff's office parked on the side of the road
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responding to a call of a drunk driver. she was hit by the same drunk driver she was on the lookout for. the deputy's car burst into flames. the harris count said, i send your condolences to the fallen 7th precinct constable. north korea threatening to south korea. sister of kim jong-un warning that south korea may face a serious threat owing to the reckless marks made by the defense minister. south korea said they could launch prediction strikes on north korea about they ever believed theres with an impending missile strike. a new york physician calling white people as birthing people, but calling pregnant and hispanic women mothers. rachel: i'm a mother. will: dr. michelle morris, writing in a rate mortality rates for birthing people are
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high. babies born to black and puerto rican mothers in the city are nor than three times likely die in first year of life than babies born to non-miss panic white birthing people. it gets better. she apologized calling black and hispanic birthing people mothers. not calling white people as birthing people but calling black and puerto rican mothers. rachel: this is hill i would die on. i really believe the left is trying to erase my gender but as a mother who has had nine babies, two miscarriages, 11 times i've been pregnant. i had the joy, the suffering, the pain, all of it. i will not let these people take that away from me. i'm a mother. i earned that. you will not erase me. will: this had racism,
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non-gender white people and apologize for gendering minorities. that is the fix. the fix is not to go back to calling people the very well earned title of mother. it is to erase everyone. sorry, i didn't erase everyone. pete: renaming maternity wards birthing people places. rachel: chest feeding, not breast feeding. so weird. hard to believe you can actually even from just a political point of view, it is the most unattractive, non--- will: coming from the medical community. rachel: i know. i know. how are they running -- pete: we're the crazy ones. you are, very experienced birthing person. what is it called when you do your, when you get gifts for a kid that is coming? rachel: baby shower. pete: baby shower. will invite you to my baby shower. rachel: you're going to have a
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baby. pete: i can be a birthing person. rachel: i am a birthing person. pete: always weird we're having a baby. no we're not having a baby. you're having a baby. i'm going to watch and give you ice chips. rachel: [laughter]. pete: that is how it works. rachel: that is how it works. that why not let the left erase mother. mother comes with a lot of stuff. will: everybody gets ice chips. it is chaos. pete: feeding myself ice chips that does happen by the way. we're moving on to a serious fox news alert. ukraine claims to regain full control of the region around kyiv for the first time since the russian invasion began. >> woke world after all. hear from one mom who is saying good-bye to disney for good over the company's progressive agenda
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>> translator: they are mining the whole territory. they are mining homes, mining equipment. even the bodies of people who were killed. there are a lot of tripwires, a
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lot of other dangers. pete: back with a fox news alert. president zelenskyy warning about the catastrophic traps left behind by retreating russian forces as ukrainian forces take back full control of the kyiv region since the putin's invasion began. retired arm lieutenant colonel danny davis is here. colonel, thank you for being here. the top line, the main effort for the russian invasion, capital city of kyiv they have now effectively abandoned. the ukrainians are in full control what are ramifications of this? >> two things to pay attention to, certainly a lot of congratulations are due to the people of ukraine, especially the citizens of kyiv and also to their armed forces because they unquestionably stopped what was russia primary intent when they first started this, a quick capture of the capital. that never came to pass because
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those people put up such fierce defenses. unfortunately not necessarily a good thing they're gone, those troops, potentially 70,000 of them will completely withdraw of that part of ukraine to reposition in the east around the donbas front which could then overwhelm a pretty large group of ukrainian forces numbering about 40,000. so dodged one bullet but there is another danger coming. pete: presumably the ukrainians would reposition forces as well in donbas. are we looking at a clash over an area they have been fighting for eight years, mariupol down to the south and the a black sea? what would vladmir putin, what would his end state, what would he want now the capital city now appears not to be the objective? >> what is going on right now russia has realized belatedly they bit off too much. they couldn't take what they tried to.
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now they're doing something that makes a little bit more military sense in that they will focus first on the donbas. it is not merely the geographic forces there, you mentioned mariupol, there is pocket surrounding 40,000 number of ukrainian forces. the guys working down in mariupol, as soon as they finish that they may turn up north. the ones coming in from ukraine may come in from the south or heading to the south to potentially close that pocket. now to your point also, ukraine is reportedly moving some reinforcements but the question how many do they have, and can they get there in time? that will be the real race to find out how this plays out. pete: either side, real quick, we don't have much time, colonel, is either side to the point where they come to the negotiating table and there could be a negotiated solution or is there still too much yet to sort out? >> both sides definitely have a
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motivation to do it. i think probably both sides are also waiting to see how the donbass fight goes. whoever wins that, has the best negotiating positions. i'm afraid a lot of bloody fighting yet to go. pete: exactly right, both sides want to negotiate from strong positions. colonel davis, appreciate your insight. >> always my pleasure. pete: coming up, not just the woke world of disney turning parents away from the house of mouse. why the new film about a 13-year-old girl who turns into a red pan today. we discovered this researching what it was about to show our kids. it caused our next guest to say good-bye for good. ♪
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♪. pete: turning now to your headlines. a ferguson, missouri, group holds protests for a 14-year-old boy died from orlando amusement park ride. protesters with the juneteenth coalition, demanding that the amusement park tear down the ride. tyree simpson was a football standout and called a gentle giant. not clear the ride's fault. he was not hooked in properly. tragic. facebook is no longer requiring employees to get the covid shot. they are matching the cdc the company initially mandated boosters in response to the omicron variant. employees going into the office are required to be fully vaccinated, just not boosted. pope francis gave heartfelt condolences for a fox news cameraman perare krakieski. he was give ben a picture of
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pierre and letter from the late man's family. he said he was up there in italian. he was tragically killed reporting on the russian invasion of ukraine. he is up there. and we think of him and his family. those are the headlines. rachel, over to you. rachel: thank you, pete. he sure is. it is not just the woke world of disney that is turning parents away from the happiest place on earth, it is latest pixar film, "turning red" exposes young viewers to issues parents may not be ready to discuss like puberty. >> is everything okay? >> i'm a gross red monster,. [crying] don't look at me. stay back. >> this happened already? rachel: our next guest is a mom of four who is saying good-bye to the house of mickey for good. president of students for life of america, kristin hawkins joins us now. kristin, welcome. listen, i saw the clip of that
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also, when that movie, there is a line where she says my panda, my choice. obviously a reference to pro-choice slogans. so is it just time, kristin get out of denial to admit disney is not the magical place we remember when we were young and even walt disney's vision of it? >> it is so sad because it seems that sexualized content is new pixie dust at disney. it is sprinkled liberally everywhere. i love classic disney. our family loves classic disney, the world walt disney work. he said his life's devotion to bring out the innocence in all of us, but it its very clear from turning red to the, leaked zoom call disney held with their own employees, that disney llc, is clearly no longer interested in being this guardian of
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innocence. they are interested in pushing kids, you know, out of neverland, right into the adult sexualized world where sadly they can be groomed for adult enjoyment. we start seeing these themes, infomercials for planned parenthood and the abortion industry. rachel: such an interesting point you bring out, because you're right, it wasn't just that it was about preserving and guarding childhood innocence for children but we adults love going with our kids to disney world because it brought us back to the magical innocent time and that's gone. you say you want to boycott. i love boycotting it just doesn't seem to last. is that really the answer, or should we as parents be thinking about you know, what are the other alternatives? is there a new ecosystem we could build culturally for our kids to be safe? >> like i said, i love classic
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disney. my children have all seen the classic disney movies. the call to parents right now is, especially i'm a mom of a teenager, a 13-year-old. my oldest son, be very careful about new disney and to really watch the movies and watch what your children are going to be consuming beforehand because you know i am so glad i watched "turning red" i would have allowed my children to watch it. we're not ready to have those conversations. and my-year-old who had been in the room while by 13-year-old was watching the film wouldn't be ready to have the conversations yet. i want to make sure when i do have conversations with my children it is on my terms, and our values as a family. that is the point i wrote in the op-ed just featured on fox. i've been speaking out a lot about this. make sure you're guarding your children. you decide for your family what content your children get to be exposed to because you're the decider here, not disney and
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their woke agenda and their allies at planned parenthood and the lgbtq lobby. rachel: raising awareness is so important. classic disney, the disney of our childhood is not new disney. watch the films. by the way my co-host, pete hegseth was watching "turning red," turned it off in ten minutes. they saw it was not age appropriate. kristin, thanks for raising awareness and doing all you can to preserve the magic, the innocence and beauty of childhood. >> thank you for having me. rachel: of course. still ahead president biden blames the oil industry for pain at the pump. now oil workers are pushing back. >> if i can get the oil out of the ground and i don't have anywhere to send it, what do i do with it. rachel: will got an inside glimpse at a family oil facility in texas. what he learned about that industry next. stay with us.
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exploit the situation, sit back, ship those profits to the investors and while american families struggle to make ends meet. will: life is easy when you know how to run everything. i recently talked to a and family-owned independent oil company in texas where they actually produce oil and doing so at record rates. but they say the administration anti-fossil fuel policies are heading them back still. take a look. tell me about the role of this place, the people permian basin in the oil and gas production. >> they produce 45% of the nation's crude oil and 25% of nation's natural gas. will: this is america's heart? >> exactly. will: this is owned by discovery oil and gas business owned by a family in midland. >> i first went for shale in 1962. i went out on my own eventually.
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my dream was to have my own company. will: you got a family with three sons in the business, at least two grandchildren. it's a family affair. >> these guys that work on the rig, the guys that help us with perfection, they become part of that family too. without them we cannot do what we do. will: during the drilling phase this thing is operating 24 hours a day? >> 24 hours a day, seven days a week. will: this is an operational rig. that means the drilling crew took a quick timeout and quick break sew we could step in here. jack and chris explain what is going on. the hole height behind you, chris, this is where the drilling begins? >> we have drilled our surface. we're getting ready to pick up tools drill out from undersurface and drill to the death. will: this hole takes how long to drill? >> takes about 16 days. will: 16 days. then you begin the fracking process to get the well flowing. >> correct. will: from the drilling site you
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bring oil, water, and gas all into these tanks right here. >> so there is a valve that opens up, one on the bottom will let water out. the one on the top will let oil out. at very top is where the gas comes off. >> how long does oil sit in one of those tanks? >> not very long. getting sold straight out of here into a pipeline. so as the tanks fill, it is filling multiple times a day. pretty soon over five million barrels a day in the permian basin of oil and it is being led by the independent oil producer. will: if we're setting records in production why are gasoline prices so high? >> we have an administration that really is anti-fossil fuels. they put on this facade of you know, we're not trying to hinder the american oil and gas producers but yet they're, the facts show they clearly are.
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if i can drill and get oil out of the ground and i don't have anywhere to send it because there is not enough capacity on a pipeline with refinery, what do i do with it? it sits in the tank and everything gets shut in. will: drilling the well, that is just the starts. what happens next starts here at canary. tell me about canary. what do you do here? >> do two main things sell oil. will: pump jack. >> wells at 8th inning of the life cycle. when strong well has the wellhead on it. this is part of the fracking process. this is something we rent to the oil company and take back. will: different jobs involved here, just for your company alone in the oil field? >> we have just under 1000 people. we have people that weld in machine shops. people that redress to fix the valves. those are techs. we have folks in the field to install this stuff. will: i hear from everybody we
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are producing at record numbers. we could be producing more. could we independent here in america? >> we were energy independent under the trump administration and we can be again. under trump we were producing 13 million barrels a day. last month we produced 11.6. the american oil field is definitely capable of more. it frustrates me giantly i hear biden saying calling opec wanting more oil, calling venezuela wanting more oil. what about texas? will: awesome to learn how we get oil out of the ground. not just tanks. oil and gas. plastic, everything, coming, lights coming from oil and gas. i want to say we were energy independent. you know we then started buying overseas. horizon al drilling and fracking was a revolution that absolutely brought america back as energy independent. there is no question that we can be energy independent. we don't need venezuela.
