Maximum size : 4 cm

Jae Barb - Enteromius Jae : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Jae Barb (Enteromius Jae) is a unique and fascinating species that requires specific care in the home aquarium. Due to their timid nature, most community tanks cannot accommodate these fish. However, if you have a suitable setup, they can thrive in groups of at least eight individuals, allowing weaker fish to escape dominant ones.

To keep Jae Barbs healthy and happy, it's essential to provide them with peaceful tankmates of similar size and temperament. Small Tetras, micro Rasboras, Otocinclus Catfish, and smaller Corydoras Catfish are all ideal companions. Avoid housing them with larger, aggressive species, as this can lead to intimidation and competition.

Setting up a biotope aquarium is highly recommended to ensure these delicate barbs are well taken care of. A well-planted aquarium with soft water and a low pH achieved through the use of low pH active substrate, Sphagnum peat moss, and driftwood roots or bogwood will provide an ideal environment for these shy Dwarf Barbs. Adding dried leaf litter to the aquarium not only creates a natural feel but also provides more cover for the fish, with the leaves staining the water dark to show off their more intense colouration. 

Jae Barbs have slender, reddish-orange bodies with vertical dark bars down their flanks. The fins of these fish are translucent with red hues. They vary in colour and patterning due to their geographic origin, with some individuals becoming blood red during the breeding season while others have a grey body colour with deep red or black ventral and dorsal fins.

Jae Barb Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between male and female Jae Barbs is a straightforward task. The males are notably vibrant, especially during breeding periods, while the females tend to be plainer and bulkier, generally exhibiting a beige-brown hue rather than the vivid red of the males.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameEnteromius Jae
Year Described1903
Other NamesDja Barb, Charcoal Barb
OriginsEquatorial Guinea , Democratic Republic of the Congo , Cameroon , Gabon
Max Size4 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom - Middle
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asGroups 6+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 3 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 5.5 - 7.5
GH 1 - 5
TDS 18 - 90
Ideal Temperature
70 - 77
21 - 25

Natural Habitat

The Jae Barb is a captivating species, indigenous to West African countries such as Cameroon, Gabon, the Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. These fish inhabit the mysterious and enchanting world of the rainforest, where they make their homes in shallow streams and swamps.

The water in these environments is characterized by a deep, tea-coloured brown hue, which results from the release of tannins by decaying plant matter. The streams and swamps are also littered with leaves, sticks and branches, which offer the perfect environment for these fish to explore and play. The water in these habitats is typically very soft and acidic, which creates the ideal conditions for the Jae Barb to thrive. 


Jae Barbs are seasonal spawners and have two breeding periods each year, from March to June and September to November. These fish are egg-scattering, continuous spawners, showing zero parental care. Although small numbers of fry may appear in an equipped aquarium, if you want to increase the yield of fry, a separate breeding tank is recommended.

To create optimal breeding conditions, it is best to introduce a single pair of well-conditioned adult fish to a tank with similar water parameters and temperature. Decorate the tank with clumps of Java moss or sinking spawning mops to provide the fish with somewhere to lay their eggs. Adding a handful or two of real peat moss or an air-driven box filter filled with peat can create the right water conditions. Filtration is not necessary, but adding a few almond leaves can be beneficial.

Once spawning begins, it should continue daily, with plants or spawning mops offering cover for the female when she needs to flee the male's attention. While it is unclear whether Jae Barbs consume their eggs or not, it is best to remove the adults once the first free-swimming fry appears in 7-10 days.

The tiny fry will survive on their yolk sacs for a few days before requiring microscopic foods such as Paramecium. After 6-7 days, they can accept microworms, artemia, and nauplii. As more fry appears, it is best to wait a week or two before performing small water changes to avoid shocking the young fish.

Diet & Feeding

In the captive environment, it is recommended to provide a varied diet to Jae Barbs, including dried foods of an appropriate size. However, exclusive reliance on dried food should be avoided. To maintain the fish's optimal health and coloration and to promote breeding behavior, daily servings of small live or freeze-dried foods, such as artemia and daphnia, are essential.


Jae barbs - (Enteromius jae) Rare Dwarf Barbs - Tropical Fish (butterfly barbs included) Thumbnail

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