Maximum size : 7.5 cm

Liberty Molly - Poecilia salvatoris Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Liberty Molly (Poecilia salvatoris)  is a captivating species within the Poeciliidae family, renowned for its vibrant appearance and dynamic behaviour. Native to the freshwater environments of Central America, this species stands out for its adaptability and ease of care, making it a popular choice among aquarium enthusiasts. 

In the aquarium, Companions for Lberty Mollies should be chosen carefully as these fish can be aggressive towards other tankmates and nip the fins of other fishes in the tank. Males, in particular, are aggressive towards each other, so it is recommended to keep these fish in a species tank, in a ratio of at least two females per male, stating that three males and six females would be suitable in an aquarium of at least 100 litres.

A well-planted aquarium with plenty of swimming space is ideal for the Liberty Molly. These fish thrive in environments that replicate the gentle water flow of their native freshwater streams, so a filtration system that offers a moderate current is beneficial. 

The substrate can consist of fine sand or gravel, complemented by an abundance of live plants which provide hiding spots and mimic their natural surroundings. Plants such as Java Fern, Anubias, and Hornwort not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the tank but also contribute to the water quality and provide a natural food source. Regular water changes and maintaining stable water parameters are crucial to keep these fish healthy. 

The aquarium should also offer open swimming areas along with some floating plants to provide shade. The Liberty Molly exhibits a tendency to jump, making it essential to equip their aquarium with a secure lid or cover. This precaution ensures their safety and prevents potential escape attempts, a common behaviour observed in this species.

The Liberty Molly displays a visually striking body colouration, primarily silver, intricately speckled with shades of blue and orange. This colouration extends to the fins, which are a complex mix of black and blue, accompanied by hues of either red or yellow. It is believed that the red variant of this species inspired the common name "Liberty Molly," owing to the patriotic blend of red, white, and blue colours. 

Notably, the vibrancy of their colouration is enhanced with maturity. In older, dominant males, this intensification of hues is accompanied by the development of large, almost sail-like dorsal fins, adding to their impressive visual appeal. This progression in both colour and finnage with age is a distinctive characteristic of the species, contributing to its popularity in the aquarium hobby.

Liberty Molly Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between male and female Liberty Mollies is a straightforward process, thanks to clear sexual dimorphism in the species. Males are typically smaller in size compared to females and are distinguished by their more vibrant colouration and the presence of elongated, flowing fins. In contrast, females exhibit a more subdued colour palette, often characterized by less intense hues, although they may display a degree of subtle iridescence.

Quick Facts

Scientific NamePoecilia salvatoris
Year Described1907
OriginsEl Salvador
Max Size7.5 cm
Aquarium LevelMiddle - Top
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept as2 Females per Male
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
Average LifespanUp to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.5 - 8.0
GH 5 - 20
Ideal Temperature
72 - 78
22 - 26

Natural Habitat

The Liberty Molly is native to Central America and is primarily found in the freshwaters of El Salvador. In the wild, these fish inhabit a range of freshwater environments, from streams to ponds, often with abundant vegetation. Their natural habitat is characterized by moderate water flow and fine sand or gravel substrate.


The Liberty Molly exhibits fascinating breeding habits characteristic of live-bearing species. The females give birth to fully formed, free-swimming fry after a gestation period of approximately 4 to 6 weeks. 

This species is known for its prolific breeding capabilities under optimal conditions. During the breeding process, the males engage in courtship displays to attract mates. Following successful fertilization, the female carries the developing fry internally until they are ready to be born. 

The fry is relatively independent from birth, but providing a safe nursery area in the aquarium, with ample hiding spots and suitable fry food, can significantly enhance their survival rate. However, it is important to manage the population in the aquarium to prevent overcrowding and ensure the well-being of both the adults and the fry.

Diet & Feeding

Liberty Mollies possess an omnivorous diet that necessitates a blend of both plant and animal-based nutrients for their optimal health. In their natural habitat, these fish typically consume a variety of algae, small invertebrates, and organic detritus. 

To replicate this diet in an aquarium setting, it is recommended to provide them with a balanced mix of high-quality flake foods or pellets that are formulated for omnivorous fish. These should be supplemented with live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia, which cater to their carnivorous tendencies. 

Additionally, incorporating vegetable matter or algae-based supplements is essential to fulfil their need for plant nutrients. This can include offerings like blanched spinach, zucchini, and spirulina. Regular feeding in controlled portions is crucial to prevent overfeeding and maintain water quality. By providing a diverse and nutrient-rich diet, aquarists can ensure the health, vitality, and vibrant colouration of Liberty Mollies in their care.

Other Mollies

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