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we don't need russia. we don't even need saudi arabia. we can do it all right here. rachel: what was the most interesting or maybe shocking thing you learned, something you didn't expect? will: rachel for me, one of the guys talked about the pipeline, just logistics you got something 7,000 feet in a ground then what? then it goes into a pipeline in holding tank. then it goes through a major pipeline to the gulf coast for refinery. gets on a ship and truck to come to the gas station. that is the infrastructure. that is why it is such a big deal you get green lights and permits on a pipeline something like that. you talk about massive jobs, infrastructure to get something that far under the earth to your gas station. rachel: a miracle. pete: why would you make a huge investment in more infrastructure if you think a political administration would say stop? will: yes. rachel: we spent a gazillion dollars on infrastructure with
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that last bill. pete: good point. rachel: this really matters to people. will: doesn't have tock exxon, shell. i love the independent producer this is the story of america. wildcatters, no longer that anymore. no longer is it there, isn't it there. but the idea, i don't know, i will drill a hole because i'm not afraid of the risk. rachel: that is all american. will: yes. rachel: i love it. all right, let's turn now to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth for our fox weather forecast. he is live from bass pro shops world fishing. rick: thank you, guys. we're at bass pro shops for world fishing fair again. look at this they're letting me use the big gigantic led screen to talk about the maps. the country looking pretty good. it is cold in the northeast, hate to say snow with april 3rd. goes up far non plains. florida you're looking a little better today. that front finally beginning to sag all the way down through
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parts of the south. temperaturewise, what we're looking at. we'll make the figure. warm temperatures across parts of the south. we're cold parts of the south. chicago 49. seattle, another big storm across parts of the pacific northwest. it will start today, severe weather-maker watch monday, tuesday, wednesday, across parts of the southeast. back to you. rachel: thanks, rick. will: still ahead a new york city parent is fighting back as the court upholds mayor adams' mask mandate for toddlerses, 2 to 4-year-olds. the last rebels in our society. rachel: they don't have a lobby group. that is why they're still in mask. will: their legal challenge is next. at jp morgan, the only definition of wealth that matters is yours. it can be a smaller house, but a bigger nest egg. a goal to work toward, or the freedom to walk away.
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(children giggling) hey, i was, uh, thinking about going back to school to get my masters. i just saw something that said you could do it in a year for, like, $11k. hmm. barista: order eleven! yeah, see you at 11. 1111 masters boulevard, please. gonna be eleven even, buddy. really? the clues are all around us! some things are too obvious to be a coincidence.
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♪. >> i will continue to say to parent that you should keep your mask on your children. with the slight uptick we're receiving, we're telling everyone to take special precautions. will: that is new york city mayor eric adams and he got a win this week because an appeals court upheld his mask mandate for 2 to 4-year-old children after a lower court had struck it down.
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our next guest a dad and lawyer who is representing parents suing city, arguing requirement for masking toddlers is quote, irrational. he joins us now. michael, great to see you this morning. i don't, i don't know, two to four-year-olds? how are they the last holdouts of this punishing pandemic? >> first of all, thanks for having me. i have the same problem in terms of understanding exactly why. it is flabbergasting, it is frustrating, to the parents i represent after our supreme court win on friday morning, what the mayor decided to do friday afternoon was frankly devastating. will: to the best of your knowledge, you know what their legal filings say, what is the rational for keeping kids masked? >> it, let's, if you take them at their word they think this population, they assert this population is uniquely vulnerable because the vaccine is unavailable to them.
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now of course if you look at the data and you look at the science in terms of how covid affects two to four-year-olds, even though the vaccine is unavailable to them, they're no different than any other kids and thank god as we know now kids turn out to be actually one of the least vulnerable populations. so they tie it all to vaccine eligibility. that is what they hang their hat on. will: is the argument then children are at risk so the mask is to protect them, the mandate is to protect them which brings exactly what you said? we have the data on that. we know the risk/reward on kids and covid or are they arguing they're little incubators getting everybody else sick? >> seems at this point they're throwing it against the wall and arguing everything in application to the appellate judge got the stay on our win, which didn't overturn the lower court decision. it is holding it in abeyance until the appellate court decides but they're putting it
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all against the wall. they didn't use the word vector. thank god no one is calling children vectors anymore but they did say day-cares, pre-ks can be areas of increased spread. that is another reason to keep the kids in masks all day. including teachers, everybody who serves them as well. will: really quickly, we have about 30 seconds. i was an attorney. you're a father. i have kids. luckily now the place we live it is no longer a requirement but i mean, can you speak to that as a parent, what it is to keep a young child masked all day? >> it is, it takes away one of the most fundamental rights that a parent has, the decision to do what is best for their own child. so every morning a parent who wants to choose whether or not to send their kid to school in a mask doesn't have that decision, has to drop them off at pre-k, day care, waves to their baby, once again the kid walks in with a mask, it is just devastating.
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will: and it harms the children. it is gross. have you ever seen a kid's mask? none of it is about health. >> no. will: michael appreciate you, appreciate your fight. thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. will: still ahead a yale professor speaking out again after the school decides not to discipline students who interrupted a free speech panel. you have to see the video. we'll break it down with the latest. applebee's irresist-a-bowls are back. now starting at $8.99. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. >> tech: need to get your windshield fixed? now starting at $8.99. safelite makes it easy. >> tech vo: you can schedule in just a few clicks. and we'll come to you with a replacement you can trust. >> man: looks great. >> tech: that's service on your time. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ i'm mark and i live in vero beach, florida. my wife and i have three children. ruthann and i like to hike. we eat healthy.
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what are you laughing about. rachel: awesome. will: did like that. >> always put -- pete: you already had a list. will: did it real quick. you want to know the other two are? leanne womack. reba mcintyre. rachel: will, oh, my goodness. pete: where is dolly parton. will: that is one should i put in dolly, i do like dolly a lot. a little bit predates me a little bit. patsy cline, going old school. rachel: "coal miner's daughter." will: i can, judd. "coal miner's daughter"? rachel: yeah. that is not wynona judd. will: whatever i started with credibility is gone right now. pete: i'm trying to think of another country singer. >> you were about to say barbara mandrell. will: we are lost in a state of confusion. rachel: will comes on to do the
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opening, they put dallas and they put country music, they forget i'm from arizona, we're also country music. will: arizona. pete: dallas, what is longer, a flight to dallas, "fox & friends weekend"? will: "fox & friends" weekend. not even close. pete: is it a four hour flight to dallas from new york. will: 2:45 here, 3 1/2 that day. pete: you could start watching "fox & friends," get on a plane, go to dallas and get off a plane and still be watching "fox & friends" weekend. will: yes. pete: amazing. we'll do seven hours, eight hours, right, ted? will: he is flying. he is lying right now. pete: we love sharing the time with you and ernestly we would love to spend time together. maybe some day we'll broadcast the commercial break
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conversations. then we'll all be fired. rachel: we'll all be fired [laughter] will: get to the real show. a fox news alert. ukraine regained full control of the region around kyiv first time since russian invasion began. rachel: president zelenskyy warning that the recaptured land may be mined with mines and booby traps. >> translator: they're mining homes, mining equipment, even the bodies of people who are killed. there are a lot of tripwires, a lot of other dangers. pete: alex hogan live on the ground in lviv. alex. reporter: people in mariupol are faced with an unimaginable situation for those who are still there if they remained there is not enough food, water, all while the fighting continues. but if they try to leave they will be facing blown-up bridges, destroyed roads, russian roadblocks and checkpoints while the fighting continues. take a listen.
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[explosion]. [gunfire] reporter: near zaporizhzhia as russian forces hammer the eastern side of the country. in the no the ukrainian forces managed to regain territory near the capital of kyiv but the retreat is revealing the atrocities of the war, with reports of rape, men, seemingly bound, executed lying in the streets. these were just civilians. neighbors wrought with grief saying they are unable to explain the calamity of the horrors they're seeing in their neighborhood. >> translator: those people were just walking, they shot them without any reason, bang. in the next neighborhood, it was even worse. they would shoot without asking any questions. reporter: ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy warnerred
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residents it is not safe to return, with landmines, tripwires, with bodies and military equipment spread across previously captured town. ukrainian forces releasing footage of troops shooting down a russian helicopter. the blast chopping off the tail as you can see in the video. russia ukraine are holding more negotiations. ukraine said talks could move forward potentially to allow a conversation between volodymyr zelenskyy and russian president vladmir putin. the u.s. and its allies announced they will transfer more armor and specifically seven yesterday-made tanks to ukraine to protect out of everything, particularly one of the hardest hit areas which is the donbas region. guys, back to you. will: thank you, alex. rachel: thank you, alex. will: really sad stories coming out. as always you take reports put them in context to understand what exactly is true. the reports of civilian deaths
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and mass graves, they suggest there is some ugliness under the surface we do not know about. if you hear that outside of kyiv, what could be happening in ukraine, what could be happening in mariupol? reporter: it is true. there are no independent journalists in mariupol. we're getting effectively no images out of the city which remains under siege a trickle of people trying to get out. that will be a focus point, even more, vladmir putin said we couldn't take kyiv, we're consolidating in the east and south, they will try to push, block off the black sea. rachel: what is happening to civilians is absolutely tragic. there are atrocities of war on both sides. reports of those as well. it is really horrible. pete: for sure. two data points we wake up to this morning. this is two-days old, i don't know we reported on it. there is independent non-governmental russian polling organization that all the news agencies in the west reported as far as a decent gauge of put's
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approval rating. in the january it was the mid 60s. in february it was 71%. this month at 81%, the month of march, amongst the, excuse me 83% amongst the russian people. if we're hoping the russian people will rise up, it is looking less and less likely because of his grip on propaganda. the way he is framing and as rachel, as you pointed out, our administration said things quickly spun to the russian people that america is at a war with us, that this is a fight for our survival. rachel: i would love to see a poll, first of all, you're right. there is a lot of russian propaganda in their country getting them ginned up. initially when war first started it appeared the russian people were not all on board. we saw protests. pete: those people are gone. they're locked up. rachel: it would be interesting to see polling numbers before and after biden's some say gaff
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last week when he said -- pete: 71 in february, 83 in march. these are -- rachel: calling for regime change. how much does that rally people who maybe weren't even on board of this, hey, i don't want the americans toppling our regime. will: if that polling is to be trusted, one of reasons, one of the explanations are sanctions have not had effect. numbers bear that out as well. take a look at russian and oil gas revenues over the last four years. you bonn 230 billion, dips in 2,020,123,000,000,000. climbs back. it is expected to go all the way to $321 billion in exports this year. you say how, why? i thought everyone was cutting off demand for russian oil? not everyone. there are many countries out there, for example, india, who significantly increased their
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purchasing of russian oil. as you point out earlier, pete, when russia is offering steep discounts to countries like china and india. pete: when you say significant you're not kidding. india bout 16 million barrels in 2021. they have already bout bought 13 million-barrels. hungary, indonesia is considering onboarding. when prices of oil are high russia benefits. when they find new customers, india is so-called democracy. they're saying hey we'll take your cheap oil. this is good for the russian balance sheet which is what putin will use to fund his war machine. bad for the russian people who likely are still facing and continue to face a depression in their own country. so again sanctions which are often, which are the way our elites say we can avoid war by
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doing economic warfare often brings pain just to the people, not to the leaders of those countries. putin can say, hey, the pain you're feeling the west is canceling russia. they don't believe what we believe. i'm the leader who will take them on. he will spin that. so far successfully internally. rachel: the sanctions didn't come until after the war, truthfully, the bulk of them but yeah, it also speaks to the declining influence of the united states. the united states called on all these countries to join them in this boycott and people, no, thanks but no thanks we have take care of ourself and that's what they did. pete: the dollar remains the dominant international currency but it is not soon it will pass, but creating cracks in the dominance, other blocks of countries saying why we depend on the dollar when they can cut it off look for other currency. china would love that.
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rachel: russia, we're seeing this tendency to go towards another currency and i think this is very dangerous for the american people. we've been talking for weeks how far ahead do our leaders look when they make a decision, when they make a foreign policy choice, are they looking far ahead and so far i don't have a lot of confidence that they're looking at that. i look at what is happening in this situation. the american people are getting poorer and our influence is declining, i sometimes wonder if it is by design, by the democrats because they don't seem to care and that is the only conclusion i can draw. pete: democrats wave a flag about ukrainian border and say come on in on our own border. what does that say. will: record numbers. more on that later. we spent a great deal of time talking about education, future of america, i don't know if you saw this on march 10th from yale.
