Maximum size : 7 cm

Variatus Platy - Xiphophorus variatus : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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Variatus Platy (Xiphophorus variatus) are a captivating and popular species among freshwater aquarium enthusiasts. These fish are celebrated for their striking and diverse colour patterns, making them a vibrant addition to aquariums worldwide. Their hardy nature and adaptability to various water conditions have contributed to their popularity among novice and experienced aquarists. With their engaging behaviour and visually appealing appearance, these Platys are a sought-after choice for aquatic enthusiasts looking to enhance their home aquariums.

Variatus Platy exhibit schooling behaviour, but it is advisable to maintain a ratio of at least two females for every male within the group. This practice ensures a balanced social dynamic, preventing undue stress on individual females caused by the persistent courtship efforts of males.

Selecting suitable tankmates for Variable Platyfish is crucial to ensure harmonious coexistence in the aquarium. Due to their peaceful temperament and manageable size, Platys are compatible with many fish species. Popular tankmates include other peaceful community fish like Livebearers, Rainbowfish, Dwarf Cichlids, and Tetras. These species share similar water parameter requirements and generally exhibit non-aggressive behaviour. Additionally, bottom-dwelling fish such as Corydoras Catfish can complement Platys by occupying different tank areas. However, it's advisable to avoid housing Platys with aggressive or nippy species, as their gentle nature may make them vulnerable to harassment. 

The Variatus Platy distinguishes itself as a distinct species from the common Platy and prefers cooler water temperatures. It thrives in unheated aquariums situated within centrally heated indoor environments. While the specific aquarium setup requirements are not overly demanding, this species does exhibit an affinity for planted tanks, displaying its most vibrant and appealing attributes in such an environment. Ideally, a spacious aquarium featuring ample open swimming areas and strategically placed hiding spots is preferred to accommodate their needs and enhance their well-being.

The Variatus Platy exhibit distinctive anatomical features. They possess slender and elongated bodies characterised by dorsal fins extending slightly longer than their counterparts. Notably, their colouration displays a striking pattern, with the anterior portion of their bodies adopting a yellowish hue embellished with regions of intricate black shading. Transitioning towards the posterior half, including the caudal fin, their colouration transforms into a vibrant orangy-red shade. Further enhancing their visual appeal, their dorsal fins are prominently yellow, complemented by distinctive black edging observed on both the dorsal and caudal fins. The remaining fins retain a transparent appearance, contributing to the overall captivating aesthetics of this species.

Variatus Platy Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between male and female Variatus Platy is a straightforward process. Males exhibit smaller body sizes, vibrant colouration, and possess a distinct gonopodium, facilitating easy identification.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameXiphophorus variatus
Year Described1904
Other NamesVariatus Platy, Variegated Platy, Variable Platyfish
Max Size7 cm
Aquarium LevelMiddle
Best kept as2 Females per Male
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
Average LifespanUp to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 7.0 - 8.5
GH 14 - 30
Ideal Temperature
68 - 79
20 - 26

Natural Habitat

The Variatus Platy, a selectively bred strain, lacks a natural habitat due to its domestication. Nonetheless, its wild progenitor originates from the southern Tamaulipas and northern Veracruz states in northeastern Mexico. In its native environment, this species predominantly occupies shallow, slow-moving rivers and densely vegetated habitats, including ditches, canals, and springs.


Breeding Variatus Platy is a straightforward process due to their livebearing nature, where females give birth to live offspring. Following fertilization, the female undergoes a gestation period of approximately 30 days, culminating in the birth of 20 to 100 free-swimming fry. Notably, females have the capacity to store sperm, resulting in multiple broods from a single mating. 

To safeguard the fry from potential predation by adult fish and other species in the aquarium, it is advisable to separate them. A well-planted aquarium with ample natural hiding spots can facilitate the survival of a few fry into adulthood. Furthermore, maintaining these fish at cooler temperatures can slow down their breeding and provide females with seasonal rest periods.

Diet & Feeding

The diet of Variatus Platy primarily consists of omnivorous components. In their natural habitat of Central America, Platyfish feed on a diverse diet that includes both plant matter and small aquatic invertebrates. In a captive aquarium setting, their diet can be effectively supplemented with high-quality commercial fish flakes or pellets designed for omnivorous fish. 

These flakes or pellets should contain essential nutrients, including protein and plant matter, to ensure the overall health and vibrancy of the Platyfish. Additionally, offering them occasional treats such as live or frozen brine shrimp, daphnia, or finely chopped vegetables like spinach or peas can provide nutritional variety and enrichment to their diet. Proper feeding and a balanced diet are crucial for maintaining the vibrant colours and robust health of Platyfish in the aquarium.


Other Platies

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