Maximum size : 15 cm

Rainbow Shark - Albino - Epalzeorhynchos Frenatum var. "Albino" : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Albino Rainbow Shark (Epalzeorhynchos Frenatum) is an undeniable centerpiece in any aquarium due to its exceptional visual allure. However, despite their stunning aesthetics, these creatures exhibit a degree of aggression when kept alongside their own species. Displays of dominance, including head-and-tail butting and biting, are not uncommon behaviors. The larger Albino Rainbow Sharks have a tendency to stake their territorial claims fiercely, often at the cost of their smaller companions. This assertiveness can also lead to instances of them jumping out of their tanks.

The number of Albino Rainbow Sharks to keep in an aquarium depends on various factors, including tank size, compatibility with other fish species, and individual behavior. Typically, it is advisable to keep only one Albino Rainbow Shark per aquarium, especially in smaller tanks. These fish can display territorial behavior, particularly towards their own species, and keeping multiple individuals in the same tank may lead to aggression and territorial disputes. In larger tanks with ample space and suitable hiding spots, such as caves and dense vegetation, it may be possible to keep multiple Albino Rainbow Sharks. However, close monitoring of their behavior is essential to ensure that aggression does not arise.

Juvenile Albino Rainbow Sharks, in contrast, are typically more timid and prone to spending a significant portion of their time hidden away. However, their innate aggressive traits towards their own species might pose a challenge for beginner aquarists. Despite this, Albino Rainbow Sharks can cohabitate harmoniously with Barbs, Rainbowfish, Danios, Loaches, Plecos, Rasboras, and Gouramis, who generally prefer the upper and middle sections of the tank. Larger freshwater shrimp species can also coexist with Albino Rainbow Sharks, although their eggs or fry may become a target. It is advisable to avoid smaller, more timid fish, as Albino Rainbow Sharks might intimidate them into vacating their territory.

When it comes to decor, Albino Rainbow Sharks have minimal requirements, provided that sufficient cover is available. They are not typically destructive towards soft-leaved plants. In an effort to emulate their natural, riverine habitat, it is advisable to consider a substrate comprising rocks of varying sizes, gravel, and large, water-worn boulders. The addition of driftwood roots and branches, complemented by sturdy aquatic plants, can further enhance the visual appeal of the aquarium. Much like other species endemic to flowing waters, Albino Rainbow Sharks exhibit a low tolerance to the accumulation of organic waste. They thrive in an environment rich in dissolved oxygen with a moderate water flow.

Albino Rainbow Sharks are easily identifiable by their elongated bodies which may present in shades of bright to dark blue or black. Notable features include their pointed snout and flat belly area. The fins of these fishes display a vibrant range of hues, from red to orange-red, adding to their visual charm. A characteristic short stripe extending from the gill cover, eye, and mouth further sets them apart. Male Albino Rainbow Sharks, in comparison to females, bear thinner bodies with black lines along their tail fins, and exhibit more intense coloration.

Rainbow Shark - Albino Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Differentiating between mature male and female Albino Rainbow Sharks is relatively straightforward. Males typically display vibrant red or orange fins, which tend to be more vivid compared to their female counterparts. Furthermore, they exhibit slender grey lines on their tail fins, a characteristic not present in females.

Conversely, female Albino Rainbow Sharks manifest a more rounded belly and generally appear more substantial compared to their male counterparts. However, it's crucial to remember that these distinguishing features become evident only as the fish reach maturity. In their juvenile stage, Albino Rainbow Sharks do not showcase any notable sexual dimorphism.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameEpalzeorhynchos Frenatum var. "Albino"
Year Described1934
Other NamesRed-Finned Shark
Max Size15 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom
Best kept asLoners
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 8 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.5 - 7.5
GH 10-16
Ideal Temperature
73 - 79
22 - 26

Natural Habitat

Hailing from the Southeast Asian regions of Thailand, Malaysia, Laos, and Myanmar, the standard Rainbow Shark species thrive in clean, warm, freshwater rivers abundant with plankton and sandy bottoms. These peaceful waters are their natural habitat, wherein they actively scour the riverbed for food and shelter.

Interestingly, Rainbow Sharks display a propensity to migrate into floodplains, inundated fields, and forests during heavy rainfall or flooding events. This fascinating adaptability allows them to thrive even in fluctuating conditions, marking them as truly unique and captivating species. However, the Albino Rainbow Shark variant, which is of immense interest to aquarium enthusiasts, is rarely found in the wild. It is primarily a human-influenced colour morph, bred for its strikingly different, creamy-white body and vibrant orange-red fins.



In their indigenous habitat, Albino Rainbow Sharks fascinate with their intriguing mating rituals, typically occurring between October and November as they achieve sexual maturity. The exact timing of these romantic pursuits can be swayed by various factors such as shifts in the seasons, temperature changes, and fluctuations in daylight hours.

The mating process comprises the female Albino Rainbow Shark discharging her eggs, followed by the male's immediate fertilization as he swathes them with his milt. Approximately a week later, the eggs hatch, revealing the captivating new generation of Albino Rainbow Sharks.

While the idea of breeding Albino Rainbow Sharks within an aquarium may seem exciting for enthusiasts, it's worth noting that this remains an exceedingly difficult feat. Up to the present day, there are no known instances of successful Albino Rainbow Shark breeding in home aquariums. However, it's worth acknowledging that these creatures are bred in large quantities in commercial farms across Southeast Asia.

Regardless of the considerable challenges linked to their captive breeding, witnessing these striking creatures engaged in their natural mating process is undoubtedly an awe-inspiring spectacle.

Diet & Feeding

The Albino Rainbow Shark exhibits a versatile dietary palate, readily consuming sinking food varieties. To ensure their optimal health and bolster immune resilience, it is recommended to offer a diverse diet. This entails a combination of algae wafers or tablets, insect larvae, and zooplankton, supplemented with frozen or live foods. Furthermore, incorporating blanched vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, and peas serves as a nutritious and enjoyable dietary addition. Providing a varied diet not only meets the Albino Rainbow Shark's nutritional requirements but also enriches their feeding regimen.

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