Maximum size : 5.5 cm

Sahul Rainbowfish - Melanotaenia sahulensis : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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Sahul Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia sahulensis) are truly remarkable aquatic inhabitants, characterized by their stunning appearance, peaceful nature, and active behaviour. Renowned for their hardiness and ease of care, they prove to be an ideal choice for beginner aquarists, seamlessly fitting into a community aquarium alongside other temperate species.

To ensure the optimal well-being of Sahul Rainbowfish, it is advisable to maintain them in groups of six or more individuals, as these fish naturally thrive in shoals. When considering suitable tankmates, one can explore the possibility of introducing other Rainbowfish species, Dwarf Barbs, larger Tetras, Rasboras, and peaceful Cichlids. Sahul Rainbowfish can coexist harmoniously with Catfish, Loaches, Gudgeons, and Garras, creating a diverse and captivating aquatic community.

Considering the active nature of Sahul Rainbowfish, providing them with a reasonably spacious aquarium is crucial, allowing ample room for their agile movements and energetic swimming behavior. In addition, it is worth noting that these Rainbowfish possess impressive jumping capabilities, necessitating the use of a tightly-fitting lid to prevent any unintended aquatic escapades.

In terms of their physical appearance, Sahul Rainbowfish exhibit a captivating blend of colours and patterns. Their small, silvery-white to greyish-brown bodies are adorned with seven or eight striking black stripes accentuating the lower half of the body. The head displays a complementary greyish-brown hue, accompanied by greyish lips. A small reddish to orange spot adorns the upper gill cover, while a captivating silver eye captivates onlookers. Notably, the dorsal and anal fins exhibit a tricoloured arrangement, featuring a broad dark band, separating a narrow margin of white to orangy-red and an area of vibrant yellowish-orange positioned below the dark band.

Sahul Rainbowfish Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between male and female Sahul Rainbowfish is a relatively straightforward task. Males exhibit a slender body shape, accompanied by more pronounced body stripes and vibrant fin colouration compared to their female counterparts. The striking colours displayed by the males serve as a distinguishing feature, enhancing their visual allure. Conversely, females possess rounder bodies, particularly when carrying eggs, and their overall colouration appears less vibrant and more subdued in comparison to the males.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameMelanotaenia sahulensis
Year Described2019
Other NamesSkull Creek Rainbowfish
Max Size5.5 cm
Aquarium LevelMiddle
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asGroups 6+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 5.5 - 8.0
GH 5 - 20
KH 8 -12
Ideal Temperature
72 - 82
22 - 27

Natural Habitat

Sahul Rainbowfish are indigenous to the Jardine, Bensbach, and Pahoturi River Systems, which span the northeast Cape York Peninsula in Australia and southern central New Guinea in the Oceania region. These exquisite Rainbowfish inhabit diverse aquatic environments, including floodplains, small swampy creeks, dune lakes, lily lagoons, and meandering streams.

Within their natural habitats, Sahul Rainbowfish thrive in clear and acidic waters. The substrate of their preferred dwellings is often adorned with lush aquatic vegetation, accompanied by the presence of fallen logs, further enriching the aquatic ecosystem.

The distinct ecological preferences and distribution of Sahul Rainbowfish highlight their adaptability to various aquatic environments, contributing to their allure as captivating inhabitants of both Australian and New Guinean waterways.


Breeding Sahul Rainbowfish can be a relatively straightforward process, although the rearing of their fry presents certain challenges that require careful attention. To successfully breed these captivating fish, it is advisable to establish a separate breeding tank that incorporates specific environmental conditions.

The breeding tank should provide soft, acidic water, which can be achieved through appropriate water treatment methods. A sponge filter is recommended to maintain optimal water quality while providing gentle circulation. Introducing a few fine-leaved plants or utilizing spawning mops within the tank will serve as suitable spawning sites for the Rainbowfish.

To initiate the breeding process, it is recommended to introduce a group of Sahul Rainbowfish into the breeding tank, ideally with a ratio of two females to three males. Prior to spawning, it is essential to condition the fish by offering a variety of live and frozen foods. This nourishment should reflect the abundance of the flood season, ensuring a higher quantity and quality of food compared to regular feeding routines.

As the females become gravid with eggs, the males will display an impressive show of vibrant colours, signalling their readiness to spawn. Then, the males will guide the females to the chosen spawning site, where fertilization of the eggs takes place. To safeguard the eggs from potential predation, it is crucial to promptly remove and replace the spawning mops or plants after spawning has occurred.

The breeding process will continue for several days, gradually decreasing the number of eggs produced. Therefore, monitoring the egg count and observing any signs of fatigue in the females is important. Once the egg production declines or the females display signs of exhaustion, removing the parents from the breeding tank is advisable.

After approximately 7 to 14 days, depending on the water temperature, the eggs will hatch, giving rise to fry. Initially, the fry will require nourishment in the form of infusoria or liquid fry food, providing essential sustenance during their early stages of development. As the fry grows, they can gradually transition to small live foods such as microworms or baby brine shrimp, catering to their increasing dietary needs.

By implementing these breeding strategies and attentively caring for the fry, enthusiasts can experience the joy of successfully raising Sahul Rainbowfish, witnessing the remarkable journey from egg to vibrant aquatic life.

Diet & Feeding

Sahul Rainbowfish exhibit a versatile and accommodating feeding behaviour, readily accepting various food options. While these fish are not overly selective, it is crucial to prioritize a well-rounded and diverse diet to promote their optimal health and vibrant colouration.

To ensure their nutritional needs are met, a balanced feeding regimen should include a combination of high-quality dried foods such as pellets, granules, or flakes. These serve as a staple diet, providing essential nutrients to support their overall well-being. To enhance their dietary variety and mimic their natural feeding habits, it is advisable to supplement their meals with a selection of frozen and live foods such as bloodworm, brine shrimp, and Tubifex. Offering these nourishing options on a regular basis will help showcase the fish's vibrant condition and colours.

When feeding Sahul Rainbowfish, providing them with two to three feedings per day is recommended, ensuring to offer only an amount that can be consumed within five minutes or less. This feeding approach helps maintain optimal water quality and prevents overfeeding-related issues.

By offering a diverse and balanced diet, incorporating high-quality dried foods alongside frozen and live options, aquarists can ensure the well-being and visual splendour of their Sahul Rainbowfish, allowing them to thrive in the aquarium environment.

Other Rainbowfish

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