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reporter: i don't know if we did but "fox & friends" did. will: this is a free speech panel at yale that devolved into this. >> yale has a policy of freedom of speech and -- [people talking over each other] >> i am allowed to talk here. you're interrupting free speech. will: that was the free speech panel. the professor involved in that panel who was interrupted there, saying this, she is a yale law professor, she said this is an important moment. any formal determination at the march protest at yale law school did not violate yale's policy on free expression would set a terrible precedent at yale, everywhere. in my judgment that policy was clearly violated by the deliberate, extensive disruptions, disrupting the panel discussion was specially
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ironic. pete: that is the right point n order to disrupt a free speech panel you have to disrupt free speech. the panel was a civil debate between constitutional lawyers about legitimate constitutional topics whether you agree with them or disagree with them on both sides, which is exactly what yale law students will be doing they are judges or lawyers and attorneys. yet they, shouted it down with signs to the point where even when this woman, who spoke up, kate smith, she wrote a letter that you just read to the other tenured faculty, say, okay you're going to have your chance t was shouting down, not a protest. it was shouting down. they will not be punished for it. pete: they said that was our free speech. this is our free speech shouting down your speech. rachel: we talk a lot about censorship on the show. this is probably the incident that gives me the most concern because these are the future leaders that come out of yale that end up you know, on supreme
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courts, for example, on, if this, they're capturing our legal system, the left is, the woke left. this is going to be disasterous for the future of america. in fact there was shortly after this, there was a d.c. circuit judge came out and said, we need to get the names of all the kids who were disrupting to make sure they don't get internships in the d.c. circuit which tends to be a feeder into the higher courts and so, i think there are some sensible people in the legal community who understand what is at stake, how dangerous this trend is, and what it purports for our country, and for, basically, if you lose your, this legal system, you lose the country. will: there has been campus protests an student revolutionaries all throughout history. any of you are watching, you remember the '60s. rachel: sure. will: this is not new, i would
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wonder, do you see protests in defiance of foundationals of free speech? someone was in the '60s said you don't know how radical they were. that may be. this is students as you point out who will end up in the justice system as judges or lawyers, whatever they may be who simply don't believe in the idea of free speech. rachel: look look at the aclu. the aclu used to be filled with a lot of liberals and conservatives and libertarians. right now the aclu is gone. basically the new generation there are no free speech lawyers. they believe in and agenda and s justify the means. pete: kids show up at yale law already woke and silence is complicity. will: your words are violence. rachel: yeah. pete: no surprise you see that. rachel: it is actually very
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scary. pete: we'll have vivek ramaswamy, a entrepreneur and yale law school graduate. he is coming up at 9:30. rachel: maybe he can explain yale now. pete: somehow he got out of there. turning to headlines with a fox news alert. police are responding to a shooting in sacramento. the area near the california state capital building. there are multiple victims. please are saying avoid the area. we'll keep you updated as the story develops throughout the morning. another fox news alert. an illegal california street party, authorities declaring the event "deltopia," a casualty. santa barbara officials say 911 was inundated for broken phones, overdoses severe trauma. authorities report 3 arrests, 20
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citations and one traffic collision. swing over a sucker-punch. a high school track star hit by another athlete mid-race in florida is reportedly considering a lawsuit against his attacker. you can see why right there. the runner's lawyer said the teen suffered a concussion from the hit. the runner was winning when the other athlete who was not involved in the race through the punch. he was reportedly upset after the runner told him to get out of the way. yeah. shouldn't be on the track during another race. okay. new york city pizza costs more than a subway ride if you're paying the fare. most people just jump the turnstile. that a lot of dough says the stage manager, average price of a slice of pisa 3:$14 while mta fares is $2.57. highest average price in manhattan clocking in at $3.23.
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surging rise of costs putting pressure on pizzeria as. will: instead of bringing pizza prices down, the mta will go, we can raise prices. pete: you're probably right. they're not enforcing turnstile jumpers in the city. you don't have to pay if you don't want to. you don't. rachel: seeing all the pizza making me hungry. will: the food is here i heard you say that. shannon bream has a new book out, "mothers and daughters of the bible speak out." there is a fox news get your copy of "mothers and daughters of the bubble speak out." rachel: my children participated in special. go to "fox nation". congratulations shannon. pete: through easter, sign up for "fox nation," get a free audio version of shannon's book with any two-year plan.
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that is on will: as always the case you respond. you always hold up your end of the bargain, friends of "fox & friends." i checked social media. "coal miner's daughter." rachel: of course loretta lynn. will: you checked too. you didn't have that at beginning. >> especially in the morning, i was so hungry, it wasn't coming to me. will: you told me. rachel: that movie, have you seen it? will: no. rachel: it is amazing. will: yeah? rachel: you will love it. will: okay. rachel: you will love it. it is great. pete: i feel like you feel when will and i talk about sports. rachel: you guys only watch the world is exploding, you know kind of movies. will: 100%. that is when i i relax. that or "the office." pete: biden ends a trump era border policy a massive rush of illegals are expected to rush our country. dr. jenette nebuchadnezzer on the public health threat that is with us. will: comedy world is growing
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♪. rachel: welcome back to "fox & friends." border agents are bracing for another migrant surge as the biden administration prepares to end a key trump immigration and covid policy. on may 23rd title 42 will be repealed after it was put in place to stop the spread of the virus across our borders xcelling 62% of migrants encountered last fiscal year. our next guest warns that the public health concern should still be a top priority. fox news medical contributor dr. jenette nesheiwat joins us now to explain. so, doctor, we had people on talking about the legal catastrophe, talking about the economic catastrophe for so many of our border communities but you say this has grave consequences potentially for our public health? >> yeah, absolutely. president trump implemented this policy back in 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic to
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protect americans. this was put out by the cdc to prevent communicable diseases coming in illegally from immigrants from the southern border. it is not just about preventing covid from coming in. i'm worried about tuberculosis. a million 1/2 people died from tuberculosis last year. then we have hiv, hepatitis and a whole range of other types of diseases. my parents, they emigrated to the united states from jordan. they came here to ellis island. they had to health checks. we want to smuggle in illegal immigrants unchecked. who knows what they bring in? it will create a medical catastrophe. not to mention it will overwhelm the border patrol agents. we need to look at the big picture. stopping title 42 saying there is no more disease. that is not the case. it makes no sense. rachel: i have heard nothing from dr. fauci on this. why do you think? >> you know, there must be some other alternative motive, some ulterior agenda but i know from
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a medical per speck it will bring more disease in the community it will overwhelm the health care system t will contribute to the spread of other diseases the we need to take a step back, take a look, why are we doing this? it will expire in may. what happened in may of last year? we had a delta outbreak. will we see illegal immigrants unvaccinated, not being tested, what do they come in and potentially bring in a new variant. so these are things when he need to take into consideration. rachel: absolutely. public health really matters. talk about another thing. you got back from ukraine. you were providing help on the front lines. tell me what you saw and what you think the concerns are? >> rachel it was bitter sweet. it was great to take care of many children, women, even senior citizens. therm coming in with different ailments, fractures, infection, dehydration. it was a blessing to take care of them t was heartwrenching. these people are being bombed
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out of their homes. they're fleeing death and destruction. it is ongoing right now as we sit an speak. people are being killed, innocent men, women and children are being killed. we need to continue medical support and of course military supplies. it has to be an on going effort to help protect doing whatever we can as humanitarian, in the humanitarian effort to help protect and save these people. rachel: i heard reports from doctors who are on the front line they're seeing so much frostbite. what do kids need in particular? what kinds of things do you see with the children? that is what really breaks our heart? >> children came in with lacerations infections, upper respiratory infections. sometimes fracture. we were able to stablize them a lot of dehydration. when you get people congressed congested areas, going into shelters, a lot of diarrhea,
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coughs, cold, spreads from person-to-person. we were able to bring medications to alleviate their symptoms. i'm trying to gather more supplies to go back out there next month. hopefully it won't be needed but -- rachel: working with children are magical. >> yes. rachel: samaritan's purse. >> both great organizations helping the ukrainians, a great country. rachel: so glad you were there telling us what is going on so people give support to these very important causes. thank you so much, doctor. up next, as will smith faces backlash the comedy world is actually rallying behind chris rock. hear from a club owner standing up for comedians first amendment right after the infamous oscar slap. ♪.
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pete: turning now to your headlines, this just in, foxconn firms the department of homeland security installing a suicide prevention app for its employees. one i.c.e. employee who found the app installed on his phone telling "the washington times," i think it is very telling about the morale of the agency. the app poses a series of questions designed to fight mental health and spur awareness. interesting. a man is killed and two women are injured in a virginia mall shooting last night. police are looking for one suspect and one person of interest. they say the shooting was prompted by an argument over money between two men. police believe the man killed was related to the suspected shooter. two women hurt were shot in the ankles and expected to recover. and l.a. county sheriff alex
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villaneuva is vowing to handle the homeless. >> we'll will be out in entire force and shifting our homeless efforts, focusing on hollywood. we'll go to hollywood. pete: hollywood has been l.a. jurisdiction but he is hoping to help deputies bring the them to the beach area to defend the tourism industry. nobody else will defend them. actress estell harris fame must for her role on "seinfeld" and for mrs. potato head on the storery movies has passed away. >> i'm packing extra pair of shoes and angry eyes, there is a key i doesn't know what it is for. pete: you know on "seinfeld"
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harris played estell costan is a. george. her son says she passed away due to natural causes. estell harris was 93 years old. rest in peace. those are your headlines. will, over to you. will: thank you, pete. speaking of hollywood, will smith is not laughing as netflix and sony halt future projects halt future projects because of the slap but comedy world is standing behind chris rock. our next guest is president of the laugh world where this sign was posted for the comedian's first amendment rights. curtis flag. thanks for joining us. we should not reference the first amendment. that is governmental restrictions. that is we should talk about free speech. do we live in a culture where words are free, where you are free to talk? increasingly curtis, everywhere the answer seems to be no. >> that is correct. laugh factory obviously supports chris rock and his right to free
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speech and right now it does come at a cost and for chris it was you know, his chin unfortunately and it is something that is resonating amongst the comedy community. will: curtis, i don't know if this is sort of part of the character of a comedian or it is individual to chris rock, i honestly was taken aback how well he took that punch and continued to do his job, was composed in the moment. were you surprised? >> i wasn't. chris rock is a legendary comedian. he is the consummate professional and the show must go on and so him kind of trudging through, he slipped up a little bit, just i think because in the shock of the moment but he kept the show going and he rose above, you know, a really low act by will smith. will: you know, curtis, what will did in that moment was extreme and something we don't see really but one thing we are beginning to see more is
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audiences sort of in a almost tyrannical way dictate what they think they should be allowed to hear. i'm curious, if you have seen that from the floor of the laugh factory? it's a sensitive minefield of people's offenses when it comes to comedy? >> absolutely. we have seen it. i think it is really happened amongst the entire comedy community, you know, at clubs. comedians will talk about race. they will talk about war. they will talk about relationships. they will talk about some of the more traumatic things in life. if it hits a certain trigger point and some of the audience members now, they will either you know, yell back at the comedians which america, please do not heckle. i wanted to say that in front of a national audience. do not heckle. the best way to combat is in your stark silence. that resonates so much more with comedians. we also had, you know, audience members try to get on stage because they were that mad. unfortunately we have to beef up
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our security at clubs across the country. clubs are across the country are talking about levels of security to make sure audience members don't come on stage. it is sad. the oscars failed, protecting chris. will: are you worried for the laugh factory? does that serve, you think that breaks the seal? do you worry it will lead to physical violence at your clubs? >> i think it might embolden some people to do that. but as far as the laugh factory being concerned, we hope no one really thinks that they will be able to walk up on stage because they will not. will: comedy is in a fascinating place where are comedians speak truth to power or a megaphone for the powerful? i have an interview with babylon bee who is currently censored. we have to hope comedy to speak truth to power going forward. curtis, appreciate you jumping on the show this morning. >> thank you. will: coming up, the walls
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around hunter biden appear to be closing in. congressman jim banks wants to see hunter face questioning by congress and he joins us next. make it easy ? and schedule with safelite, because you can track us and see exactly when we'll be there. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: that's service that fits your schedule. go to >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ (children giggling)
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hey, i was, uh, thinking about going back to school to get my masters. i just saw something that said you could do it in a year for, like, $11k. hmm. barista: order eleven! yeah, see you at 11. 1111 masters boulevard, please. gonna be eleven even, buddy.
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really? the clues are all around us! some things are too obvious to be a coincidence.
