Maximum size : 4 cm

Red Skirt Betta - Betta falx : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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Red Skirt Bettas (Betta Falx) are not commonly found in the aquarium hobby, but they are regarded as excellent inhabitants when provided with suitable conditions. Unlike other Betta species, both male and female Red Skirt Bettas generally exhibit peaceful behaviour towards their own kind, even when housed together. When kept in groups, these fish often display captivating courtship behaviour, particularly among males competing for female attention.

To ensure the well-being of Red Skirt Bettas, it is advisable to keep them in a species-only aquarium or in a community aquarium with peaceful species that inhabit similar environments in the wild. Timid Loaches and small Cyprinids are ideal tankmates for these Bettas. It is important to avoid housing them with larger, more active, and aggressive species, as this can lead to intimidation and competition for food.

A fully-decorated aquarium is suitable for Red Skirt Bettas, although some breeders prefer to omit substrate for easier maintenance. Driftwood, roots, and branches provide excellent natural decor for these fish, and adding dried leaf litter enhances the environment while offering additional cover. Decaying leaves release beneficial chemicals and tannins that promote the overall well-being of the fish.

Red Skirt Bettas prefer subdued lighting, so incorporating hardy plants and floating plants can help diffuse the light effectively. Notably, these fish dislike swift currents, making a small air-powered sponge filter the ideal choice for filtration. Due to their jumping tendencies, having a secure, tight-fitting lid for the aquarium is crucial. Additionally, the water level should not completely fill the tank to allow the fish occasional access to the layer of humid air above the water surface.

Male Red Skirt Bettas display a primarily reddish-brown body with greenish-blue scales, complemented by a dark blue-black edge on their anal and caudal fins. Females, on the other hand, exhibit a brownish body with dark horizontal stripes and a distinct tail spot. These distinctive markings contribute to the visual appeal of these fish in an aquarium setting.

Red Skirt Betta Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between the male and female Red Skirt Betta is quite straightforward. The males exhibit distinct characteristics that set them apart from the females. They have broader heads, and their anal fin showcases a significantly darker stripe compared to that of the females. In addition, the males are larger in size, possess longer fins, and display more vibrant and intense colours than their female counterparts.

On the other hand, the females have their own unique features that differentiate them from the males. They are smaller in size and have more pointed heads. In terms of appearance, the females are generally less vibrant and exhibit duller colours. Furthermore, their fins are less intricate in comparison to those of the males.

Featured Male
Featured Female
Male Female

Quick Facts

Scientific Name Betta falx
Year Described 1998
Other Names Social Betta, Sicklefin Fighting Fish
Kingdom Animalia
Classification Actinopterygii
Order Anabantiformes
Family Osphronemidae
Genus Betta
Origins Indonesia
Max Size 4 cm
Temperament Peaceful
Aquarium Level All Levels
Difficulty Beginner - Intermediate
Shoaling No
Best kept as Pairs
Diet & Feeding Omnivore
Reproduction Mouthbrooder
Average Lifespan Up to 3 Years

Water Parameters

Water Type Freshwater
pH 4.5 - 7.0
GH 4 - 8
KH 0 - 2
TDS 0 - 90
Ideal Temperature
72 - 80
22 - 26

Natural Habitat

Red Skirt Bettas are native to the regions of Jambi and Utara in Indonesia, located in Southeast Asia. These beautiful Bettas are typically found in shallow, slow-flowing waters that possess a nearly stagnant nature. These habitats, including swamps, pools, and streams, are characterized by a shaded environment that protects the water from direct sunlight.

In their natural habitats, Red Skirt Bettas thrive amidst submerged dense vegetation, contributing to their surroundings' overall aesthetics and ecological balance. The water in these habitats often displays a distinctive staining effect caused by the release of tannins from decaying organic matter. As a result, the underwater environment may exhibit a subtle discolouration, adding to the unique charm of the ecosystem.

The substrate in these habitats primarily consists of fallen leaves, branches, and immersed tree roots. This natural arrangement provides a suitable hiding place for the Bettas and contributes to the biological diversity of the environment.


The Red Skirt Betta is a paternal mouthbrooder exhibiting interesting breeding behaviour. To successfully breed these fish, it is necessary to set up a separate breeding tank unless they are already being maintained alone. Having a tight-fitting cover on the breeding tank is crucial, as the developing fry requires access to a layer of warm, humid air. Failure to provide this may impede the development of their labyrinth organ, an essential respiratory organ for labyrinth fish.

Spawning is initiated by the female when she is full of eggs. During spawning, the male wraps his body around the female, and the female releases her eggs, which the male then fertilizes. Fertilized eggs are caught on the male's anal fin and subsequently taken up by the female's mouth before being expelled into the water for the male to catch. This process is repeated until the female has released all her eggs, which can take some time.

The incubation period for the fertilized eggs typically ranges from 10 to 17 days. Once fully formed, the male will release the fry from his mouth. At this point, you have the option to leave the fry with their parents or separate them. When the fry is released, they can be fed with suitable foods such as microworms and baby brine shrimp. However, it is essential to avoid overfeeding, as this can lead to obesity and other health issues. Offering small amounts of different foods 2 to 3 times daily will promote optimal growth rate in the fry.

Maintaining stable water conditions is crucial during this delicate phase. It is recommended to perform frequent, small water changes rather than irregular, larger ones to avoid drastic changes in water parameters. This will provide a more stable and favourable environment for the growing fry.

Diet & Feeding

In their natural habitat, Red Skirt Bettas sustain themselves by consuming insects and other small invertebrates. When kept in an aquarium setting, these Bettas can adapt to accepting high-quality dried foods once they recognize them as viable food sources. However, to maintain their optimal colouration and overall condition, it is advisable to provide them with a regular diet of small live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia.

It is important to exercise caution and avoid overfeeding these Bettas as they are prone to obesity. Maintaining a balanced feeding regimen, offering appropriate portions, and monitoring their dietary intake will contribute to the long-term health and well-being of these captivating fish.

Other Bettas

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