Maximum size : 5 cm

Zhou's Scarlet Goby - Rhinogobius zhoui : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Zhou's Scarlet Goby (Rhinogobius zhoui) is a small and captivating freshwater fish species that belongs to the Gobiidae family. Native to China, this species has garnered attention among aquarium enthusiasts and researchers alike for its distinct behaviour and vibrant appearance. These Gobies have become an increasingly sought-after species among aquarists and scientists, adding to the rich diversity of freshwater aquarium species available to enthusiasts.

Male Zhou's Scarlet Gobies are known to establish and vigorously defend their preferred territories, engaging in conspicuous territorial displays by chasing away conspecifics while prominently flaring their gills. Intriguingly, even the females may occasionally exhibit signs of minor territorial aggression, occasionally clashing with one another, especially during gravid periods. Notably, these displays are largely for visual effect, with no significant physical harm resulting from such interactions.

In an aquarium setting, these fish thrive best in a sizable mixed-sex colony, ideally with a surplus of females, within a spacious environment adorned with ample visual barriers among the decor elements. It is advisable to house only a single pair in smaller tanks, as inadequate territory can lead to territorial disputes. Compatible tankmates should consist of small, placid species that primarily inhabit the upper levels of the water column and are well-suited to cool, fast-flowing water conditions. Examples of suitable companions include White Cloud Mountain Minnows and select smaller danionin species, as well as certain hillstream loach species.

It is important to refrain from cohabiting these gobies with small ornamental shrimp, as they may become prey. In most instances, it is prudent to maintain a dedicated species-specific setup for Zhou's Scarlet Gobies and avoid mixing them with other Rhinogobius species, as the potential for hybridization remains uncertain.

An optimal aquarium environment for these gobies should feature a sand substrate and incorporate abundant, smooth rockwork to create numerous sheltered nooks and crannies. Maintaining highly oxygenated water conditions is paramount, necessitating robust water movement facilitated by a proficient filtration system and supplementary powerheads.

While the inclusion of plants is feasible, it is essential to select hardy species that can withstand the swift water currents. Options like Java Fern or Anubias, anchored to decor elements, or plant species adapted to fast-flowing waters are suitable choices. Consistently maintaining superior water quality is crucial to ensure the overall well-being of these fish.

The Zhou's Scarlet Goby is characterized by its light bluish-grey body adorned with 6 to 8 vertical scarlet-reddish-brown blotches along the flanks. Additionally, the median fins of these gobies feature distinctive broad white to blue-white bands, contributing to their striking and attractive appearance.

Zhou's Scarlet Goby Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between male and female Zhou's Scarlet Goby is a straightforward task. While both genders exhibit vibrant colours, mature males demonstrate notable distinctions. They possess elongated unpaired fins adorned with robust, vivid bluish-to-white marginal bands, along with intensified colouration. Gravid females, on the other hand, exhibit a conspicuous feature wherein orange-hued eggs become visible within their abdominal region, signifying their readiness to breed. Furthermore, the dorsal fin and the caudal fin display a distinct reddish marginal band in females, further aiding in gender differentiation.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameRhinogobius zhoui
Year Described2009
Max Size5 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom - Middle
Best kept as2 Females per Male
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionCave Spawner
Average LifespanUp to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 7.0 - 8.0
GH 10 - 25
TDS 90 - 215
Ideal Temperature
64 - 77
18 - 25

Natural Habitat

Zhou's Scarlet Goby is indigenous to the Lianhua Mountain region within Haifeng County, located in the Guangdong Province of China. These Gobies are typically found inhabiting shallow, swiftly flowing aquatic environments characterized by well-oxygenated headwaters and minor tributaries. 

These habitats are distinguished by stretches of streams and runs interspersed with pools or cascades in certain instances. The substrate within their natural habitat predominantly consists of smaller rocks, sand, and gravel, often interspersed with jumbles of boulders and patches of submerged leaf litter, occasionally featuring aquatic vegetation.


Breeding Zhou's Scarlet Gobies in a home aquarium setting is challenging and demands meticulous attention to detail. Maintaining exceptionally high water quality with minimal organic waste is imperative for successful egg development. Depending on the size and maturity of the female, she may deposit up to 70 adhesive eggs onto the walls or ceiling of a chosen cave, which are subsequently guarded by the males.

Regrettably, it is not uncommon for the male to consume some of the eggs, particularly if he is inexperienced or young. Consequently, some aquarists opt to relocate the eggs to a dedicated breeding tank or a breeding net. In this controlled environment, gentle aeration is employed to simulate the male's natural behaviour of fanning oxygenated water over the eggs. 

Alternatively, some choose to temporarily house the male alongside the eggs until they hatch, at which point he is reintroduced to the main tank. Given the inherent variability in temperament and behaviour among individual fish, a degree of trial and error is often necessary during the breeding process.

The vulnerability of the eggs to fungal growth necessitates the introduction of alder cones, which can be highly beneficial. Depending on the water temperature, the eggs typically hatch within a span of 10 to 14 days. During this initial stage, the larvae rely on their yolk sacs for sustenance, rendering them largely immobile. Subsequently, as the yolk sacs are gradually consumed over several days, the young fry gains the ability to move about.

It is crucial to remain vigilant for potential bacterial infections during this transitional phase. Regular small water changes, utilizing water of the same temperature, are essential to maintain optimal water conditions. Furthermore, ensuring that the breeding container's substrate remains free from detritus is imperative. The fry does not need to fully absorb their yolk sacs before commencing feeding. Some may initiate feeding as early as two days after hatching, primarily on a diet of baby brine shrimp, progressing to larger food items as they continue to grow and develop.

Diet & Feeding

The diet of Zhou's Scarlet Goby primarily consists of small aquatic invertebrates such as insect larvae, crustaceans, and zooplankton. Additionally, these Gobies may also feed on plant matter, algae, and detritus when suitable prey items are scarce. In captivity, it is essential to replicate their natural diet by offering a variety of high-quality foods, including live or frozen brine shrimp, daphnia, and small aquatic insects, along with a portion of vegetable matter such as algae-based flakes or pellets. Providing a balanced diet is crucial for maintaining the health and vitality of these fish.

Other Gobies

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