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♪. >> if we don't have heavy weapons how can we defend ourselves? how can we fight against one of the strongest armies in the world? our military, our people are, soldiers are stronger than the
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russian federation but they have a lot more weapons. heavy weapons will give us an opportunity to talk with them at the negotiation table. pete: ukrainian president zelenskyy pleading for more weapons in his fight against putin's invasion as we learn the u.s. reportedly help transfer soviet-made tanks to ukraine. indiana gop congressman jim banks sits on the house armed services committee. he joins us now to react. congressman, thanks for being here. it is very easy to issue a press release or announcement something is going to happen. the more difficult part is actually facilitating it. we heard conflicting reports weapons are making it to the right people. other people on the ground say well, we're not seeing it. as a member of the armed services committee what are you seeing? >> this is most deeply troubling at this point. there are two different parts of this, everything we should have done leading up to the invasion
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when we could have stopped this from happening to the begin with. by the way thank god donald trump was the president who sent javelin missiles and lethal aid to ukraine. that has given them a fighting chance up to this point. the problem has been everything since. the weakness, dragging of our feet on the watch of this president joe biden and his administration up to the point where we are today, conflicting reports about whether or not or not the tens of billions of dollars and military, humanitarian aid congress appropriated actually making it on the ground to the people of ukraine to give them more ammunition to fight back. that is what congress needs to continue to do a better, play a better role pushing to make sure that happens. pete: if anybody should have the opportunity for oversight is a member of congress especially the committee you're on. do you get reports, are they reliable reports and is it foot-dragging or bureaucratic foot dragging? >> at this point, pete, i have
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no doubt this administration is such a disaster they don't want congress to know how much they messed this situation up every single step of the way. always remember, always keep in mind all of this was avoidable to begin with. we could have deterred russia if we expressed strength instead of weakness joe biden has projected on the world stage every single day he has been in offers. i really believe we could have deterred this from happening to begin with. that is not where we are unfortunately but the ukrainians are brave people. they're fighting back. many of us never would have believed that a month ago they would still be on their feet today. we're thankful that they are. we need to do everything we can to help them. pete: important to remember this invasion didn't happen under the previous administration. the administration said our hope is deter war from breaking out. that is a failure from the beginning. i want to talk about "washington post" and others
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earlier on it was suppressed about hunter biden, we know that. now "the washington post" and others are reporting on hunter's deals with china. revealing a chinese energy conglomerate paid entities controlled by hunter, son of the president, this is really a joe biden scandal, $1.8 million over 14 months. that is heck of a pay day. they're confirming it now. this is not talking to tony bobulinski and other places because they're protecting joe. if the house comes back in 2022 how far can you go in investigating complicity of hunter biden and biden family? >> the biden family is the most corrupt family we've had in the white house. what "new york times," "washington post," cnn told us this was russian propaganda before the election. now they're all confirming it. they're writing about it. that is not a coincidence because joe biden's poll numbers are so bad they can no longer
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look at us with a straight face to be taken remotely seriously even though they are not, knowing they played a role in altering the 2020 election calling this russian propaganda, by facebook and others censoring this story. so that is why they're talking about it right now. but to your point this has to be a very media mission of republicans when they get the majority back. haul hunter biden before the house judiciary committee when jim jordan is the chairman and ask the important questions that haven't been asked yet. how did the business dealings of the biden family affect and alter the judgment of the current president of the united states of america? it is not a coincidence that the countries we're talking about in the news today, ukraine, russia, china, those are the countries funneling tens of millions of dollars to hunter biden and we know the big guy was skimming 10% off the top. if that is not corruption i don't know what is.
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pete: that is where the story gets consequential, what did biden know and when did he know it and hopefully those committees get to the bottom of it. can't change what happened in 2020. but at very least you can restore confidence in people way they run their lives, business of government. congressman jim banks, thank you for your time. >> thank you. pete: coming up the woke world of disney enraging parents across the country. sean duffy has an idea to get congress involved. he joins us coming up. first chief meteorologist rick reichmuth is live at bass pro shops world fishing fair. rick? rick: we're here at bass pro shops for the 50th anniversary of bass pro shops. we have eva. this is the best aquarium in the country this is bebo, the armadillo. we'll talk with him in a second. don't go anywhere. ♪.
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♪. pete: bass pro shops celebrating 50 years in business with the world's fishing fair event in springfield, missouri, fox news chief meteorologist rick
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reichmuth is there getting an inside look all weekend. rachel: that's right. he joins us from the wonders of wildlife museum and aquarium. rick: i have the best gig of the weekend for sure. eva shockey, you know your ways outdoors. >> and wonders of wildlife. this is incredible. rick: not like a petting zoo at the bet, third best aquarium in the country. >> in the country. most emersive experience. i brought my kid here, my husband, and my parents every time you come back more to see. rick: in the bass pro shop. this is all one thing. there is the store, this theater, this aquarium and amazing -- >> 35,000 live animals. rick: about counsels vision. that is what john anymoreries' point is preserve the outdoors for generations. >> we're celebrating 50th
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anniversary of bass pro shops. johnny. >> that is so incredible. everything about it is conservation minded. 50% we're celebrating the world fishing fair goes towards, 50% of the ticket sales goes towards conservation, directly towards. you feel good and have fun. rick: meet other animals not inside of the tanks. i will bring in mike. the general curator here at wonders of wildlife. harris hawk. tell us about this hawk, mike. >> he is a harris hawk. these beautiful birds are found in the southwestern portion of u.s. as well into mexico. edgar is here as an ambassador for his species. he joined us because poor thing received an injury in the wild that required a partial amtation of one of his wings. so without the care that we give him here at wonders of wildlife edgar would not be able to survive on his own in the wild. rick: looks like he is very
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happy. >> doesn't look thrilled. rick: take edgar away to move to the other guy. i think i upset the armadillo. he went into his shell so to speak. he is not coming back out. >> he is so cute. i want to cuddle him. >> this is bebo. i will hick i am up to show him off a little bit. bebo is a three-banded armadillo. you may have seen cartoons and such where the arm dillos roll up into a ball. these are the only ones that can do that. his tail, his head and protective shell form a barrier. >> do they roll? >> maybe won't roll away too fast. they go down hill. rick: this is amazing. come to world -- >> wonders of wildlife. world fishing fair. rick: congratulations, johnny morris all you've done right here. we'll send it back to you guys.
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will: thank you, rick. rachel: thanks, rick. coming up with gas prices soaring americans along the border have been going to mexico to fill up. now mexico is saying no mas. mike huckabee reacts at the top of the hour.
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applebee's irresist-a-bowls are back. now starting at $8.99. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. when hurting feet make you want to stop, it's dr. scholl's time. our custom fit orthotics use foot mapping technology to give you personalized support, for all-day pain relief. find your relief in store or online. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the famous arch right there i don't i sound you guys know what? what's at husak brown is i've not heard that song. rachel: acrylic others background that i remember.
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>> today's world party date. i don't really know what that means. also national find a rainbow and national tweet date. pete: will and i find the closest thing we could fight in her closet to tweed. will: though so the last time you me you and me together. [laughter] really honestly might make it worse. [laughter] we are sharing the same brain. you know how you become your spouse? sweet or your cohost. i can't wait for him to come back. is that we got a lot to discuss this morning. rachel: this is as close a shot of my come to date night. we seven date morning? rachel: know we can just not have kids around. other than youtube. [laughter] six by the way rachels maintained a perfect record of attempting to order breakfast for will and i and failing.
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yep, delivery guy arrives and he left. our food left with him. so my belly right now very hungry. rachel: is like our phone is on buttes. when they arrive were doing segments but you seem to be able to do your show and also look at over eat. i don't how you do it. physical talk about during the break got to talk to dave got sucked in security guard got let everybody know it's coming. rachel: i did i said 7:20 a.m. twenty-six yet we are hungry. will: would love her for for sure. pete: for food in the green room we don't even have coffee. [laughter] we barely have furniture in a greener right now. we order for ourselves we hope it makes it today it hasn't made it. her batting about 600. say i don't know what that means i think it means bad. [laughter] thirty-six and again the our
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southern border dhs officials tell fox arizona agents are seeing a massive comic at this, 79% increase in migrants at this sector. rachel: i know people at you but they are steaming mad. this surge coming as the biden administration and a major border policy agenda policy, title 42 which is actually going to make it easier for migrants to seek asylum. brecksville is in the rio section to look at the crisis. >> good morning to you. you see at large group of migrants behind us right now we're getting some new jaw-dropping numbers in terms of how many migrants have slipped past border patrol undetected. take a look at this. telling us the last six months alone there's been more than three to thousand known got away set includes 62000 just last month and march alone. that's about 2000 got a ways every single day. so the previous foot as have of
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runners. books by what are known right away as it's been a migrant crosses illegally get scott on neck camera, sensor or something else they don't have the manpower to get them for they tallied the numbers up until they keep track of it. what we are hearing from the sources is a dell rio sector we are right now has the most god was averaging more than 700 a day in the last month alone. you take away from texas dps this is a group of runners they caught trying to sneak through a private ranch in kinney county see some adult men there is a little girl with them. what's concerning is you put the man in the blue shirt texas tells me he is child with indecent liberties with eight child you look at the man in the green shirt dps telling me he has a previous conviction for aggravated robbery. important to catch those runners and the people trying to get away from border patrol. last thing we like to show you is is huge human smuggling bust this took place in county texas
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dps finding 76 illegal immigrants being smuggled inside some sort of gravel trailer. you will notice these are all almost all single adult men the driver was a honduran man in the country illegally i am told he had meth on him and dps says he had a lengthy criminal history of drugs and weapons charges he is now charged with human smuggling. back out here in del rio sector dhs sector just in the last six months alone in this sector they have been more than 198,000 illegal border crossings were those numbers up nearly 180% over the same time last of busiest months of the border are still ahead of us. >> i'm glad you broke it down 300,000 known getaways paid by the way those are known getaways there's plenty of unknown got a ways as well but that's not the
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people to border patrol and soon to be released because of the removal of title 42. we pumped in this hour of the city of st. louis. the population city of st. louis is 300,000 people. so 300,000 known getaways is a size of st. louis were going to have twice that many before the fiscal year 2022 is over. that is not to mention the people who are released. that's not to mention the people we do not know about. we talked about a lot as well this morning. there's a ports thousands of ukrainians are now in mexico the northern part of mexico seeking to cross into our border as well. this is around the world is descending on mexico to cross our border. rachel: can i just mention the children that are coming across. there were some documents that were released ensure government does not want people to know about it listed all the different stds they are testing the children for who are coming across per they are being absolute abused this is ripe for
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child sexual exploitation. as you saw bill melugin reported there were some offenders that caught in the group he was following there. this is an absolute catastrophe. not just for our country but the children caught on this, banded sexually abuse on this journey. it is absolutely devastating but it is embarrassing that our government is complicit in child trade and exploitation brickwork you can see video on your screen of that group of migrants overwriting police in southern mexico pretend to make their way to our southern border. we talk about migrants illegal immigrants crossing the southern border is also the story of americans crossing the southern border heading into mexico to buy gasoline. mexico has been offering a gas stipend which americans were to take advantage of going across del rio or wherever it may be to get cheap gas. mexico is put end to that program running out the stipend a little more quickly than
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anticipated less talk about both of these issues former governor of arkansas mike huckabee who joins us now paired governor great to see you this morning. you've heard all the reports we've been talking about, what is your reaction? >> well, it's troubling to see these are children are exploited for this to come to people to come to the united states to immigrant there are those who come because they desperately want the american dream. they want to live here, they want freedom, they want opportunity. those are the people that have made america wonderful country and thank god there come from all over the world to make us a better country. and then there are those who want to exploit the american dream per they want to hurt people. they want to traffic children per they went to abuse them for they want to sell drugs. we have every right and reason to keep those people out for you cannot keep anybody out you cannot process the right ones if you don't control the order. the border policy is a chicken that has come home to roost. it is time to pluck the chicken
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and make sure we have control the borders and control the people who truly deserve to come here. and we want to come here. >> governor rachel talked about this in rightly so. as a former governor states to receive these across the country, family, kids how to absorb into a community that is already overworked, overtaxed? schools at capacity but how do you absorb this type of activity? the taxpayers spend a whole bunch of money they would not be spending. here's what happens with people commend illegally they come into a situation they typically are coming in, impoverish for these are not people flying in a private jet picking up a limo and driving to a home they just bought which means you are going to put them in your medicaid program. you're going to pay all their health care expenses but you're going to put them into your schools, they all the educational expenses at several thousand dollars a year per child and it means you're also also going to subsidize food.
