Maximum size : 6 cm

Yellow Tailed Congo Tetra - Alestopetersius caudalis : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Yellow Tailed Congo Tetra (Alestopetersius caudalis) brings an aura of tranquillity and liveliness to the aquatic realm. With their peaceful nature and vibrant demeanour, these Tetras epitomise elegance, making them a perfect addition to a well-researched and spacious community aquarium. Embracing their shoaling instincts, keeping them in a group of at least six individuals is best, unveiling the captivating beauty of their synchronized movements. By fostering a larger school, you create a natural spectacle that will captivate the eyes of any observer.

Consider selecting tank mates such as Cichlids, Barbs, Danios, Gouramis, Catfish, and Loaches to curate a harmonious aquatic community. These companions will complement the peaceful temperament of the Yellow Tailed Congo Tetra, fostering a serene coexistence. However, exercise caution with slow-moving long-finned species, like Angelfish or Fancy Guppies, as their presence may disrupt the tranquillity. Additionally, the Tetras' delicate finnage should be safeguarded from potential fin nippers such as Tiger Barbs, ensuring the well-being of your vibrant companions.

When creating their aquatic haven, Yellow Tailed Congo Tetras display versatility in their decor preferences. While they adapt to various setups, a planted aquarium with a gentle water flow reminiscent of a flowing stream or river will truly accentuate their natural grace. Opt for a fine gravel or sand substrate, accompanied by strategically placed rocks, smooth pebbles, and driftwood branches or roots, allowing ample space for their graceful swimming motions. It is vital to maintain optimal water quality, as these Tetras are sensitive to elevated nitrate levels. Regular and diligent water changes will ensure a pristine environment, promoting the health and vibrancy of your aquatic companions.

The Yellow Tailed Congo Tetras possess a mesmerizing allure, with their pale bodies shimmering under the play of light. The dorsal region reflects ethereal blue hues, while the sides showcase a tapestry of yellow and silver, evoking a sense of timeless beauty. Adorned with an elongated caudal fin of striking yellow, they rightfully earn their common name. The remaining fins, transparent yet adorned with luminescent blueish-white edging, add an ethereal touch, gracefully trailing behind as they navigate their aquatic realm.

Yellow Tailed Congo Tetra Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between the male and female Yellow Tailed Congo Tetra is a relatively straightforward task. The striking differences in physical characteristics allow for easy identification. Males exhibit vibrant and elaborate colouration, with their hues intensifying when they are prepared for breeding. The intricate finnage of the males further adds to their distinctive appearance. Conversely, females possess a rounder body shape, and when gravid, their lower abdomen becomes noticeably distended compared to the males. In terms of colouration, females present a more subdued and plain appearance in contrast to the vibrant display of the males.


Quick Facts

Scientific NameAlestopetersius caudalis
Year Described1899
Other NamesYellowfin Congo Tetra, Yellowtail Tetra, Yellow Fin Tetra, Yellow Congo Tetra
OriginsDemocratic Republic of the Congo
Max Size6 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom - Middle
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asGroups 6+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
Average LifespanUp to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.5 - 8.0
GH 10 - 20
TDS 36 - 268
Ideal Temperature
72 - 79
22 - 26

Natural Habitat

Yellow Tailed Congo Tetras originate from the captivating aquatic landscapes of the Boma and Lower Congo Rivers in the awe-inspiring Democratic Republic of Congo, nestled in the heart of Africa. Within these waters, they gracefully navigate the depths of murky streams, tributaries, tranquil pools, and verdant marshes. The natural habitats of the Congo Tetra are adorned with an aura of mystery, veiled by slightly acidic waters that harbour their vibrant existence.

Seeking solace amidst the aquatic tapestry, these Tetras are often found congregating in serene realms adorned with tall aquatic vegetation, sheltered from the watchful eyes of the forest canopy. The substrate beneath their elegant presence boasts a delicate blend of fine sand, gentle silt, and rich, embracing mud, creating a familiar and nurturing environment.

In this captivating realm, the Yellow Tailed Congo Tetras find harmony amidst the interplay of water, vegetation, and substrate, beautiful enthusiasts with their innate beauty and fascinating behaviours.



The breeding habits of Yellow Tailed Congo Tetras in the aquarium remain a topic shrouded in mystery, with limited information available. However, these Tetras are known to be egg-scattering spawners, displaying no parental care. Therefore, to embark on the journey of breeding Yellow Tailed Congo Tetras, it is advised to establish a dedicated breeding tank meticulously prepared to meet their specific requirements.

Creating a breeding setup can be relatively simple, focusing on providing suitable spawning sites. This can be achieved by incorporating aquatic plants, such as java moss, serving as a medium for the scattered eggs. Alternatively, spawning mops or the placement of a mesh or grid at the tank bottom can effectively collect and protect the fertilized eggs. While these Tetras may breed within a community aquarium, the survival of fry to adulthood is not guaranteed unless the environment is well-planted, offering natural hiding places.

During the breeding process, the female Yellow Tailed Congo Tetra will display heightened activity, particularly when accompanied by two males who stimulate the egg-laying behaviour through gentle contact. It is advisable, however, to maintain a pair consisting of a single male and female for breeding purposes. The female will deposit her eggs, which the males will promptly fertilize before descending to the tank bottom. Spawning generally occurs in the early morning, triggered by the day's dawning.

Once spawning is complete, removing the adult Tetras from the breeding tank is crucial, as their instinct may lead them to consume the eggs. However, a mature female can produce a substantial number of eggs, possibly reaching up to 300. To ensure optimal conditions for the developing fry, keeping the tank dark and the lights off is recommended, as Tetra eggs and fry are sensitive to light. Within approximately thirty-six hours, the eggs will hatch under suitable temperature and water conditions, heralding the emergence of free-swimming fry within four to five days.

Care must be exercised during the initial stages of the fry's development, as they initially rely on their yolk sac for nourishment. Once they become free-swimming, their diet can be supplemented with infusoria and rotifers to facilitate their growth. After around four days, introducing baby brine shrimp and microworms will provide essential nutrition. When the fry have reached an appropriate size and are no longer at risk of predation, they can be introduced to the community aquarium, where they will integrate seamlessly into the existing shoal, perpetuating the mesmerizing beauty of the Yellow Tailed Congo Tetra.

Diet & Feeding

Yellow Tailed Congo Tetra possess an omnivorous nature in their natural habitat, displaying a dietary preference for crustaceans, small invertebrates, and algae. When maintained in a home aquarium, these Tetras can sustain themselves on a diet consisting of high-quality dried foods, including pellets, flakes, and granules. However, to optimize their health and vibrant colouration, providing a diverse menu that includes live, frozen, and freeze-dried options is beneficial. Offerings such as Mysis Shrimp, mosquito larvae, daphnia, bloodworm, Moina, and brine shrimp contribute to their overall well-being and enhance their colouration. By incorporating a varied diet, you ensure the optimal nutrition and visual appeal of your Yellow Tailed Congo Tetras.


Other Tetras

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