Maximum size : 3 cm

Gold Ring Danio - Danio tinwini : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Gold Ring Danios (Danio tinwini), beloved residents of the aquarium hobby. Renowned for their striking beauty, peaceful demeanour, and vigorous activity, these Danios are an excellent choice for both novice and seasoned aquarists. Within a community aquarium, they harmonize seamlessly with species of similar size and temperament, creating a harmonious underwater tapestry. 

Ideal companions for Gold Ring Danios include other Danio species, Dwarf Barbs, Tetras, and livebearers. It is also possible to cohabitate them with Gouramis, Dwarf Cichlids, Loaches, and Catfish. However, take care to avoid larger predatory species that may perceive these charming Danios as a tempting morsel, and also opt for swifter companions to keep them from feeling overwhelmed. 

To truly showcase the essence of Gold Ring Danios, indulge in the allure of a well-planted aquarium or a meticulously crafted aquatic replica of a flowing stream or river. As their delicate fins grace the gentle currents, a substrate adorned with diverse textures, from gravel to rocks of varying sizes, or the presence of smooth boulders, evokes an environment reminiscent of their natural habitat.

Enhance the visual panorama with the interplay of additional powerheads or filter outlets, evoking the serene rhythm of tranquil waters. Complement their aquatic sanctuary with the rustic charm of driftwood roots and branches, harmonizing with resilient aquatic flora such as Anubias, Microsorum, or Bolbitis. As your Gold Ring Danios explore their domain, ensure their safety with a secure, snug-fitting lid guarding against their innate jumping prowess. 

These marvellous creatures have petite, torpedo-shaped bodies that gleam elegantly. Their captivating body pattern showcases four distinct, generously spotted horizontal lines adorning a resplendent golden bar. Evoking a symphony of transformation, these lines gracefully transition into solid stripes as they traverse toward the anal fin, captivating the observer with their ever-changing hues. An arresting white blotch, positioned prominently at the anterior part of their belly, adds a touch of ethereal beauty. Dorsally, a silvery-grey hue completes their stunning appearance, while their translucent fins, punctuated by delicate blue to black dots, create a beautiful mosaic.

Gold Ring Danio Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between the male and female Gold Ring Danios is a relatively uncomplicated task. The males exhibit distinct characteristics such as smaller size, slim physique, and vibrant colouration, setting them apart from their female counterparts. Conversely, the females tend to be slightly larger in size, boasting fuller bodies, particularly when carrying eggs, and displaying a more subdued colouration compared to the males.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameDanio tinwini
Year Described2009
Other NamesBlue Ring Danio, Ringlet Danio, Fire-spot Danio, Burma Danio
Max Size3 cm
Aquarium LevelMiddle - Top
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asGroups 6+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
Average LifespanUp to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.5 - 7.5
GH 5 - 18
KH 1 - 5
TDS 18 - 90
Ideal Temperature
64 - 79
17 - 26

Natural Habitat

Gold Ring Danios are native to the captivating landscapes of the Myitkyina District in Kachin State, northern Myanmar, Asia. Specifically, they are endemic to the Mogaung Chaung, a mesmerizing tributary of the illustrious Irrawaddy River. In their natural habitat, these remarkable Danios thrive in moderately flowing waters graced with an abundance of oxygen. Their chosen abodes are none other than the picturesque streams and minor rivers that wind through the subtropical and tropical evergreen rainforests, painting a vibrant tapestry of lush greenery rather than the monsoon forest.


Unlocking the secrets of successful breeding with your prized Gold Ring Danios demands a meticulous and artful approach. When in their prime, these remarkable creatures engage in a captivating dance of spawning, often gracing your mature, lush aquarium with the emergence of precious fry. Yet, should you yearn for an even more bountiful harvest, a deliberate and strategic strategy comes into play.

 First, prepare your adult group by conditioning their splendid selves, and create a dedicated breeding sanctuary with well-seasoned water. Enhance the ambience with a tapestry of spawning mops or the verdant allure of java moss. Tend to the water's composition, with a delicate touch of acidity and a temperature tuned to the higher realms. Introduce a discerning filter system, and transfer a pair or perhaps two to the breeding tank with the utmost care.

Trigger spawning by gradually adding cool water and offering small live or frozen foods. Keep an eye on the adults and remove them promptly to prevent egg consumption. Next, adjust the filter to a sponge filter to protect the fry. The incubation period is typically 24 to 36 hours, and the fry will become free-swimming a few days later. Next, offer appropriate food like newly hatched brine shrimp or microworms to support their growth.

Diet & Feeding

Gold Ring Danios exhibit a versatile feeding behaviour in the aquarium, being generally undemanding in their dietary preferences. Nevertheless, providing them with a high-quality dried food as their primary diet is recommended. Supplementing this staple diet with regular servings of frozen, live, and freeze-dried foods, such as mosquito larvae, brine shrimp, bloodworm, daphnia, and cyclops, will not only satisfy their nutritional needs but also enhance their colouration and overall physical well-being.

Other Danios

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