Maximum size : 3 cm

Vietnamese Cardinal Minnow - Tanichthys micagemmae : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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Vietnamese Cardinal Minnows (Tanichthys micagemmae)  are small and captivating freshwater fish that have earned their place as beloved residents of aquariums worldwide. With their delicate beauty and peaceful demeanour, these Minnows add a touch of elegance to any well-maintained aquarium. Whether you're an experienced aquarist or a novice enthusiast, this charming fish can be an enchanting addition to your aquatic community.

Keeping Vietnamese Cardinal Minnows in groups is recommended, as it allows them to display natural behaviours and reduces their shyness. In larger groups, you can witness the males' impressive display of rivalry as they vie for the females' attention with their extended and vibrantly coloured fins. These fish exhibit a docile temperament, thus making it advisable to maintain them within a community of other temperate fish species that share both comparable size and disposition.

A dark sandy substrate serves as an ideal canvas to accentuate the vibrant hues of these diminutive cyprinids. To create a natural and secure habitat, the inclusion of riverworn cobbles and dense plantings featuring robust species capable of withstanding moderate currents is recommended. These fish flourish in aquarium environments equipped with effective filtration and oxygenation systems, especially in areas with brisk water flow. An optimal setup often emulates a river-style aquarium cohabited by Hillstream Loaches, Brook Loaches, Danios, and Garra species, providing an enriching and harmonious aquatic ecosystem.

Vietnamese Cardinal Minnows feature a dark lateral stripe, complemented by a striking greenish iridescent stripe, a distinctive white band adorning their dorsal fin, and eye-catching red accents on their nose, caudal fin, and anal fin. Notably, the neon stripe exhibited by the juveniles of this species surpasses the brilliance typically observed in other fish species, making them a remarkable addition to any aquarium. Overall, Vietnamese Cardinal Minnows are a fantastic addition to any aquarium, adding beauty, personality, and excitement.

Vietnamese Cardinal Minnow Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Sexing young Vietnamese Cardinal Minnows accurately can be challenging. However, fully developed females can usually be identified by their rounder bellies and larger size compared to males. In contrast, males typically exhibit intensified colouration and small raised tubercles under the eye during the breeding season. They become more vibrant in colouration when spawning or competing with rivals and may develop extended anal and dorsal fins as they mature.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameTanichthys micagemmae
Year Described2001
Other NamesDwarf Vietnamese Minnow, Royal White Cloud, Vietnamese White Cloud, Sparkle-eye Minnow
Max Size3 cm
Aquarium LevelMiddle - Top
Best kept asGroups 6+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
Average LifespanUp to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.5 - 7.5
GH 5 - 18
TDS 36 - 143
Ideal Temperature
65 - 75
18 - 23

Natural Habitat

The Vietnamese Cardinal Minnows are native to the Ben Hai River system. This historical and significant site once served as the demilitarized zone between North and South Vietnam during the Vietnam War. Despite the heavy bombings, the area sustained during the war, these hardy fish have survived and thrived in the clear and fast-flowing shallow streams of the Quang Binh province in Southeast Asia. These Minnows are well adapted to life in sandy substrate streams and can be found darting among the rocks and plants that line the waterways. With their striking red and white colouration, they are a beautiful sight to behold in their natural habitat.


Vietnamese Cardinal Minnows are an egg-scattering species that exhibit constant spawning behaviour and do not display parental care. However, when conditions are optimal, they will spawn frequently, and small numbers of fry will begin to appear without any intervention in a heavily planted and established aquarium or outdoor container. A separate, smaller aquarium with a dimly lit environment and a bottom covered with mesh or artificial grass matting can be set up for a more controlled approach. Alternatively, a layer of fine-leaved plants or spawning mops can be used. The water should be slightly acidic to neutral, and the temperature must be towards the range's upper end. Additionally, an air-powered sponge filter or air stone should be added to provide oxygenation and water movement. 

After conditioning the adults with live or frozen food and once the females appear gravid, one or two pairs should be introduced into the spawning tank, and spawning should occur the following morning. Alternatively, half a dozen individuals of each sex can be kept in a larger aquarium. In either situation, the adults may consume their eggs, so they should be removed after 2 to 3 days at most. The eggs usually hatch within 48 to 72 hours, depending on water temperature. Once free-swimming, the fry can be fed on microscopic food such as Paramecium and infusoria until they are large enough to accept baby brine shrimp, microworms, and powdered fry foods.

Diet & Feeding

In order to maintain the optimal health and vibrancy of your Vietnamese Cardinal Minnows, a well-rounded diet is essential. While these fish are not particularly picky eaters, incorporating small live and frozen foods into their feeding regimen will provide them with important nutrients and ensure that they remain in peak condition. Daphnia, artemia, mosquito larvae, and bloodworms are all great options to consider. In addition to live and frozen fare, offering high-quality dried foods such as flakes and granules is important. When selecting these foods, look for options that incorporate additional plant or algae content. This will not only help to ensure that your Vietnamese Minnows receive the necessary nutrients for optimal health, but it will also promote vibrant colouration in these beautiful fish.


Vietnamese Cardinal Minnow (Tanichthys micagemmae) Species Profile & Care Guide Thumbnail

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