Maximum size : 5 cm

Vulcan Corydoras - Corydoras sp CW111 Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Vulcan Corydoras (Corydoras sp Cw111), a captivating and relatively new Catfish species, holds a notable value in the aquarium trade. Renowned for their stunning appearance, these Corys exhibit a peaceful and sociable nature, making them an excellent choice for a community aquarium alongside compatible species or a dedicated species-only setup. However, due to their heightened sensitivity to water conditions, they may pose challenges for novice aquarists. 

In their natural habitat, Vulcan Corydoras shoal together, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a group of at least six individuals to promote their well-being and minimize stress-induced illnesses. Harmonious tankmates for Vulcan Corydoras include small to medium-sized species such as Rasboras, Danios, Tetras, Pencilfish, Dwarf Cichlids, smaller Barbs, and Otocinclus Catfish. Accommodating them alongside shrimp and aquarium snails is also feasible. It is crucial to refrain from housing Vulcan Corys with aggressive fish, as the venomous spines of the Corydoras could potentially cause harm in confrontations.

Employing fine sand as a substrate is ideal, although regular cleaning of smooth gravel can also suffice. While decorative elements are not obligatory, providing ample cover through driftwood, bogwood, rocks, or tall and floating aquatic plants ensures a sense of security for these fish. The addition of dried leaf litter further enhances their habitat.

The Vulcan Corydoras exhibits a striking silvery-beige body adorned with intricate dark irregular patterns characterized by numerous lines and spots that extend throughout its fins. Notably, this Catfish displays a lengthy and prominent dorsal fin, coupled with a distinctive short snout, accentuating its unique appearance.

Vulcan Corydoras Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between male and female Vulcan Corydoras is a relatively straightforward task. When observed from above, females are typically slightly larger and possess a fuller body, particularly when gravid. Notably, their dorsal fin is considerably smaller and rounder compared to that of males. Conversely, males exhibit a slightly smaller and more slender physique in comparison to females. In addition, their dorsal fin is elongated and pointed, presenting a distinct appearance.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameCorydoras sp CW111
Year Described2016
Other NamesCW111, Zebrina Cory
Max Size5 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom
Best kept asGroups 6+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 8 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.0 - 8.0
GH 2 - 25
TDS 36 - 215
Ideal Temperature
71 - 80
21 - 26

Natural Habitat

Regrettably, our understanding of the natural habitat of Vulcan Corydoras remains limited. Nevertheless, we have managed to unveil a fascinating piece of their origin. These captivating Corys exclusively inhabit the upper reaches of the Rio Curua, a tributary that gracefully merges with the Iriri River in the enchanting landscapes of Brazil, in South America.


Currently, comprehensive information on the breeding of Vulcan Corydoras is scarce. However, it is likely that the breeding process is similar to other Corydoras species. If you are interested in propagating these Corys, preparing a dedicated breeding tank is advisable. While the tank decor can be minimal, it is essential to provide a soft substrate that accommodates their natural feeding behaviour of rummaging for food. Conditioning the breeding pair with a diverse diet of live and frozen foods, maintaining a stable pH, and slightly reducing the water temperature during water changes often stimulate spawning behaviour.

As the female approaches spawning readiness, she will exhibit behaviour such as cleaning the surface of leaves or the aquarium glass, signalling her intent to deposit eggs. Then, using her pectoral fins, she forms a basket-like structure to carry and release a few eggs at a time while the male fertilizes them. Next, the female carefully selects safe spots near dense vegetation to conceal the eggs, repeating the process until all her eggs have been laid. Typically, a female Vulcan Corydoras will lay approximately 100 eggs in multiple secure locations.

Once all the eggs have been laid, the adult Corys will not engage in further parental care and may consume the eggs if given the opportunity. Hence, it is recommended to either return the parents to their original tank or remove the fry to safeguard their survival. The incubation period for the eggs typically spans two to four days, contingent upon water conditions and temperature. Subsequently, it takes an additional two to three days for the fry to absorb their yolk sacs and become free-swimming.

During the initial stages of development, the fry will benefit from a diet rich in infusoria or microworms until they attain sufficient size to consume flakes and granules. Once the fry reaches a suitable size where they are no longer perceived as potential prey, they can be introduced into the community aquarium, where they will integrate into the existing shoal. However, prior to introducing the young fish into the community tank, it is crucial to ensure that the water parameters have been appropriately balanced to mitigate the risk of triggering diseases or health complications.

Diet & Feeding

Vulcan Corydoras exhibit a versatile feeding behaviour and readily accept a wide range of nourishment in the home aquarium. While these catfish are known for their adaptability, offering them a balanced diet comprising high-quality dried foods such as sinking pellets, granules, and algae wafers is advisable. Supplementing their diet with frozen, live, and freeze-dried fare such as mosquito larvae, bloodworms, daphnia, and brine shrimp will further enhance their overall nutrition. In addition, these diligent scavengers actively contribute to maintaining the cleanliness of the aquarium substrate by diligently consuming decaying plant matter and excess food particles.

Other Corydoras

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