Maximum size : 7.5 cm

Green Laser Corydoras - Corydoras sp. CW009 : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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Green Laser Corydoras (Corydoras sp. CW009), known for their peaceful and sociable nature, are highly compatible with community tanks. These Corys thrive when housed alongside small to medium-sized tankmates such as Rasboras, smaller Barbs, Danios, and Tetras. However, for those specifically interested in breeding, providing a species-only tank would be most suitable. These Corys exhibit a preference for the company of their own kind, and therefore, it is recommended to maintain them in groups of six or more individuals. By keeping them in more significant numbers, observers can appreciate their captivating behaviours and interactions.

To ensure the well-being of Green Laser Corydoras, it is important to provide a moderate amount of water current within the tank. Implementing an efficient filtration system and regularly conducting water changes are essential practices for maintaining optimal water quality. In order to safeguard the delicate sensory barbels, it is advised to utilize a soft sand substrate and incorporate shaded areas with appropriate planting. Notably, Corydoras possess the ability to breathe air intestinally, necessitating a small gap between the water surface and cover slides to allow the fish to access the air. This behaviour may be observed multiple times throughout the day.

While current scientific research may further elucidate the taxonomic classification of Green Laser Corydoras, it is possible that they represent a distinct species or one of several natural colour variants within the Corydoras aeneus complex. These eye-catching Corys exhibit a predominantly greenish-olive body with a luminescent lime-green sheen. Notably, a vibrant neon green stripe runs from their eye, along their dorsal area, and terminates at the caudal peduncle. The striking appearance of the Green Laser Corydoras adds a captivating element to any aquarium setting.

Green Laser Corydoras Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between male and female Green Laser Corydoras can pose some difficulty due to their visual similarities. However, careful observation reveals subtle distinctions. Females typically exhibit a slightly larger body size compared to males, and when viewed from above, their width becomes more pronounced. In contrast, males tend to be smaller in size, showcasing more pointed pelvic fins, and possess longer pectoral fins in comparison to their female counterparts. These distinguishing characteristics aid in discerning the gender of Green Laser Corydoras individuals.


Quick Facts

Scientific NameCorydoras sp. CW009
Other NamesGreen Laser Cory, Peru Green Stripe Cory, CW009
Max Size7.5 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asGroups 6+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.5 - 7.5
GH 5 - 15
Ideal Temperature
71 - 79
21 - 26

Natural Habitat

The Green Laser Corydoras are naturally found in the Upper Amazon, Marañón, Ucayali, and Middle Ucayali Rivers located in Peru, within the Western region of South America. These exquisite Corydoras species prefer tranquil, shallow-flowing waters encompassing various aquatic environments such as streams, rivers, creeks, and flooded forest areas. Their choice of habitat typically consists of a soft substrate, providing an ideal setting for their natural behaviour and requirements.


To ensure successful hatching and growth of Green Laser Corydoras fry, it is advisable to set up a dedicated breeding tank. This tank should be abundantly planted, or alternatively, spawning mops can be employed as suitable surfaces for egg attachment. The substrate within the breeding tank should consist of sand or smooth gravel, while a bare-bottom tank is also a viable option.

When initiating the breeding process for Green Laser Corydoras, it is important to create an environment with slightly acidic and soft water conditions. To promote spawning, it is recommended to have a higher ratio of males to females, ideally maintaining two males for every female. Conditioning the breeding group with a diet rich in live and frozen foods serves as a catalyst for spawning behaviour.

Once the females are visibly laden with eggs, a significant water change using cooler water should be performed. Concurrently, increasing the flow and oxygenation within the tank aids in stimulating the spawning process. This procedure should be repeated daily until the Corydoras initiate spawning. Notably, heightened activity levels and persistent male pursuit of females typically precede the spawning event.

During the spawning process, the female approaches the male and positions her head against his midsection. The male responds by clasping the female's barbels with his pectoral fins, while the female forms a basket-like structure with her pelvic fins to contain up to four eggs. Once fertilized, the female seeks an appropriate location to attach her sticky eggs. This process is repeated until all the eggs have been laid. It is important to note that the parents do not exhibit care or protection towards the eggs and are likely to consume them. Hence, to ensure the survival of the fry, it is crucial to separate the parents from the eggs.

Typically, the eggs of Green Laser Corydoras hatch between three to five days after being laid. Once hatched, the fry should be nourished with freshly hatched micro-worms, rotifers, or brine shrimp to facilitate their growth and development. Careful attention should be given to providing suitable and nutritious food sources for the fry to thrive.

Diet & Feeding

In the home aquarium, providing nutrition for the Green Laser Corydoras is easily accomplished with a variety of high-quality dried foods, including granules, flakes, and sinking pellets. These advanced food formulations have been specifically designed to meet the nutritional requirements necessary for maintaining optimal health in these fish. While these dry foods alone are sufficient to sustain their well-being, incorporating occasional feedings of live, frozen, or freeze-dried fare such as bloodworms, daphnia, and tubifex can offer additional health benefits to your fish. It is important to note, however, that bloodworms should be given as an occasional treat rather than a staple diet, as they can pose challenges for digestion and potentially lead to blockages in the fish's system.

In their natural habitat, the Green Laser Corydoras display omnivorous feeding behaviours, which include the consumption of certain vegetable matter. While modern fish food products generally include plant-based components in their formulations, it is still beneficial to supplement the fish's diet with blanched vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, and zucchini. This serves as an opportunity to provide variety and additional nutrients to their meals. It is essential to exercise moderation in feeding to avoid overfeeding, which can lead to health issues. Any uneaten food should be promptly removed from the aquarium on the following day to maintain water quality and prevent the accumulation of leftovers. By following these guidelines, you can ensure the nutritional well-being of your Green Laser Corydoras in the home aquarium.

Other Corydoras

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