Maximum size : 8 cm

Tiger Barb - Puntigrus tetrazona Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Tiger Barb (Puntigrus tetrazona) is a distinguished freshwater fish species belonging to the Cyprinidae family. Originating from the tropical waters of Southeast Asia, this species is celebrated for its striking appearance, characterized by a vibrant color palette and distinct black vertical stripes that evoke the pattern of a tiger's coat. Renowned for its dynamic and spirited behavior, the Tiger Barb thrives in well-structured aquatic environments that mimic its natural habitats. . As a subject of significant interest within the aquarium hobby, Puntigrus tetrazona is not only appreciated for its aesthetic appeal but also for its role in fostering a deeper understanding of aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem dynamics.

It is advisable to maintain Tiger Barbs in substantial shoals, with a group comprising 8-10 individuals as the recommended minimum. Such sizable assemblies tend to engage these fish predominantly amongst themselves, thereby mitigating the likelihood of their interactions being directed toward other species within the shared aquarium environment.

The selection of compatible species for cohabitation with Tiger Barbs warrants meticulous consideration. Species possessing delicate fins may not constitute optimal companions, owing to the propensity of Tiger Barbs to exhibit fin-nipping behavior. Conversely, species characterized by rapid movement, such as Danios, Platys, and most varieties of Catfish, are deemed suitable tankmates, aligning with their analogous vigor and activity levels. Notably, the Clown Loach emerges as an exceptional companion for Tiger Barbs, not only cohabiting harmoniously but also displaying tendencies to school alongside them and emulate their behavioral patterns.

These Barbs are known for their playful and energetic nature, often seen chasing each other around the tank. Providing the right living conditions for Tiger Barbs is essential for their health and happiness. Soft, slightly acidic water is recommended, although they show a reasonable degree of adaptability to different water conditions. Providing a large open swimming area and plenty of live or artificial plants can contribute to their overall well-being. The addition of appropriate lighting and fine substrate will complete the perfect setup for these vibrant creatures.

Tiger Barbs are easily recognisable with their distinctive yellow-orange body adorned with four black vertical stripes. Their faces glow with a reddish hue, as do the edges of their fins. Over the years, various colour variations have emerged, including green, red, black, and albino Tiger Barbs. In addition to the array of colours, there is a long-finned variant of this popular fish species, adding yet more diversity to their appeal.

6 Tiger Barb variants

Below is a list of Variant/Colour Morphs of the Tiger Barb

Tiger Barb Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Once Tiger Barbs reach sexual maturity, sex differentiation becomes relatively straightforward. Females typically exhibit broader and more rounded bellies. In addition to their slightly larger size, females can also be identified by their predominantly black dorsal fins. In contrast, male Tiger Barbs stand out due to their vibrant colouration. Their distinct red noses, particularly noticeable during mating seasons, further aid in their identification.

Another distinguishing feature of the males is the unique red line present on the back edge of their dorsal fins. These differences in physical characteristics between males and females make it easier to discern the sexes of this popular aquarium fish species. The awareness of these traits can be particularly useful for those looking to breed Tiger Barbs or simply to maintain a balanced and harmonious community within the aquarium.

Featured Male
Featured Female
Male Female

Quick Facts

Scientific Name Puntigrus tetrazona
Year Described 1855
Other Names Sumatra Barb, Moss Barb, Partbelt Barb
Kingdom Animalia
Classification Actinopterygii
Order Cypriniformes
Family Cyprinidae
Genus Puntigrus
Origins Indonesia , Thailand , Cambodia
Max Size 8 cm
Temperament Semi-Aggressive
Aquarium Level Middle
Difficulty Beginner
Shoaling Yes
Best kept as Groups 6+
Diet & Feeding Omnivore
Reproduction Egg-Scatterer
Average Lifespan Up to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water Type Freshwater
pH 6.5 - 7.5
GH 3 - 10
Ideal Temperature
68 - 79
20 - 26

The Tiger Barb has been featured on the following stamps

Natural Habitat

Originating from the lush jungles of Malaysia, Borneo, Thailand, Cambodia, and Sumatra, Tiger Barbs stand out as natural wonders of their habitat. These exotic fish have expanded their reach globally, establishing themselves in diverse locales such as Australia, Singapore, Colombia, and the United States, highlighting their broad appeal among aquarium enthusiasts.

In their natural habitats, Tiger Barbs thrive in serene streams and rivers characterized by a mix of rocky and sandy beds, abundant underwater flora, and canopies that provide shade. They enjoy a varied diet of algae, insects, invertebrates, and plant matter, favoring clear and well-oxygenated waters that enhance the visual appeal of their surroundings.


Breeding Tiger Barbs necessitates a separate tank setup, serving as a dedicated space for both the breeding process and the subsequent growth phase for the fry. The tank setup should comprise fine-leaved plants and soft acidic water, maintained at a slightly higher temperature than usual. This environment encourages spawning, laying the groundwork for successful breeding.

Another important element is the tank's bottom, which should be bare or equipped with spawning mesh, marbles, or pebbles. This arrangement discourages the parent fish from consuming the eggs, increasing the survival chances of the offspring.

Once the breeding environment is set up, select half a dozen of the healthiest and brightest Tiger Barbs. Introduce them to the breeding tank and observe their behaviour as they pair off. Once the pairs are established, remove the unpaired fish and condition the breeding pairs with a diet rich in live foods.

Spawning generally occurs early in the morning. The female Tiger Barb lays approximately 200 clear to yellowish eggs, which the male quickly fertilizes. Following fertilization, it is important to remove the parent fish to prevent them from preying on the eggs.

Approximately 36 hours after fertilization, the eggs will hatch into fry. In another 4-5 days, these fry will become free-swimming. The dietary requirement of the fry involves providing newly hatched brine shrimp as their initial food source. Continue this until they grow large enough to consume finely crushed flake food. This dietary transition ensures optimal growth and health of the young Tiger Barbs.

Diet & Feeding

Ensuring the optimal health and vitality of Tiger Barbs requires a comprehensive and nutritious feeding regime. While these fish exhibit a flexible approach to feeding, incorporating high-quality flake food as the cornerstone of their dietary intake is essential for enhancing their immune response.

To achieve a nutritionally balanced diet, it is advisable to augment flake food with a variety of frozen, live, and freeze-dried feed, including Bloodworms, Daphnia, and brine shrimp, all of which are eagerly accepted by Tiger Barbs. Furthermore, these fish display a notable affinity for small aquatic invertebrates and gently cooked vegetables.

Offering a multifaceted assortment of food types not only caters to the dietary needs of Tiger Barbs but also promotes a comprehensive nutritional profile, culminating in the sustenance of healthier and more resplendent fish within your aquarium.

1 tank mate idea for the Tiger Barb

Looking for some awesome tank mate ideas for your Tiger Barb? Look no further! Here are 1 of the most captivating & fascinating options that will liven up your aquarium!

Other Barbs

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