Maximum size : 8 cm

Jiangxi Golden Loach - Parabotia kiangsiensis : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Jiangxi Golden Loach (Parabotia kiangsiensis) remains a relatively uncommon choice among aquarium enthusiasts, yet its popularity is on the rise, attributable to its unique appearance and intriguing social behaviours. When kept in captivity, these loaches exhibit a preference for group living. Therefore, it is advisable to acquire a minimum of 3 to 4 specimens to ensure a conducive social environment.

Regarding temperament, the Jiangxi Golden Loach is generally non-aggressive. However, its size and occasional bursts of activity may overwhelm significantly smaller fish species. Additionally, species with slow movements or long fins, such as ornamental Bettas, Guppies, and many Cichlids, are not ideal companions due to potential fin-nipping. Suitable tank mates include peaceful, midwater Cyprinids, fellow Loaches, Garra species, and various Catfish that share similar habitat preferences.

In terms of aquarium setup, replicating a flowing stream environment is optimal. This includes a substrate comprised of varied-sized gravel and rocks complemented by smooth stones. The habitat can be enhanced with driftwood roots and branches arranged to create shaded areas and hiding spots. Hardy aquatic plants that can attach to decor further enrich the habitat.

The Jiangxi Golden Loach thrives in conditions that mirror its natural habitat of running waters. This includes maintaining impeccable water quality, high dissolved oxygen levels, and substantial water movement. Utilizing external filters and powerheads can effectively recreate these conditions in an aquarium.

Morphologically, the Jiangxi Golden Loach is characterized by an elongated, slender body with two extensive flaky lateral lobes and a free back edge on the lower lip. Their colouration is predominantly brown with an irregular pattern, and the fins are similarly brown with a subtle yellowish tinge at the edges. One of the most striking features of this species is its large eyes, adorned with an orange iris, adding to its distinctive and captivating appearance.

Jiangxi Golden Loach Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Discerning the gender of the Jiangxi Golden Loach presents a notable challenge due to the close resemblance in appearance between males and females. However, a key distinguishing feature emerges in sexually mature individuals: females typically exhibit a more robust and fuller body compared to their male counterparts. This difference in body mass and shape becomes a reliable indicator for identifying the sex of mature specimens within this species.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameParabotia kiangsiensis
Year Described1986
Other NamesKianshien Parabotia
Max Size8 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asTrios
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 10 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.0 - 7.5
GH 5 - 15
TDS 90 - 350
Ideal Temperature
68 - 75
20 - 24

Natural Habitat

The Jiangxi Golden Loach, a unique species, is native exclusively to the Xin and Ganjiang Rivers located in Jiangxi province, China, Asia. This species thrives in pristine, oxygen-rich aquatic environments characterized by fast-flowing waters. The typical habitat of the Jiangxi Golden Loach features riverbeds composed of gravel and rock substrates, conditions that are essential for their survival and well-being. 


To date, there have been no documented cases of successful breeding of the Jiangxi Golden Loach in aquarium settings. In their natural habitat, it is hypothesized that this species engages in seasonal and possibly migratory spawning behaviours. This assumption is based on observed patterns in similar species and the environmental conditions of their native ecosystems. Further research and observation are required to fully understand and possibly replicate their breeding processes in controlled environments.

Diet & Feeding

Jiangxi Golden Loaches consume both plant-based materials and small aquatic organisms. In the wild, their diet typically includes benthic invertebrates, small crustaceans, worms, and organic detritus, along with some plant matter. 

In captivity, Parabotia kiangsiensis thrives on a diverse diet that replicates their natural feeding habits. This includes a balanced combination of high-quality sinking pellets or granules formulated specifically for bottom-dwelling fish, as well as live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia. 

Vegetable supplements, like blanched spinach or zucchini, are also beneficial, providing essential nutrients and aiding in digestion. Regular, moderate feeding, adjusted according to the fish's size and age, is crucial to maintain their health and prevent overfeeding-related issues.

Other Loaches

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