Maximum size : 8 cm

Tiger Barb - Green - Puntigrus tetrazona var. "Green" : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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Green Tiger Barbs (Puntigrus tetrazona) are greatly coveted within the aquarium trade due to their intriguing behaviour and dynamic interaction with their environment. Revered for their robustness and ease of care, they offer an animated and captivating spectacle for aquarium devotees.

Nevertheless, their compatibility with other aquatic species necessitates thoughtful consideration. They may not mesh well with fish sporting delicate fins, as Green Tiger Barbs have a penchant for fin-nipping. Conversely, agile and speedy fish such as Danios, Platys, and a majority of catfish species serve as excellent tankmates, their shared vivacious disposition complementing that of the Green Tiger Barbs. A standout companion for these barbs is the clown loach, notable for its peaceful cohabitation and propensity to school with the barbs, even emulating their behaviour.

The playful and spirited character of Green Tiger Barbs is a joy to behold, as they are frequently observed darting and chasing each other around the tank. Maintaining the optimal living conditions is crucial to their well-being. They thrive in soft, slightly acidic water yet display commendable adaptability to varying water conditions. Supplying them with an expansive swimming area and an abundance of live or artificial plants significantly contributes to their welfare. Incorporating suitable lighting and fine substrate will perfect the environmental setup for these vivacious beings.

Green Tiger Barbs are readily distinguished by their striking fluorescent green bodies adorned with silvery-gold blotches and fins highlighted with orange accents. Beyond their vivid coloration, a long-finned variant of this esteemed species exists, adding to the aesthetic diversity and appeal of these fish.

Tiger Barb - Green Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Once Green Tiger Barbs achieve sexual maturity, distinguishing between the sexes becomes quite apparent. Females generally showcase fuller and more rounded bellies. Coupled with their marginally larger size, females can also be recognized by their primarily black dorsal fins. In contrast, male Green Tiger Barbs captivate attention with their vivid colouration. Their distinct red noses, which become even more prominent during breeding seasons, offer additional identification cues.

A unique trait of the males is the striking red line that adorns the back edge of their dorsal fins. These disparate physical attributes between males and females enable the easy determination of gender within this favoured aquarium species. An understanding of these characteristics can be especially beneficial for enthusiasts interested in breeding Green Tiger Barbs or for those seeking to sustain a balanced and harmonious community within their aquatic setup.

Featured Male
Featured Female
Male Female

Quick Facts

Scientific Name Puntigrus tetrazona var. "Green"
Year Described 1855
Other Names Sumatra Barb, Moss Barb, Partbelt Barb, Green Moss Barb
Kingdom Animalia
Classification Actinopterygii
Order Cypriniformes
Family Cyprinidae
Genus Puntigrus
Max Size 8 cm
Temperament Semi-Aggressive
Aquarium Level Middle
Difficulty Beginner
Shoaling Yes
Best kept as Groups 6+
Diet & Feeding Omnivore
Reproduction Egg-Scatterer
Average Lifespan Up to 10 Years

Water Parameters

Water Type Freshwater
pH 6.5 - 7.5
GH 3 - 10
Ideal Temperature
68 - 79
20 - 26

Natural Habitat

The Green Tiger Barb, developed through selective breeding, is not found in natural settings, contrasting with its progenitors, the Tiger Barbs, that hail from the lush forests of Malaysia, Borneo, Thailand, Cambodia, and Sumatra. Tiger Barbs naturally inhabit tranquil waterways teeming with plant life, where a diet rich in algae, insects, and plant detritus thrives in clear, oxygenated waters. Replicating these conditions for Green Tiger Barbs in a captive environment requires dedication but ultimately yields a rewarding and engaging aquatic ecosystem, meriting the dedication of enthusiasts.


Breeding Green Tiger Barbs demand a distinct tank arrangement that caters to the breeding cycle and subsequent developmental stages of the fry. The breeding tank should include fine-leaved plants and slightly warmed, soft, acidic water. This carefully tailored habitat stimulates spawning, fostering successful propagation.

The tank's base plays a crucial role in the process and should either be bare or lined with spawning mesh, marbles, or pebbles. This design prevents the parent fish from accessing and eating the eggs, thereby enhancing the survival prospects of the juveniles.

Once the breeding space is ready, handpick a group of the most vibrant and healthy Green Tiger Barbs, roughly six in number. Introduce these select barbs to the breeding tank and monitor their behaviour as they form pairs. After pair formations, the unpaired fish should be removed, and the breeding pairs should be nurtured with a diet abundant in live foods.

Spawning typically transpires in the early morning hours. The female Green Tiger Barb deposits around 200 clear to yellowish eggs, which are promptly fertilized by the male. Post fertilization, it's essential to separate the parent fish from the eggs to prevent predatory behaviour.

Roughly 36 hours post-fertilization, the eggs will give birth to fry. In another 4 to 5 days, these newly born fish will commence free-swimming. Feeding the fry requires careful consideration, starting with freshly hatched brine shrimp as their initial nourishment. As they grow larger, their diet should transition to finely crushed flake food. This gradual dietary shift ensures the optimal growth and vitality of the young Green Tiger Barbs.

Diet & Feeding

Preserving the vitality and vigour of your Green Tiger Barbs hinges upon a diverse and nutrient-rich diet. These fish, although not overly finicky about their food, significantly benefit from high-quality flake food as their primary nutritional source, enhancing their immune system.

To ensure dietary balance, it's recommended to complement the flake food with frozen, live, and freeze-dried food varieties. Green Tiger Barbs will eagerly accept offerings like Bloodworms, Daphnia, and brine shrimp. It's noteworthy to mention that these barbs display a keen interest in small aquatic invertebrates and blanched vegetables.

By furnishing an assorted array of food categories, you guarantee that your Green Tiger Barbs are privy to a comprehensive diet. This methodical approach to nutrition contributes to raising healthier, more dynamic fish, adding to the allure of your aquarium.

Other Barbs

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