Maximum size : 8 cm

Molly - Golden Lyretail - Poecilia Sphenops var. "Golden Lyretail" Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Golden Lyretail Molly (Poecilia Sphenops) stands as a remarkable and multifaceted freshwater livebearer species. Earning favour among aquarium enthusiasts, these fish represent an ideal choice for novices due to their robust constitution, uncomplicated maintenance requirements, and the exhibition of distinctive personalities and behaviours.

These lively and sociable creatures typically exhibit peaceful dispositions, yet under overcrowded conditions or when housed with aggressive tankmates, they may manifest aggressive tendencies. Consequently, it is of paramount importance to allocate sufficient space and select compatible tank companions, such as Corydoras Catfish, Danios, Dwarf Gouramis, Cherry Barbs, Rasboras, Rosy Barbs, Platies, Tetras, and Loaches. Notably, maintaining a predominantly female shoal is advisable, as males have a propensity to harass and distress females. To fully appreciate their social dynamics and unique character traits, it is advisable to maintain a group of four or more individuals.

In order to establish an optimal habitat for Golden Lyretail Mollies, it is recommended to house them in an aquarium with a minimum capacity of 100 litres. Thriving in tropical temperatures, it is essential to maintain water parameters within a slightly acidic to slightly alkaline range, ensuring a stable environment due to their sensitivity to fluctuations in temperature and pH levels. These fish generally thrive in harder water conditions. Mollies exhibit a preference for well-vegetated surroundings, particularly at the peripheries of the aquarium, where they can find refuge and cover. This design not only accommodates their needs but also provides ample swimming space for other aquatic inhabitants. Consider the incorporation of fast-growing aquatic flora that extends to the water's surface to foster an ideal aquatic ecosystem.

Mollies are characterized by their flattened body morphology, tapering toward the mouth, featuring large and variedly shaped caudal and dorsal fins that showcase vibrant colours or transparency. The Golden Lyretail Molly, distinguished by its resplendent golden body and gracefully trailing lyretail, constitutes a captivating addition to any aquarium setting.

Molly - Golden Lyretail Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between male and female Golden Lyretail Mollies is a readily manageable undertaking. Males are characterized by their smaller stature, vibrant colouration, and the presence of a pointed anal fin known as the gonopodium. In contrast, females exhibit a larger physique relative to males, possess more rounded abdominal contours, and feature an anal fin with a fan-like configuration as opposed to the pointed structure observed in males. These distinctions are readily discernible to the discerning observer, imbuing the task with a sense of intrigue and excitement for aquarists.

Quick Facts

Scientific NamePoecilia Sphenops var. "Golden Lyretail"
Year Described1846
Max Size8 cm
Aquarium LevelAll Levels
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asGroups 6+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
Average LifespanUp to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.5 - 8.5
GH 15 - 30
Ideal Temperature
72 - 78
22 - 25

Natural Habitat

Mollies naturally inhabit a geographic range extending from Colombia and Venezuela to Mexico, featuring distinct populations on specific Caribbean islands. While wild Mollies have grown increasingly scarce within the hobbyist community, the majority of these fish are currently bred and distributed in Eastern Europe and the Far East. Nonetheless, Mollies have traversed borders and found new habitats in various nations, including the United States, Japan, Singapore, and even certain regions of Eastern Europe.

In their indigenous habitats, Mollies exhibit a preference for shallow regions within rivers and streams characterized by sandy substrates adorned with rocks and debris, often intermingled with aquatic flora. Impressively, these adaptable fish have also successfully acclimated to a wide spectrum of environments, ranging from coastal seawaters to brackish swamplands.

It is worth noting that the vibrant golden hue of the Golden Lyretail Mollies serves as a testament to human cultivation, as it represents a selectively bred colour variant absent in their natural, wild counterparts.


The breeding process of Golden Lyretail Mollies can be efficiently managed by ensuring the provision of optimal water conditions. However, it is important to note that these fish employ a conventional livebearer reproductive strategy, often characterized by persistent courtship behaviour exhibited by males towards females. To mitigate such behaviour, it is advisable to maintain a female-to-male ratio that favours several females for each male. The creation of an aquarium environment replete with densely planted areas is of paramount importance. This design not only promotes a sense of security among Mollies but also facilitates the birthing process and furnishes protective cover for the fry, thereby enhancing the survival rate of the offspring.

Following a gestation period lasting approximately eight weeks, it is not uncommon for sizeable broods, sometimes numbering up to 120 fry, to be produced. Nevertheless, it should be noted that adult Mollies tend to exhibit predatory behaviour towards their young, necessitating the imperative practice of relocating pregnant females to a separate breeding tank. This precautionary measure ensures a safe environment for the birthing process before the females are reintegrated into the main aquarium. It is advisable to refrain from employing breeding traps or nets, as their diminutive size renders them unsuitable for raising fry.

The fry themselves are relatively sizable at birth and exhibit an immediate acceptance of powdered flake food or baby brine. Rearing Mollie fry to maturity demands a high degree of dedication and meticulous attention to detail. Nevertheless, the rewards of witnessing their growth and thriving development undoubtedly justify the effort expended.

Diet & Feeding

Golden Lyretail Mollies are acknowledged for their omnivorous dietary inclination, mirroring their wild consumption of detritus and zoobenthos. In a captive environment, these fish exhibit ready acceptance of a diverse array of sustenance, encompassing premium-grade flake food, as well as live and frozen alternatives. It is noteworthy, however, that a substantial segment of their nutritional intake should consist of plant-based matter, exemplified by blanched spinach, zucchini, or vegetable-based flakes. The provision of a multifaceted and nutritionally balanced diet is pivotal to safeguarding the well-being of Mollies and fostering their optimal growth and developmental trajectory.

Other Mollies

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