Maximum size : 2.5 cm

Yellow Tiger Endler - Poecilia wingei : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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Yellow Tiger Endlers (Poecilia wingei) are stunning additions to any aquarium. These adaptable, peaceful fish are perfect for beginners or experienced hobbyists looking to add some colour and vibrancy to their tanks. Their bright yellow and black colouration is eye-catching, and their hardiness and prolific breeding make them an excellent choice for those interested in breeding fish.

These fish can happily coexist with most other species, making them ideal for community tanks. However, caution should be taken when pairing them with larger, aggressive fish or fin nippers. Yellow Tiger Endlers are active swimmers and typically occupy the top level of an aquarium. However, they can also be found swimming in the middle and bottom levels, foraging for food and courting females.

To ensure the best health of these fish, a balanced diet of dried, live, and frozen foods, along with the occasional treat of vegetables, should be provided. However, overfeeding should be avoided to prevent health issues. Overall, the Yellow Tiger Endler is a stunning, hardy fish that will add colour, vibrancy, and life to any aquarium.

Yellow Tiger Endler Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

When it comes to Yellow Tiger Endlers, distinguishing between male and female is a straightforward task. The males exhibit slender bodies with vibrant colours, distinct patterning, and longer fins. In contrast, the females have a fuller body, a dull greyish-silver hue, shorter fins, and are typically more substantial in size than the males.

Quick Facts

Scientific NamePoecilia wingei
Other NamesTiger Endler, Super Yellow Tiger Endler
Max Size2.5 cm
Aquarium LevelMiddle - Top
Best kept asGroups 5+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
Average LifespanUp to 3 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 7.0 - 8.5
GH 5 - 12
Ideal Temperature
75 - 86
23 - 30

Natural Habitat

Discovering the elusive Yellow Tiger Endlers in their natural habitat may seem like a daunting task, as these strikingly beautiful fish have no known wild presence. However, thanks to the innovation and expertise of Adrian Hernandez from Swamp River Aquatics, located in the United States, enthusiasts can now marvel at the captivating Yellow Tiger Endler strain. Hernandez embarked on a pioneering journey, taking wild Endlers and carefully breeding them with captive fancy Guppies, ultimately resulting in the development of this coveted variety. Since then, the Yellow Tiger Endler has taken the aquarium hobby by storm, enchanting aquatic enthusiasts worldwide with its vibrant colours and distinctive patterns. 


Breeding Yellow Tiger Endlers is a relatively straightforward process, and they are known to be prolific breeders. Females, depending on their size and age, can give birth to 5 to 30 fry every 24 to 28 days, beginning at around two months old.

It is advisable to have at least two to three females per male to prevent constant harassment from the males. Additionally, providing areas with dense planting is crucial to offer hiding places for the fry to avoid being consumed by the parents or other fish if kept in a community tank. Interestingly, Endlers are believed to predate on their fry less than other livebearers, making them successful reproducers even in a species-only aquarium without human intervention.

When breeding, it is essential to start feeding the fry on appropriate food such as microworms, baby brine shrimp, crushed flakes, and liquid fry food, moving on to flakes, granules, daphnia, and similar food as they grow. The fry will develop quickly, depending on the temperature and feeding, and will show adult colouration in approximately 5 to 8 weeks.

Diet & Feeding

Yellow Tiger Endlers are versatile and opportunistic species that will accept various types of food. To ensure a well-balanced diet, it is recommended to provide them with a combination of high-quality dried food, such as flakes and granules, alongside live, frozen, or freeze-dried foods like brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms. 

These fish are also known to graze on algae and biofilm, making them useful for maintaining a clean aquarium. Additionally, they will appreciate the occasional blanched vegetable or cucumber as a treat. However, it is essential to be mindful of overfeeding as Endlers have a tendency to overeat. Therefore, small, frequent feedings throughout the day are preferable over large meals once or twice a day.


Tiger Endler Guppies (Poecilia wingei / Poecilia reticulata) Aquarium Fish Species Profile & Care Thumbnail

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