Maximum size : 10 cm

Leopard Frog Plecostomus - Peckoltia compta : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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Elevate your aquarium experience with the captivating and easy-to-care-for Leopard Frog Pleco, (Peckoltia compta) an excellent choice for both novice and experienced aquarists.

These elegant fish boast a tranquil demeanour, hardy nature, and striking appearance, although they may exhibit mild territorial tendencies with their own kind and similar species. Create a harmonious underwater community by housing multiple Leopard Frog Plecos in a spacious tank with ample hiding spots and visual barriers. In addition, these fish are amicable with various tankmates, such as Apistogrammas, Ember Tetras, Honey Gouramis, and Bristlenose Plecos, making them a versatile addition to your aquatic environment.

For a comfortable habitat, maintain subdued lighting and provide an abundance of decor, including bogwood, rocks, and sturdy plants, to create cherished shady retreats. To mimic the highly-oxygenated waters of their native habitat, ensure the tank water is well-filtered and features a robust current.

The Leopard Frog Pleco's breathtaking appearance is characterised by its distinctive yellow and black stripe pattern, with varying degrees of vibrancy depending on the individual specimen. Their classic "pleco" silhouette is enhanced by the unique alignment of their stripes and a gradual tapering of their body from head to tail. Adorned with large, fanned fins that display semi-translucent edges, these fish create a striking visual effect when resting on rocks, driftwood, or substrate.

Leopard Frog Plecostomus Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between male and female Leopard Frog Plecos is a straightforward process. Males exhibit a more elongated snout and a robust build in the head region, whereas females possess a wider girth just behind the pectoral fins, which is most discernible when viewed from above.

Quick Facts

Scientific NamePeckoltia compta
Year Described2010
Other NamesL134, Leopard Frog Peckoltias
Max Size10 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asNA
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
Average LifespanUp to 10 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.0 - 7.5
GH 5 - 12
Ideal Temperature
75 - 86
24 - 30

Natural Habitat

Native to the vibrant waters of South America, primarily in Brazil, Leopard Frog Plecos flourish within the Rio Jamaxim and Rio Tapajós tributaries. Demonstrating remarkable adaptability, these fish thrive in a diverse range of aquatic environments, from gentle to swift currents. Typically, they can be observed gracefully gliding along rocks, utilising their specialised suckermouth to forage for sustenance.


Breeding Leopard Frog Plecos within a home aquarium setting can be successfully accomplished by dedicating a tank exclusively to this species. To facilitate optimal breeding conditions, provide multiple small caves that are slightly larger than the fish. Constructing these spaces using small pieces of slate bonded together with aquarium-safe silicone is highly recommended. Initiate a series of small partial water changes using cooler water, preferably RO water, to gently reduce water hardness.

During the breeding process, the female will enter the male's cave and, if prepared to spawn, will deposit the eggs within the enclosure. Subsequently, the male will evict the female and remain with the eggs, ensuring their well-being by fanning them with his pectoral fins. Though spawning can occasionally be somewhat rough, resulting in minor injuries to the female, this is considered normal.

The incubation period for the eggs is approximately seven days, contingent upon water temperature. Once hatched, the fry will derive nourishment from their yolk sacs for the initial week. Following this period, provide them with appropriately sized food sources, such as newly hatched baby brine shrimp, to ensure healthy growth and development.

Diet & Feeding

Leopard Frog Plecos are omnivorous creatures with a penchant for protein-rich food. To maintain optimal health and well-being, provide a diverse menu consisting of sinking catfish pellets, granules, algae wafers, and frozen delicacies such as mosquito larvae, Spirulina-enriched brine shrimp, Mysis shrimp, and chopped krill. Additionally, supplement their diet with plant-based offerings, such as blanched spinach, kale, or cucumber, to ensure a well-rounded nutritional intake.

Other Plecostomus

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