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going to subsidize housing. and went all of this happens, who is paying for that? the taxpayers in those states that i can cite every governor in america anyone who sells her brain function there's a few that apparently don't. this is not about not loving people it's not about being compassionate it's about not wanting to put an unfair burden on their already burdened taxpayers and pushing things into their budget they simply cannot afford. here's the other rubbed the federal government is not paying for all those expenses they are leaving it to the states to suck it up and pay for. that is where the rub comes. it is a huge problem not to mention those who come are being sexually exploited and trafficked that the human tragedy that keeps going, and going and will people bring drugs and they kill innocent american teenagers who pays for the funeral? let me tell you we all do.
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rachel: we all do. it's happening precisely the time so many people are struggling to put gas in their tank and food on the table. just as this is happening we are seeing the strain on the resources for this whole weekend governor we have had this thing with the side were not going to report the news we kept asking why. why is this happening? why is that happening? why does the newspaper suddenly decide the "new york times" decide they're going to talk about the hunter biden story. let's talk about the y with this policy. because i interviewed two women who were running for congress who hispanic women running and they said were getting all these hispanic voters american voters they don't like this they are turning to republicans candidates because they're not happy about this. if this is so electorally bad for the democrats, why do they keep doing it? >> i could just say because they have lost their minds because i think they have.
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that is the obvious reason. i think they truly believe they are going to import people who will vote for them for the rest of their lives. they are missing something. the people who will come here, who will be responsible citizens are coming to be responsible citizens. they want to come, they will pay taxes, they will absorb into the communities, they will open businesses, they will help bring prosperity to the country. those people and they look around and say wait a minute i'm working really hard. do i really went all the things i'm working four to subsidize the people who get up at the crack of noon and may be don't turn a thing until the goats their mailbox and pick up their government check? those folks are going to be republican not democrat. >> governor we want to take some time and we have on the program to talk about a story that's been talked about all week long. but there's a new angle to it is is of course the will smith/chris rock incident. the new angles denzel washington pretty sets on the earlier we all like to reset something about this moment and oh what it means maybe the deeper answers
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he was at a leadership summit said the following. i don't is that we talked about meeting he and will smith. but there for the grace of god go any of us. who are we to condemn? i don't know the ins and outs of the situation for it i only solution was prayer. there's a saying the devil ignore sure than you know you're doing something wrong. the devil does oh no, leave him alone he's my favorite. conversely when the devil comes at you maybe it's because you're trying to do something right. and for whatever reason the devil got a hole of him that night. what we talked about we would love to get your perspective on this. not to excuse what will smith did know it's interested in that or justify it. rather look forward. denzel washington talked with the only real salvation is prayer. >> i think one of the things that comes out of this it's refreshing to hear hollywood start like denzel washington talked about spiritual things. i love that. i appreciate that. on this day that most of us will be going to church year end a little while how wonderful it is
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that someone from hollywood actually has the courage to say i believe in jesus. i believe in forgiveness. i believe in grace and prayer. the things that are really the foundation of america's greatness and liberty. but the thing i hope people will understand, what will smith did was reprehensible parade we all understand that. but will smith is obviously a hurting person. my pastor had said many years hurt people, hurt people. in other words someone who is hurting will end up hurting other people. somewhere, will smith is hurting. we could hold him accountable for what he did and we should. but what denzel washington was showing the even the most reprehensible person in our midst, someone needs to be his friend. someone needs to show him love, forgiveness, grace and kindness. that is why in america we provide the worst criminals among us with defense attorneys to defend them and guarantee them the civil rights of a trial.
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it makes no sense to some people around the world. but it makes perfect sense to americans whose basic system is built on a religious foundation that every individual matters. every person does in fact counts. we hold people accountable for their crimes. but we do not hate them. we also do not ignore their humanity. we treat them with respect and dignity whether did they deserve it or not for that is exactly what denzel washington was showing. i think it is just something to celebrate. again, hold it will smith accountable for his sins. but i've always said when someone is in trouble that is when they really need a friend and we can act more like christians than than any other time in our lives. folks quite a pre-sermon appetizer we are all sinners saved only by grace and moments like this remind us of that. we could all be the same situation. rachel: reminder he is a governor from a former governor but he is a pastor first.
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[laughter] >> we can tell. pastor/governor those are the exact words were hoping here this morning thank you for being a box this morning. >> thank you. >> i will read the headline you go get the food. [laughter] right over here. coming out your headlights serve the foxes alert. please confirm six people are killed at least 15 others hurt in a sacrament is shooting the gun fire erupting early this morning. california state capitol building they're asking people to avoid the area. it is unclear if any arrests have been made. we'll keep you updated on the story as it develops. newark city mayor eric adam says he'll keep the city school mask mandate for kids between the ages of two and four in place. a dad and lawyer representing parents suing adams over the policy joined us earlier. >> it is flabbergasted. it is frustrating. the parents i represent, after supreme court went on friday morning with the mayor decided to do friday afternoon was
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frankly devastating. >> it's all coming to head after adam's plan to lift the mask mandate starting tomorrow. but then decided against it due to a slight uptick in covered cases. will: after the final four page two seed villanova fell to one seed kansas 81 -- six a by the jayhawks now enjoying a ten game winning streak that they headed to the finals tomorrow. their tenth final in the school's history. meanwhile, coach k has his retirement tour through and by his rivals at unc. >> on the top of the key. will: that three make it to possession game with secretary leopard hold onto an 81 -- 77. the loss means north carolina coach coach the first and last loss of his iconic 42 season career as duke's head coach. since at chapel hill north carolina going understand the
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crazy parade celebrating the win over the arrival as he prepares for tomorrow's final against kansas. in those ear headlines. spate okay, still ahead. physics your blunder we have for handmade cheese courtesy of uber eats its arc wonderful greenroom producer who came in spate much more reliable than rachel campos-duffy. in our producer saint pete stop on the break. three 6:30 go well. doritos. spate i ordered mexican. [laughter] right still ahead invasion of ukraine now threatening a global food prices for this is a really important story. ceo joins us now to warn americans they could see shortages as soon as the summer put his plan to combat the crisis, next. >> on the board to that.
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and the woke world of dizzy consume beginning hit right where it hurts. shareholders message cut the politics.
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>> with regard to food shortage s we did talk about food shortages. and it is going to be real. rachel: president biden warning of a real food choices russia's invasion of ukraine threatens a global crisis with worldwide markets. for wheat and sunflower seed oil thrown into the chaos. food ceo bob says we could face a devastating shortages as soon the summer print joins us now with his plan to combat the crises. the president a warning about this, what are you seeing? no it knows more about the global food supply chain than your dear. what are you seeing and how are we to prepare for that? >> good morning rachel. the president should know inch so should aoc there are two wars raging. the first war is a war on fossil fuels. that is sent inflation skyrocketing. we are pacing seven, eight,
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nine, now 13% a month in our foods. as of the cost of transportation has affected every facet of the economy. and the other war is a war in ukraine where they make a fertilizer, they make corn, wheat, 26% of the wheat production in the world. they also have sand for glass and also for fracking. so minerals and all that stuff. that is all being blocked in the port of odessa exporting at all of that kind of thing. this war is having a devastating effect on supply. the real problem with supply chain start with the lockdown when we locked down our schools, our businesses, our churches where you need a reason to get up everyday to god, family, work, school. every part of that was shut down from churches, to schools, to
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work. we kept working, gloria kept working, we never stopped. we were able to supply food. we'll able to be able to give to food banks and the like. we have had a mission where we are giving and because were working were blessed to have a job and and have the ability to give. we were there on the ground. rachel: absolutely. you sell food but you also donate millions of people around the world. they are fighting the claimant with all this war on fossil fuels. people are going hungry purchase look at these inflation costs. poultry, fish, flower up 12%. milk and eggs up 11%. let's talk about meet a lot of americans are not able now to purchase meat. your company sells a lot of the beans, hispanic foods at the staple item that's a pretty good replacement for meat, right?
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for those who are struggling? >> it is. as latinos we say we are united by lang that were separated by the beans are so many great beings out there. usually the red, the black, they are hired antioxidants. that beans have protein, fiber, antioxidants vital nutrients when you combine it with rice you get a complete protein. it's a pretty economical and full meal, proteins. so it goes beyond meats and cheeses and things like that where you do not get the fiber. you do not get the antioxidants. spate there's a spiritual component to that some people cannot be their children, they cannot be their families. it is demoralizing. it has so many -- such an impact on your soul, bob. >> you know we have the mission of food which feeds the body. that is temporary but feeding the soul is permanent. that is what we need to do. we need to wake up every morning
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for god, family, work, and school. spate thank you for joining us this morning and warning us about the implications so many of these policies on people's ability to feed their families. bob unanue thank you for joining us. >> thank you. spate up nexus backlash grows against izzy for going woke my husband sean duffy is here with an idea for congress to intervene. people with moderate to severe psoriasis, are rethinking the choices they make like the splash they create the entrance they make, the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable.
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(announcer) it's time to lose the weight for good. try golo. no subscriptions, just real results that last! -i've lost 70 pounds. -58 pounds. -22 pounds. -128 pounds. 138 pounds in nine months. crazy, right? (laughing) (announcer) it's time to put dieting behind you and get your health and vitality back.
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(woman) once you start this plan, and you do what you're supposed to do, you are going to feel amazing, you're gonna have a new life. (announcer) change your life now at >> more fallout over the woke world of disney and its fight to repeal florida's parental rights bill. spate one fear shareholder speaking outs" here's a sick suggestion for disney ceo, get
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back to business. this excellence and storytelling pete stop wasting shareholder money on political crusades that have nothing to do with disney's business. >> fox news contributor, husband of rachel, sean duffy is here to reactivate sean, thanks for being here. your take? especially from your former perch in congress, can shareholder to address this? can a boycott address this? can congress address this question records are to be shareholders that address the political action of dizzy but as a shareholder i want them to make as much money for me as a stakeholder in the business. i own the company. and so i want them to again tell good stories. and make as much money as possible but i want them to settle up movies to republicans, democrats, independents pray to what them to sell the movies to everybody pretty that you get involved in politics things go awry. you start to divide your consumer base. in congress are copyright laws and disney has worked very hard to extend copyright laws to make sure mickey mouse is not going
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to the public domain if they been very successful. spate or so white. >> pluto, goofy, but they are not getting an extension, they may try but they all come into the public domain from 19203 into the public domain in 2024 january 1. when the ball drops. >> 100 years is whiteness? >> 95 years. >> hasn't already been extended three times? >> our founders had a 28 year reprieve for copyright law. right? there's modifications and extensions and disney was the driver behind this. >> it wasn't mickey mouse literally the image of mickey mouse. >> that's what drove this. mickey mouse is also trademark and associate with this it is good be other protections with the mickey. but goofy, pluto, and everything else start succumbing to the public domain. there's going to be legal fights. but that is great for disney to have a lack of congressional support.
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>> we are probably going to have it looks like a big red white and the midterm. six silly no defense of disney. [laughter] clutched we just want some friends. >> as we learned in florida getting special political privileges. if you want to play in the realm of politics be prepared to use lose your privileges. >> writes ray they run their own community the disney community its own town they get to run it. so if they pull that away, they'll be subject to the very liberals in their community that they actually vote for and fund. but it's important to look at the polling paired with 52% of democrats in florida, when told about this bill is supported only 35% i'm sorry only 35% disagree with it. so even democrats are posted disney's position. that is how commonsense this is. we don't talk about transgender is him and politically with second graders and kindergartners especially in a company that's trying to sell product to them. and parents have to put them in
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front of the tv to watch those products, it does not make any sense as a business model. spate is not interesting? are going to get the e-mails people up and commenting on i just did an interview with a woman earlier. we talked about this new film that disney has something about a red dog. rachel: turning red. in it they say they actually use the slogan about my body, my choice they say mike choices are subliminal even abortion or rhetoric inside of a child's movie. not to mention the film itself is about puberty and is all kinds of sexual undertones to it. what happened to snow white? what happened to peter pan? we love this stuff. that is what i think most parents think they're getting from disney. they think that's what they're getting when they go to the park. all of that has been for years now. we have been in denial, sean and i because we love disney we think it's the disney of our past. but they have been slowly chipping away at so many of
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these things down to the point where you cannot say welcome boys and girls have to say welcome dreamers because we don't to offend anybody pay let's get to these responses really quick. deborah e-mailing us our kids grew up loving everything disney but pushing a radical woke agendas unacceptable. >> this e-mail from edward, what does he capture children's imagination. he would be horrified now to think they are trying to capture your kids. vicki says disney is not really for children anymore but i will never go to the theme park again pay to watch any movies. those are some of the responses we asked bill earlier in the show. this conversation. >> why not question work if you are coca-cola has and would stop thinking coke since had political movement in georgia? there stop and political consequences because conservatives continue to buy politically active products from local corporations. this'll be the first time it changes though. spate you think this will work? >> we care about our kids. >> is a brand.
