Maximum size : 9 cm

Molly - Black - Poecilia Sphenops var. "Black" Fish Profile & Care Guide

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Black Mollies (Poecilia Sphenops) are an amazing and diverse group of freshwater livebearers with a range of 39 species in the genus. A popular choice among hobbyists, these fish are perfect for beginners as they are hardy, easy to care for and showcase unique personalities and behaviours.

These active and sociable fish are mostly peaceful but can exhibit aggressive behaviour if overcrowded or kept with aggressive tank mates. Thus, it is crucial to provide them with ample space and select suitable tank mates such as Corydoras Catfish, Danios, Dwarf Gouramis, Cherry Barbs, Rasboras, Rosy Barbs, Platies, Tetras and Loaches. Interestingly, Mollies are best kept in a predominantly female shoal as males are known to harass and stress out females. It would be best if you aimed to keep at least four or more individuals together to enjoy their social behaviours and unique personalities.

To create a suitable habitat for Mollies, it is advisable to house them in an aquarium with a minimum volume of 100 litres. These fish thrive in tropical temperatures, and maintaining the water within a slightly acidic to slightly alkaline range is ideal. While Mollies are resilient, they are sensitive to temperature and pH fluctuations, making it crucial to provide a stable environment. They generally prefer harder water and should be kept in such conditions.

Mollies exhibit the most comfort in well-vegetated surroundings, especially at the edges of the aquarium, where they can find refuge and shelter. This design allows for ample swimming space for other inhabitants. Consider incorporating fast-growing plants that extend to the water's surface to create an optimal aquatic ecosystem.

Mollies have a flattened body that tapers towards the mouth and have large, colourful or transparent caudal and dorsal fins that vary in shape. 
The Black Molly exhibits a uniform ebony hue throughout its entire physique, encompassing its scales, tail, and fins. Furthermore, the scales display a matte finish, devoid of any iridescent luminescence. A majority of individuals within this species possess fins characterized by a gracefully rounded contour.

Molly - Black Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Differentiating between male and female Black Mollies is a straightforward task. Males are smaller, brightly coloured, and possess a pointed anal fin called the gonopodium. In contrast, females are larger than males, have rounder stomachs, and their anal fin is fan-shaped rather than pointed. These distinctions are easy to spot with a keen eye, making it an exciting endeavour for any aquarist.

Featured Male
Featured Female
Male Female

Quick Facts

Scientific Name Poecilia Sphenops var. "Black"
Year Described 1846
Kingdom Animalia
Classification Actinopterygii
Order Cyprinodontiformes
Family Poeciliidae
Genus Poecilia
Max Size 9 cm
Temperament Peaceful
Aquarium Level All Levels
Difficulty Beginner
Shoaling Yes
Best kept as Groups 6+
Diet & Feeding Omnivore
Reproduction Livebearer
Average Lifespan Up to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water Type Freshwater
pH 6.5 - 8.5
GH 15 - 30
Ideal Temperature Range
72 - 78
22 - 25

Natural Habitat

Mollies naturally inhabit regions stretching from Colombia and Venezuela to Mexico, with distinct populations found on certain Caribbean islands. While wild Mollies have become rare in the hobbyist community, the majority are now bred and sold in Eastern Europe and the Far East. Nevertheless, these fish have found their way to new homes, with thriving populations introduced in nations like the United States, Japan, Singapore, and even parts of Eastern Europe. In their natural habitat, Mollies favor the shallows of rivers and streams with sandy beds adorned with rocks and debris, often nestled amongst aquatic plants. Impressively, these adaptable fish are also at home in diverse settings, from coastal seawaters to brackish swamps. The Black Molly is a testament to human creativity, as it is a cultivated color variant not seen in the wild.


Breeding Black Mollies is a straightforward process, provided the right water conditions are met. However, these fish reproduce in a standard livebearer style, with males often displaying persistent courtship behaviour towards females. To mitigate this behaviour, it is recommended to maintain a ratio of several females to every male. Creating an aquarium environment with plenty of areas of dense planting is essential. This allows mollies to feel secure, facilitates giving birth, and provides cover for the fry, increasing the survival rate of the young.

After a gestation period of around eight weeks, it's not uncommon to have large broods of up to 120 fry. However, adult fish will prey on their young, making it essential to remove the pregnant females to a separate breeding tank where they can give birth safely before returning them to the main aquarium. Using breeding traps or nets is not advised, as their small size makes them unsuitable for raising fry. The fry is relatively large at birth and will immediately accept powdered flake food or baby brine. Raising Mollie fry to maturity requires dedication and attention to detail, but the rewards of watching them grow and thrive are undoubtedly worth the effort.

Diet & Feeding

Black Mollies are known to be omnivorous, with their wild diet consisting of detritus and zoobenthos. In captivity, these fish will readily accept a wide range of foods, including high-quality flake food, as well as live and frozen options. However, it is important to note that a substantial portion of their diet should comprise vegetable matter, such as blanched spinach, zucchini, or vegetable flake. Providing a varied and balanced diet for Mollies is key to maintaining their health and ensuring optimal growth and development.

Other Mollies

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