Maximum size : 3 cm

Green Jade Shrimp - Neocaridina Davidi : Complete Shrimp Profile & Care Guide

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The captivating Green Jade Shrimp (Neocaridina Davidi) is a highly sought-after species in the shrimp hobbyist community. These mesmerizing creatures are prized for their ease of care and breeding, making them a popular choice for both novice and experienced aquarists alike. Against a dark substrate, Green Jade Shrimp's remarkable green hues stand out, adding a touch of elegance and charm to any aquarium.

These highly active creatures scavenge around the tank, cleaning up leftover food and fish waste while also grazing on naturally occurring algae and biofilm, especially in planted tanks. Their low-maintenance nature and ability to help keep tanks clean make them a highly beneficial addition to any aquarium. These versatile shrimp can endure a wide range of water parameters and are non-aggressive, making them ideal tank companions. 

The Green Jade Shrimp represents a recent addition to the spectrum of colour variations within the Neocaridina genus. These specimens emerge from a focused program of selective breeding, stemming from the foundational Red Cherry Shrimp lineage, which endeavours to attain a diverse palette encompassing hues ranging from red, brown, and blue to yellow and green.

Noteworthy characteristics of the Green Jade Shrimp include vivid green spotting and striping adorning their translucent yellow base, with variations encompassing an array of vibrant green shades. This colouration spectrum spans from lighter green hues to those of a profound emerald disposition. These fascinating creatures add a touch of vibrant beauty to any aquarium, making them a highly sought-after addition to any collection. 

Green Jade Shrimp Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Discerning between male and female Green Jade Shrimp can be a challenging task, particularly in the early stages of their growth. However, as the shrimp begin to mature, notable differences in their physical characteristics become more apparent. The female Green Jade Shrimp features a slightly larger tail and a saddle-shaped structure located on the upper body behind their head, where the eggs are stored before fertilization.

When females become "berried", this saddle structure becomes more pronounced. As the shrimp reach their full size, the males will be comparatively smaller and slimmer than their female counterparts. These subtle differences in appearance enable aquarists to distinguish between male and female Green Jade Shrimp accurately.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameNeocaridina Davidi
Other NamesGreen Neocaridina
Max Size3 cm
Aquarium LevelAll Levels
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asGroups 8+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
Average LifespanUp to 2 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 7.0 - 8.0
GH 4 - 8
KH 3 - 15
TDS 200 - 300
Ideal Temperature
65 - 84
18 - 28

Natural Habitat

The Green Jade Shrimp does not find its origins within natural habitats, as it is a product of meticulous selective breeding. Consequently, the concept of natural habitat is absent, given that these shrimp were purposefully developed through controlled breeding practices.


Breeding Green Jade Shrimp is a relatively straightforward process, and if their water parameters are to their liking, they will reproduce frequently. It's essential to ensure that there is an adequate ratio of male to female shrimp, with a recommended minimum of eight shrimp to guarantee successful breeding.

Female shrimp release pheromones when they have eggs available for fertilization, triggering a frenzied response from the males. However, it's important to note that the presence of other fish or aggressive shrimp species in the tank may hinder reproduction. If the shrimp feel vulnerable or lack hiding places, breeding may not occur.

Once breeding is successful, the eggs gestate for approximately two to three weeks, after which the female gives birth to miniature versions of the parents. These shrimp fry feed on the same sources of nutrition as their parents and undergo frequent moulting during their early stages of life.

It's recommended to leave the moulted shells in the tank as the shrimp fry consumes them to obtain additional minerals, such as calcium, which facilitates their growth. By providing the appropriate conditions and diet, you can witness the wonder of new life flourishing in your aquarium.

Diet & Feeding

Green Jade Shrimp are highly adaptable to various types of food and will readily accept a broad assortment of options. In planted tanks, they primarily survive off biofilm and algae that they scavenge. However, a high shrimp population in your tank may lead to reduced algae and biofilm availability, as the plants cannot produce enough to sustain them.

To supplement their diet, it's recommended to offer speciality shrimp food, blanched vegetables, and algae wafers, ensuring that they receive sufficient nutrition to support their optimal health and well-being. Proper feeding is crucial in maintaining a healthy aquarium ecosystem, and it's essential to monitor the shrimp's eating habits to ensure they are receiving an adequate diet. 

Other Neocaridina

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