Maximum size : 7 cm

Panda Corydoras - Longfin - Corydoras Panda : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Longfin Panda Corydoras (Corydoras Panda), with their engaging demeanour and serene nature, provide an enchanting presence within any communal aquarium. Due to their peaceful disposition, these petite aquatic inhabitants are a favourite amongst aquarists, harmoniously cohabitating with similar-sized species. However, they should be kept away from larger, aggressive species to ensure their safety.

For the best social interaction, it is advised to keep these fish in schools of no fewer than six individuals. They exhibit increased confidence and activity in familiar companies. To optimize their health and well-being, the provision of a soft sand substrate is recommended, enabling their foraging behaviour without posing a risk to their delicate barbels. Gravel, particularly of a coarse nature, can harbour waste, potentially leading to bacterial infections and abrasions, and is therefore not advised.

Maintaining a vigorous filtration system is crucial, as these fish thrive in a well-oxygenated environment with moderate water movement. Regular maintenance routines, including partial water changes, are fundamental to a healthy aquatic environment for your Longfin Panda Corydoras.

Creating a naturalistic aquarium with shaded areas among the driftwood, rocks, and densely planted corners will encourage explorative behaviour while providing sufficient hiding spots. This not only enhances their comfort but also results in a more vibrant and dynamic display for the observer.

Adorned with light and dark contrasting markings, the Longfin Panda Corydoras display a striking appearance. Their bodies' hue ranges from white to pink, featuring three distinctive spots reminiscent of a panda. With the first black spot enveloping the upper part of their head and eyes, the second gracing their dorsal fin, and the third at the base of their tail, they present a captivating sight. Additionally, their three pairs of barbels augment their charming appeal.

Panda Corydoras - Longfin Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Identifying the gender of Longfin Panda Corydoras involves keen observation from a top-down perspective. Typically, females showcase a broader body silhouette and may outsize the males marginally. Precise gender determination is crucial for successful breeding and sustaining a balanced population within a home aquarium setting.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameCorydoras Panda
Year Described1971
Other NamesPanda Catfish, Panda Cory Cat
Max Size7 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom
Best kept asGroups 6+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 15 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.0 - 8.0
GH 2 - 20
Ideal Temperature
68 - 77
20 - 25

Natural Habitat

Longfin Panda Corydoras, a man-made variant not commonly found in the wild, traces its genetic lineage to the captivating terrains of South America, predominantly in countries such as Ecuador and Peru. A quintessential locale for these enchanting creatures is the Huanaco region, particularly in the Rio Amarillae and Rio Aquas, tributaries of the esteemed Rio Ucayali and the Rio Pachitea River system.

With remarkable adaptability, these fish thrive in diverse environments, from crystal clear to blackwater tributaries and streams. Intriguingly, Longfin Panda Corydoras show a distinct preference for sandy substrates, often enriched by meltwater run-off from the grand Andean mountains. Whether you are an adventurous explorer or a humble admirer of nature's spectacle, these creatures' unique charm and engaging behaviour will undoubtedly captivate your attention.


Breeding the Longfin Panda Corydoras presents a rewarding venture requiring specific tank conditions and meticulous management. Begin by establishing a dedicated breeding tank, which ideally should be well-planted with sand or smooth gravel as a substrate. A tank without substrate is also suitable.

The breeding tank's water conditions should ideally be soft and slightly acidic to maximize breeding success. A breeding group should have a higher ratio of males to females, optimally two males for every female. Nutritious live and frozen food serves as excellent conditioning for the breeding group to encourage spawning. When females appear gravid, trigger spawning by implementing a significant water change with cooler water, along with increasing the tank's flow and oxygenation. Continue this routine daily until spawning commences.

During the spawning process, males relentlessly pursue females until a female is ready to lay her eggs. The courtship involves the male clasping the female's barbels with his pectoral fins while she positions her head against his midsection. Subsequently, she forms a basket with her pelvic fins to collect up to four eggs. It's hypothesized that the male's sperm passes through the female's gills, fertilizing the eggs.

After fertilization, the female selects an optimal location to attach her sticky eggs, repeating this process until approximately 100 to 150 eggs are laid. Notably, the parents show no parental care and may even consume the eggs. Hence, to ensure the eggs' survival, they should be isolated promptly. Within three to five days, the eggs will hatch. The fry should then be nourished with freshly hatched micro-worms, rotifers, or brine shrimp. With diligent care and suitable conditions, the breeding journey of Panda Corydoras proves to be a gratifying and enjoyable endeavour.

Diet & Feeding

Maintaining the optimal nutrition for Longfin Panda Corydoras necessitates a well-rounded diet primarily made up of high-grade sinking pellets or tablets. Complement this with an array of frozen, freeze-dried, and live foods, such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia. Providing a diverse food spectrum helps prevent nutritional deficiencies, thereby contributing to the overall health and longevity of these fish.

Other Corydoras

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