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quick cokes getting involved in voting they shouldn't but we are all kind of sing it together. this is your brand of kids in your brand of family are telling me that kids and family should accept strangers talking to them about. >> coca-cola your kids drink and coca-cola might increase her sugar intake but it does not change the moral compass. were disney movie now you don't know what you're getting. >> are trying to indoctrinate my child if i don't get in the schools they want to give it to me and disney but against terrence rejected a lot of good wholesome content out there but i don't have to go to disney i can go somewhere else. think parents are going to make that choice especially going to the parks too. we love the parks, kids love the parks they are great prints wildly expensive. by the way take 11 people to the park is really, really expensive. >> i don't have to pay. >> now i don't have too. i'm going to go to pete's house it's like disney all these kids and magic kingdom. [laughter] jumping castles,. [laughter]
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[laughter] [inaudible] >> more of sean and rachel vincent fox news spate by the way this week we do take on the will smith/chris rock's lap. we talk about disney to this podcast but we talk about this from the marriage angle. we think it's open marriage that's really making will. [laughter] [laughter] >> breaking news. >> fox news alert here. [laughter] >> that's funny. spate open marriage. [laughter] [laughter] all right. >> you guys are the old army sing we do more before 9:00 a.m. than most people do all day. you guys do more before 10:00 a.m. the most it will do all day. >> we do more before 6:00 a.m. for. >> you actually do. >> in one day. >> not me. >> coming up, i go inside family oil facility in texas to see how
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they are pushing back after the president shift is blame game onto them. >> if i can to really the oil out of the ground, i don't have anywhere to send it when we do with that? and disruptive muscle aches. you can count on fast, effective relief with motrin.
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say president biden back at it again with the blame game now calling out oil companies for not easing the pain at the pump. >> u.s. oil companies who are reporting their largest profits
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in years, they have a choice. one, think about those profits to productive use by producing more oils. or, they can as some of them are doing split the situation. setback, ship those profits to the investors while american family struggles to make ends meet. >> anymore oil. so i the opportunity to visit a family own independent oil company and midland, texas. they said not only are they producing oil at record rates but the administration anti- fossil fuel policies are holding them back on getting it to the consumer, take a look. >> tell me about the role of this place? the permian basin jump basin. >> the permian basin produces 4e oil but about 25% the natural gas per. >> this is america's energy heart? >> absolutely perplexes the drilling site owned by this every operating industry family owned gas business. >> the first i owned 1962.
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i went out on my own. my dream was to have my own build it. >> you got a family with three sons in the business for at least two grandchildren. it's a family affair. ask these guys that work on the rigs. the guys who help us with production they become part of that family too. without them we cannot do what we do for. >> during the drilling phase this thing operating 24 hours a day. >> 24 hours a day, seven days a week per. >> this is an operational rig that means the drill and crew took a quick timeout a quick break so we can step in here and jeff and chris can explain does exactly what is going down the hole right behind you chris this is where the drilling begins. >> we have drilled our surface getting ready to pick up tools to drill under service and drill down to the depth. will: this whole will take helen to drill question for. >> will take about 16 days. >> and then you begin the
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fracking process to get the well flowing. will: from the drilling site you bring oil, water, and gas to these tanks right here. cook said there is a valve that opens up the bottom what's the water out. the one on the top let oil out. the very top is where the gas comes off. will: how long does oil sit in one of those tanks? >> not very long to get sold straight out of here into a pipeline. as the tanks fill it's filling multiple times a day. pretty soon over 5 million barrels a day in the permian basin of oil. and it's led by the independent oil producer. will: if we are setting records in production, why are gasoline prices so high? >> we have an administration that really is anti- fossil fuels. they put on this façade you know we are not trying to hinder the
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american oil and gas producers. but yet the facts show they clearly are. if i can drilling at the oil out of the ground and i don't have anywhere to send it because there's not enough capacity on the pipeline to send it to a refinery, what i do with it? it sits in the tank and everything gets shut in. will: drilling the wells just to start what happens next. tell me about canary what do you do here? >> we sell oil companies which is like comic the cap on the coke bottle. >> those are wells are in the eighth ending of their lifecycle what it is a strong well we have to weld it on. this is part of the fracking process. this is something we rent to the oil company. will: how many different jobs involved are for your company learn the oil fields? >> just under 1000 people got people who weld and machine shops are begot people redress and fix these valves. those are technicians. we've got folks in the field
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they can solve this stuff. to separate our hearing from everyday were producing at record numbers. we could be producing more. can we be independent right here in america? >> are energy independent under the trump administration and we can be again. under trumpet were producing 13 million barrels a day. last month we produced 11.6. the american oil industry is capable of more and it frustrates me jointly when i hear biden say calling opec want to more oil calling venezuela when he more oil but what about texas? what about north dakota? we can do it here. will: 's a guys come the takeaways a limited amount of time there's a conversation we had off air which is this, all of these guys feel like the only education america gets on oil and gas is to vilify how can we get off of it instead of looking at the entrepreneurial revolutionary role it played in making us the most advanced country on the face of the earth. spent i absolutely love this package the story told bread when i see this, i don't know who these people in the left
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are. i see this i see a miracle. i see what a blessing we have as americans to have this kind of energy resource under. >> other experts never account for innovation. were going to run out of oil and then fracking. entrepreneurs innovatively find new ways and it is amazing what we have done in this country. rachel: god bless america. >> still ahead is dieting racist? wait to hear why one county is banning only white employees from their health workshops. jason rants on the irony rich diet, next. [laughter] ♪♪
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and enough power for a house full of devices. plus when you get xfinity internet and mobile together, you can save hundreds off your wireless bill compared to verizon. hello? it's for you. xfinity can do all that. sorry, verizon. >> washington state king county banning white employees from attending a health and diet seminar and reportedly tried to cover it up when they were called outbred one anonymous staffer claims i turned my front facing camera on and was promptly removed from the training. i am a white male county employee parroted nothing in the training and my microphone was on mute. try to rejoin the training and was blocked from doing so. seattle radio host broke the
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story but he joins us now for they only did the about-face, jason, after reporting on this. first of all, what was he seminar originally and who was allowed to attend? >> yes the name of the seminar was and tight blackness and diet culture. it's all about how western ideals of attractiveness and health are steeped in whiteness. good health and diet is used to maintain racial superiority but my favorite one is opting out of diet cultures had become an antiracist. [laughter] originally this event was labeled for by pock only staff black indigenous people of color. which was almost certainly illegal. so i started to ask some of these questions. you think excluding a white people from one of these taxpayer-funded workshops would raise the red flag of the hr department. which is the department that actually put this on. and so as i was asking these questions, we find out they very much intended this to be exclusionary of white people. they had a complaint as late as
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last year from someone saying this is kind of ridiculous. we could all benefit from some of these workshops. why would you do it only for those employees but they defended it at the time right after start asking questions i said no, no this was never the intense. this is always about inviting everyone pray don't know what you're talking about. but i went over about a thousand pages of documents, e-mails, power points it was not intended to be that way. but that hr director knew about it. i think they knew what's going on. >> any accountability jason? you take in category of people from a public -- make a public department 80 exclude them. normally there be consequences. >> there should be consequences here. i can say the staff member who routed this white staff ever out of the remote workshop, i'm told by the county this person originally lied about what happened and then fessed up during investigation because that complaint you just read. they resigned their position.
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i don't know if that mean they resigned the position but still works for the county? they're not giving me that particular bit of information but we'll see what ends up happening part obvious to the staff member should sue because what happened is very blatantly illegal. >> super racist it pretty could only be on this call if you are of one background but i also learned, thank you i learned a lot of things from jason in your original reporting. if i want to be an antiracist i've got to get fat. i better get to work on that. that makes me -- is me and assignments. >> does sound kind of fun. you get to eat whatever you want. >> exactly right. jason took a month he put this together got to the bottom of that the kind of reporting we need to hold people accountable who are counting on no one paying attention and pulling off the hr department pulling off this kind of racist stuff. jason, thank you so much for bringing the story to us. >> thanks pete's. pete: would reach us at king county human resources for a statement but of course we did not hear back.
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♪ ♪ can you feel it, come on over. ♪ down to the corner. ♪ feel that sunshine. rachel: good morning. it's 9:00 a.m. and i want to say what we're looking at but i honestly can't see that. do you see where that is. >> gulf port, mississippi. rachel: i could see that last week. does that mean i've aged over the week? i can't see that number.
