Maximum size : 7.5 cm

Platy - Red Pepper - Xiphophorus maculatus var. "Red Pepper" : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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Red Pepper Platies are renowned for their vibrant colors and sturdiness, coupled with a peaceful nature and low-maintenance care. They make an inviting option for aquarium novices, offering a mesmerizing visual treat with minimal fuss.

Though they aren't schooling in the traditional sense, these platies flourish in groups, displaying enhanced confidence and sociability. When deciding on tank companions, it's wise to opt for more passive species. Larger or assertive fish, especially Cichlids, can upset the platies, leading to potential stress and injury.

While adaptable to various water settings like other platies, to guarantee the best health and longevity of Red Pepper Platy, it's advisable to establish a biotope tank. This involves curating an environment replete with water plants, efficient filtration, and water of moderate hardness.

Platy - Red Pepper Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Identifying the gender of Red Pepper Platies can be tricky until around four months of age, after which it becomes significantly simpler. Maturing males often sport brighter hues and a streamlined form, with their colour progression being more gradual compared to females. Males are characterized by a distinct anal fin known as the gonopodium. In contrast, female Platies exhibit quicker growth and a more robust physique, presenting muted colours and expansive, fan-shaped fins. By noting these subtle differences, one can adeptly distinguish between male and female Platies.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameXiphophorus maculatus var. "Red Pepper"
Year Described1848
Max Size7.5 cm
Aquarium LevelMiddle - Top
Best kept asGroups 5+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
Average LifespanUp to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 7.0 - 8.0
GH 10 - 25
Ideal Temperature
65 - 77
18 - 25

Natural Habitat

The vibrant Platy originates from the balmy waters of Rio Panuco and Rio Cazones in southern Mexico, extending to northern regions of Honduras and Guatemala in North and Central America. These lively fish flourish in diverse aquatic settings, from streams and canals to marshes and springs, typified by placid to nearly motionless waters, muddied beds, and abundant vegetation. It's essential to note that the Red Pepper Platies distinct coloration is a result of careful selective breeding, and such color variants don't occur naturally in the wild.


Breeding Red Pepper Platies is straightforward, with no need for specialized tanks or water conditions. Simply introduce them to an aquarium and let nature take its course. For successful breeding, maintain a gender balance, ideally with two to three females for every male, preventing male harassment.

Being livebearers, platy fry are immediately mobile post-birth. They can produce 20 to 50 fry every month. However, adult platies, devoid of parental tendencies, might consume their fry. To boost fry survival rates, provide hideouts like wood, stones, or plants. Removing parents after birth is also a wise move.

To foster healthy fry development, nourish them with egg yolk, finely ground flake food, and infusoria until mature enough for the main aquarium.

Diet & Feeding

Red Pepper Platies have an omnivorous diet and adapt well to home aquarium feedings. For optimal health, offer them a mix of high-quality dry foods such as flakes, granules, and pellets. Augment this with live, frozen, or freeze-dried foods like brine shrimp, tubifex, and bloodworms. Additionally, incorporating boiled vegetables like squash, spirulina, cucumber, and spinach is beneficial. This comprehensive diet ensures the platies receive all essential nutrients and vitamins, supporting their overall well-being.

Other Platies

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