Maximum size : 7 cm

Miua Apistogramma - Apistogramma sp "Miua" : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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Miua Apitogrammas (Apistogramma sp Miua) emerges as an enigmatic jewel, captivating the hearts of aquarists and researchers alike. This diminutive species of Dwarf Cichlid weaves a tale of intricate behaviours, vibrant colouration, and dedicated parental care. When selecting compatible tankmates for these Apistos, it's crucial to consider their peaceful disposition and specific habitat requirements.

 Ideally, small and non-aggressive fish like Neon Tetras, Corydoras Catfish, and Rasboras can coexist harmoniously, adding both visual diversity and maintaining a tranquil tank atmosphere. Additionally, invertebrates like Nerite Snails or Cherry Shrimp can be beneficial and unobtrusive tankmates. Ensuring adequate hiding spaces and adhering to each species' needs fosters a well-balanced aquatic community where these Apistos can thrive alongside compatible companions.

In a home aquarium, replicating the natural habitat of Miua Apitogrammas is essential. Provide ample hiding spots, such as caves, driftwood, and plants, to mimic the sheltered environment to increase their well-being. You should also leave some swimming space for these fish. Water conditions should be slightly acidic to neutral pH and maintained at a temperature range of 71 to 82°F 

Miua Apistogrammas exhibit a subdued browny-beige body hue juxtaposed with vivid orange cheeks. Noteworthy is the presence of a moderately broad lateral band gracing their flanks, complemented by a secondary, slightly narrower band that runs parallel, nestled approximately one scale's width below the former. Moreover, a third abdominal stripe, discernibly narrower and less pronounced, traverses beneath the aforementioned bands. The expansiveness of the cheek stripe stands as a distinctive feature, coexisting harmoniously with the dorsal fin's moderate elevation, crowned with a subtly serrated apex. Characteristically, the dorsal and anal fins possess pointed profiles that, while not markedly elongated, extend only to half the length of the caudal fin. 

The dorsal fin showcases a nuanced bluish-grey hue underscored by an edging of burgundy red. Meanwhile, the tail fin adopts a vertical oval configuration, adorned with 5 to 6 broad, semi-circular burgundy red bands that interplay with light interstitial segments of equal width. Adding to the intrigue, a dual blotch of corresponding hue punctuates the caudal fin's base. This colouration pattern is echoed within the anal fins, manifesting the same alternating burgundy and light stripe motif. Notably, the ventral fins assert a balanced presence, exhibiting moderate length alongside concise thread-like extensions.

Miua Apistogramma Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Miua Apistogrammas exhibit the typical sexual dimorphism seen in many Apistogramma species, with males showcasing more vibrant and contrasting colours compared to females.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameApistogramma sp "Miua"
Other NamesMiua Dwarf Cichlid
Max Size7 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom - Middle
Best kept as2 Females per Male
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 5.0 - 7.0
GH 2 - 10
Ideal Temperature
71 - 82
22 - 28

Natural Habitat

Miua Apistogrammas exhibit endemism within the Upper Rio Negro region, specifically encompassing Igarapé Miuá, Uambé, Mabóm, and São Gabriel within the bounds of Brazil, South America. These distinguished Apistogrammas thrive within the serene confines of tranquil backwaters, unhurried streams, and the inundated reaches of forested terrain. These habitats notably comprise profuse vegetation, including submerged root systems, layers of fallen foliage, and canopies of overhanging vegetation. These environmental attributes collectively bestow an abundance of shelters and propitious locales for their reproductive endeavours.


Breeding Miua Apistogrammas can be a fulfilling pursuit for aquarium enthusiasts. These Dwarf Cichlids exhibit captivating courtship behaviours and dedicated parental care. 

To breed these Apistos, create an appropriate breeding environment within your aquarium. Offer numerous hiding places such as caves, coconut shells, flowerpots, or specially designed breeding caves. These hiding spots serve as potential territories for males and safe havens for females to lay eggs. Maintain ideal water parameters to promote breeding. Aim for slightly acidic to neutral pH levels and a temperature range of 75 to 82°F. Keep the water relatively soft to moderately hard.

Identify a harmonious breeding pair from your group and look for a dominant, colourful male and a receptive female. To encourage breeding behaviour, incorporate live or frozen foods into their diet, such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia, to condition the fish for breeding. Males establish territories and court females through vibrant displays and fin extensions.

During courtship, males exhibit vivid colours, fin flaring, and intricate dances to attract females. If the female is receptive, she will respond positively to the male's advances. Once courtship is successful, the female lays eggs in a chosen hiding spot, which the male then fertilises. Both males and females assume crucial roles in safeguarding and caring for the eggs and fry. The female guards the eggs, while the male defends the territory and wards off intruders. After hatching, both parents protect and guide the fry, assisting them in foraging for food and providing shelter.

Initially, fry feed on their yolk sacs. As they absorb the yolk, they start swimming and exploring. Introduce finely crushed or powdered fry foods, infusoria, and newly hatched brine shrimp as their primary diet. Gradually incorporate larger live or frozen foods as the fry develops. As the fry grows, consider separating them from their parents and providing a separate tank or section within the main tank to prevent overcrowding and potential predation. Regularly monitor the breeding pair's behaviour and the fry's health. If aggression or stress becomes excessive, add more hiding places or remove one of the parents to reduce tension.

Diet & Feeding

In their natural environment, Miua Apistogrammas feed on various offerings, including aquatic insects, insect larvae, tiny crustaceans like copepods, zooplankton, and even occasional small fish fry. In a controlled aquarium setting, it's crucial to replicate this diversified diet for optimal health and vitality. A well-rounded diet should comprise high-quality pellets tailored to their needs, supplemented with live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia. 

Other Apistogramma

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