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well, gulf port, good morning. good morning to everybody around america. it's 9:00 a.m. in new york city. i'm here with will and pete and i just saw on social media that i made a flub, i was a talking about will smith's open marriage but i accidentally said will cain's open marriage which was breaking news and we heard that paula deen might be happy about this. >> yep, hey paula, if you're watching, quite a market opportunity. rachel: fyi, the slap around the world proved people aren't very happy in those arrangements. >> that's true. rachel: you're much happy a yesterday with your gorgeous wife. will: thank you so much. also, we're trying to get rachel to clean up her area. >> pete: will and i were sitting here, she was downstairs with a burrito. rachel: so true. >> somehow the trail of crumbs is still on the floor back here,
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look back here, behind the pillow. rachel: napkins and -- [laughter] >> some sort of a napkin. [laughter] >> under there. i mean -- rachel: i hope it's a napkin and not a kleenex. [laughter] >> it doesn't matter. rachel: i know. i always have papers around. people are always wondering what all my papers are. i'm a mess here. you wouldn't know it -- >> look at our rachel notes this morning. rachel: i want you to know that at home i'm actually a neat freak. so i -- >> she lets loose with us on the weekend. we hope the dishes are in the sink, the kids are running around the house, you're still in bed, ignoring the noise. rachel: in your pjs. >> have a little coffee, hanging out. that's what we love and enjoy. thanks for joining us on the fifth hour of "fox & friends" on this sunday morning. rachel: maybe one weekend we'll come in our pjs just like our viewers. >> i was going to text you that a we should in the future wear
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jordans and -- if we do it together, then we can do that. >> yeah. >> it's the weekend show. maybe no tie. >> lawrence jones gets to do that. i'm not saying sweat pants, but maybe jeans or the funky pants you had on the other weekend. >> something like that. >> if we do it in solidarity. >> your funky pants. >> we move on to sears just news this morning as well -- serious news this morning as well. we start with a fox news alert. ukraine regains full control of the region around kyiv for the first time since russia's invasion began. rachel: the recaptured land may be full of russian mines. >> they are mining the whole territory. they are mining the homes, mining equipment, even the bodies of people who were killed. there are a lot of trip wires, a lot of other dangers. >> alex hogan is live on the ground in lviv with the latest. alex. >> reporter: will, rachel, pete, ukrainian forces are moving into
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the capital of kyiv as russian forces move out, it is opening up the window to see images of destruction of what's been left behind. some of the images are difficult to see. footage of ukrainian troops returning back to see the decemr sigh medication of some of the towns, including bodies lying in the streets. these are civilian, some having hands bound behind their back before being executed. neighbors explaining the people lying in the road were not fighting. these were their neighbors, they were hiding like the rest of them, trapped in the city. >> he was a resident, he worked in landscaping. a peaceful, honest person. smart man who loved to work. and they simply shamelessly and in full knowledge crushed him to death had with a russian armored personnel carrier. >> reporter: roughly 60,000 people have escaped to nearby zaparigo, a journey which usually takes two to three hours but because of the blown up
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bridges and damaged roads there are some refugees reporting it is taking them up to 12 hours by car to get here. over here, we have footage we can show you of the continued you tax thathas no signs of slo. take a listen. [sounds of gunfire] >> reporter: this is under control by russian forces and troops that continue to hammer the cities on the eastern side of the country. there is, however, the potential for a negotiation on the table between ukraine and russia, something announced by ukraine yesterday. meanwhile, new explosions this morning in the southern city of odesa, billowing black smoke up into the sky. odesa is a key city in the strategy of this war because it is ukraine's largest port. and where the navy is headquartered. the strike today blew up an oil depot. this is one of the latest oil he
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depots in the last week that have been blown up here across the country. guys, back to you. >> alex, thank you for that report. devastating news coming out in the wake of the russian retreat of some of the atrocities, civilian bodies piled up. there are always civilian casualties, it just grows to show that the -- goes to show that the year 2022 is no different in war in 1730. >> humanity hasn't changed and dictators with the ability to employ people whether they know they're going to war or not and then they're stuck there and when they retreat they commit atrocity. the equally big story is the fact that russian troops have been kicked out of the capital city in ukraine after what we thought would be a certain victory. i don't know that it means we're closer to peace, although you pointed out there are talks potentially in the future between zelenskyy and putin. it's preliminary and potential. the removal of those troops, it sounds like they will be used to
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focus in other parts of the country where putin still has his eye on more areas that he deems to be russian speaking. but i will say this. zelenskyy signaled that between the donbas and crimea, that he's open to arrangements that keep the sovereignity of those areas ambiguous. he could never be ambiguous about kyiv. you can't give on the capital city. if you focus on places knew will be contested, there will be more fighting but maybe it opens the opportunity after more fighting probably of some sort of a settlement of or cease fire eventually. rachel: the better zelenskyy does in the war going into the negotiations the better position he will be in from a negligencen point of view. peace talks advance todd the point where a meeting between putin and zelenskyy is possible, maybe even imminent and so that is some really hopeful
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information especially as we see these very jarring an distressing images on our television of what is happening to civilians. >> so let's move from the ukrainian border to our southern border now. these are -- this is a tweet from a chief border patrol agent, jason owens. he is giving you a picture into what's happening right now. we'll give you numbers after the picture. first, delly yows sector -- del-rio sector agents continue to encounter more unaccompanied children. agents encountered a 6-year-old this morning, three siblings including two 6-year-olds and a 1-year-old. rachel: all by themselves. >> all alone. no family present. this is dangerous, this is wrong and this is tragic. now to the numbers. >> the numbers out of yuma, arizona alone as far as border crossings, 154,000 plus illegal border crossings since october 1st. that is a stagger 579% increase over the same time last year. we're talking 300 you thousand t
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aways crossed the southern border this fiscal year, they're expecting more than that in the second half of the fiscal year which will smash previous records. those are the known got aways, not to mention the not known got aways. when title 42 goes away, the single males who claim asylum can't be turned back for covid reasons. they will likely be released as well because catch and release, a policy of the previous administration, long gone. remain in mexico, long gone. any of the tools take border patrol had to include the wall, i'm surprised they're tearing it down, just paying to not build it, the fence by the way built by texas dps. they're trying to do what they can as a state. this is a federal responsibility and looks like intentionally fair failing at it. rachel: again, interesting you bring that up, pete. because when these people cross over into yuma out of over 500% increase, it is the state and the city and the county that
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have to deal with the strain on their social services. it's absolutely insane. the democrats are doing this because they think they're going to get a new set of voters, maybe they think it will attract the hispanic vote. i'm telling you, hispanic americans do not like this especially those who are along the border and bearing the brunt of this. i interviewed earlier in the show two texas gop candidates, both of them hispanic americans, kathy garcia and myra flores and had they are warning the country of what will happen to their communities when title 42 is removed. >> the biden administration does not have a plan in place and ending title 42 on may 23rd is going to be catastrophic for all of the hispanic border communities who are already dealing with the biden border crisis firsthand. the hispanic community wants a strong and secure border. we want to celebrate legal immigration, not illegal immigration. >> i i'm greated to this
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country -- i immigrated to this country legally. immigration is possible, but legal immigration. what's happening is something we don't support in south texas. we feel this administration is focused on illegal immigration and not the american people. when we can't afford groceries and paying more at the pump, we have been completely abandoned. rachel: they feel abandoned. i don't blame them. you're in texas, you see this. will: i do. i don't think have you to be in texas to see this. rachel: that's true. will: i think you can be anywhere in america and see the changing nature of this country based on this. you see the reference to the rising price in groceries. you experienced and you know and we're aware of the rising price of gasoline. it doesn't stop with gasoline. it moves on to food and rachel, you also had an interview with bob anonway of goya foods
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talking about a potential food shortage. here's a small slice, if you will. rachel: that's good. >> i like it. >> i feel a little bit of shame at that one. pete: i'll take that one from here. will: i'm ashamed that i did that pun. that's your job, dave, not mine. rachel: did you feed that to him? will: let the audience why using the word slice is too much. pete: in new york city today the average price of a slice of pizza is $3.14. while the price of a ride on the subway, the famed now dangerous new york city assault and subwa. it -- $2.75. it used to be you could find pizza for 99-cents, 1 dollar. 314 is an indication -- tour point about gas, fuel, everything else, that drives every other product. when that's more expensive, transporting the ingredients is more expensive. it moves down the line, now i pay $3.14 for what i'm just
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going to say to all you new yorkers on the crew, average pizza here in new york city. average pizza, i'm paying $3.14. will: picking fights. >> dough rises. rachel: it never ends. americans are facing inflation costs we haven't seen in 40 years. it's absolutely insane. i'll tell you this, it's the poorest of the poor that will suffer. the food banks are getting less donations. the u.n. just announced the rations they give to yemen and afghanistan, they're cutting those. all of this is happening because of what's happening in the global economy but also in anticipation of this food supply shortage that bob unanway from goya was warning about. the president even knows it's happening. when he was in brussels he gave a foreshadowing so maybe when this happens and there's panic maybe even, he could say i said
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so in brussels but he's not doing anything. there's nothing in his policies that he is doing to alleviate this problem and in fact, some people think it's by design. >> former president trump had a rally last night in michigan where he said the answer to how to fix this is not that complicated. watch. >> if joe biden was serious about fighting inflation and helping the middle class, the first thing he would do is walk into the white house briefing room and announce that he is immediately and a completely returning the pro-american energy policies of a president named donald john trump. it's very simple. [cheers and applause] >> it's so simple. >> it is simple. by the way, the if you were watching the ncaa tournament like some of us were last night and not that that speech, you can catch it on fox nation,, covers all of the president's speeches and we need to hear that side right now because sometimes it is that
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simple, the reminder is we had the border secure, we weren't at war, inflation was not a problem, we were energy independent. the cops were the good guys, not vilified, that was not so long ago and a now here we are and it's disparaging for us here on the couch as we report these things, people ask me, pete, how's it going, how you doing, i say besides everything, i'm doing okay. not everybody is doing okay. a lot of people can't dismiss the political hyperbole and their lives and communities are being crushed. violent crime still smashing records across the country, record number of police officers shot, record number of police officers killed so far in 2022. those aren't going away. there's a lot of stories to cover. we don't cover them as much as we should but we do it more than most. will: america at each other's throats on the lines of race, gender and sexuality. which leads us to the latest story. disney's choice to take a political stance when it comes to florida's parental rights
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bills, we've asked the viewers for how you think about that, how that compels you to make certain choices. here's what you e-mailed in. this is from ellen, go to dollywood, local hometown parks, even though there's other optionses. >> will ranked dolly parton not in the top three of country music stars if you saw earlier. .>> here's more e-mails. this is from mark. i think everyone should start boycotting them as painful as it could be. rachel: a lot of us love disney, the old disney. mark says i don't think we should filter or protect kids from too many things, be there and explain, life is not filtered. >> that's a call for allowing all kinds of points of view. the question becomes is that what you'll get in school from a teacher talking to children and is that the role of a teacher? i appreciate the info.
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>> from william, what used to be a fun place is now a place for the brain washing of children. i will not spend one time on anything disney. rachel: i hope the boycott works in a way that makes them turn things around. a lot of times boycotts don't work. i don't know. listen, i love disney. but it's true, i am thinking of the disney of my childhood had and i have seen it because i've gone over the years, i've seen things slowly change. i've been waiting -- i remember, we had a segment where i was like i'm just waiting for peter -- we did something on peter pan, they put a trigger warning on the movie and i was like there goes the ride, i'm waiting for the ride to go. >> just wait. the scary part of all this, an advisor margaret thatcher, said any organization not right of center eventually over time becomes left of center, o'sullivan's law. that's what happened with disney over time. it's not that they can turn on a
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dime. they've got a whole woke corporate industry inside disney, diversity, equity and a inclusion advisors, other people. you heard the tapes that were leaked of the -- saying my goal is to -- my not so openly gay agenda is to insert as much as i can into the content. they created a corporate culture that incentivizes that. they count on the fact they're so big had they can't fail. rachel: they created a gaping hole of a market that needs to be filled. daily wire is investing $100 million into children's entertainment. somebody can fill that gap, there are parents clamoring for good, clean, whole some entertainment. >> let's turn to a few additional headlines. a look moments ago at shooting be in sacramento. six people were killed, at least nine were hurt in the gunfire. the shooting erupted early this morning near the california state capitol building. it's unclear if any arrests have been made. we'll keep you updated as the
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story develops. los angeles judge rules california landmark law mandating corporations diversify their board with members from certain racial, ethnic or lgbt groups is unconstitutional. a lawsuit filed by judicial watch argued the mandate violates the state's constitutional equal protection clause. judicial watch president calling it the most blatant and significant attack in the modern era of the constitution which prohibits against discrimination. and take a look at this. it's the most pope francis aboard a flight to malta receives a letter and memo from the family of pierre zaktuski. the pope upon receiving gift said he is up there in italian. pierre was 55 years old. and those are your headlines. >> and hes is up there indeed. coming up, senator joey ernst
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responds to reports that the u.s. will help arm ukraine with soviet made tanks. rachel: plus the long-term impact of corporations caving to woke ideology. will it backfire? we'll talk about that too. ♪
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>> if we don't have heavy weapons, how can we defend ourselves? how can we fight against one of the strongest armies in the world? our military, our people, soldiers are stronger than the russian federation. but they have a lot more weapons. heavy weapons will give us an opportunity to talk with them at the negotiation table. >> ukrainian president zelenskyy pleading for more weapons in the fight against putin's brutal invasion as we learn the u.s. will reportedly help transfer soviet made tanks to ukraine. republican senator and u.s. army combat vet joni ernst is here to react. thank you for being here. on the issue of weapons, you were part of a bipartisan group that sent a letter to jake sullivan, asking for specifics. what are we sending, how many? do we have a sense in the u.s. senate of what kind of aid we're providing right now? >> well, this is where, pete, we
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need the oversight and it's extremely important that we continue communicating with dod as well as the national security advisor to the president to find out exactly what is being provided. the ukrainians are asking for equipment. they need everything in their toolbox to push back against the russians. we have yet to be provided that information. we did have a secure call with jake sullivan, the national security advisor, but we don't have specific numbers in front office, available to congress so that we have proper oversight of what's being transferred. >> senator, is there an argument that it should remain confidential, strategically ambiguous, maybe we don't want to make that public or is this something in a time of war congress deserves to know even in a classified setting and on top of that, is it bureaucratic red tape that could be holding it up or could there be an
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intentional reason to hold it up. >> i hope it's not intentional but certainly we do need to keep it secret, what is being transferred and that's why we asked to have the numbers provided to us in a classified setting so those senators, those congressmen that would like to have oversight, would like to know and understand what is being transferred can actually go and view those numbers and types of equipment but, again, the bottom line is that ukraine has been asking for additional equipment, not just from the united states, but also from our nato partners and we should be stepping up and providing them. we want to make sure that they win this war and they can win this war if they are provided with the proper equipment. >> we've certainly seen the russians had to change their calculus, abandoning kyiv, moving to the east and soft. we spent billions, trillions on
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covid relief money. yet, it sounds like the senate is closing in on 10 billion more for covid. i think that strikes a lot of people as, really, at this point there's still a lot of covid money unspent. >> yes. absolutely. and that's the concern that many of us have is that we have spent really billions and trillions of dollars on covid recovery. so these dollars would be repurposed dollars out of the american rescue plan. they should go to covid therapeutics, but we need transparency and that's one thing that has been lacking through this process. and if this should pass through the senate and through the house, i want to make sure that there is transparency, that not only can we see how those dollars are being spent, but the public can and that, the dollars that are being reallocated only go to covid and not other pet
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projects coming from the left. >> senator, feels like there already hasn't been a lot of transparency on the money already spent. the question i would asks is why isn't the gop proposal zero billion after all we've spent? >> exactly. and that is the argument as well, is that there are so many dollars that exist out there, remaining already for covid assistance that maybe these dollars should go right back to the taxpayers. so -- maybe, yes. so a lot of discussion is going on currently in the senate about this but again, transparency and if those packages should pass, then it should only be for co-of individual relief and not for other things that the left wants to do. >> one can hope. senator of joni ernst, thanks for your insite. -- insight. we appreciate it.
