Maximum size : 5 cm

Harlequin Rasbora - Trigonostigma heteromorpha Fish Profile & Care Guide

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Harlequin Rasboras (Trigonostigma heteromorpha) are an exquisite choice for aquarists seeking captivating visuals and lively aquatic companions. Renowned for their peaceful disposition and robust nature, these fish seamlessly integrate into both community aquariums and nano aquascapes. In captivity, Harlequin Rasboras demonstrate a propensity for shoaling, flourishing most optimally when maintained in groups consisting of eight individuals or more. The observation of their synchronized movements and harmonious group dynamics within an aquarium environment not only enhances its aesthetic appeal but also offers valuable insights into their innate behavioural patterns.

These fish demonstrate compatibility with a variety of small temperate species, including Tetras, Bettas, Dwarf Barbs, and Gouramis. However, it is advisable to avoid housing them with larger or more aggressive counterparts. To establish an optimal aquarium environment, replicate their natural habitat by maintaining soft, acidic water conditions and incorporating ample vegetation, driftwood, and leaf litter. Implementing dim lighting and integrating floating plants will contribute to a natural ambience, fostering their well-being and comfort.

Harlequin Rasboras have a copper-red metallic body with a signature black triangular wedge and red-lined fins. Captive-bred black and gold strains are also available, adding to the variety of this already captivating fish. Feeding Harlequin Rasboras is relatively easy; they are omnivores and will readily accept dried foods like flakes and pellets, supplemented with small live and frozen foods such as daphnia, brine shrimp, and bloodworms. Overall, Harlequin Rasboras are a beautiful, peaceful, and fascinating addition to any aquarium, providing a lively display and adding a touch of elegance to any aquascape.

Harlequin Rasbora Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

The process of identifying the gender of Harlequin Rasboras is relatively straightforward. Males tend to have more striking colours and a slimmer physique than their female counterparts. In addition, the triangular patch on the male's body is typically rounder and more elongated than in females. On the other hand, females tend to have a plumper body shape and less distinct colouration compared to males.

Featured Male
Featured Female
Male Female

Quick Facts

Scientific Name Trigonostigma heteromorpha
Year Described 1904
Other Names Red Rasbora, Harlequin Fish, Red Razor
Kingdom Animalia
Classification Actinopterygii
Order Cypriniformes
Family Cyprinidae
Genus Trigonostigma
Origins Thailand , Malaysia , Singapore , Indonesia
Max Size 5 cm
Temperament Peaceful
Aquarium Level Middle - Top
Difficulty Beginner - Intermediate
Shoaling Yes
Best kept as Groups 6+
Diet & Feeding Omnivore
Reproduction Egg Depositor
Average Lifespan Up to 8 Years

Water Parameters

Water Type Freshwater
pH 6 - 7
GH 2 - 15
TDS 18 - 215
Ideal Temperature
72 - 82
22 - 28

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Natural Habitat

Harlequin Rasboras hail from the regions of Malaysia, Sumatra, and southern Thailand in Southeast Asia. They also inhabit the Nee Soon Swamp in Singapore, favouring slow-moving blackwaters found in streams, rivers, and swamp forests. Typically dwelling in habitats characterized by slightly acidic to neutral and soft water conditions, these Rasboras thrive in shaded environments beneath the forest canopy.

The presence of fallen leaves, twigs, and branches covering the substrates provides ample feeding opportunities, shelter, resting spots, and hiding places for these captivating fish. Incorporating Harlequin Rasboras into your aquarium not only showcases their distinctive beauty but also contributes to their conservation endeavours.


Breeding Harlequin Rasboras can be a challenging yet rewarding experience for aquarists. To successfully breed these fish, it is recommended to set up a separate breeding tank with soft, shallow water and peat filtration. Broad-leaved plants should also be added to provide a suitable spawning site. Spawning usually occurs in the morning, triggered by the first rays of sunlight. Females can lay up to 250 eggs on the underside of leaves, with males fertilizing them using a shaking motion.

The process may last up to two hours, with the female laying six to twelve eggs at a time. After the eggs are laid, it is crucial to remove the parents from the breeding tank to prevent them from eating the eggs. The tank should be covered to prevent light exposure and fungus growth. Hatching occurs around 24 hours after laying, and the fry will become free-swimming 72 hours later.

These tiny fry require small-grade foods, starting with infusoria and gradually moving on to more significant foods as they grow. Frequent partial water changes are necessary as the fry is highly sensitive to changes. Overall, breeding Harlequin Rasboras requires careful attention to water quality and the right environment for the fish to spawn.

Diet & Feeding

Harlequin Rasboras exhibit an omnivorous feeding behaviour, readily accepting a diverse array of food sources suitable for their small mouths. At feeding times, these fish demonstrate heightened activity levels, eagerly consuming high-quality dried foods like flakes or pellets. To maintain optimal health and nutrition, it is advisable to augment their diet with small live and frozen offerings such as daphnia, brine shrimp, and bloodworms.

Frequently asked questions

Harlequin Rasboras thrive in slightly acidic, soft water environments, similar to their natural habitat in the peat swamps of Southeast Asia. They prefer a temperature range of 72-82°F (22-28°C) with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0. Providing a well-planted tank with a dark substrate can mimic their natural habitat and make them feel comfortable.

Provide a well-filtered aquarium with stable water conditions. They appreciate some water movement, as well as a variety of plant life to hide in. Regular feeding with a balanced diet and maintenance to keep the water clean and free from toxins is essential.

With proper care and optimal living conditions, Harlequin Rasboras typically live between 5 to 8 years in captivity.

They are omnivores and accept a wide range of food, including high-quality flake food, freeze-dried and live foods like daphnia, brine shrimp, and bloodworms. A varied diet will help keep them healthy and vibrant.

Males are generally slimmer and more brightly colored than females. Females tend to be larger, rounder, and slightly less colorful. The black patch on the side of the body is straight in females and curved in males.

Harlequin Rasboras are small, colorful fish, typically reaching about 2 inches in length. They are known for their distinct triangular black patch starting from the dorsal fin and extending to the caudal fin. The body color is usually a metallic pink or orange.

Condition the fish with high-quality foods and simulate a drop in water temperature, mimicking the onset of the rainy season in their natural habitat. Provide a breeding tank with fine-leaved plants on which the female can lay her eggs. After spawning, remove the parents to prevent them from eating the eggs.

Yes, they are peaceful fish and do well in community tanks. They can be paired with other small, non-aggressive fish like Tetras, Guppies, and other Rasboras. Avoid housing them with larger, aggressive fish that might see them as food.

Like many fish, Harlequin Rasboras can be susceptible to ich, a parasitic disease that manifests as white spots on the fish. Maintaining good water quality can help prevent this. If it does occur, various over-the-counter treatments are available.

Harlequin Rasboras can reach up to 2 inches (5 cm) in length. As schooling fish, they should be kept in groups of at least 5-6. For such a group, a tank of at least 20 gallons is recommended to provide them with adequate swimming space.

Other Rasboras

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