Maximum size : 5 cm

Muzel Red Cherry Tetra - Hyphessobrycon sp. "Red Cherry" : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Muzel Red Cherry Tetra (Hyphessobrycon sp "Muzel") represents a captivating addition to the aquarium hobby, distinguished by its vibrant colouration and dynamic schooling behaviour. Native to South America, this relatively new species to the aquarium trade exhibits a striking appearance with its vivid hues and elegant swimming patterns, making it a focal point in any aquatic setup. Muzel Red Cherry Tetras are a loose schooling species that will do best in groups of 6 preferably more. When maintained in groups, their natural schooling behavior enhances the visual appeal of the aquarium, creating a mesmerizing display of color and movement.

Muzel Red Cherry Tetras are exemplary candidates for community aquariums, harmonizing seamlessly with other diminutive, tranquil aquatic species. Optimal companions for these Tetras encompass a variety of fish, including fellow Tetras, Rasboras, Dwarf Gouramis, and smaller Cichlids like Apistogrammas, Kribensis, and Rams. Corydoras Catfish and smaller Plecos also make compatible tankmates, contributing to a balanced and peaceful tank environment. It is advisable, however, to steer clear of larger, more vigorous fish and Dwarf Shrimp, which may disrupt the serene dynamics characteristic of a Mzuel Red Cherry Tetra community.

The Muzel Red Cherry Tetra stands as an exceptional selection for biotope community aquariums, offering an opportunity to highlight its unique presence within a meticulously crafted habitat. These Tetras thrive in pristine conditions, necessitating clean, oxygen-rich water with a gentle flow. Optimal environmental parameters include a slightly acidic to neutral pH, soft to medium water hardness, and temperature settings between 72°F and 80°F (22°C to 27°C). 

To mimic their natural surroundings, the aquarium should feature abundant plant life and structural elements such as driftwood and rocks, creating a complex and naturalistic setting. It is advisable to employ subdued lighting to enhance their natural colouration, as Muzel Red Cherry Tetras exhibit more vibrant hues and overall better colouration under diffused lighting conditions, thereby enriching the visual appeal of the aquatic display.

The Muzel Red Cherry Tetra truly embodies its name through its strikingly intense and vivid reddish-orange body colouration, complemented by deep red fins. Additionally, these fish are characterized by two shoulder spots, though these markings are somewhat indistinct, adding subtle detail to their overall appearance.

Muzel Red Cherry Tetra Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between male and female Muzel Red Cherry Tetras presents a notable challenge due to their similar appearances. However, males can be identified by their larger size and the presence of more pronounced finnage compared to their female counterparts.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameHyphessobrycon sp. "Red Cherry"
Other NamesRed Cherry Tetra, Muzel Tetra
Max Size5 cm
Aquarium LevelMiddle
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asGroups 6+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
Average LifespanUp to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.0 - 8.0
GH 5 - 15
Ideal Temperature
72 - 80
22 - 27

Natural Habitat

The Muzel Red Cherry Tetra is a relatively new addition to the aquarium hobby, and detailed information about its natural habitat and precise geographic origin needs to be more widely documented in the available literature. However, we do know that they originate from Mato Grosso, Brazil, in South America. This species is known to inhabit slow-moving, warm streams characterized by soft, acidic water conditions, indicative of their adaptation to such specific environmental parameters.



To date, there are no documented instances of Muzel Red Cherry Tetras being successfully bred in captivity. However, it is anticipated that their spawning behaviour would closely resemble that of their nearest relatives within the same genus.  In preparation for breeding, it is crucial to condition the potential breeding pair with a diet rich in live foods to encourage spawning behaviour. 

A dedicated breeding tank, equipped with soft, acidic water conditions and a temperature slightly higher than their standard range, enhances the likelihood of successful spawning. The inclusion of fine-leaved plants or spawning mops provides an ideal substrate for egg deposition. Following spawning, the parents typically exhibit no parental care, necessitating the removal of adults to prevent predation on the eggs. The eggs usually hatch within 24 to 36 hours, with fry becoming free-swimming a few days thereafter. 

Initial fry care should include the provision of infusoria or commercially prepared fry foods until they are large enough to accept crushed flakes or micro pellets. Achieving successful breeding with Hyphessobrycon sp. "Muzel" requires attention to detail and a controlled environment to replicate natural breeding triggers and ensure the survival of the offspring.

Diet & Feeding

Muzel Red Cherry Tetras are omnivorous by nature, consuming a wide spectrum of food sources to sustain their nutritional needs. In the captive environment, they thrive on a varied diet that includes high-quality commercial fish food, such as flakes and micro pellets, designed to accommodate their small size and dietary requirements. 

To mimic the diversity of their natural diet, it is beneficial to supplement their feeding regime with live or frozen foods, including brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms, which provide essential proteins and encourage natural foraging behaviours. Additionally, incorporating vegetable matter or algae-based foods can offer a well-rounded diet, ensuring the Red Cherry Tetras receive all necessary nutrients for optimal health and vibrant colouration. 

Feeding should be conducted in small amounts to prevent overfeeding and maintain water quality, contributing to a healthy and thriving aquarium environment for these active and colourful fish.

Other Tetras

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Oh man, this is such an amazing Tetra; it is essentially a giant ember Tetra, as I have seen posted everywhere; I highly recommend the Chihiros WRGB II Pro when keeping this fish because this light brings out reds like you wouldn't believe! This is an easy fish to keep, from my experience, and well worth the extra few $ they cost!

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