Maximum size : 40 cm

Ocellated Snakehead - Channa pleurophthalma Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Ocellated Snakehead (Channa pleurophthalma) stands out as a unique and visually striking species among Snakeheads. Notably, it displays a sociable nature, forming aggregations throughout its lifespan, making it one of the few snakehead species to exhibit such behaviour. However, for optimal maintenance, it is recommended to house them in a species-only aquarium. Despite being generally shy and cautious, these Snakeheads may display boldness and attempt to attack tankmates if kept in the same group. When selecting tankmates, choosing peaceful species that are too large to be consumed is advisable. 

The aquarium housing the Ocellated Snakehead should provide ample swimming space, ensuring a spacious environment. While live plants may face potential destruction, including floating plants can be worth experimenting with. Efficient filtration is necessary, establishing areas of moderate water movement along with quieter resting zones that are sheltered from strong currents. Regular partial water changes are crucial to maintaining low levels of nitrate accumulation.

Due to their exceptional jumping abilities, it is essential to have a tightly fitting lid for the aquarium. However, leaving a small gap between the water's surface and the cover slides is equally important to allow the Snakeheads to access and breathe in humid air, a vital aspect of their natural behaviour.

The Ocellated Snakehead possesses a cylindrical and laterally flattened body structure characterized by an iridescent greenish or bluish base colour. Distinctive features include two or three large black patches outlined in orange, as well as additional eye-like spots known as ocelli on both the opercle and tail fin. The belly typically displays a yellowish hue, completing the captivating appearance of this species.

Ocellated Snakehead Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between male and female Ocellated Snakeheads can be achieved with relative ease. Sexually mature males exhibit a slender physique in comparison to females. Additionally, males tend to develop a distinct bluish colour pattern, while females display a greenish hue. These discernible characteristics aid in identifying the respective sexes of Ocellated Snakeheads.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameChanna pleurophthalma
Year Described1851
Max Size40 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom - Middle
Best kept asPairs
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
Average LifespanUp to 10 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.0 - 7.5
GH 5 - 15
TDS 36 - 215
Ideal Temperature
71 - 82
22 - 28

Natural Habitat

The Ocellated Snakehead is a species endemic to Southeast Asia, specifically found in the southeastern regions of Sumatra and the Kapuas and Barito River Basins of Kalimantan in Sumatra and Borneo, Indonesia. In their natural habitat, these Snakeheads predominantly inhabit streams and mangrove environments, adapting to these ecosystems' unique characteristics and ecological conditions.


The reproductive behaviour of the Ocellated Snakehead in its natural habitat remains unrecorded. In the wild, this species has been observed to congregate in aggregations within open river settings. 

During the reproductive period, temporary pairs are formed, with individuals separating from the main group to engage in spawning activities within marginal vegetation before reuniting with the collective. 

It is hypothesized that parental care is absent in this species. However, further investigations are needed to provide comprehensive insights into the specific reproductive behaviours and parental involvement of the Ocellated Snakehead.

Diet & Feeding

Ocellated Snakeheads are classified as natural predators, naturally preying on smaller fish, amphibians, and terrestrial insects. However, in captivity, they generally adapt well to consuming non-living food alternatives. While some individuals may even accept dried foods, it is important to note that these should not form the primary component of their diet.

When feeding young Ocellated Snakeheads, suitable options include bloodworms, small earthworms, and chopped prawns. As the fish mature into adulthood, they will readily consume strips of fish flesh, whole prawns, shrimp, and mussels.

It is crucial to avoid feeding this species with meat products such as beef heart or chicken, as the fish may struggle to metabolize the lipids contained in these foods. Consumption of such items can lead to the accumulation of excess fat deposits and potential organ degeneration.

Likewise, using "feeder" fish, such as livebearers or small goldfish, is not recommended. Apart from the risk of introducing parasites or diseases, these prey items tend to offer limited nutritional value unless properly conditioned beforehand. 

Other Snakeheads

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