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free speech on trial, woke yale law students won't be disciplined for derailing a bipartisan free speech panel. >> i like to talk here. >> you're disrupting the free speech -- >> we're not disrupting. >> ♪ (jackie) i've made progress with my mental health. so when i started having unintentional body movements called tardive dyskinesia... i ignored them. but when the twitching and jerking in my face and hands affected my day to day... i finally had to say, 'it's not ok.' it was time to talk to my doctor about austedo. she said that austedo helps reduce td movements in adults... while i continue with most of my mental health medications. (vo) austedo can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have suicidal thoughts.
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i just don't think my family would be as happy as they are without the support that i received from paralyzed veterans of america. our veterans fought for us. let's fight for them. call or donate online at today. our veterans need you. >> as you know, yale has a policy of freedom of speech and that -- >> we are -- >> come on, grow up. >> i want to talk here. >> you're disrupting the free speech -- >> we're not disrupting. >> so the professor you saw, trying to keep order as yale law students protested a free speech event. that professor is now calling out her school for not
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disciplining those students, saying, quote, this can never happen again. a yale law school graduate joins us now. we were discussing this recall yesterday, vivek. there have always been student reactionaries, revolutionaries, change agents. the difference now is, the revolution is against foundational american values like free speech. here's the question. is that new from what you saw at yale? >> look, i was at a yale, harvard, 10 and 15 years ago. i think those institutions are fundamentally different now. the question is do we want our students exposed to all view points and perspectives and then decide what they believe or do we want the university to continue to indoctrinate them in what they already believe. a good litmus test for a university, you have university presidents and leaders say they stand for free speech, here's a
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litmus test for them to test that. if students on the other side of the political spectrum adopted the same methods of shouting, using threats, to silence the other side, would your response be the same? if it wouldn't have been the same, if you would have been more disciplinary in that direction, then it tells you that you don't stand for free speech but you tilted the scales in favor of an ideological agenda. and part of what i say is, look, students are right to protest. that's -- have the right to protest. that's part of education. that means you bear consequences of the protest, that's what made civil rights warriors admirable, students can't have a free lunch to be able to disrupt events and not face consequences, that's where we are today. >> do you think what we're seeing is the universities indoctrinating students to be like this or students are in control of universities. it seems like the students are in charge. i don't knows how they got that
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way. >> it's an interesting point you bring up. i think it's a little bit of both. it goes if both directions. i think actually a bigger problem is a quiet one, it's the rise of the managerial class within the universities. before, professors used be the left leaning but professors still favored all viewpoints being heard. what we're seeing is this managerial cancer in universities like we do in government and corporate america too but universities where you have 50 associate deans of whatever and they have to justify their existence by pushing diversity, equity and inclusion values and they're actually creating the intolerant layer of administration that even betrays what the left of center he professors want to see on many campuses which is true free speech. the managerial class of the university, ten fold gloat the last 10 -- growth in the last 10 years is a big part of the problem. >> we reached out to yale for a statement and haven't heard back. let's talk about disney, they're denouncing the florida bill for parents' rights in education
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calling the bill don't say gay. here's disney caving to a very radical he position that doesn't seem to reflect the democratic process, doesn't reflect you would assume their customer base and might just reflect a small segment of their employee base. so really foresaking the majority of every step of the way, why and will disney pay a price? >> yes, let me give you insight. this may even be confuseing to a lot of people who see disney doing business in countries from japan to cruise lines going to islands in the carribean where gay marriage is banned, they don't say a peep. why is that. a lot of people think the ceo was bending the knee to 20 employees who are complaining about him. there's a quieter undercurrent. if you look at who are the top shareholders of disney, it is black rock, state street and vanguard. the three largest asset managerses in the united states who manage over $20 trillion by the way, more than the gdp of the united states who are the
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shareholders of the ceos who tell them that exactly these are the kinds of social agendas that they want to see them pushing. so actually if you're a ceo in a public company today, you find yourself sandwiched not just between your progressive woke employees and people on the outside wonder why are they bending the knee to them, when you look at your alleged bosses, the quote, unquote, shareholders, they're quieting whispering in your ear they want to see you doing the same things too. it runs far deeper and it's more complicated. the problem, will, is those shareholders aren't the actual shareholders. they're actually the everyday citizens of the country who entrust institutions with those money. i think they're betraying their clients by telling the companies, disney, nike, that you've got to behave that way. it's a complicated equation. >> that's what we have to do next. if you're right, we need to look into the institutional investors, managing those amounts of money, seeing what are they advocating for, what are their policy pushes if they're wielding that much power and you and i, the consumer, has
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that power to not place our money with those managers. that's a great point that we need to look into. thank you so much for your time. >> thank you. >> still ahead, putin apparently isn't feeling the pinch of sanctions, he's set in rake in hundreds of billions of dollars from energy exports. maria bartiromo on why it's time to hold china and india accountable for helping rush s sha, next. and -- russia, next. if you thought of he would retire after a devastating car crash, you might be wrong. will tiger woods return to the golf course in this year's masters? ♪ >> tech: need to get your windshield fixed? safelite makes it easy. >> tech vo: you can schedule in just a few clicks. and we'll come to you with a replacement you can trust. >> man: looks great. >> tech: that's service on your time. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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>> we're back with a fox news alert. moments ago police hold a press conference after they say six people were killed and nine hurt in a shooting in sacramento. >> our officers were in the area here and they heard shots being fired. they found that multiple people unfortunately had been shot and it's a really tragic situation. so we are asking for the public's help in helping us to identify the suspect. >> no arrests have yet been made. the shooting happened early this morning near the california state capitol building. police are currently asking people to avoid the area. la county sheriff is vowing to
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tackle the homeless problem in hollywood this summer. >> we're going to go the entire vacation season, we're going to be out there in force. we're also shifting our homeless effort now, we're going to focus on hollywood. yes, we're going to hollywood. >> hollywood has long been the lapd's jurisdiction but the sheriff hopes to bring his deputies to the area to help defend the tourism industry. might be a -- at least somebody is doing something. the greatest goaler of all time -- golfer of all time could return to this year's master's. tiger woods hasn't decided if he will play. he won the tournament five times, most recently in 2019. would be good to see him back on the course and those are your headlines. rachel, over to you. rachel: thank you, pete. well, he despite crippling sanctions tar a getting its economy, russia may actually
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collect a $320 billion win fall in energy exports, up more than a third from last year from countries who refuse to stop doing business with putin. sunday morning futures anchor maria bartiromo is here to react. we know germany is goating gas and -- getting gas and oil from russia. other countries like india are getting the in on the discount, maria. maria: that's right. good morning to you, rachel. rachel: good morning. maria: thanks very much. this is what is funding the war on ukraine. russia is taking in billions in oil revenue and still able to conduct business on the world stage and with that revenue it is paying to create death and destruction in ukraine. let's not forget that the russians are still on the swift network, able to transact with oil and gas transactions. there are also a host of russian companies that are listed in
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america on u.s. exchanges and unwitting investors are buying those stocks and in fact funding this expansion of russia's military onto ukraine. so there are a whole host of items that have yet to be used in terms of punishing vladimir putin. there are capital markets levers such as delisting all russian companies, such as ensuring that american investors understand that if you own an emerging market etf, an emerging markets index fund, then russia is likely in that fund and it has not been taken out. there was a bill that went to the floor, maxine waters removed that item as a talking point in terms of getting the stocks out of indexes and getting this opportunity for investors to invest in these companies off the grid. that is why you're seeing china try to make moves to try to appease regulators to say, okay, we will allow auditors to look
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at chinese companies traded on u.s. exchanges. this is the lever that so far the u.s. has been unwilling to pull. we'll see. we're watching that. there was a bill that came down to the floor that was supposed to have it in but the globalists and the treasury were able to knock it out and so far those companies remain on u.s. exchanges. there are a host of sanctions that may very well still come but are out there for u.s. officials to be using. we're talking about it this morning and i've got on a special interview with the attorney general of west virginia. he is suing the administration a for what it is doing in terms of oil and gas. this climate change agenda is the priority no matter what even if we're paying sky high prices for gasoline. last week the securities and exchange commission came out with new rules for all public companies to follow and it has to do with disclosing emissions risks from the company, its customers, its suppliers, its after i'll united arab emirates. we'll talk about that. -- after i'll united arab emirates. we'll talk about.
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we'll talk with senator ron johnson. he was the senator who cracked open the influence peddling story. we understand now that the owner of the laptop store first contacted senator johnson and senator grassley. they said okay, hold on, we want to verify this is hunter biden's laptop and then he went to giuliani who gave it to the new york post. weaves got a lot of new a -- got a loot of new information on the influence peddling that's occurring while joe biden is supposed to be tough on countries like russia and china. we'll talk about it coming up in 10 minutes' time. we've got breaking news. rachel: absolutely, the question is whetheres compromised by the businessen tanglements. you've got a great lineup. rachel: i'll see you in 10 minutes. coming up, chief meteorologist rick reichmuth is live at bass pro shop's world fishing fair. we put his casting skills to the
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>> bass pro shops is celebrating 50 years in business with the world's fishing fair event in springfield, missouri. rachel: later today, the world's casting championships are happening right there. >> first, rick reichmuth is testing his casting skills compared to fishing pros. i don't know how you're doing but let's see. >> i'm with defoe, you're a professional fisherman and you have one name like elvis or prince, just zona. you do what. >> i host zona's awesome fishing show and bass master relief series of fox. >> you know something about fishing and bass pro. >> yes. >> this is the world's fishing fair, the last day of the five day event, celebrating the 50th anniversary of bass pro shops. tell me about it. >> what's interesting is they had a world's fishing fair in the late '80s and we were kind of kids during that. but the great thing about this, it is basically embracing all of the outdoors, fishing and a
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hunting. there was huge concerts this week, luke bryant, luke williams junior, last night and it's all for conservation. what johnnie morris does for supporting our waters, our fields for hunting, it's a big deal and it's an honor in all honesty to work for him. >> we're going to compete here. there's a pond set up. there's a golf hole over there. i got a hole in one, not when the camera was on. i have a picture of it. we'll have a little competition, see who can -- man, i can't figure out, you guys doing this underhand. it's not working for me. i think my arms are too short. >> rick, to put this in college basketball terms, out is like kansas and we're like saint peter's right now. >> that makes sense. he's a professional. >> it is all about the -- >> we're in the tournament. we're not at the end of the tournament. >> there's was the hole in one. >> huh a hole in one. >> all right, guys. this has been good.
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i'm having fun, bass pro shop's event continuing today, get more information at bass pro. follow on social. thank you, guys. by the way, you -- >> you tagged he me. me.>> look at this. they have pyro this morning. >> fireworks. >> it's awesome. thank you, guys. >> thank you very much. >> guys, we'll send it back to you. >> professional fishermen have a lot of personality. i'm going to rank athletes, going to do that today, fishermen. >> there are shows about that, they're pretty successful. >> are they? >> yeah. >> more "fox & friends" moments away. don't go anywhere. ♪
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7:00 am
rachel: we're winding down show, but shannon bream's book, the mothers and daughters of the bible speak, it's out now. will: fox news for your with copy. sign up, by the way, fox nation for a free awe owe version. -- audio version. pete: i love it. read the book and go to church. rachel: wyoming -- bye, everybody. ♪ ♪ maria: good sunday morning, everyone. thanks so much for joining us. welcome to "sunday morning futures," i'm maria bartiromo. told, war crimes in ukraine as the country fights back hard and retakes control of key cities revealing hundreds of dead ukrainian bodies as a russian forces pull back from the capital city of kyiv. we are taking you live to lviv with the latest on the ground of this war. then, gasoline prices escalating across america. president biden moves to lower prices by releasing str


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