Maximum size : 5 cm

Silvertip Tetra - Hasemania nana : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Silvertip Tetra (Hasemania nana) is an exquisite addition to any aquarium due to its unique colouration and active nature. These fish thrive in a community aquarium, but their slightly aggressive behaviour should be noted as they may occasionally nip at the fins of similarly sized Tetras. Despite this, their adaptability to a wide range of water parameters makes them an excellent choice for novice aquarists. 

The Silver Tip Tetra is a lively and adaptable fish that thrives in a community aquarium. To ensure optimal health and vitality, it is essential to maintain high water quality with ample oxygenation. Providing open swimming spaces interspersed with densely planted areas for shelter and shade is also crucial for their well-being. 

As with all Tetra species, Silver Tips are social creatures and should be kept in groups of six or more. When selecting tank mates, it is best to avoid long-finned species, as Silver Tip Tetras may nip at their fins. A compatible assortment of other small to medium-sized fish, such as rasboras, small catfish, and other tetras, would be ideal companions.

The body of Silvertip Tetras is translucent, with a stunning gold to copper sheen that changes to silver at rest during the night, returning to its vibrant colour when active in the morning. A subtle silver pattern is visible beside the eyes, and a striking black stripe runs from the middle of the body to the end of the tail fins. The dorsal and anal fins are golden-yellowish with a silvery-white tip, adding to its aesthetic appeal. Notably, the Silvertip Tetra lacks a small adipose fin, setting it apart from most other Tetras.

Silvertip Tetra Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Upon observation, distinguishing male Silvertip Tetras from their female counterparts can be easily accomplished. Male Silvertip Tetras exhibit a more vibrant colouration and possess a slender body shape, while female Silvertip Tetras display a paler, silvery appearance with a slightly larger abdomen.

Featured Male
Featured Female
Male Female

Quick Facts

Scientific Name Hasemania nana
Year Described 1875
Other Names Tipped Tetra, Copper Tetra
Kingdom Animalia
Classification Actinopterygii
Order Characiformes
Family Characidae
Genus Hasemania
Origins Brazil
Max Size 5 cm
Temperament Peaceful
Aquarium Level Middle - Top
Difficulty Beginner - Intermediate
Shoaling Yes
Best kept as Groups 6+
Diet & Feeding Omnivore
Reproduction Egg-Scatterer
Average Lifespan Up to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water Type Freshwater
pH 6.0 - 8.0
GH 5 - 20
Ideal Temperature
71 - 82
21 - 27

Natural Habitat

Silvertip Tetras are endemic to the lush Sao Francisco River Basin in Brazil, South America. These delightful creatures call the slow-moving waterways of creeks, small tributaries, and streams their home, away from the busy main river channels. In their natural habitat, these Tetras thrive in both black and white water environments, relishing the abundant vegetation as a source of shelter, breeding grounds, and a variety of delicious food.

 São Francisco River - Brazil
Brazil Flag


To successfully breed Silvertip Tetras, a separate breeding tank is required. The tank should have low lighting and be decorated with fine-leaved plants such as java moss or spawning mops. A mesh at the bottom of the tank is also suitable to prevent the parents from reaching the eggs. Conditioning the fish with a diet rich in live and frozen foods is crucial for successful spawning.

A group of half a dozen individuals of each sex is ideal for spawning, but it can also be done in pairs. In the pair spawning method, the fish are conditioned separately in tanks with a high-quality diet of frozen and live foods, with slightly acidic water and higher temperature than the main tank. The best-coloured male and healthiest female are selected and placed in the breeding tank for spawning.

After spawning, it is essential to remove the parents from the breeding tank to prevent them from consuming the eggs. The eggs will hatch in about 24-36 hours, and the fry will become free-swimming 3 to 4 days later. It is recommended to feed the fry with infusoria for the first few days before moving on to brine shrimp nauplii and microworm. The eggs and fry are sensitive to light, so it is best to keep the lights dim or off during the early stages.

Diet & Feeding

The Silvertip Tetra is an easy-to-feed fish that is not fussy about its diet. They will consume almost anything given to them. However, to achieve their best colouration and maintain optimal health, it is recommended to provide them with a balanced and diverse diet. This should include a variety of small frozen and live foods such as bloodworm, daphnia and brine shrimp, as well as high-quality dried flakes and granules. Regular feeding in small amounts throughout the day is recommended to ensure their nutritional needs are met.\r\n

Other Tetras

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