Maximum size : 30 cm

Severum Cichlid-Heros efasciatus - Heros efasciatus : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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These Severum Cichlids (Heros efasciatus) are highly sought after in the aquarium trade, renowned for their captivating appearance, tranquil demeanour, and lively behaviour. As these cichlids mature, their visual allure becomes more pronounced, making them an attractive choice for home aquarium enthusiasts. With attentive care, these captivating fish can enjoy a substantial lifespan, further contributing to their popularity as cherished aquarium inhabitants.

Choosing compatible tank mates for Severum Cichlids demands thoughtful consideration. It is advisable to avoid large, aggressive fish that may pose a threat to these cichlids. Similarly, significantly smaller fish and small invertebrates should be excluded as potential tank mates, as they may become prey for the Severums. Nevertheless, due to their generally mild temperament, compatible companions can be found, especially outside of the spawning period. Suitable tank mates may include Silver Dollars, Angelfish, Oscars, Blood Parrot Cichlids, Hoplo Catfish, Gouramis, and Black Skirt Tetras.

Severum Cichlids are admired for their hardiness, displaying adaptability to challenging conditions that might prove unfavourable to other fish species. Nonetheless, to ensure their optimal health and prevent potential diseases, diligent maintenance and adherence to proper tank setup are essential.

When preparing a suitable environment for Severum Cichlids, the size of the aquarium should be carefully considered. A minimum of a 200-litre tank is recommended, though a larger capacity would be advantageous, particularly when housing multiple fish to minimize territorial disputes during breeding periods. Providing a smooth sand substrate caters to their natural digging behaviour, and creating a low-light setting in the aquarium reflects their preference for shaded habitats.

Severum Cichlids showcase laterally compressed oval-shaped bodies adorned with distinctive bands along their sides. While juveniles exhibit more pronounced stripes, these markings tend to fade as the fish matures. The Heros efasciatus species encompasses several varieties, such as red-spotted, red-shoulder, blue, and turquoise types, each boasting unique and enchanting colourations and patterns.


Severum Cichlid-Heros efasciatus Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between male and female Severum Cichlids is a relatively straightforward task. Females can be identified by the presence of a distinct dark spot on their dorsal fin, a characteristic absent in male Severums. 

Conversely, males display several distinguishing features, such as a nuchal hump on their dorsal fins, more pointed fins compared to females, and a generally larger body size with pronounced gill structures. These sexual dimorphisms provide reliable and distinct indicators to discern the gender of these fascinating fish.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameHeros efasciatus
Year Described2015
Other NamesGreen Severum
Max Size30 cm
Aquarium LevelMiddle
Best kept asPairs
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 10 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.0 - 7.5
GH 4 - 15
Ideal Temperature
75 - 84
24 - 29

Natural Habitat

Severum Cichlids are indigenous to the rivers and streams of South America, with a specific presence in the Amazon Basin, Rio Solimoes, and Rio Xingu in Brazil. Within these regions, they prefer to inhabit deep, slow-moving waters adorned with dense vegetation and submerged tree roots, creating an ideal environment for their natural behaviour.

Notably, Severum Cichlids are known to venture into flooded areas during the rainy season, taking advantage of the plentiful food sources and shelter provided in such conditions. 

Their adaptability is evident in their ability to thrive in both clear and turbid waters, characterized by temperatures ranging from 75 to 84°F (24 to 29°C). Moreover, the water pH typically hovers within the slightly acidic to neutral range, approximately 6.0 to 7.5, while the water hardness can vary from soft to moderately hard, creating a diverse and dynamic habitat for these captivating fish species.


Initiating the breeding process for Severum Cichlids necessitates the formation of a compatible breeding pair, which can be achieved by acquiring a group of juveniles and allowing them to naturally pair up.

Once a breeding pair is established, encouraging breeding behaviour involves a strategic isolation period of approximately two weeks. Placing the pair in a single tank with a divider facilitates visual contact while preventing physical interaction. During this isolation phase, it is recommended to condition the breeding pair with a high-protein diet. After the designated period, the divider can be removed to facilitate the spawning process.

Creating an optimal breeding environment involves adjusting certain water parameters. Slightly softer and more acidic waters are known to encourage breeding behaviour, while elevating the water temperature to around 85 degrees Fahrenheit further supports successful breeding outcomes.

Severum Cichlids are substrate-spawning species, and breeding occurs on a flat surface. Both parents actively engage in protecting their eggs and fry. Prior to spawning, typical cichlid pairing behaviours, such as lip-locking and tail-slapping, are observed. The Severum prepares a suitable spot, such as a cleaned rock or flat surface in the tank, where the eggs will be laid.

Following the spawning event, the eggs can be carefully removed and transferred to a hatchery, or they can be left under the diligent care of the parents. Providing suitable fry foods, such as brine shrimp, microworms, and finely ground flake food, is crucial to ensure the successful development of the offspring. 

It is important to note that young Severum parents may face challenges in raising the fry, including the possibility of failing to protect them or accidentally consuming them. However, such behaviour is considered normal, and perseverance in caring for the fry is vital.

Regarding maturity, juvenile Severum Cichlids may not reach breeding capability until approximately two years of age, while males may take up to three years to display their full and vibrant colours. Patience is required to witness the full splendour of their adult hues.

Diet & Feeding

Severum Cichlids are omnivorous creatures with a highly adaptable diet. In their natural habitat, they consume a diverse range of food sources, including insects, crustaceans, small fish, algae, and plant matter. When maintaining them in aquarium settings, it is crucial to replicate their natural diet to ensure their overall health and well-being.

Achieving a well-balanced diet involves providing high-quality commercial Cichlid pellets or flakes as the primary food source. Additionally, supplementing their diet with live or frozen foods, such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia, caters to their omnivorous tendencies and delivers essential nutrients. 

Incorporating spirulina-based foods or blanched vegetables like zucchini and spinach is highly recommended to satisfy their plant-based nutritional requirements. By providing a varied and nutritionally rich diet, we can ensure the thriving health and vitality of these captivating fish in captivity.

Other South American Cichlids

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