Maximum size : 3 cm

Steel Blue Tetra - Hyphessobrycon weitzmanorum : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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Prepare to be captivated by the allure of Blue Steel Tetras (Hyphessobrycon weitzmanorum), peaceful and undemanding fish that embody elegance in the aquatic realm. These remarkable Tetras display great adaptability to various water conditions, though it is worth noting that very hard water may hinder the manifestation of their full-colour potential. Unlock the secrets to unlocking their vibrant hues by creating a planted aquarium featuring darker substrates and subdued areas that evoke their natural habitat. Then, watch in awe as their colours intensify, revealing a breathtaking tapestry of beauty and improved overall health.

While renowned for their peaceful disposition, it is essential to note that Blue Steel Tetras may display a tendency to nip at the fins of long-finned species, such as guppies or Siamese Fighting Fish, particularly when kept in smaller numbers. Therefore, to promote harmonious coexistence, it is advisable to maintain a group of 5 or more individuals. Witness the transformation as they thrive in the company of their own kind, creating an enchanting, natural-looking shoal that fosters a sense of security. Moreover, the presence of multiple males may lead to stunning displays of fin flaring as they vie for dominance in a mesmerizing underwater spectacle.

Curate an aquatic community that harmonizes with the serene nature of Blue Steel Tetras. Ideal tankmates include small and peaceful species like Hatchetfish, Loaches, Corydoras Catfish, Rasboras, small to medium-sized Barbs, Dwarf Gouramis, and West African Dwarf Cichlids. In addition, the unique shape of Blue Steel Tetras allows for compatibility with larger Cichlids, such as Discus and Angelfish, adding a touch of grandeur to their surroundings. However, please exercise caution and avoid housing them with significantly larger or boisterous species, as these delicate Tetras may become easily intimidated.

Indulge your senses in the beautiful appearance of Blue Steel Tetras, distinguished by their darkish blue to almost black body colouration. This captivating hue results from a high concentration of dark chromatophores meticulously dispersed over their lateral surfaces. Also, behold the awe-inspiring beauty of their vertically elongated humeral spots, adorned with gently rounded margins. Further enhancing their splendour, Blue Steel Tetras boast vibrant orange colouration on their anal, caudal, pelvic, and dorsal fins, creating a harmonious contrast against their darkly adorned bodies.

Steel Blue Tetra Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between male and female Steel Blue Tetras is a straightforward endeavour, thanks to discernible physical attributes that set them apart. As the males mature, they exhibit a noticeable development of elongated anal and dorsal fins, augmenting their overall size and slender physique. In addition, their vibrant colouration further accentuates their captivating appearance. In contrast, females display shorter fins and a rounder body structure, particularly when engaged in the spawning process. These distinctive features allow for reliable differentiation between the genders, enhancing our understanding of the Steel Blue Tetras' remarkable biology.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameHyphessobrycon weitzmanorum
Year Described2003
Other NamesNone
Max Size3 cm
Aquarium LevelMiddle - Top
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asGroups 5+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
Average LifespanUp to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 5.5 - 7.5
GH 1 - 12
Ideal Temperature
75 - 82
23 - 27

Natural Habitat

Embark on a journey to the upper Rio Araguaia Basin in captivating South America, where the enchanting Blue Steel Tetra calls its home. Originating from this vibrant region in Brazil, these remarkable Tetras thrive in the embrace of large, clearwater streams adorned with a gentle, unhurried current. Delight in the picturesque scenery as lush aquatic vegetation dances beneath the water's surface, creating a sanctuary for these exquisite fish. Submerged wood, in the form of roots and fallen branches, provides a captivating backdrop, adding an air of mystique to their aquatic abode.

Immerse yourself in the awe-inspiring beauty of their natural habitat, where the waters exude a mesmerizing brown hue, a testament to the release of tannins and other captivating chemicals. This unique characteristic imparts an intriguing tint to the surroundings, further enhancing the allure of the Blue Steel Tetra's domain. The sandy substrate beneath their delicate fins completes this captivating picture, providing a harmonious foundation for their aquatic explorations.

 Araguaia River - Brazil
Brazil Flag


Regrettably, comprehensive information on the breeding techniques specific to Steel Blue Tetras remains scarce. However, drawing from the reproductive patterns of other Hyphessobrycon species, it is possible to outline a general breeding approach. In addition, establishing a dedicated breeding tank is essential to maximise fry production.

The breeding tank should be adorned with dim lighting and provide an abundance of fine-leaved plants, such as java moss, where the fish can deposit their eggs. Alternatively, spawning mops can serve this purpose effectively. A mesh with suitable hole sizes should be placed on the tank's bottom to prevent adults from accessing the eggs. Creating an optimal breeding environment entails specific water parameters. Maintain soft and acidic water conditions, with a pH between 5.5 and 6.5. The water hardness should be within the range of 1 to 5, while the temperature must be carefully maintained between 80 and 84 degrees Fahrenheit. Employing peat filtration and employing reverse osmosis (RO) water can further facilitate the ideal breeding conditions. A small air-driven sponge filter can provide a gentle current.

Breeding Steel Blue Tetras can be accomplished by either spawning them in a group consisting of around six individuals of each sex or in pairs after conditioning male and female groups separately. Prioritise conditioning with ample small live, frozen, or freeze-dried foods to promote successful spawning. When the females exhibit noticeable fullness of eggs, and the males display their most vibrant colours, select the ripest female and most visually striking male. Transferring them to the spawning tank overnight will prompt spawning the following morning. Swiftly remove the adults from the tank to prevent egg consumption.

Hatching typically occurs within 24 to 36 hours, with the fry becoming free-swimming around five days later. During the initial stages, feeding the fry with infusoria-type food is recommended until they grow sufficiently to accept brine shrimp nauplii, microworms, and crushed flake food. Light sensitivity is a crucial consideration for the eggs and fry; thus, maintaining a darkened environment whenever possible is advisable.

While the breeding process for Steel Blue Tetras may present certain challenges, the diligent application of these breeding principles offers promising prospects for successful reproduction. So patiently observe the miracles of life unfold as you nurture and rear the fry, perpetuating the captivating legacy of these exquisite Tetras.

Diet & Feeding

Steel Blue Tetras possess a versatile palate and readily embrace a diverse range of sustenance. While they exhibit an accepting nature towards various food options, a well-rounded and varied diet is crucial for their optimal health and vitality. Ensure their dietary requirements are met by offering a combination of high-quality dried foods and live or frozen fare.

Elevate their nutrition with premium micropellets, flakes, and granules, renowned for their superior quality. These dried food options serve as a reliable staple, providing essential nutrients and fulfilling their dietary needs. Complementing their diet with live and frozen offerings adds a vibrant dimension to their feeding experience.

Indulge your Steel Blue Tetras with vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, bloodworms, white mosquito larvae, daphnia, and brine shrimp, which not only satiate their appetites but also provide a nutritional boost. In addition, these live and frozen delicacies are instrumental in replicating their natural feeding behaviours, enhancing their overall well-being.

When establishing a feeding routine, feeding your Steel Blue Tetras once or twice a day is recommended, providing portions that can be consumed within a brief timeframe of approximately 3 minutes. This ensures optimal consumption and minimizes the risk of overfeeding. In addition, by adhering to this feeding regimen, you promote a healthy balance in their diet while preventing excess waste accumulation.

Other Tetras

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