Maximum size : 4 cm

Pink Lemon Tetra - Hyphessobrycon itaparicensis Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Pink Lemon Tetras (Hyphessobrycon itaparicensis) enchanting beauty and peaceful disposition make them a splendid addition to either a well-planted nano tank or a harmonious community aquarium. Delicate and timid, these Tetras thrive alongside fellow Characins of similar size and temperament, creating a symphony of tranquillity within their watery abode.

To truly appreciate the stunning allure of Pink Lemon Tetras, keeping them in a group of eight or more individuals is recommended, honouring their natural inclination for schooling. Witness their graceful movements as they navigate their aquatic realm, displaying a mesmerizing dance of unity and grace. A larger group not only enhances their overall appearance but also fosters a sense of comfort and security, allowing these Tetras to flourish in their collective harmony.

Craft an immersive South American river biotope within your aquarium, a testament to the Pink Lemon Tetras' natural habitat. First, adorn the substrate with fine sand or gravel, creating a serene backdrop for their vibrant presence. Next, embrace the lush greenery of dense planting and provide ample leaf litter to infuse the water with tannins, recreating the authentic ambience of their native rivers. Finally, let driftwood branches and roots meander through the aquatic landscape, offering shade and shelter, creating havens for contemplation and respite.

The Pink Lemon Tetras' captivating beauty reveals itself in their colouration's delicate nuances. Within the tapestry of their existence, variations emerge depending on their origin. Witness the mesmerizing dance of hues as individuals from clearwater rivers adorn themselves with a yellowish-pink palette, their fins and head shimmering with distinct yellow accents. In addition, a reddish-brown longitudinal stripe may grace their form, adding a touch of intrigue to their elegant presence.

In contrast, those hailing from dark waters emanate a captivating splendour, their scales shimmering with gleaming silvery hues that enchant the beholder. Absent of a humeral blotch or clear surrounding areas, their flanks bear witness to a captivating dark longitudinal stripe. Radiating vibrancy, intense yellow to orange fins and scales imbue them with an otherworldly allure, captivating all who gaze upon them.

As you cultivate the ideal environment for Pink Lemon Tetras, you unlock a mesmerizing chapter in the ever-evolving narrative of your aquatic world. Immerse yourself in the tranquillity they bring, a testament to the delicate balance of nature and the captivating wonders that unfold within the depths of your aquarium.

Pink Lemon Tetra Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Accurately discerning the sex of Pink Lemon Tetras presents a modest challenge. Nonetheless, certain characteristics can provide valuable clues in distinguishing between males and females.

Typically, females exhibit a slight size advantage over males, boasting a fuller and plumper body shape, particularly when they carry a clutch of eggs. However, observing their physical appearance can reveal subtle differences in the fin structure. Adult males often display an anal fin that appears straight or slightly concave, accompanied by more extended fins overall. Conversely, females tend to possess shorter fins, with their anal fin consistently exhibiting a concave shape.

By carefully examining these distinctive attributes, aquarists can gain insights into the gender composition of their Pink Lemon Tetra population, allowing for a deeper understanding and appreciation of the fascinating dynamics within their aquatic realm.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameHyphessobrycon itaparicensis
Year Described2001
Other NamesNone
Max Size4 cm
Aquarium LevelMiddle - Top
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asGroups 8+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
Average LifespanUp to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.0 - 7.5
GH 5 - 15
TDS 36 - 179
Ideal Temperature Range
72 - 82
22 - 27

Natural Habitat

Pink Lemon Tetras can be found exclusively on a beautiful coastal island nestled in the vibrant Bahia State of Brazil, an enchanting locale within the glorious South American region. However, these captivating creatures have been known to venture beyond their island abode, traversing the meandering paths of numerous coastal rivers that gracefully flow through the Bahia and Sergipe States. Within these pristine waterways, the Pink Lemon Tetras prefer to inhabit tranquil, slow-flowing shallow ponds, as well as the crystal-clear blackwater streams that elegantly wind their way through the landscape.

Their chosen habitats boast a dynamic substrate, ranging from soft sand to velvety mud, often adorned with fragments of organic debris. These picturesque surroundings are primarily embraced by lush shrubs and majestic trees, which create a serene ambience for the Pink Lemon Tetras to thrive in. In specific locales, the dominant presence of verdant grass and elegant palm trees adds a touch of splendour to their already breathtaking surroundings. Moreover, it is not uncommon to discover the presence of aquatic and marsh plants, further enhancing the ecological tapestry where these captivating tetras make their home.


Regrettably, due to the scarcity of information surrounding the breeding of Pink Lemon Tetras, the specifics of their reproductive process remain elusive. However, drawing upon the knowledge gained from other Hyphessobrycon species, we can speculate on potential breeding methods for these captivating fish.

To initiate the breeding process, a dedicated breeding tank is recommended. This environment should be delicately lit, simulating soft, subdued lighting conditions. Adjusting the temperature a few degrees higher than their usual range can stimulate the breeding behaviour. In addition, the breeding tank should be adorned with abundant vegetation, providing shaded areas where the Tetras can engage in their spawning rituals.

Selecting a robust and vibrant male and a well-developed, plump female will contribute to the success of the breeding endeavour. In addition, introducing these individuals to the breeding tank and continuing to provide them with a nutrient-rich diet, including live food, will bolster their reproductive capabilities.

As the Tetras enter the breeding phase, a fascinating courtship display unfolds. The male and female will lock fins and perform graceful somersaulting movements amidst the aquatic flora. During this intricate dance, the female will release a small cluster of approximately a dozen eggs, eagerly awaited by the male for fertilization.

Typically, the spawning activity of Pink Lemon Tetras commences in the early hours of the morning, with the female laying a substantial number of eggs, often numbering in the hundreds. Therefore, it is essential to promptly remove the parents from the breeding tank to prevent them from consuming the precious eggs, which could hinder the successful development of the fry.

Approximately 24 to 36 hours after the spawning event, the eggs will begin to hatch, heralding the emergence of the next generation. The fry will become free-swimming within three to four days, embarking on a remarkable growth journey. Initially sustained by their yolk sac, the fry will gradually transition to nourishment derived from infusoria-type foods. As they continue to mature, their diet can be supplemented with baby brine shrimp and crushed flakes to cater to their evolving nutritional needs.

Though the precise breeding methods for Pink Lemon Tetras may remain a mystery, these insights provide a foundation for aspiring aquarists to embark on their own journey of discovery, unlocking the enchanting wonders of these captivating fish within the realm of their aquarium.

Diet & Feeding

Pink Lemon Tetras exhibit a notable inclination towards readily consuming premium-grade dried sustenance, such as flakes and granules, when housed within a domestic aquatic environment. However, their overall well-being would be significantly enhanced by the inclusion of live and frozen nutritious options, such as bloodworms, daphnia, mosquito larvae, and Moina. Diversification in the dietary offerings serves as a pivotal factor in ensuring optimal physical fitness and health maintenance of these piscine inhabitants.

Other Tetras

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