Maximum size : 8 cm

Tiger Barb - Green Longfin - Puntigrus tetrazona var. "Green Longfin" : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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Introducing the Green Longfin Tiger Barb, a specially bred variation of the classic Tiger Barb (Puntigrus tetrazona). These fascinating specimens have been selectively bred to display an enchanting green hue and striking long fins, making them a sought-after addition to the aquarium trade.

Like their classic counterparts, Green Longfin Tiger Barbs are cherished for their hardiness and minimal maintenance requirements. They present an active, engaging display that captivates aquarium enthusiasts; however, their compatibility with other fish species warrants careful consideration. Despite their long fins, Tiger Barbs can exhibit nippiness, which may not bode well with fish possessing delicate fins.

However, their lively temperament makes them perfect companions for fast-moving fish like Danios, Platys, and most catfish. An especially interesting tankmate for Tiger Barbs is the clown loach. This unique species not only lives harmoniously with them but often schools with them, mirroring their energetic behaviour.

Known for their playful nature, Tiger Barbs are often seen darting around the tank, chasing each other in a lively dance. Maintaining the right living conditions is key to their health and happiness. They thrive in soft, slightly acidic water, but they are also remarkably adaptable to various water conditions.

Creating an open swimming space complemented with plenty of live or artificial plants will enhance their well-being. Pair this setup with the right lighting and fine substrate, and you've crafted the ideal haven for these vibrant creatures. Dive into the world of Green Longfin Tiger Barbs, and bring a splash of aquatic spectacle to your aquarium!


Tiger Barb - Green Longfin Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

As Green Longfin Tiger Barbs reach the stage of sexual maturity, distinguishing between males and females becomes significantly less complex. Females, generally, have broader and more rounded bellies. 

Conversely, male Green Longfin Tiger Barbs are known for their bright, eye-catching colours. During the mating period, their distinct green colouration becomes more noticeable, aiding in their identification. 

These physical variances between males and females facilitate the identification of the sexes in this popular aquarium fish species. This knowledge proves to be particularly beneficial for aquarium enthusiasts considering breeding Green Longfin Tiger Barbs or simply aiming to maintain a harmonious and balanced community within their aquatic habitat.

Quick Facts

Scientific NamePuntigrus tetrazona var. "Green Longfin"
Year Described1855
Other NamesSumatra Barb, Moss Barb, Partbelt Barb
Max Size8 cm
Aquarium LevelMiddle
Best kept asGroups 6+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
Average LifespanUp to 10 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.5 - 7.5
GH 3 - 10
Ideal Temperature
68 - 79
20 - 26

Natural Habitat

The Green Longfin Tiger Barbs are a man-made variant son won't be found in the wild. However, the classic Tiger Barb have their roots in the lush rainforests of Malaysia, Borneo, Thailand, Cambodia, and the island of Sumatra. Interestingly, these striking fish have also been introduced into various non-native territories across the globe, including Australia, Singapore, Colombia, and the United States, where they've become a cherished part of many aquatic communities.

In their native settings, Tiger Barbs inhabit tranquil tributaries filled with an array of rocks, sand, dense foliage, and tree-canopied rivers. These habitats provide a smorgasbord of food sources like algae, insects, invertebrates, and plant debris. Preferring crystal clear, highly oxygenated waters, these fish thrive in environments that are indeed awe-inspiring to behold.

Reproducing such a perfect environment for Green Longfin Tiger Barbs in your home aquarium requires elbow grease. Still, the vibrant and interactive aquatic scene you'll create is beyond rewarding. 


Embarking on the journey of breeding Green Longfin Tiger Barbs calls for a distinct tank environment explicitly designed to serve as a nurturing space for the breeding procedure and the ensuing growth stage for the fry. This setup should incorporate fine-leaved plants and soft acidic water, warmed slightly above their usual comfort zone. Such an environment not only promotes spawning but also lays the foundation for successful breeding.

A crucial feature of this setting is the tank's bottom, which should either be bare or decked with a spawning mesh, marbles, or pebbles. This setup discourages the parent Green Longfin Tiger Barbs from feasting on their eggs, thereby improving the survival prospects of the future generation. Once this specialized environment is ready, pick six of the healthiest and most vibrant Green Longfin Tiger Barbs. Introduce them into the breeding tank and watch them as they pair off naturally. After the formation of pairs, remove any unpaired fish and prepare the breeding pairs with a diet abundant in live foods.

Breeding typically transpires in the early morning hours. The female Green Longfin Tiger Barb is expected to lay about 200 eggs, varying from clear to a yellowish hue, which the male promptly fertilizes. Following fertilization, it's critical to promptly remove the parent fish to shield the eggs from predation. About 36 hours post-fertilization, the eggs will hatch, and within another 4-5 days, these fry will evolve into free-swimming beings. The fry's initial nutrition should consist of newly hatched brine shrimp. Continue this diet until they mature enough to accept finely ground flake food. This gradual dietary transition ensures the optimal growth and health of the young Green Longfin Tiger Barbs.

Diet & Feeding

Preserving the health and radiance of your Green Longfin Tiger Barbs calls for a diverse and nutrient-rich diet. These fish are generally quite flexible in their dietary preferences, yet they notably benefit from a diet anchored in high-quality flake food, which serves to fortify their immune system.

To establish a balanced diet, complement the flake food with an assortment of frozen, live, and freeze-dried food sources. Items such as Bloodworms, Daphnia, and brine shrimp are readily accepted by Green Longfin Tiger Barbs. Additionally, these fish show a remarkable interest in small aquatic invertebrates and blanched vegetables.

By offering an array of food types, you can ensure that your Green Longfin Tiger Barbs are receiving a comprehensive and balanced diet. This thoughtful approach to their nutrition paves the way for a healthy, vibrant population of these remarkable fish in your aquarium.

Other Barbs

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