Maximum size : 7.5 cm

Super Parallelus Corydoras - Corydoras Sp CW127 Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Super Parallelus Corydoras is a highly sought-after but rare species with a striking pattern. These Corys are lively, distinctively patterned fish perfect for a community or planted aquarium. The Super Parallelus Corydoras is a peaceful shoaling fish best kept in groups of at least six individuals, preferably more. Keeping these Corys in more significant numbers will result in a much more natural-looking aquarium and makes for an exciting display. You can house Super Parallelus Corydoras with most fish available in the hobby, including Dwarf Cichlids, Tetras, small to medium-sized Barbs, Gouramis and other peaceful Catfish. These Corys may prey on Shrimplets but are safe with larger shrimp and other ornamental invertebrates. However, you should refrain from keeping these fish with larger, more aggressive fish as they may feel intimidated and get outcompeted for food. Super Parallelus Corydoras will thrive in an aquarium set up to imitate an Amazon biotope. You will need a sandy or smooth gravelled substrate, a few driftwood branches, and some dried leaf litter to achieve this. You will not find aquatic plants in these Cory's natural habitats; instead, allow the wood and leaves to stain the water a brown colour, remove old leaves and replace them every few weeks, so they don't decay and degrade the water. If a biotope setup is not your cup of tea, these Corys will also do well in a typical well-planted aquarium. Super Parallelus Corydoras are sensitive to deteriorating water conditions, so it is essential that you have a good maintenance regime and avoid any sudden changes. It would be best to perform frequent water changes and not overfeed your Corys; other than that, these fish are undemanding and relatively easy to look after. Two bold vertical stripes run through the eye of these Corys and up the body and into the first few dorsal fin rays. Then, under the dorsal fin and terminating at the beginning of the tail fin are two bold horizontal lines that complement these vertical stripes.

Super Parallelus Corydoras Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

It can be pretty challenging to differentiate between a male and a female Super Parallelus Corydoras. However, females usually grow a tad larger than males, and sexually mature individuals will be rounder and higher-bodied. In contrast, males are slimmer and slightly smaller than females.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameCorydoras Sp CW127
Max Size7.5 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom
Best kept asGroups 6+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.0 - 7.5
GH 2 - 18
Ideal Temperature Range
71 - 77
21 - 25

Natural Habitat

The Super Parallelus Corydoras is endemic to the Rio Jamanxi in Brazil in South America. These Corydoras can be found on a wide range of substrates in the wild ranging from mud to sand to rock, and inhabit clear water with a relatively fast current.


There is currently very little information on how to breed the Super Parallelus Corydoras; however, they will more than likely breed similarly to other Corydoras species. It would be best to have a separate tank with two or more males per female. When the females are noticeably full of eggs, you should perform a significant 50 to 70 per cent water change with cooler water and increase the oxygenation and flow in the tank. It would help if you then repeated this daily until the fish spawn. These Corys will deposit their eggs on the tank glass, amongst fine-leaved plants or within submerged spawning mops. Once spawning is complete, you should remove either the adults or the eggs. If you decide to move the eggs, the raising tank will need the same water parameters as the spawning tank and be similarly well-oxygenated. Some breeders will add a few drops of methylene blue or place alder cones into the raising tank to stop the eggs from developing fungus. The incubation period is usually 2 to 4 days, and once the fry has consumed their yolk sacs, you can provide them with small live foods like microworm and baby brine shrimp. Corydoras fry can be quite challenging to raise, requiring excellent water quality. Still, they seem less susceptible to diseases when maintained over a thin layer of sand instead of a bare tank.

Diet & Feeding

In the home aquarium, the Super Parallelus Corydoras will readily accept most good quality dried foods such as granules, flakes and sinking pellets. These modern food products have been developed to provide all adequate nutrition to maintain your fish's health and dietary requirements. Providing additional foodstuffs such as live, frozen, and freeze-dried meals such as bloodworm, daphnia, and tubifex once or twice a week will provide other benefits to your fish's health and well-being but is not a must for this fish. It should be noted that bloodworms should only be given as an occasional treat and should not be used as the staple diet as they are difficult for fish to digest and can potentially cause blockages. This fish is an omnivore in the wild, consuming some vegetable matter. Although most modern fish foods take this into account and include them in their products, you can still supplement your fish's diet with blanched vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, and zucchini. Ensure you do not overfeed your fish and remove any leftovers the following day.

Other Corydoras

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