Maximum size : 18 cm

Threespot Headstander - Pseudanos trimaculatus : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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Three-spot Headstanders (Pseudanos trimaculatus) are captivating and uniquely patterned fish that stand out in any aquarium. However, these uncommon species thrive in the company of their own kind, so it is essential to keep them in a group of at least six individuals. By doing so, you create a harmonious environment where these fish feel secure, preventing potential health issues and undesirable behaviours. When selecting tankmates for your Three-spot Headstanders, larger characins, Loricariids, Doradids, peaceful Cichlids, knifefish, Corydoras, and Plecos are suitable choices. However, exercise caution with long-finned fish, particularly slow-moving species, as they may become targets for nipping.

Creating the perfect habitat for your Three-spot Headstanders involves providing a sandy substrate complemented by driftwood roots and branches. Embracing algae growth in the aquarium is encouraged, as it aligns with their natural diet. While live plants may be at risk of being consumed, hardier species can withstand their curious picking. Strong water flow is necessary to mimic their preferred fast-moving habitats, and ensuring a tight-fitting lid is crucial due to their impressive jumping ability.

In terms of appearance, Three-spot Headstanders boast an elongated and slightly rounded body shape. Their striking silver-brown colouration is accentuated by vibrant red hues in their fins and around the mouth. In addition, keep an eye out for the distinctive black spots on their flanks, with a possible third spot visible on the operculum. These remarkable characteristics contribute to their undeniable allure in the aquarium.

Threespot Headstander Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Sexual dimorphism in Three-spot Headstanders can be challenging to discern through visual observation alone. However, it has been noted that mature females may exhibit a slightly plumper body shape compared to males. Therefore, this subtle distinction in physical appearance could serve as a potential indicator of their respective genders.

Quick Facts

Scientific NamePseudanos trimaculatus
Year Described1858
OriginsArgentina , Brazil , Guyana , Peru
Max Size18 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom - Middle
Best kept asGroups 8+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
Average LifespanUp to 10 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.0 - 7.5
GH 1 - 18
Ideal Temperature
73 - 81
23 - 27

Natural Habitat

The Three-spot Headstander boasts a wide distribution across the captivating landscapes of Argentina, Brazil, Guyana, and Peru in South America. In addition, these remarkable fish can be encountered in various major river systems, such as the Amazon, Essequibo, and Orinoco Basin. In their natural habitat, they gravitate towards the allure of moderate to fast-moving deep acidic waters. Often found in open water, these vibrant creatures thrive amidst lush vegetation, creating a breathtaking backdrop for their aquatic realm.


Limited information is available regarding the breeding habits of the Three-spot Headstander. Unfortunately, there are no known details regarding their reproductive behaviour. However, it has been observed that distinct pairs of these fish engage in breeding activities within densely grown, weedy areas.

Diet & Feeding

While Three-spot Headstanders have omnivorous tendencies, they primarily exhibit herbivorous feeding habits. To ensure their nutritional needs are met, providing a well-rounded diet consisting of both live and frozen foods and an ample supply of vegetable matter is recommended. Offerings such as blanched spinach, lettuce, cucumber, courgette (zucchini), and algae wafers serve as excellent sources of essential nutrients for these remarkable fish. By incorporating a variety of food options, you can help promote their overall health and vitality.

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